CrazyImaginationGirl — Avyanna

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Description Avyanna is one of Bloodrayne lords and best friend. She is also the Life ninja sensei but has been promoted to Life samurai sensei or just Life Samurai. She possesses a red demon eye jewel on her left wrist that she wears as a bracelet or as a corsages. Just like all the elves she adores plants and life. She was the first elf before Stealth Elf to be trained by Grandmaster Cami Flage who Cami Flage thought Avyanna as her own daughter. Avyanna gifted Grandmaster Cami a tree which was a color changing tree that change color depend on its mood or the caregiver or any person mood or if the tree or any person is in danger, which also grows majestic fruits that taste divine which Grandmaster Cami Flage immediately fell in love it with because of the tree beauty and ability to change colors and the fruit it grows. She doesn’t like wearing any type of armor because they are too heavy for her to move and attack, and the armor would make too much noise when sneaking around. Which is why she wears a black over skirt dress that is black on the outside and green on the inside which is easy for her too move without lifting up her dress is flowly and comfortable, pair with black and green over the knee high heel boots that can retract the heel to run faster, reduce noise from heels and be comfortable, yellow green belt which holds her katana swords on her sides, and a dagger knife tuck in a garter belt dagger on her right leg. She is the first person to learn about Bloodrayne older twin brother death when he was killed “accidental” by Orion Pax and Megtronus Bloodrayne ex boyfriends. So she travel to Cybertron to help Bloodrayne and support her, Bloodrayne told Avyanna about her ex’s Orion Pax and Megatronus and their actions to Ettroe So when Bloodrayne left to do an errand and Avyanna was left alone in the apartment the door was knocked by Orion Pax and Megatronus thinking Bloodrayne was home. So when Avyanna open the door, they were surprised to see it was not Bloodrayne but someone, that someone was Avyanna. Needless to say Avyanna was not happy to see Orion Pax and Megtronus for all the pain they caused to Bloodrayne and the damaged it’s done to her so she grabbed her katanas and began attacking them. Orion Pax asked who she was, she said she was Avyanna, a samurai & a life ninja sensei. And she was one of Bloodrayne 4 lords and one of her best friends. Megtronus immediately defend himself and Orion Pax by blocking her katana. Megatronus and Avyanna started slashing one another, Avyanna said she will never let them do anything harmful to her best friend, Bloodrayne while Orion Pax and Megatronus claimed they wanted Bloodrayne forgiveness but Avyanna didn’t believe them. Orion Pax tried to stop the fight but failed miserably. When Megtronus knocked the katanas out of Avyanna hands, while she was trying to receive her katanas, Orion Pax out of panic, he knocked her out with lamp. When was Avyanna was unconscious Orion Pax tried to sit her up and saw Megatronus charging at her still having his sword out. Orion Pax tried to stop him by saying she is unconscious and that she is not gonna hurt anyone. But Megatonus refused to listen him, saying Avyanna attack them without warning or given them a chance to explain themselves.He then went on babbling about people like her are the reason Bloodrayne won't forgive them. Orion Pax thought that was nonsense but saw Megatronus was blinded by rage. Before Orion Pax could stop him he saw Megatronus rasisng his sword up in the air, Orion tried to protect Avyanna but it was too late he heard a slashing sound and her decapitate body was laying on the floor blood pouring out from her neck where her head was once on. When Megatronus calmed his anger and rage down he immediately retracted his sword and cover his mouth with his servos as he couldn't believe what he done. He killed Avyanna. Orion Pax was panicking as he began tossing Avyanna head from one servo to another like hot potato. Before Orion Pax & Megatronus could think of plan to cover up Avyanna's body and head and clean up the blood on the floor, they heard the door open & there was Bloodrayne back from her errand was standing there with horror, shock and anger as she saw Avyanna decapitate body laying on the floor, her head in Orion servos & Megatronus sword cover in blood.She began screaming and using her life powers made a cybertronian flower that was sitting in the vase nearby and to become a giant Venus fly trap. It uses it vines to grab Megatronus and Orion Pax who dropped Avyanna head on the ground. Bloodrayne demanded an explanation from them and ask why must they also killed people that are close to her. Orion Pax tried to explain the situation but couldn't find the words, Megatronus look away in shame because he couldn't faced