COOLY52 — OreImo: Cursed Cravings (Kuroneko) [NSFW]
#bursting #extreme #gain #gokou #kousaka #kuroneko #ruri #weight #wg #kirino #oreimo
Published: 2019-04-05 21:45:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 32473; Favourites: 146; Downloads: 0
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(Kirino's Version link in the description)

"Blast that woman and her wretched attitude...!" Ruri Gokou, or as she liked to be known as, Kuroneko, swiftly yet angrily entered her small home with a slight scowl on her pale face. She had hoped that she could enjoy a day in Akihabara with some friends; Namely her senpai Kyosuke Kousaka. The two could have relaxed, enjoyed some tea, went hunting for rare goods for her small Mascara collection, but it just wasn't meant to be. At least not when Kyosuke's little sister Kirino had to come along. Granted, the only reason she had met Kyosuke was thanks to her, and the two did share a similar level of interest in things such as anime and otaku culture, but Kirino was no "friend". Rival was a stronger and more fitting term, if anything. A rival that delighted in always making things into some sort of popularity contest or superiority competition. The gothic lolita stopped over to her room and took a seat, removing her cat ear headband before carefully stripping from her outfit.

"Days like this make me curious as to how someone like Senpai can tolerate being related to such a harpy...So popular and successful yet all she does when I see her is screech about how better an otaku she is than I. Of all the things to be so emboldened about..." She took her time changing out of her dress and stockings, swapping to her school track suit instead; assuming her "normal form" as she saw it. As she put away her outfit, she glanced to her laptop sitting on desk nearby. Before she had left, she was looking up incantations and spoken spells off of an occult website that she frequented. She spent her morning looking through various magical sayings, ranging from blessings to charms to, of course, curses...

"Tch..." She clicked her teeth. "If only the one I spoke was actually of use at the moment I needed it..."

It was another one of her and Kirino's little weeaboo spats that caused her to lose her temper bad enough to actually consider cursing her rival. It started like any other debate: What genres consist of too much 'faux seriousness' and melodrama. Of course, Kirino was quick to accuse Mascara of such aspects, which Ruri was quick to counter by using her precious Meruru series as equal amounts of evidence. Before long it devolved into a verbal slap-fight that hit its crescendo when Kirino accused Ruri of living a fake life under her Kuroneko moniker and being an embarrassment to her family, specifically her sisters, by acting the way she did in public.

Needless to say, Ruri was furious.

It all happened in such a blur to her, but she remembered standing up, fist clenched and teeth grinding, while trying to think of something to really hurt her back. The only thing that popped into her mind was one of the curses she had read up on before leaving her house, so she spoke it out quickly, clearly and dripping with venom:

"Worg egral htiw gnidnenu deerg dna ynottulg litnu uoy hsinav morf siht dlrow!!!"

Her gibberish was met with Kirino promptly laughing in her face as she gathered her things and left in a huff, the sound of Kyosuke trying to scold his sister echoing behind her. And now here she was, angry and embarrassed for even considering the fact that some dumb spell she found on the internet would work. The raven-haired girl slumped in her chair with a heavy huff, eyeing her laptop one more time before opening it up and loading up the website from that morning.

"That was the last thing I remember reading before departing...What was the effect even supposed to be?" She clicked about each tab in the page. Spells. Incantations. Curses. After a little scrolling, she recognized the spell in question, checking a description included below. "Mm...'A powerful incantation that suffers from being one of many that may rebound onto the user in some rare cases, usually due to the inexperience of the one reciting the spell. The effect leads to the utter removal of the target(s) from the mortal coil, but rather than doing so instantly it infects like a virus that cannot be cured normally without the use of a counter incantation. The effects include-'...Ugh, such utter drivel. I can't believe I thought this would be effective. All I did was look a fool..."

Shooting up from her chair, she went to inspect herself in her full-body mirror, taking her her more standard, private look. "And it's all Kirino's fault. Always an instigator...She's lucky that mysticism and dark arts are fictional, or else she'd be on a swift road to an early demise right now."

Her venting was cut short, however, by a strong growl from her stomach. Ruri jumped, feeling her middle send a jolt of discomfort through her torso. "Ngh-!...What in the-...Ah, right. I was in such a fowl mood that I didn't even get to finish enjoying my lunch back there." She blushed guiltily. "Senpai probably ended up paying for me. I'll have to apologize to him next we meet..." She stood from her seat, absentmindedly rubbing her middle as she shuffled through her family's small household to their kitchen in hopes for a snack to help calm her pangs. She winced again as it shook her from the inside, demanding to be fed.

"Blasted body..." She cursed to herself, finding a pack of cookies in one of the kitchen cupboards and quickly pulling one out to shove into her mouth. "Mnf...That should shilenshe you..." She grumbled, carrying the package back to her room as she quickly stuffed another past her lips. "Besht to only-ulp...eat a few. Wouldn't want to spoil dinner. It'd be a bad example for the little ones..." She told herself as she passed by her laptop in favor of her futon, the page with the spell she spoke still open.

"The effects include a mounting sensation of ravenous hunger and insatiability as well as physical changes that quickly convert consumed quantities to fatty tissue, creating a vicious cycle. The target and caster will experience these effects for days to months at a time until their forms can no longer sustain their new lifestyle, destroying themselves with their own personal greed. DO NOT ATTEMPT UNLESS SKILLED AT HIGH-LEVEL INCANTATIONS."

But Ruri remained oblivious, munching away on her cookies as she grumbled to herself. After today, she figured she'd lay low for a bit. She didn't want to see Kirino's face again for a while. She didn't want to deal with the shame of confronting Kyousuke after making an embarrassment of herself. All she wanted to do was seclude herself. Her worries and annoyances clouded her mind so much that she didn't even realize the pack of cookies had been decimated, now sitting squarely in her middle.

