ContraryKitten — [ St Mortiel ] Larkspur Lantana

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Published: 2017-02-14 16:37:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 2236; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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"Acting is magical. Change your look and your attitude, and you can be anyone."

B i o g r a p h y

N a m e ⊱ Larkspur LantanaN i c k n a m e s ⊱  Lark ♢ Iris ♢ Bubbles ♢ Cupid
B i r t h d a y ⊱  July 27A g e ⊱ 17
G e n d e r ⊱  Cis Female ♀S e x u a l i t y ⊱  Pansexual ♢ Panromatic
S p e c i e s ⊱  Alolan Muk .89The Sludge PokémonThe garbage it eats causes continuous chemical changes in its body, which produce its exceedingly vivid coloration. While it’s unexpectedly quiet and friendly, if it’s not fed any trash for a while, it will smash furnishings and eat up the fragments.
H o m e  T o w n ⊱  Anistar City ♢ Malie CityAnistar City has got an enigmatic device located in the north. This device has been used as a sundial but soon gets known to have a relation to the Mega Stones within the Kalos region. It has a Boutique and a Café within it.

Maile City is the main city of Ula'ula Island. This city has an apparel shop, library and community center, as well as the Sushi High Roller and a Malasada Shop. It was designed with eastern influences so it looks more like a city from the Kanto or Johto region. To the north is the outer cape where the Recycling Plant for the region is located.
O c c u p a t i o n ⊱  Sales Girl at a Cosmetic Store ♢ Internet PersonalityH o b b i e s ⊱  Dancing ♢ Acting ♢ Partying ♢ Adventuring ♢ Fashion ♢ Gaming ♢ Science ♢ Vloging ♢ Tumblr
N a t u r e ♢ C h a r a c t e r i s t i c ⊱  Bold [ + Defense : - Attack ] ♢ Somewhat Stubborn [ + Special Defense ]

C l a s s ♢ I D  N u m b e r ⊱  4th Grade ♢ #0074

C l u b s ⊱  Volleyball Team ♢ Drama Club

P e r s o n a l

P e r s o n a l i t y ⊱  

Bold ♢ Original ♢ Perceptive ♢ Direct ♢ Sociable ♢ Insensitive ♢ Impatient ♢ Risk-Prone ♢ Unstructured ♢ Defiant ♢ Short-Sighted ♢ Confident ♢ Over Zealous

Lark always has an impact on her immediate surroundings; the best way to spot her at a party is to look for the whirling eddy of people flitting about the goofball as she moves from group to group. Laughing and entertaining with a charming and humor, the Muk loves to be the center of attention. Full of life and energy, there is no greater joy for Lark than to push boundaries and discover and use new things and ideas. Theory, abstract concepts and plodding discussions about global issues and their implications don’t keep the girl interested for long. Lark keeps her conversation energetic, with a good dose of intelligence, but she likes to talk about what is; or better yet, to just go out and do it. The young lady tends to leap before she looks, fixing her mistakes as she goes. Lark moves at her fast pace to keep herself excited. Slowing down because someone else "doesn’t get it" or having to stay focused on a single detail for too long is extremely challenging for the girl.

Lark can be the likeliest to make a lifestyle of risky behavior. She lives in the moment and dives into the action; she is the eye of the storm. The girl enjoys drama and passion, not for emotional thrills, but because it’s so stimulating to her logical mind. In these situations she is forced to make critical decisions based on a factual, immediate reality in a process of rapid-fire rational stimulus response. In essence she is an adrenaline junky. This makes highly organized environments a challenge for Lark. It certainly isn’t because she isn't smart, she can do well, but the regimented, lecturing approach of formal education is just so far from the hands-on learning that she enjoys. Living in the moment can cause Lark to miss the forest for the trees. Another challenge to Lark is that it makes more sense to use her own moral compass than someone else’s. To the bubbly girl, rules were made to be broken. When caught in a lie or debate, she will avoid conflict entirely. Lark tends to say and do what’s needed to get out of trouble, then go right back to what she was doing.

