CornusKousa — Cobalt Town - Why Me? page 5

#hitmonchan #hitmontop #houndoom #pmd #pokemon #raichu #empoleon #mienshao #scrafty #pokemonmysterydungeon
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“Good boy,” Marcos laughed, “I can’t wait to see you. I love you, son.”

Marquis shot an indignant look at Ginger, and told her with his eyes, Ok, this is where I draw the line. I am NOT saying it!

Ginger sighed. But before she could non-verbally agree that sending love to Marcos was too much, Marquis hurriedly shouted into the phone, “ILOVEYOU,” hung up the phone, and flopped face-down onto the floor. He lay there prone, biting his tongue, groaning out garbled phrases along the lines of ‘why ya doin’ this to me,’ and wallowing in his mutilated dignity.

Hulu noticed that a well-dressed Empoleon emerged from the car outside. He was walking towards the front door. Before he could knock, Hulu promptly opened the door, almost swinging it into his face. “Yes?” she barked, stopping the Empoleon in his tracks at the front step.

“Uh, hello,” the Empoleon responded cautiously, “My name’s Rico, I’m here to pick up…” he glanced at a note pad in his flipper. “Marquis, to get to the Dychingco estate, is that right?”

Hulu shifted to block Rico’s view of her brother, who was still lying pitifully on the floor.  “He’ll need a minute,” she said.

“Ok, but I’m kinda running late now, so if you could please hurry, that’d be great.”

“He said he needs to go grab his stuff.”

“There’s no time. Whatever he’s got on him is enough.”

“Well, you see—”

“Look, Miss, I’m really running late as it is. My boss is very strict about timing. I’m about to lose my job because of this, and—” 

“Great weather we’ve been having, huh?” Hulu interjected. It was raining lightly.

“Oh yeah, definitely,” Rico responded enthusiastically. “I don’t need to tell you how much I love this rain!” And the water-type Pokemon went on about how much stronger and happier he felt in the rain, and how much the rain today reminded him of a trip he took last year. He then happily went on to tell Hulu about the trip in excessively drawn-out detail.

Meanwhile, Monty broke out of the temporary trance induced by Marcos’ uncalled-for meanness. He looked on concernedly at Marquis. “Ginger,” he pleaded, “I can’t stand to see Marquis like this. I know there’s all that about our house, but maybe there’s something else we can do? How much does the rent here actually cost?”

“Yeah,” Miao snorted, “the whole daddy issue thing was funny at first, but now it’s kind of pathetic. Whatever’s in the vacation fund, and your savings, I’m sure it can pay the rent.”

Casting a reproachful look at Miao, Ginger unfolded the eviction letter in her paw and read it out loud. “$2500 per month.”

“What?!” gasped the Mienshao, flabbergasted. “But we live next to a freaking dumpster!”

“Well, then, I guess it must be the best-looking dumpster in Cobalt Town, huh?!” she shouted, silencing her catty sister. She felt stupid for never wondering about the costs of living in her own home, even having witnessed the great, unfortunate yuppie influx of about 5 years ago. “We’d have to save up for months just to be able to pay one month’s rent, and three days isn’t enough for us to find somewhere else to live. I hate to say it, but it doesn’t look like we have a choice. I’m sorry, Marquis.”

Marquis thumped his head on the floor another time. After a brief moment of awkward silence, he got up, slunk over to the hallway table, and backhanded the lamp hard, knocking it off the table. Though he was hoping to hear a satisfying smash, it’s one of those child-proof lamps, so instead of shattering, it just rolled away. Marquis slumped over the table, leaning on it clumsily like an angry drunk about to pass out.

Monty looked up at his brother. “Kuya, I want to go with you,” he said.

Marquis sighed. “Monty, no. This is bad enough for me already, and you suffering too, because of me, is only gonna make me feel even worse.”

“Why would I suffer? Dad said he wanted to make things right with you, his son. I’m his son too, you know, and… well, he wasn’t very nice to me over the phone, but if he wants to make amends with you, maybe he’ll be in the right mind, when he sees us together, to let me in, too.”