"Ruri-oneechan! It's time to make dinner~!" The sound of her younger sister Hinata calling for her from their bedroom doorway stirred her from her thoughts as she realized what she'd done. Hinata noticed, too "Ah! Oneechan, snacking before meals is bad, you know!"

"Uh...Mmh. S-So it is..." She blinked in confusion as her magenta eyes looked at the empty box. Surprisingly, the sound of dinner only made her feel hungrier as she stood from her futon. "Don't worry." She smiled, walking up to her sibling and patting her head. "Onee-chan wasn't thinking. It won't happen again. Thank you, Hinata~"

As she watched her sister proudly trot back to the living room, she gave her flat middle a rub. "Strange...My appetite is flaring like a wild fire...No matter. Dinner comes first."


"C-Come on you blasted thing...Fasten or be sent to...ngh...to the depths of hell...!"

Ruri stood before her room's mirror, trying to button up the blouse piece of her gothic lolita "Kuroneko" outfit. She had remained secluded for longer than she expected, spending a month mostly at home caring for her sisters and minding her own business. Though one thing she didn't notice that entire time was that her want of food seemed to increase -- and not just a little, either. Every day, she felt a little bit more peckish; A little bit hungrier. And after dozens of normal meals with dozens more snacking sessions sandwiched between them all, here she was...unable to wear the costume she'd been wearing for a good while now. Yet Ruri remained oblivious to the cause of it all, still trying to tug the fabric over her notable belly. Not to say that was all that was looking plumper on her figure. Her face looked fuller, her arms and legs plusher, her non-chest grew flabby, but none of it clicked to the chuuni. All that mattered right now was her outfit not fitting her fluffier form.

"D-Did...gngh!...Did this shrink during the last cleaning session? I...hffngh!...I ensured to take measures to prevent that possibility!" As she struggled with her wears, Hinata and the youngest sister of the three, Tamaki, watched from the sides. They were understandably worried about their big sis and her sudden physical growth.

"Onee-chan, you didn't wash it at all though!" Tamaki chirped up, "Remember? You were too busy playing with us and eating all the snacks to wear your dress!"

"Ah, you're right, Tamaki!" Hinata nodded, "The last time Onee-chan wore her costume was when she came home all grumpy that one time!"

"...E-Eh?" Ruri blinked, her hands still trying to tug her buttons together, "...Is that so..." With one last grunt she had finally buttoned up her blouse, the piece struggling to keep her flesh concealed. "Ugh, it's about time..." The gothic lolita sighed deeply. Unfortunately it also caused her stomach to expand just enough to cause the buttons containing it to fly off like small bullets, bouncing off her mirror's surface and exposing her stomach in full.

"WAH!! ONEE-CHAN'S CLOTHES ARE ATTACKING!!!" Tamaki cried, skittering out of the room as Hinata chased after her, leaving their big sister alone to contemplate her current situation.

"When did this...happen...?" She asked no one as she examined her belly. It was smooth to the touch, but the surface showed notable stretch marks. No doubt from how much it had grown in such a short time. "I'm normally wiser than this in terms of my own personal eating habits...So how did this go under my radar for so long...?" As a hand ran over the surface, she could already feel herself growing hungry again as the evolving monster that was her appetite grew angry, shooting a pang of hunger through her system. "Ngh-!! I-I ate not long ago, why am I-...Wait..."

Ruri's eyes went wide as she started connecting dots in her mind. Forgetting about her decency and her ruined blouse, she rushed to her laptop and searched through her tabs and search history. "Where is it...dammit, where is it?" She scanned her screen for the site of spells from before. Her growth didn't start until after that incident with Kirino and the first feeling of uncharacteristically strong hunger didn't hit her until that same evening. It was too coincidental not to be connected.

"There!" She found the site after a few agonizing minutes of backtracking, searching up the spell and finally reading the full description and warning. "'Insatiable hunger'...'A vicious cycle'...'both the caster and the target'...?!" She read aloud. "So Kirino must be experiencing this as I am...I-It actually did work..." Ruri would have been amazed at the fact that dark magic really could exist if not for the biggest detail of the spell's effects staring her in the rounded face. "Removal from the mortal coil...and being destroyed by our own greed...W-We're going to eat ourselves to death...?"

Just the thought was chilling, but it felt worse actually seeing the effects starting on her a month after its implementation. Her hands returned to her gut, feeling how soft it was...feeling it grumble hard enough to vibrate at her finger tips. This was bad; More than bad, even. She couldn't let this reach its final stages, no matter what. And yet her mouth was still watering for more delicious food.

"Onee-chan?" Hinata peeked back into their room, oblivious to Ruri's discovery as she watched her caretaker slumped in her chair in thought. "Is everything okay?"

"H-Huh?!...Ah, um...Yes! Quite okay!" Ruri quickly covered. Last thing she needed was her sisters freaking out over all of this. Her top priority now was finding out the counter-spell to this curse she'd placed on herself, no matter what. Unfortunately, the effects of said curse still gripped her tightly in its fat claws as her belly growled again. "...Uh...A-Actually, Hinata. Can you do Onee-chan a little favor?"

"Hm? Of course~!" Hinata chirped, none the wiser.

Ruri smiled, even as some drool subtly ran down from her lips. "Could you...bring me some snacks? I have some research to attend to and require some...fuel."


One of multiple bento boxes tumbled to the tatami-matted floor, adding to the small piles of trash that had built up in Kuroneko's corner of the room. A wet belch erupted from her lips as she groaned in hunger and emotion-fueled annoyance as her chair creaked under her size. Her fat fingers tiredly tapped away at her laptop's pad and keyboard, as they had been doing for months now.

