cloverpuppy77 — Infernum story [NSFW]
Published: 2017-02-21 22:20:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 170; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description     Extra! Extra! Hear all about it! Mrs. Luminita Popescu-Constantin drowned her small infant daughter, Ruxandra, before burning her husband alive and creating a house fire! Her body was never found so she is still alive and out there! If you see anyone fitting her description turn her in immediately. She is a dangerous woman!    

    The loud crack of a hand cracking against a face resounded through the room. This isn’t the first time this was heard in the Popescu-Constantin household. It was almost to the point of normality. Luminita Popescu-Constantin was the youngest daughter to Vladimir and Anne Popescu. Mr. and Mrs. Popescu were a rich couple, supplying money to America during the ongoing civil war even. As seems to be the pattern with rich couples a daughter was most often betrothed to another rich family’s son.

    In Luminita’s case she was betrothed to Aleksander. Aleksander was a cruel man. While promising her parents he’d treat her right she faced constant abuse at his hands. The couple did have a small daughter named Ruxandra. She had just barely turned three months when things started going downhill. While she was abused, it wasn’t until there was a child involved, which Luminita thought was disturbing to say the least.

    Luminita tied her blonde hair into an updo, making sure to hide the bruises with powder. There was a part that evening and she was to be ready to leave by six or there would be major consequences. That seemed to be her life, a steady pattern of abuse brought on by her seemingly innocent actions. She stands, she couldn’t do much more of the make-up until the dress was on and that meant that a maidservant had to string the corset.

    Maria, a wonderful girl from italy, who, even though Aleksander would surely beat her for it, was Luminita’s ears. If she needed someone who could act as a therapist, that would be Maria. The young italian strung and tightened the corset, sliding the actual dress over the Romanian woman’s head before zipping it up and straightening it out. Luminita slid the gloves on.

    The gloves were key. Without the gloves her powers would be revealed. Since she was a small girl she could make fire fly out of her hands. She thought, like everyone else, that it was Hellish. After all, the bible condemns any form of magic so why? Why does she have this strange pyrokinetic power? Where did it come from? Surely it was gifted to her from no less than Satan himself, right? Maybe that’s why Aleksander started beating her. Maybe, she thought, she should use it against him one day.

    Leaving Maria with detailed instructions on how to care for Ruxandra, Luminita met her so called husband at the door. Deciding that the public should not know of how he treated her, he linked his arm in hers, leading her towards the horse drawn carriage. He swung the door open and, as custom, helped her into the carriage. After all, it was a clear sign of mistreatment if man did not help his wife into the carriage, right?

    She took her seat on the opposite side, opting to stare out of the window at the damp, dreary environment that was Bucharest that day. Of course that seemed to be a bad idea as the all too familiar crack was felt on her face the moment the door shut. “Talk to me.” He demanded. She sighs, “About what?” She says, a glare fixed in her green eyes. “What on earth do you possibly want to talk about?” She quizzes. When no response, well no more than a sigh, was received she goes back to looking out the window. That’s when she saw it or him...she wasn’t too sure what it was.

    He, as referred to as such for the sake of simplicity, was tall. Almost eight, maybe nine feet or so. He wore a black pinstripe suit...one that greatly confused her as she had never seen one of the likes. The tie, a simple work tie, was red...blood red. His face...well...he didn’t have one. Where his eyes...and his nose...and his mouth...where they should be was...pale white flesh.


    He seemed to beckon her. She could have sworn that in her head she heard the words, “Come my child, there is killing to do.” She blinks, wondering if she was in a trance. When she looked back the man was gone, “Was that...was...slenderman?” She quizzes to herself, forgetting that Aleksander was in the carriage with her.

    The ball was average. So much so that Luminita wished to be at home. Her wish was soon to come as she is simply lead out of the building and helped into the carriage. Again she simply stares out of the windows, ignoring her husband’s rant on how much stocks have gone up and that the law was a bother. She didn’t care. What she did care about was that she saw him, again.

    The same, tall, faceless man, this time he said, “Tonight. Kill them tonight.” And with that she knew what she must do. She has to kill Aleksander and Ruxandra. After all, why let the product of such an insufferable bastard live? She waited until midnight. When the grandfather clock chimed she picked up Ruxandra and carried her to the nearest wash room. She places her in the sink before filling the tub.

    After about ten minutes the tub was full enough. She picks up the child and cradles her. “Please forgive your mother my love but it has to be done.” And with that she places the baby in the water, submerging her. It didn’t take long for the bubbles to stop. Once they did, Luminita stands and exits the room approaching the master bed and raising a hand above her husband before letting fire shoot out of her hand. He lights on fire  easily and she smiles, enjoying the scream that escaped his mouth. She then decides to burn the estate down, lighting the building ablaze and awaiting her untimely demise.

It wasn’t long until he appeared yet again and brought her from the dead. He took her in. Gave her a home and a job. As long as she killed for him, she would be safe. After all that was a great deal right?
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