In short, Larkspur is full of passion and energy, complemented by a rational, if sometimes distracted, mind. Inspiring, convincing and colorful, she is a natural leader, pulling anyone and everyone along the path less traveled, bringing life and excitement everywhere she goes. Lark won’t be boxed in. Repetition, hardline rules, sitting quietly while she is lectured at, this isn’t how the girl lives her life. She is action-oriented and hands-on. It’s hard for Lark to maintain interest as tasks drift towards routine, administrative matters, and away from broader concepts. The girl often has a lot of trouble acknowledging and expressing her true feelings as well, she's far too used to putting on a show. While emotional expression is healthy and natural, it can come out strongly enough to cause problems. Particularly when under stress, criticism or conflict, Lark can experience emotional that often hurt more then help. She is strongly emotional, and very vulnerable to criticism. This is probably Larkspur's greatest weakness, because it makes it so hard to address any other weaknesses brought to light.

H i s t o r y ⊱  Lark doesn't talk about her personal life too much, the girl is sociable and bubbly with a constant need to be the center of attention, but rarely lets anything true about her beginnings slip past her tightly sealed lips. Born as the product of an illicit affair between a wealthy business man and one of his secretaries, Lark ended up being an unfortunate causality at the center of a political whirlwind. While her mother insists that her conception was "an accident," many gossip it was a ploy to get Lark's father to leave his wife and commit to her mother. Larkspur wasn't enlightened about the means behind her existence for sometime. She was, and continues to try and be, a happy girl. The grimer was always found with a bright smile on her face, giggling and playing pretend in her mother's luxurious mansion with her father coming to visit every evening but always leaving the early the next morning. Lark wasn't too phased by her unusual family life, she had her nannies to keep her company and countless movies she could watch. The child was entranced by these films, imagining herself in the leading rolls, a fairy tale princess one second, then an explorer escaping certain death the next. She lived and breathed those movies, acting out her favorite scenes with her nannies then putting on plays for her mother.

Once she was old enough to attend elementary schooling, the grimmer was quick to make friends, charming her classmates with her silly antics and genuine thirst for life. Sure she was teased for being outgoing or looking a bit different compared to the rest, but the girl put on a brave face and laughed along with the teasing. Lark knew how to act and she could play pretend with ease, if the bullies don't see you cry then they'll get bored eventually. Her logic worked, albeit not perfectly. The teasing hurt more than she let on, but her mask was rather convincing. Eventually Lark was able to settle in with a decent group of friends, finding a bit more stability when compared to her erratic home life. Soon she found that she would rather be at school, then stuck at her too big house with too few meaningful family interactions.

Eventually though, her father came to stay at her home permanently, for a time. Lark wasn't too sure how to feel about those two years, her mother was happier, but her father was restless, and well... not like the fathers she would see in her favorite movies. Eventually one of the nannies let slip the exact details of her parent's relationship, and Lark did exactly what she always did. Act. She lived in her fairy tale world, where she was the daughter of a doting mother who unfortunately had to divorce her father as he preferred to focus on his career, or she was the most popular girl at school, the darling of every class, and made straight As. Lark knew her fantasies were just that, fantasies, but they made life a bit easier when she had to interact with others. 

Soon though, her father left the picture permanently, with whispers of another younger woman attracting his fancy now the gossip of the house. His only remnants of being present in Lark's life consisting of monthly checks, a credit card, and yearly birthday gifts. Her mother was devastated, withdrawing into herself, but Lark didn't really have a strong relationship with her to begin with, so it wasn't anything new to deal with. The former grimer, now muk, decided to pour herself fully into her relationships with her friends, exploring her passions online and meeting other people that shared her interests. She joined the improv team in her school, acted in every play the drama club put on, and began to grow a following online. Lark was ecstatic, she felt as if she finally had a bit of grounding over who she was and who she could be, sharing her interests and passions with equals who cared about it, and more importantly, her.

It was around this time her mother decided to move away from the Kalos region, too heartbroken of the memories it encompassed and returned to her home town of Malie City. This was Lark's first exposure to her cultural roots, she was a bit sad to leave the relationships she built, but she knew they could easily keep in touch online. Larkspur dove headfirst into the new culture, blogging and vloging her adventures for her loyal online following. However, the muk knew she needed to return to her schooling, and soon, in order to keep sane in her unstable familial world. She started attending school on the neighboring Akala Island, trying her best to fit in so she could quickly find the social acceptance and attention she craved. It was a hit and miss, Lark's loud personality made her a quick target for bullying but she was soon rescued by a classmate by the name of Holly. The two girls were inseparable after that.