"Hff...BURLPH-!!...Ugh, damn this body...T-This hunger..." Ruri grunted huskily. Even more time had passed since she realized just how much danger Kirino and, most importantly, herself were really in. And her attempts to find the fabled counter spell to their predicament had, so far, come up null. The site she found the original incantation on had a link to the counter, but the site it lead to had gone offline months ago. She searched for information about gluttony spells and magic that caused excessive weight gain only to be bombarded by trash articles about weight loss and dieting. She tried message boards, but they were all more focused on role-playing with fake spells than dealing with actual curses. Any other site that compiled spells were left un-updated for years. It was as if every door she tried immediately lead to a brick wall.

"And these people! Am I truly supposed to believe that no one has any information on this conundrum?! Has no one ever experienced this phenomenon?!" She cursed, a fat fist pounding her table as it sent her body into jiggling spasms. Just as she spent her time researching, she also spent it reluctantly eating her way up to over four hundred pounds of flab. Ruri was a naturally petite girl, even among those of her age. As such, the shocking amount of weight she had gained made her look even fatter than she actually was. She huffed through swollen cheeks and a drooping second chin as she brushed some of her jet black hair strains from her sweaty face. The only clothing she could afford to wear was her school track suit, but it had stopped attempting to keep all of her covered weeks ago. The jacket remained unzipped as the tank-top beneath stood tangled in her flabby breasts and flanks, her sleeves popped open as her arms grew too fat to keep contained.

Her track pants were strained and popped along the sides, still attempting to keep her clothed from her wide hips to her porky feet. Her backside and back-fat smothered her tiny chair, drooping over the back and sides as it creaked louder. Her biggest change was her belly. At her size, her stomach looked ready to completely smother her knees, always wobbling and in motion as she shook with tension or gorged her worries temporarily silent. Kuroneko had completely exploded in fat -- And the sad part was this was just the start. Her size was nothing compared to how big she was potentially going to get. Bigger and bigger until she just couldn't grow anymore and then...

"Oumph...ffmmph..." She huffed as she pawed at another of the countless convenience store bento boxes she had stocked up around her. Manners were slowly becoming a distant memory. Whenever her stomach growled it was demanding, not asking, to be fed. Her attempts to keep a level head deteriorated with every mouthful of food. Now here she was, a hand full of fried chicken, white rice and greasy noodles violently being shoved past her lips as bits and flecks soiled her cheeks, chins and clothes. "Hffmnf...hff...T-This needs to stop...I have to find...s-some way..."

Another box gone. And another. And with every meal devoured, another empty box joined the other corpses scattered around her chair. And yet Ruri kept stuffing herself with more. A side-effect to all of this was that her hunger only seemed to flare more when she grew angry or stressed. Unfortunately, given the circumstances, that happened way more often than not. Right now her appetite fueled itself on her mounting annoyance at any lack of progress and the growing stress of not being able to fix any of this.

"Mmf...Uuurp...hff...I-I can't...mmf...shtop here..."


"Oumph...mmph...My shishtersh...ulp...need me...Mmf..."


"If only it were possible to...to...houmff...tuh wake uhp frum dish...mmn...nightmare..."


Her gorging was cut short as her chair had finally reached its limit, breaking to pieces and sending her widened ass crashing to the floor in a quivering heap. It snapped Ruri out of her hunger trance as she looked at herself. Her clothes were dotted in grease and food stains. Her body was slick with sweat and as fat as a hog and now she was floor-bound, having broke the only chair she owned. Her sausage fingers groped at her belly. "Ngh...This...This is all my fault...If I hadn't lost my temper, I wouldn't be suffering like this..."

Her brow furrowed. "No. That's a bit false...it's just as much that damn Kirino's fault for pushing me so far. If she wasn't such a rancid harpy, we wouldn't be...I-I wouldn't be...HRK-!!" She quickly covered her mouth, the thought of the end being enough to actually upset her stomach as she swallowed down what came up. "Hff...No...I won't let it happen. Even if it means sparing that bitch, if I can get my hands on the counter-spell..."

She was interrupted by the sound of a new email popping into her mailbox. She struggled to get to her knees, heaving herself up to her table top as her arms spread across it. The message was from someone she had contacted on one of the many sites she had investigated. And what they had to say was enough to make her squeal in joy.

"Miss Kuroneko,

Well wishes upon you and your plight. I am familiar with the spell you have specified and may know a way to get you the counter-incantation you require. I must apologize in advance, as it will take me some time to retrieve it and any additional conditions you may need. That said, I promise that I will get you said information as soon as possible. Lives may be on the line, after all.

Be on your toes. I shall email you everything you need once it has all been compiled.

Best of luck,


Ruri's cheeks regained their color as a feeling of relief swelled up within her already swollen form. "Someone actually came through...Thank the lord, if this actually works I swear I shall renounce my Kuroneko persona and swear my loyalty to the heavens above...Reborn as Shironeko...~" She fell back onto her butt, licking her lips as the mounting hunger reared its head once more. "A victory meal...A victory meal is more than appropriate for a moment like this." She reached for more of the food stock she had nearby, tearing the top off a plastic platter of sushi before tipping it up to her lips.