Bloodrayne and couldn't get over the fact he killed her best friend. Seeing they are not giving her explanation she command her plant to throw them out of her apartment and summon a tidal wave that pushes/sends them away. Later Bloodrayne began to cradling Avyanna decipated body and have her head sitting on her lap, promising she will find a way to resurrect her and Ettroe. So for the next days she began trying different ways to resurrect Avyanna and Ettore but they all failed. Eventaully she found a book from Skylands she kept that told how you need host for the dead to be revive in. So Bloodrayne began to kidnapped various different cybertornians and subjected to obscene experimentation in her pursuit to find the perfect host to resurrect Ettore and Avyanna. But they were failed experiments because as none of the ritual spells could not revive Ettore and Avyanna and could not find the perfect host. Having zero results for any way to resurrect to Ettore and Avyanna, Bloodrayne began to fall deeper into depression and began to lose her mind. She began drinking more alcohol and smoking more often than usual. She then remember her and Ettore father was a doctor. He would do experiments in his laboratory when Bloodrayne and Ettore were younger, when they ask he would say "what a doctor would do." When he got arrest mabu police discover what he was doing in the laboratory were not something a doctor would do, inside of the laboratory were victims in torture in different ways that were inhumane. Police theorized that their father were practicing risky medical conditions operations on his victims, but that inhumane conditions they were in suggests that his reason were less medical and purely sadistic.Of course he told his children that he want his experiments to inspired them in the future, which didn't inspire the twins when they were younger even if they become adults, until today when it inspire Bloodrayne who was desperate to look for a way to resurrect Ettore and Avyanna. So she browse through her father's old diary seeing if he experimented on reviving the dead. There wasn't much in the diary but different ways of torture. To her surprise there was a chapter about how he struggle to revive the dead, various way to revive the living, from sacrifice to ritual. Just when he was about give up he create a potion that would revive the dead, however he made a shocking discover. See when this portion is inside its host its able to take control their body fundamentally altering one's genetic maker. He also discover a red jewel that look like a demon eye, and the demon eye jewel had great power. So out out of curisity he combine the potion with the a sample of demon eye jewel and it showed great results that he couldn't even describe in his note. So he crafted the demon eye jewel into a wedding ring. His first subject was Bloodrayne and Ettore mother who died after she gave the birth to the twins. He gave the potion and the demon eye wedding ring to their mother and it worked she was alive again. However the potion and ring began to alter her body it, giving her endless hunger resulting in a need to consume flesh. He called this potion and "Blood Red Moon" because it was made on the moon that was the color of Blood Red and to honor her mother because Blood Red was her favorite color. So she began to kidnap more cybertronians and giving them "Blood Red Moon" potion in the search for perfect host for Ettroe and Avyanna however most of these experiments were failures creating man and woman bat demon with the power of shape shifting, extreme strength, invisiblity and an endless hunger that require to consume flesh. This made her more frustrated and began to lose her mind. She was about to give up, she decided to give "Blood Red Moon" potion and crafted accessorizes with the red demon eye jewel to her brother and her best friend, and they work, Ettore and Avyanna were alive again but their body began to alternate. Her brother become a man bat demon that has shape shift ability, enhanced strength, invisiblity and an endless hunger that require to consume flesh, while Avyanna has the ability to remove her head at any time like a real dullahan and carry with her, it granted her greater levels of intelligence especially poison. With Avyanna high intelligence in poison she began to develop a poison blended into her katana steel. After Bloodrayne lured her other 3 lords/best friends and gave them red demon eye jewel accessorizes and made them drink Blood Red moon potion and to herself they decided to killed all Cybertronians, destroy the planet Cybertron & to seal away Skylands in order to protect Skylanders from dangers from the outside world of Skylands. During their “mission and desire to protect Skylands” which turned out to be a war in Skylands, when Bloodrayne was sealing Skylands in a thorny dome and all hope seems to be