ColeWolfie — Herbs Tho

#chapter #digitalpaint #herbs #paint #sande #story #painteddigitally #wyngro #wyngrew #wyngrostory #earthmagichealing
Published: 2020-08-16 03:51:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 739; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description 3.1/8 A part 3.2 will be coming out after a new addition to the bloodline is added...

Basic Fire Magic

2/2 Increase Body Temperature
2/2 Melt Materials
2/2 Fire Manipulation
2/2 Conjure Fire

Karma belongs to AussieDovah

Tracker docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…

3.1 Fire Magic

    SanDe rushes out, through the pouring rain with a gentle yellow-orange glow trailing from the corners of her eyes as she bolts across the fields nearing the magic school, only skidding to a halt once the school is in sight. She walks the last few yards to the school, the rain seems to have lightened up rather quickly but the huge soft clouds with ever darkening hues show no sight of leaving as the setting sun shines through in small beams as if fighting before setting to shine just a bit more before resting for the night. SanDe pauses to take in the view as she wipes the many droplets from her face and shakes her wings free of the rest as she enters the school…

Mrs.Netty approaches “Well hello there! I don’t believe we have any classes today… What’d you need?” she asks politely, a tad nervous, glancing back to see Zagor step in with a lifted brow he crosses his arms, his eyes trailing from Mrs.Netty to SanDe.

SanDe wipes her feet on the doormat and steps a bit further inside before responding with “I need a fire magic book, a basic fire magic book… Since there aren’t any classes I was wondering if you had a book that goes over all the basics?”.

Zagor nods as Mrs.Netty says “Oh yes dear! Just head on over to the library, there should be just what you’re looking for on uhm… Aisle f!... Sorry we can’t just give you a book, we’d like to keep them nice and untouched till classes start up again!”.

SanDe’s mouth’s corners turn upwards with a sort of force as thunder crackles and a bright flash from outside shakes the room as the roar of thunder and rain can be heard from outside, and without a word she disappears back into the pouring rain. Once again lighting up her wind magic to shorten the distance between herself and her next destination, the rain practically slowed to a stop as she ran though that didn’t prevent her from getting drenched but luckily for her she didn’t have any fur or cloth to get soaked however her hair was another story… As SanDe reaches the library she quickly shakes off what water and mud she can before entering with haste….

Hundreds of books line the tall shelves that hug the walls of the library, some shelves stretch outwards towards the middle of the room, like claws digging inward. “I need to find the F section…: she mutters, making her way past many shelves searching the end of each aisle for the F section, her claws digging into the palm of her hands as her face bends into a grimace and her thoughts refusing to move on, as if pinning her in one place was all they could do. With a growl she quickly turns down the hall, her claws skimming a few of the books ripping small slivers into them as she scans the shelves for… There! Her claws spring towards the book, ripping it from it’d shelf as she quickly opens and flips through it’s pages, a few tears in the pages later and she is skimming over all the basic fire magic the book has to offer.

She paces back and forth from one side of the window to the other keeping the book in the light as she does so, quickly skimming through each line reading all the important bits while trying to focus as her mind wanders and brows furrow… “I’m sorry- What if cheesecake comes here?-, I could’ve been better, I didn’t need to say that... We need time apart… We need time apart… We need... time…” she mutters her voice crackling, her eyes tracing and retracing each paragraph, hooked on each word as she tries to forget and focus. SLAM. She practically punches the table with the book before rushing out the door, her magic glands a glow with a furious red as her body warms.

3.2 Unwanted Shower

FLASH- BOOM… Thunder could be heard in the distance and lightning flashing so brightly it was blinding, her glands feeling a bit runny as she shivers as her magic flickers, barely keeping her warm in the pouring rain. Dark shapes moved swiftly through the dark and thick cloud,  they looked like smoke though something was off about the “smoke’s” appearance as it flew through the storm clouds, those odd creatures spooked her a bit but she carried on, hurriedly and not just to get out of the rain… Rain droplets trickle down every bit of plant life with a harshness about each drop alongside the louder thunder and heavy rain. SanDe quickens her pace, almost through the woods just wanting to find a nice place to dry and rest up.