"It won't..mmf...be long until...hmmf...we're saved...~"


Ruri grunted huskily as her swollen hands tried their best to tug a pair of stockings over the jostling flab piles that her legs had developed into. She silently snarled as the sound of ringing echoed through her room from her phone, kept on speaker on her desk as she tried her best to multitask at her current size. It had taken longer than she thought for her confidant to get back to her with the remedy for the curse that had been ailing her for a couple of months now. And all that time waiting was occupied by the only thing the black cat could think of doing: Eating. She's constantly ask her more mobile sisters to fetch food from the kitchen for her. If not that then she'd be in there herself, panting and wheezing all while cooking up whatever she could make or cleaning out the cupboards of anything edible. At this point the habits were becoming maddening -- Luckily the night before she finally got her wish in the form of the counter incantation she was hoping for. There was just one problem: Both of the cursed subjects needed to speak the lines.

"Ngh...hff...NGH!!...hff...B-Blashted...hff...clothing..." Ruri huffed, her now flaccid cheeks beginning to cause her speech to slur, "I've called her...three timesh and yet she refuses to anshwer...hff...She's either prideful or shtubborn to a fault..."

The obese kitten, whose size was growing more unruly by the day from her sagging upper arms, her accumulating chins, wobbling chest folds, drooping backside and massive stomach, was trying her best to contact Kirino. Even this long since the curse had backfired, she hadn't tried to contact her rival at all. The reasons varied, of course. For one, she was too busy panicking over her physical state to consider it. There was also the fact that Kirino herself hadn't tried, either. But right now, with a solution literally at her fingertips, she couldn't let her ego get in the way now. If she had to make the first move, then so be it.

The phone kept ringing until it went to voicemail once again: "Heeey~ I can't answer right now~! Just leave a message after the-"

"Ugh, SHTUBBORN!!" Ruri groaned angrily as she immediately hung up with a swipe of a tubby finger. Her face was red and sweaty from all the movement as she waddled to a set of chairs by her desk and sat down with a deep wheeze. Moving was becoming problematic; More than enough of a sign that she needed to meet Kirino asap. "...That idiot will probably reshpond to a text message..."

"Onee-chan, is everything okay?" Tamaki checked in from the room's doorway, eyeing up her squishier sister.

"Everything...hff...ish fine...Don't worry, alright?" Ruri smiled, hiding her frustration as best she could, "Actually...can you whip shomething up for me to eat before I leave later? Onee-chan'sh shtomach is growling again..."

"Mmh!" Her little sister wasted no time running back into the house. "Hinata-oneechan~! Let's make all the ramen packs for Ruri-oneechan she's hungry~!"

Ruri lamented her current state to herself as she watched her sibling disappear from sight, a seriously worried look on her fattened face. She was a mess. Months on nonstop consumption turned her from a small and slim girl into an unavoidable void of engorgement who was only swelling larger by the day. How much longer until she couldn't move? How much longer until her body just couldn't handle the load she fed it? What would her sisters do if she vanished like that?

How would Kyousuke take the news...?

"Ngh...S-Shtop assuming the worst..." She shook her head free of the dark thoughts, her jowls and chins wobbling like curtains of meat, "We can shtop this all today...I can shtop this today." She looked at her phone again, lip curling into a slight, sharp frown. "Sho long ash she 'honors' me by actually heeding my call..."

She tapped on Kirino's contact info, bringing up the text message window. If she wasn't gonna bother answering calls, then there had to be a slight chance she'd answer a message. Even Ruri had a good feeling she'd be dimwitted enough to prefer one over the other like that. It took effort at her size, some sweat beading on her pink face as she struggled to get both arms around her flabby chest, but she was able to successfully type and send a message to her rival.

"I call you three times and yet you refuse to answer me. What are you doing today."

And so she waited. Her breathing labored, she stared at her phone hoping that Kirino wouldn't be so pig-headed as to ignore her completely.

"Wht d0 u want"

"S-She reshponded..." Letting out a slightly relieved sigh, she kept things going. Wasting time was not wise at this point.

"We need to talk. I need your help with something urgent. I suggest we meet this evening, or as soon as you're able."

Another bout of waiting. Normally she'd ignore it, but the problem at hand was becoming more and more difficult to look away from. Thankfully Tamaki was kind enough to deliver her a large bag of potato chips in the meantime. Her sisters were always so kind to her and her growing size.

"Srry sch3dule iz full 2day"

"Full?...Thish damn woman..." Ruri fumed.

"What could you possibly be doing that requires a day's worth of attention on a weekend? I highly doubt it's anything that important, knowing you."

She shook her head. She could tell this had to be some sort of excuse. Though something about Kirino's responses bugged her. She was used to her cutting down words and such in texts; Girls of her kind were prone to butchering language in such a manner. The problem was it was almost every word. Normally she'd cut down one or two. But when Kirino responded to her, the reason for it became as clear as crystal. She sent Ruri a picture. Said picture was of piles of snacks and foods all along her bed spread and floor, her pink and prim room looking more like a budding garbage disposal mixed with a buffet table. And if she looked closer, she could see a small hint of Kirino's body. The angle she took the picture at must have been from a laying position in her bed. She could see sweaty rolls sticking out of a pink shirt, large legs with fat leaking from popped stitching and a well-manicured yet swollen foot sticking out from the end.

Kirino sent a follow-up text, consisting of only two words.

"S3lf c4re"

"...My god..." Was all Ruri could utter. Suddenly Kirino's texts made sense. Her fingers were probably fatter than her own, which is why her responses looked so broken. And this was just a glimpse of what her growth must have been. Unlike herself, who was trying to fight off the hunger curse since she realized what had happened, Kirino had been embracing it. Her ego and self-serving attitude only made things worse for her, spiraling into a self-destructive path of gluttony and hedonism. Part of Ruri thought it was perfect; Irony at its finest. A magazine model and high school track star turned lump of ravenous fat. But at the same time, this curse connected them. If Kirino had fallen this far willingly, there was little hope she'd escape herself unless they fixed this right now.