Marquis faced away from Monty. “Monty, that’s not going to—”

“Don’t worry, Kuya, it’ll be fine. I’m willing to take the chance, anyway. I think I can handle it. Besides, I want to be there to help you, too, because this is really hard for you.”

Marquis thought for a second. It would soften the blow to have someone familiar around in the strange place. If Monty wanted to come so badly, why not let him? He said he could handle it. Besides, he’s not the type to give up easily. “Ok, Monty, fine. Grab some of your stuff.”

Monty smiled his trademark smile and rushed upstairs immediately to pack.

Rico was still happily weaving tales of rainy days to Hulu at the door. The houndoom glanced back at her siblings, unaware of how much more time she could buy them.


Everyone except Hulu followed Marquis and Monty up the steps to the room. They began packing their bags, which was fairly easy, but Miao and Ginger helped them anyway. Scrappy just watched from the doorway.

“Y’know fellas,” Scrappy began, “your dad sounds like real bad news. All this time I thought, maybe, you were hatin’ on him just ‘cause. But I never seen blackmail like this, bruh. He’s really somethin’ else. I feel bad for you.”

Marquis paused. “Thanks,” he responded with a hint of sarcasm, “it took us getting evicted for you to see that Marcos is a bad person. I wasn’t throwing out the junk he sent me all these past years for nothing.”

Miao, trying to look cool and uninterested in losing Marquis, packed up the last of Monty’s belongings in his backpack, sat back onto her bed, and looked at the floor. “I have to admit,” she began, “hearing Marcos talk to you that way… well, I know I said it was funny, but it wasn’t funny. It just… left a bad taste in my mouth. It was disturbing.” She paused, and the mascara on one of her eyes smudged. “I know I can be mean, so… if I’ve ever been like, that bad, I’m sorry.”

Marquis accepted this with a nod.

“Yeah,” Scrappy said, looking away. “I’m sorry too.”

Rushed words came from the foyer. It sounded like the conversation between Hulu and Rico was coming to a close, so Ginger helped her brothers finish up.

Hulu turned around as her siblings made their way down the steps. “Hey, guys,” she said. “Well, Rico, nice talking to you, but it looks like Marquis is ready.”

“Yep,” Marquis huffed, grinning with agony. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Great,” said Rico, “it was nice to talk to you, too, Hulu. If you ever want to hear some more stories, look me up.” He handed Hulu a sticky note with a number on it. She thanked him, took the number, and retreated back to the kitchen, where she scraped the note off of her paw and onto the fruit bowl for some reason.

The other four siblings followed Marquis and Monty out the door.

“Marquis,” Ginger said, holding him back by his bag, “you’re making such a sacrifice for us. I hope you know we appreciate it. But we will find a way around this. Somehow.”

“We’d better, Ginger. I am absolutely not staying with Marcos for good,” Marquis huffed. “There’d better be a way to fix this.”

The siblings said their goodbyes to Marquis and Monty with weak, one-armed hugs, at the risk of looking overly dramatic. Marquis went ahead on his own and got into the limo first, looking dejected, like he was walking into his own grave. But Ginger insisted on walking Monty to the limo.

“I’m not going to lie to you, Monty,” Ginger began, “I don’t think Marcos will accept you. He hasn’t for years, and you saw the way he treated Marquis. I don’t know why you think you want to stomach his cruelty, but… well, what I’m trying to say is, if you have any doubts, don’t go.”

“Ginger,” Monty said, “I’ve wanted to know my dad for my entire life. Yes, he was really mean over the phone. Yes, I’m nervous, a little scared, even, I’ll admit. But I want to meet him, I really do.”

“Fine, Monty. I won’t stop you if it means that much to you. But please, please don’t take anything Marcos says to heart. Stay with Marquis all the time, and if Marcos does, or tries to do, anything stupid, call me. I don’t care how far away this place is, I’ll come get you. Ok?”

Monty nodded. “Yes, Ginger.” They shared one last hug before Monty climbed into the seat in the limo right beside Marquis. Everybody watched the limo as it drove away and out of sight.



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