3.3 Who’s there… What’s there?

SanDe’s glands flicker, a bright red magic fading before relighting more fierce than before as sparks shoot from the palm of her clawed hand forming a bright flame just above her hand, and with her other hand she protects the small flame from the harsh rain. She stretches out her palm, trying to get a better look at the darkness that looms in front of her. “I-I  thought… This should’ve been the way out right?” She mutters, a huge jagged cave looms in front of her as she pauses in the small covering of foliage, she could hear something, so different than the sound of the thundering rain that it made itself clear though the rain soon covered up any chance of figuring what that sound was as thunder roars and lighting flashes, startled by the sound of a tree snapping she runs into the cave...

3.4 Sent of Blood

Her flame lights up the surrounding stalagmites and some of the longer stalactites, a few connecting to the ground and others looking as if they could stab any gro who happens to be under them. The flame in her hand grows just a tad larger now that the rain cannot touch it’s flames. “Uhm…” a flash of something… The flame’s fierce red glow reflects off a pair of green glossy eyes as she turns to get a full view of the cave but it is quick to disappear… Or run, for small splashes could be heard near the entrance though nothing could be seen.

3.5 Burn

Out of the corner of her eye she could see the pale figure once again, her head snapped towards the figure “Who are you!” she growls, staring at… “A yittle…” she muttered neither of them making a move. Then with a swift swipe of it’s sharp barb tipped tail along with the two halves it cut SanDe as it once again hid away as another swiped and managed to cut her from behind, leaving a bleeding scratch on her tail. “Shit-” She stammered shocked and stumbling back by the sudden attack she pauses her clawed hand waved over the fire before, as if she were grabbing the fire, SanDe pulled it from her hand as it rapidly grew to follow her left as she circles herself with a wave of fire that flickers outward lighting up the cave and...

3.6 Short Burn

With a shrill shriek the Yittle’s freakish perma-smile grin caught fire, the flame engulfing it whole as a few other Yittles caught in the corner of her eyes suddenly disappeared and no more peering eyes and lurking silhouettes could be seen. The stench of burning flesh suddenly hit SanDe, she stumbles back before cutting the fire magic and bringing her still burning hot right hand to get bump nose “FUCK” she screams as a burn fades from her nose she waves her right hand about to quickly cool it down as her eyes catch a few bits of a beautiful crystal as it breaks apart from the rest as the Yittle lashes out, attempting to put out the flames, it lets out another shriek, flailing in an attempt to run as SanDe dashes over, grabbing the bit of crystal right next to the spite and turns tail, almost slipping on the wet stone at the edge of the entrance.

SanDe’s glands light with a strong orange as her wind magic speeds her already incredibly fast pace allowing her to zip through the forest, the many insects around her scuttling along made a dash for the nearest cover they could find though many lost their lives under SanDe’s feet.  Her glands tingled as she slowed to a stop and the orange glow faded. SanDe squints and rubs her glands “Gosh... “ she mutters, walking towards the steps of the nova tree and plopping down, curling her tail over her legs as she attempts to wipe away the blood oozing from her cuts but instead of somehow magically healing she only manages to wipe blood from her cut across her leg and splatter a bit of it on the concrete she is sitting on. “... Ugh…”.

3.7 Meeting

SanDe stares down at the gash on her leg before reaching back and feeling for the cuts on her tail and as her claws graze the cut, her arm shoots away followed by a  yelp “... I fucking hate those yittles” she growls, clenching the gash on her leg with one hand, her other clenching the crystals from earlier “... May as well practice what I read” her glands light up with a fierce red as her hand warms to a temperature hot enough to melt any part of the crystals that are touching her palm, while trying to ignore the painful pulsing sensation from her tail. Blood stopped oozing from the wound and only tingled now, she sighs, loosening her grip and rubbing the blood off her hands and onto the edge of the concrete stairs, before looking up a bit startled at a large fluffy ball of… -Extreme softness? The ears are kind of a turnoff though…- her head tilted, looking down at that scaly… Thing… In their fur...