"You idiot..." She wheezed, "I can't...believe you'd be thish...t-thish blind to your own size and condition..." She needed to think of a way to coax the behemoth girl out of her house. Just for a bit.

"Listen. Normally I'm not one to degrade myself. Especially not to the likes of your ilk. That being said...I'm begging you. Can we please meet up? I desperately need your help."

And she waited. A large bowl of greasy ramen cooked up by Hinata helped pass the time, even if some broth stained her tight, taut dress, but it helped calm her belly and cool her nerves just a bit.

"B0der me sum oth3r time."

"Ngh-!!" Ruri was ready to snap. Even being sincere as possible wasn't enough to sway Kirino out? This was ridiculous. "Y-You overfed pig...Fine. If food ish all you care about, then I'll treat you like a farmer really would treat his shwine...I'll dangle a carrot in-front of that piggish nose of yoursh..."

"I know a cafe you'd probably enjoy. I'll even pay for whatever you want."

She grimaced angrily. She already knew how quick Kirino would change her tune in her current state. She could already visualize it, the bloated whale reading her response before fantasizing about all the food she could eat, some drool running down her chins as she licked her snaggle-toothed chompers in anticipation. Then she'd struggle to quickly respond back, bloated digits hitting two characters at a time before she finally sent her answer:

"Wht time wer u p1anning 2 meat"

"Like a cow to the grazing fieldsh..." She groaned to herself. The fact that she timed it all perfectly scared her, because it meant her way of thinking when it came to food wasn't far off from Kirino's. But she couldn't lament about that now. She had to seal the meeting. So took her time sending the location and time. It was a ways out for her. Walking was going to be murder, especially at her size. But sacrifices needed to be made, especially now. Sending the info, she rocked herself back onto her fat feet as she tried to resume getting dressed. The text tone of her phone alerted her to Kirino's response back, but she didn't bother with it. She knew she'd come if it meant free food for her. After all, at this point even she herself would have a hard time turning that down...unfortunately.

"Hff...Hah...Hah...N-Next time...I'll jusht...dressh...casually..." She panted, finally dressed in her multiple-times-resized gothic dress. She hadn't even left yet, but it was already damp with sweat as her neck frill tinted yellow with the earlier ramen broth. She wasn't going to tire herself out even more changing into something cleaner or easier. Not with out risking Kirino's anger at being called out for nothing.

Tamaki and Hinata both returned to their sister, the younger carrying a plate of giga-sized pudding. Ruri's loud wheezing had gotten their attention.

"Onee-chan, are you okay? Do you need help?" Hinata asked.

"Is Ruri-oneechan still hungry? I gots pudding for her~!" Tamaki chirped.

The sight and sound of pudding already activated her constantly-alert hunger as her tongue swiped across her lips. "Y-Yes...Actually...Tamaki. Could you come feed Oneechan, pleashe? And Hinata...hff...can you pleashe pack up my laptop? I'm...hah...I'm meeting a...'friend'...later..."

Her little sisters were only too happy to oblige. She watched Hinata quickly pack up her belongings as Tamaki climbed up beside her bulk, holding out a heaping spoon of pudding for her. Ruri couldn't help but mewl at every bit she was fed, her thoughts becoming complacent as she enjoyed her pre-trip snack.

"I should reward them for all their hard work once this passes...I'll take them out to eat somewhere nice. They'll love that, I'm sure." Once her feeding was over and Hinata finished graciously giving her massive middle a rub to calm it down, Ruri donned her Kuroneko ears and slowly, sluggishly and surely began her trek out to meet Kirino. By the end of the day, the curse would be lifted and she could go back to her normal life...after shedding some pounds first, anyway.

Kuroneko’s stomach growled angrily as she waddled into the posh café. It was a perfect reflection of her own feelings – the hunger was there almost constantly, pushing her to ever more obscene acts of gluttony. But all that will soon be resolved, she told herself. “Table for… hfff… two,” she said, still wheezing from the effort of hauling her bulk from the train station. It seemed to get harder with every passing day – all the more reason it was good that she was about to get this all fixed up.

The waitress gave her the kind of look one might give someone who was three times the width of almost any other customer that had came that day. “By chance, is… that your party…?” she asked hesitantly, gesturing towards a large table near the center of the cafe.

There, pouring out over a triplet of creaking wooden chairs, was Kirino. “You’re… nglmphh… late!” her voice bellowed, a bit lower than the high-pitched screech that Kuroneko had remembered it as. 

Kuroneko felt immediately that she ought to be offended by the waitress’s association. Kirino was even fatter than Kuroneko had expected, with a gut that poured out to her knees and a neck that was completely hidden by her chin rolls. On top of that, it seemed she had so little self-control that she had already ordered at least five or six different things before her dining partner had even arrived, if the amount of mess streaked onto her marshmallow jowls was any indication.

The black cat sighed. “…Yesh, I… haaah… Believe it is…” The waitress made no move to assist Kuroneko, only eyeing her warily as the tubby gothic lolita carefully wove her way through the tables. If I’d known she was going to make such a hog of herself in public, I would have just invited her to my house instead… Kuroneko chided herself. She normally wouldn’t dream of allowing Kirino anywhere near where she lived, but desperate times called for desperate measures. She shook her head, her chins bouncing beneath. No point in worrying about that now, though. Just need to get her to say the words, then this will all be a bad memory. 

Kuroneko pulled up her own triplet of chairs opposite Kirino and eased her bulk into them. “I… hng….can’t believe I… hfff… let it get thish bad…” she said with a wrinkled nose, watching as Kirino upended a bowl of greasy pasta to pour down her own throat. I may have slightly more manners than she does, but… Kuroneko’s stomach growled once more. Her already-mounting frustration with Kirino was not doing her appetite any favors. 