Lark finally found a stable and welcoming home life with the fox, blossoming under the constant attention and finally feeling comfortable enough to express her core personality around another person. She was more often then not at the Blaire's home, finally being present and participating in a healthy family environment. This way of life continued for most of her high school life, that was until Holly came to Lark with some less then perfect news, the Blaire family was relocating to Shinnoh. Lark was loosing the only true family she ever knew. The muk was devastated, and tried to think of any way to get her best friend to say going as far as to invite her to stay at her home while her parents moved. But Lark, soon became uncomfortable with that decision, she couldn't split up a family and have it divided like hers. She couldn't put the only good thing in her life through that. She couldn't make the same mistake her parents made which caused her birth. She wouldn't split up a happy family with her own selfish desires. 

For the first time in her life, the muk put herself second and encouraged Holly to go with her parents, saying that she needed to experience all that life could through at her, the world was bigger then just the Alolan islands. Holly eventually came around and the two best friends said their tearful goodbyes as the Blaire family packed up and left for Shinnoh. Lark quickly sent to work once they were gone, completing paperwork and scanning files, maybe smudging a few records to make herself look a bit more prestigious, then got her mother to sign off on the large and lengthy document. The muk had gotten mommy dearest to approve a transfer application to the elite boarding school known as St. Mortiel, the very academy her dear friend Holly was applying to. With a bit of luck she would arrive just a few days after the fox and have her happy family life back. Larkspur was ecstatic and sent off the application post haste, watching the mail box with nervous anticipation for a reply. 

B a t t l e

T y p e s ⊱      

L e v e l ⊱  38
A b i  l i t y ⊱  Force of AlchemyThe pokémon copies the ability of a defeated ally.
M o v e s ⊱
 00 ♢ Shadow Sneak [EGG]
 00 ♢ Pound
 00 ♢ Poison Gas
 04 ♢ Harden
 07 ♢ Bite
 12 ♢ Disable
 15 ♢ Acid Spray
 18 ♢ Poison Fang
 21 ♢ Minimize
 26 ♢ Fling
 29 ♢ Knock Off
 32 ♢ Crunch
 37 ♢ Screech

[ EVOLVED @ LVL 38 ]
 38 ♢ Venom Drench
 38 ♢ Rock Slide [TM]
 38 ♢ Infestation [TM]
 38 ♢ Focus Blast [TM]

M i s c e l l a n e o u s

▹ voice actress is mandy more as rapunzel
▹ singing voice is annapantsu
battle theme
▹ Larkspur is the name of a poisonous flower! As is Lantana and Iris.
▹ Bffsies with Holly Blaire  and their relationship is basicly a live musical
▹ She's a big ball of multicolored slime, she doesn't have bones but she does have membranes that keep her together
▹ Lark can dissolve into a puddle of goo if she wishes to, but it takes a while for her to reform
▹ Very squishy!
▹ She isn't really sticky or slimey, more gooey and cool to the touch
▹ She can warp her body into slightly different shapes, but it takes a lot of effort and Lark can't hold the form very long.
▹ Her hair changes color and shape constantly, it's very hard to keep in place.
▹ Tends to look like she is melting when stressed.
▹ A bit of a compulsive liar, Lark prefers to dance around the truth when it comes to her personal well being, don't worry about her!!! shes fine!!! look at her smile!!!
▹ Actually an underground science nerd, geeks out whenever something involving science is brought up.
▹ A bit of a slow learner, but once she figures it out she remembers it for life.
▹ Her parents are "divorced."
▹ Fluent in French
▹ Girl is a bit of a hopeless romantic, she develops crushes easily and loves watching rom-coms
▹ Lark recieved TMs as gifts from her father on several of her birthdays, she was hesitant to actually learn them up until she started packing for St. Mortiel.
▹ Has a rather large following on social media, specializing in blogging, vloging, fashion, makeup, and gaming
▹ Girl knows how to do makeovers, and lives to do so.
▹ Tries not to eat garbage as it's bad for her figure, but can get a craving every now and then.
▹ Actually pretty athletic considering her size and weight! She's confident in her appearance though.
▹ Constantly maxes out dad's credit card.
▹ Fashion is an art, and designers are the gods.
▹ Lives for musical theater, total Broadway junkie.
▹ Would love to act in indie films/voice act in video games in the future, maybe be a fashion designer on the side OH and a part time princess.

StMortiel + app [ c ] Panooks
Larkspur+ art [ c ] ContraryKitten

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