“I uhm… You look like you could use some help. Come to my place, I have plenty of herbs that can heal you up nice and quick.” he offered, out stretching a paw towards SanDe and with that movement a small scaly wyngling tumbled out of his arm fur and wiggled around on the ground, only rage in the little thing’s eyes.

SanDe stares at it for a second then laughs “Is that yours? Seems like a fur full” she looks at the fluff ball in front of her “But yea, sure…” she takes his paw and pulls herself up “Thanks, so where’s your place? I don’t want to rush you but I might bleed a bit too much between there and here!” she chuckles a bit.

“Uh, yea that’s Remy and I’m Karma… You are..?” He glares at the Remy before giving him a playful push before pulling out a length of cloth, tearing it into three pieces, one of which he ties around SanDe’s leg “Oh… Thanks, I can do the rest” she says quickly snatching the other pieces from him, tying one around the cuts on her tail, one over the cuts on her leg, and slaps one onto the cuts on her shoulder “FRICK” she yelps, her cuts tingling with pain.

WIth a flash of green the little scaly-ling giggles from inside the mass amount of neckbeard, his head slowly disappearing into the abyss of fuzz.

Karma begins walking towards the exit of town and pauses “... You are coming, yes?” he asks, waiting for SanDe to catch up.

“Oh yea, right! But…” SanDe walks next to karma as they both head out of town “So, Remy likes to ride in the beard of yours?”...

3.8 Herbs

A huge treehouse looms in front of them, the huge trunk holding it up shows no sign of wavering though the house is huge and hugging rather tightly around it’s core along with branches seemingly holding the building up though they don’t seem to form around the building much except for supporting a bit at the base… They make their way to the second floor, Karma points to a bench across from the garden as suddenly his huge neck beard explodes into his face as Remy shoots out, snickering louding as he runs down the stairs and slams the door behind himself, off to do no good for sure...

“Uhh… Remy’s just Remy” Karma shrugs “You can sit there, I’m going to grab a few herbs…” He mumbles as a green thing shoots out of his fur and down the stairs.

“I- Remy sure is quick isn’t he?” SanDe chuckles, a little shocked but she turns her attention back to her somewhat bleeding gash on her leg, the cloth slowly slips off and SanDe catches it before it and any blood could hit the floor, though it looks like some splatters followed her on her way in…

3.9 Radical Scar

“Thank you for… Helping me out” she says as she takes in her surroundings, a few bookcases lined with many books along with the trunk holding this tree house up to her left next to a quaint garden right in front of her spot on the bench.

Karma walks back over to SanDe and places a few of the herbs on the gash on her leg, tail, and quite a few on the open wounds, her tail’s cuts still oozing a small trickle of blood unlike the others. SanDe flinches as the herbs are gently patted down on the shoulder gash and glances with a slightly concerned frown to Karma “Do you think any of it will scar over?”. 

He laughs “Ha, if any of them did it’d probably be rather light… The gashes don’t look too deep…” Karma's eyes linger over the gash on her shoulder “Though… Whatever got at you must’ve gotten a good hit on you here” he says, pointing to her tail then activating his earth magic and beginning the healing process, the gashes begin to slowly close, the fresh pinkish flesh growing in as the old turns white and begins to feel off into the pile of herbs patted into it.

SanDe flinches as a sharp pinch of pain bit into her but mellows out rather quickly, she peels the herbs off of her wounds, they each have a covering of peachy skin with a promise of fully healing soon enough. “Heh well if any of them did scar over it’d be a fun story to tell to scare some gros!” she says. They continue to chat for awhile...

Extra: Not linking the last one sorry-

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Ty-Splosion [2020-08-16 05:08:14 +0000 UTC]

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