“Let’sh… hfff… get right to it, I suppose…” Kuroneko took a thin laptop out of her bag, and placed it on the table in front of her. The waitstaff was seemingly not eager to come take her order, however, and despite her better intentions, Kuroneko found her eyes drifting towards the mess of dishes in front of Kirino. Her stomach growled once more as she said, “I… I don’t suppose… hfff… you’d conshider…” She extended a plump hand, reaching for the nearest plate.

Kirino slapped the hand away without hesitation. “No touching! Burrarurrrp… My food!” She pulled all her plates closer to her side, just out of Kuroneko’s reach. Still glaring at Kuroneko in the eye, she grabbed a whole half of a sandwich and shoved the majority of it into her mouth. “Get your own… nglp… ngmphhh… fatsho!”

“F-fatso?!” Kuroneko withdrew her hand, the word hitting her like a splash of cold water. A fresh vein of rage bubbled up to the surface, and with it another pang of hunger. Before she could act on this sudden impulse, Kuroneko realized their server had come.

“What can I get for you?” she said, her politeness an obvious veneer over her disgust. 

No matter, Kuroneko thought. Ordering food took priority over worrying about what anyone else thought of her. “I’ll have… hfff… three of theshe… nff… little cakes, and…” Another pang of hunger gripped her. No time to order anything that required cooking, she just needed to fill her stomach. “Just… just… hfff… give me all of theshe!” She ran her finger down the dessert list.

The waitress took the menu from her, disgust written all over her face. “So… no entrée, then…?” she said, half-sarcastically.

Through a mouthful of bread and mayonnaise, Kirino shouted, “Nglp… double that!”

The server nodded without saying a word, and walked away quickly.

With the immediate distraction gone, Kuroneko refocused on Kirino. “Musht you… haaah… insist on being such a… hfff… pig?!” she growled. 

Kirino chuckled, making the heap of her belly jiggle as it poured out from beneath her undersized t-shirt. “Shaysh the… nglp… one who tried to… ngnfff… take my food…” She crammed steadily but constantly, an eating machine.

A sharp pang of rage-hunger lanced through Kuroneko’s stomach. “Don’t… hfff… reshpond… Focus… haah… on the plan…” she told herself, her brow furrowed. She could still manage to ignore it for now, however, and began clicking at her laptop. It took some time, these days, when even her plump sausage-fingers were starting to show the effects of her constant over-consumption. Peering at the screen over cheeks like half-melted ice cream scoops, she grumbled, “Foul keys… hfff… Open the email, damn you…” 

Before she could find the message, however, the server returned. She did not even offer any sort of greeting, her lips drawn tight in disgust as she avoided looking at the two blimp-like teens. She began placing plate after plate of all the cakes and other desserts that Kuroneko had ordered, a dozen of them or more.

“Oh, theshe look… haah… lovely…” Kuroneko stopped her fiddling with the laptop and reached for one of the desserts. The email can wait for the moment… she reassured herself, chewing a sticky sweet mouthful of shortcake. The tubby cat had somewhat better self-control than Kirino apparently had, but only just. It was only a matter of seconds before the fork fell from her fingers, and she could not help but use her hands to shovel in the heavily caloric dessert. “Gods, thish… nglp… hunger knowsh no boundsh… ngfff…” 

“Hey, where’sh… ngfff… mine?” Kirino called after the server, but she got no response. Kirino still had some food, however, and uncomfortable silence from the tables around them was ignored as the pair of immensely obese girls glutted themselves for the moment. With food in front of them, neither of them noticed the attention much. Kirino chuckled as she set down an emptied pasta bowl. “You look… burrraAAURRRRRP… like a… hfff… pig, heh…”

“You’re… nglp… nfff… one to talk…” Kuroneko fired back, having cleared her sixth plate of dessert. “They’re all… haaah… taking photos, you know…”

A sudden embarrassed flush blossomed on Kirino’s pale cheeks. “T-that’sh… it’s… hfff… it’s probably ‘cause I’m an… haaahh… ex-model…” 

Kuroneko’s eyes narrowed. “And I wonder why it’s ‘ex-‘…” She returned to her cakes, however, intent on finishing them so she could move on to the thing they had come for. Her belly fabric creaked and groaned, already at its limits despite the recent alterations she had done.

Kirino had other plans, however. The plates before her were empty, now crammed into Kirino’s pale sack of a belly as it poured out over her thighs. A light redness could be seen on the skin near her navel, but still she moaned, “I’m still… bwwoOOOURRRP… hungry…”, eyeing Kuroneko’s spread of desserts. 

“Hey! Order your own!” Kuroneko snapped, as Kirino reached a tubby hand out to take one of the as-yet-uneaten cakes. 

Despite puffing with exertion from having to reach so far, Kirino did not stop her hand. “C’mon… hng… want… cake… Got it!” She succeeded in dragging back a large slice of chocolate cake to her own side of the table. “Ngmmphh… What?” she asked, spraying black crumbs down her flabby front. A smirk played across her jiggling cheeks. “You don’t… nglp… eat ash much ash me… hfff… anyway, right?” 

“I do too!” Kuroneko snapped back reflexively, spraying crumbs herself. Then it was her turn to blush, as she saw all the nearby tables look away uncomfortably. “I-I mean… Gods, do you have to be such a… hfff… childish imbecile?! I’m trying to… haaah… help us!” She gestured at the laptop, where the email that was to save both of them was just a few clicks away.

