Age: 28
Nationality: Indian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Current apartment/House: She is currently living in London, however has most of her family still lives in India.
Personality: Fatima is the first thing to pop up next to the word 'positive' in the dictionary, her outlook on life and it's many bumps and cracks has interested many people within her circles to the point where she now has a blog with life tips together with her personal experiences where she uses her caring personality to help young teens. She has always been a very motherly person and to her seeing friends and family smile is worth more than anything else in the world. She can however be very condescending at times, often acting out when during extreme pressure and whenever someone with a unrealistic or negative view on the world enters her life she tends to get awkward or find it hard to find her words.
Sappy bollywood movies
Supernatural things, they interest her.
Meditation, Yoga
Fashion (Her actual occupation)
The taste and smell of meat/Alcohol
Pretty much any action movie ever made
Sounds that replicate the ones of a gun