Meet my newest esk! First is Airin, they were a dragonfly nymph stuck during their final adult molt that Noodle/Hessier found at his mere. He felt pity for the poor thing and transformed them, mostly because he grew more fond of dragonflies during his time as an esk. The progress was not the best and as such this little trespasser feels rather conflicted about their life as an esk, but they hide that because whytalk about your problems?
Next is Xena the Hound, the name given to her as a dog by her owners kid. She became an esk when the family cabin caught fire. She managed to rescue her owners and the kid but didn't make it herself. Now she guards the remains of the burned down cabin in the middle of the woods.
ap: 10 (shaded) 5 (full body) 1 (simple ani) 10 (simple bg) 5 (personal) || TOTAL AP: 31
gp: 4 (shaded) 2 (full body) 1 (simple ani) 4 (simple bg) || TOTAL GP: 11
ap:10 (shaded) 5 (full body) 1 (simple ani) 5 (min bg) 5 (elemental x1) 5 (personal) || TOTAL AP: 31
gp: 4 (shaded) 2 (full body) 1 (simple ani) 2 (min bg) 5 (elemental x1) || TOTAL GP: 14
Total AP: 62