A smug look was Kirino’s only response as she crammed in the chocolate cake. “They… ngff… didn’t take my order, sho… nglp… ngmmphh…” she moaned contentedly as her greedy maw was once more filled with food. It was only a few moments later, however, when that smug look vanished, replaced by a greenish tinge. “Ackshually…. Hng… Don’t… hfff… f-feel sho good…” she groaned, as her stomach began to gurgle.

“Oh no, no no no…” Kuroneko shook her head, reaching for the laptop.

It was too late, however. “HBLLOOAAARRK-!” Over-crammed and full to the brim, Kirino’s overworked stomach resigned in protest, evacuating its contents all over the table. A particularly great deal of the mess was aimed at where Kuroneko had just been pointing – the laptop.

“Anywhere… hfff… but there…!” Kuroneko grabbed the machine as quickly as she could with her ungainly mess of a body and yanked it back. Already the screen was black, however, and sizzling and popping could be heard from within the circuitry. “Pleashe… pleashe no…” she wiped at the bile with her fingers, tapping the power button in desperate hope, but it was no use. The machine was fried.

Kirino was wheezing and breathing heavily. “Happensh… hff… shometimesh…” she said, wiping the bit of mess from her lips. She turned her attentions back to the remains of the chocolate cake, however, and picked it up.

“How can you… haah… still eat at a time like… hfff… thish!” Kuroneko barked, even if her stomach was growling in fury for her to do just the same. 

Her cheeks bouncing up and down as she chewed, Kirino growled, “You… ngmphh… callin’ me fat or shomething?!” 

“’Calling you fat…’” Kuroneko’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Kirino, you’re a blimp! Hfff… I’m a blimp!” Impulsively, she reached for one of the remaining dessert plates, shoveling the éclair atop it in with one hand. “I can’t… haah… shtop eating, and… nglp… You jusht RUINED the only chanshe we have at shalvashion!!” Rage and cream filling were all over her face, a splotchy mess of red and white.

“How dare you call me… haaah… fat!” Kirino growled, pounding a fist into her heaving pile of a gut. 

The server, however, had reached the limits of her politeness. “Ladies, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you both to leave.”

“Don’t have to… hfff… tell me twice!” Kirino struggled to lift her bulk from the three seats, but she was certainly trying. Her body jiggled like an enormous pale pudding, sloshing this way and that. 

Kuroneko was a bit more collected, or at least as collected as one could be in a situation such as hers. “No, please, there’s a… a shpell I have to… haaah… and… and my laptop, and…” The words came out incoherent, however. Her head was swimming, desperate for any solution, but she could think of none. The constant hunger was no help, either. “A-and there’s… nglp… s-still more desserts…” she could not help herself from reach for yet another, even as the server shot a freshly disgusted look.

Still struggling to get up, Kirino’s sagging burlap-sack ass cheeks let out a sputtering ffrrrrrrt that quickly filled the room.

The server would have none of it.  “Both of you, leave now or I’ll be contacting the authorities.” He turned to Kuroneko. “Do you need help standing as well?”

Kuroneko stifled a self-piteous sniffle as she nodded her head yes.


"S-Should we call someone? Like the police?"

"Or an ambulance? She...She really doesn't look well..."

"I mean...s-she isn't causing too much of a disturbance, but...keep one on speed dial, okay?"

The waitresses of a gothic-themed cafe frantically murmured among themselves as the head of the three carefully made her way back to the customer they were discussing. Their workday had been quiet and uneventful until she showed up, forcing her body to ooze through their establishment's doorway like a gelatinous monster before hauling herself to a booth seat and demanding to be served everything on their menu on repeat until she was satisfied. Their other customers were being treated to an impromptu show of utter gluttony and hedonism, all provided by the hulking mass of girl gorging herself for all to see.

"Where...hff...ish my nexsht courshe?!" Kuroneko bellowed angrily. Ever since she tried to make amends with Kirino and fix their dilemma, she had been a constant rage generator. Her laptop was practically destroyed. She couldn't remember where she found the email address for the person she communicated with, let alone what it was. Everything was ruined. The memory of her trudging back home, wheezing, sweating and still somewhat coated in her rival's bile, and immediately decimating the kitchen of its food stock in a blood-boiling rage was still fresh in her mind -- Mainly because the rage never subsided after that. And the angrier she felt, the hungrier she grew.

"S-Sorry to keep you waiting, Mistress." The head waitress apologized as she tried her best to place the latest batch of dishes on the table without disturbing the piles of emptied plates or the wayward flab slowly devouring the table it sat before. Whole cakes. Omurice of various flavors. Black pepper ramen as dark as a corrupted soul. Parfaits of every color. All were going to force their way into Ruri's stomach whether she wanted it or not. "P-Please enjoy...!" The waitress wasted no time scurrying back to the safety of the kitchen with the others as the over-bloated girl resumed her feast.

"Ushelessh...hff...cretinsh..." Ruri wheezed as she struggled over her flesh for more food. She had already been eating for hours and it most certainly showed. Her gothic lolita fashion was left in ruins thanks to her mounds of folds and flab as her chest and stomach destroyed the fabric, left to crawl slowly across the table and drape her useless legs down to the floor. Her arms were such a trail to move that even feeding herself was becoming a tiring, red-faced strain on her. She had become nothing but a blobbish black hole, consuming anything she could get her hands on.

And she despised every moment of it.

"Kirino...hff...mmf...that rotten bish...hffoumph...I hope she exshplodesh in...hff...a fountain of shpoiled meat...hff...mmf..." The irony of Kuroneko's words was lost as she messily swiped a plate of rice and egg into her mouth, ketchup and grains losing themselves on her set of chins and wobbling jowls. Her relentless gorging was really starting to show on her. Her belly, usually flabby and jiggly like a giant sack of jelly, was looking taut at its apex and hard to the touch. Not to mention the slow yet mounting pain she was feeling radiating from her center. But she could care less. All she wanted was to eat her anger away like she always did recently, no matter the cost.