lost Persephone saw senseis cutting up the thorny vines and taking down Bloodrayne army of man and woman bat demons, but what really surprised Persephone was that among the senseis, there were Master Eon, Vanessa standing with robots not made in Skylands, Persephone thought those robots were the cybertronians that Bloodrayne said that were a danger to Skylands but she didn't see danger in them from a window in Skylander Academy library along with Hugo. Master Eon and Vanessa walk up to Bloodrayne and ordered her to stop this madness but Bloodrayne refused to listen and said that she was doing her job as a Skylander, a teacher and an sensei in the sorceress class by doing anything to protect Skylands from danger. But 13 Prime intervene saying what she doing is not "protecting Skylands from danger" even Megatronus and Orion Pax agree with them and begged Bloodrayne to stop what she doing and get the help and care she needs. Vanessa and Eon said they agree with them, saying she not protecting skylands, she is instead putting lives in danger when all they want to is help her. But this anger Bloodrayne as she couldn't that Vanessa and Master Eon, were siding with those "pesky cybertronians" instead of her. In her rage she tried to shoot an energy orb power by all the elements in Skylands at them but was reflected back at her by Hex's ancestor knocking her cold and making her drop some red demon eye shards from her bag. Avyanna seeing Bloodrayne was shot down and unconscious quickly ran and attempted to use her poison katanna to kill Hex's ancestor. In turn, Grandmaster Cami Flage quickly ran towards Hex ancestor and pushed her to the side, receiving a slash & a deep cut in her mid-section.Grandmaseter Cami Flage cried in pain she clutch her mid-section in pain from the attack she received by Avyanna and the poison. Vanessa and Master Eon seeing how dangerous Bloodrayne, Ettore,her 4 lords and her army of man and woman bat demon are dangerous in Skylands and different worlds outside of Skylands they had no choice but to locked her away afraid she would hurt more innocent people,possibly killing them. So decided to trap Bloodrayne, Ettore,her 4 lords and her army of man and woman bat demon inside talismans so they won't another innocence again. While everyone was preparing for the ritual, a medic and Persephone were busy trying to cure Grandmaster Cami Flage from the poison she receive from Avyanna's katanna. Luckily a witch from Witches and Wizards Hollows Village was able to create a medicine to cure Cami Flage from the poison and written the cure in her diary in case someone get poison by Avyanna again. When the ritual circle was done Orion Pax and Megatronus were able to lure Bloodrayne and her 4 lords into the ritual circle, the senseis,Master Eon, Vanessa, Hex, Bat Spin, Engima, Snap Shot ancestors, Grandmaster Cami Flage, and the 13 Primes even Persephone gather around the circle, Orion Pax and Megatronus wanted to help but Persephone stop them saying they don't have the power to stop Bloodrayne and her 4 lords and seal them away. Ettore and her army of man and woman bat demons were able to escape from being caught to be part of the ritual and hid by disguising themselves as Mabu resident or using their invisibility power to hide. During the ritual Master Eon, Vanessa, Hex, Bat Spin, Engima, Snap Shot ancestors, Grandmaster Cami Flage, the 13 Primes and Persephone combine their power and the power of the red demon eye shards to weaken Bloodrayne and her 4 lords magic and their abilities they receive from the the Blood Moon Potion and their Demon Eye Jewel accessorizes, turning their body into spirits and sucking them into different talismans and sealing them away. Avyanna was sealed in a talisman hair clip which was given to Grandmaster Cami Flage who passes down to Stealth Elf who kept it closed to her and never broke it. Persephone also found Avyanna demon eye bracelet and her katanas contains a mixture of poison blended into its steel that Avyanna created and use to stab Grandmaster Cami Flage. Fearing the katanas would be used for evil and be stolen Persephone had hidden Avyanna katanas and her bracelet in a tunnel that leads to a secret room underneath Skylands which is now kept in a glass box beside a painting of her. So for there are no signs of Bloodrayne,her 4 lords Ettore and her army of men and women demon bats returning for now……..But Grandmaster Cami Flage still takes care of the tree Avyanna gave to her hoping that Avyanna could turn the page of her life and rewrite a new story.
Fun fact the keyhole on Avyanna black over skirt dress is shaped like a leaf and her hair is a pixie cut
Avyanna is voiced by Lauren Synger who voices Malice Angel and Allison Angel from BATIM/BATDR
Base I used for Avyanna body
Base I used for her Black over skirt dress
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