"Urk-!" Ruri's massive body convulsed as her stomach attempted a protest, causing her to briefly pause. "You...hff...You dare rebel...hff...NRK-!!...againsht me now...?" She seethed as her gut turned over even harder. "NGH-!!...BURLRK-!!" A blast of vomit crashed its way out of her mouth, soiling her chest and belly, as well as some plates nearby. The patrons gasped in horror as the head waitress reluctantly rushed to her customer's plush side.

"M-Mistress...perhaps it's best you call it day? You...ngh...s-seemed to have eaten plenty..." She stated timidly.

Her response was a chilling glare. Even at her size, Kuroneko was still nothing short of intimidating. "I...hffk...shpeshifically shtated...hff...that I will shay...when I am shatishfied..."

"...Y-You did, yes, but-"

"I...am...not...shatishfied...!!!" Ruri screamed huskily. "...Double everything...hff...and keep it coming..."

The waitress didn't even answer, simply letting out a terrified squeak and giving a nod before running off to put the chefs to work. Ruri took a moment to catch her breath. The taste of bile still lingered in her mouth. Her breathing felt ragged and her stomach felt like it was on fire. But she wasn't done. Not when her mind still begged her to keep eating.

And so she did. Plate after plate after plate of food disappeared into her form as it slowly swelled and pulsed over the course of it all, struggling to find more room for her to fill with hate-fueled calories. Emptied plates crashed onto the floor and broke into pieces as more sudden waves of digest were rejected by her panicking stomach, soaking the floor and her food in slop. Yet she kept on reaching for one more bite after one more bite. All while thinking and slurring up curses towards Kirino.

"I wouldn't...hmmff...be shtuck here if I never...mmff...met her..."

She lamented as the veins across her fleshy expanse grew more visible and red.

"Urp...U-Uuurp...URLPHK-!!...Hff...If it...washn't...for her..."

Another blast of vomit shot from her lips, streaked with red as a trickle of blood seemed to start leaking from her nose.

"Hff...Shenpai can never...shee me like thish...She really hash ruined my life..."

The sound of creaking and groaning was becoming louder and harder to ignore as the unwilling audience around her stood frozen in place. Ruri's stomach pulsed and throbbed as she grunted heavily, grasping at a stray slice of dark chocolate cake in the battlefield of broken plates and soiled dishes. She lazily licked her lips as her breathing grew short and labored. Her eyes had become bloodshot from the pressure within...but she needed the cake so badly. Just like she needed everything she'd consumed for months now.

"Thish horrific hunger...T-Thish...KFF-!...Hrlk...Thish ruined body of mine..." She coughed as she struggled to bring the cake to her lips. Her body, so horribly overfilled and pushed beyond its limits, simply wasn't having it anymore. The creaking and groaning reached a peak as the pain within her increased dramatically. It felt like her lungs were being crushed and her rib cage was being cracked apart. Digest began to dribble from her mouth as her cake grew close, the sound of white noise seemingly drowning out her hearing.


Her eyes rolled up into her head for a moment as the pain caused her to grit her teeth hard enough to chip them, the cake micrometers from her lips until...


Kuroneko exploded. Her body was pushed into her seat as her front erupted in a shower of insides and digest, knocking the table over with the sheer force of the blast as red-coated plates showered the floor. The wall and booths opposite her weren't spared either as some customers screamed and fled while one of the waitresses outright fainted. And left in the center of the chaos was Ruri herself. She was still clinging to what time she had left, the feeling of having a gaping opening on her numb to one overwhelming fact.

She didn't feel hungry anymore. She didn't feel anything.

"Hah...Hah...! F-Finally...It's gone...! The curse is...finally gone...~!" She thought happily to herself, her lips curling into a weak smile as she eyed the bloodied slice of cake still weakly clutched in her fat hand; A celebratory dessert.

"I can...lose weight...And care for my...sisters again...~"

Her arm weakly pushed the tip to her mouth as it lost all feeling.

"I can be...seen with Senpai again...and the best part of it all..."

Her magenta eyes grew dark and dull as they stared smugly out at nothing in particular.

"...I can gloat about all of it...right in Kirino's...fat...bitchy...face...~"

Kuroneko was only able to take half of the slice into her mouth before the last of her consciousness finally faded...

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Comments: 2

Kingnewcomer [2019-04-06 22:25:36 +0000 UTC]

Great to see you return once again, my man! ^^ Another solid read! I absolutely loved that you even added in vomiting, and 1 farting scene, that's pretty rare to see in your stories. It's also very rare to see you do gory-explosions too, but I'm not complaining, you pulled it off hilariously well! XD I also loved that you made it where you made Kirino puke all over Kuroneko's laptop, thus, ruining her chances of breaking the curses, and exercise to become slim again, which resulted in Kuroneko bursting in the end! And I loved that you went that route, as opposed to actually breaking the girls' curses, that was an awesome twist! I can't say I've heard of OreImo, though, I have seen the opening, and I really liked it (haven't watched the ending, however, mainly cause I can't find the one that's 1:30 long, only the full song for some reason)! I may check it out at some point after reading this! I'll be sure to read Weeb-lord's story too eventually! c: Can't wait for your next story! Keep up the amazing work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pornstar3000 [2019-04-06 03:03:37 +0000 UTC]

"Worg egral htiw gnidnenu deerg dna ynottulg litnu uoy hsinav morf siht dlrow!!!"

Grow large with unending greed and gluttony until You vanish from this world
You should've typed it in another language imo not bad though 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0