CrimsonGamer96 — Risen Chapter 2. Visions Of The Future [NSFW]
#angel #demon #mystery #nephilim
Published: 2015-08-13 05:24:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 273; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description Risen (Working Title)
By. Brian Cook (CrimsonGamer96/Crimson)

Chapter 2. Visions Of The Future.

The rest of the school day was a drag as Ashley and I waited for the final bell, so we could find out just what the hell is going on with that Damien kid. I knew that I had to find out some answers no matter what. The realization that this man could have the same powers as me had drilled into my mind. Just what the hell was I? And why did his hair change like that? The most that has ever happened to me was the fact that when my powers activate my eyes go from a deep red to a vibrantly glowing violet color.
As soon as the final bell rang I hurriedly climbed out of my seat, and ran to the hallway to meet up with Ashley. I was ready to get this mystery sorted out, as I walked out of the classroom and into the hallway however, I noticed that Ashley wasn’t there. “She must’ve gone outside already.” I thought to myself as I opened the massive double doors. As soon as I stepped outside I immediately fell into the embrace of the breeze in the air. My hair danced across my face as I took in the sunlight. However I noticed that it was colder than usual for late August. Usually it’s scorching hot outside, but today was...different to say the least. I couldn’t help but feel that there was something sinister in the air around Apocrypha. I looked around campus for a few moments until I finally spotted Ashley pulling up in her truck.
“Hey girl, I’m over here!” Ashley yelled out to me whilst flailing her arm outside of her truck like an idiot.
“I can see you you know!” I yelled back running up to the truck and chuckling. “How’d you get to your truck so fast?” I asked curiously.
“I told the teacher I had to go to the bathroom and snuck out five minutes early. Aren’t I a rebel?”
“Ash, you are many things, but a rebel you are not.” I couldn’t help but chuckle again a little louder this time. I got into the car and we started driving off to my place to hang out. Even though I didn’t really feel like it after today.
“Whatever..so what do you think that guy is all about?” She said in a serious tone.
“I don’t know Ash, but if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that whatever I am...he is too.”
“Well Viv..maybe he is. I honestly don’t know what to believe anymore. I feel like some fucked up shit is going down in this God-forsaken shithole.”
“So I’m not the only one.” I muttered softly and slumped down into my seat.
“No I guess not. Not ever since the Daniels family bought up nearly everything in this town. Did you know that they want to make all the students take a suppressant when they walk in the school?”
“They can’t do that! It’s against the law!” I was honestly pissed off thinking of what it could do to my powers. I don’t like using them, but what if I needed to use them for self-defense. Let alone basically turning the entire town’s youth into zombies. The thought sent chills down my spine.
“They can whenever they are the richest family in the town...hell they could own the whole state if they wanted to. They have the money Viv, and that’s the only thing the government listens to nowadays, the sound of a crisp dollar bill.” After a few moments of silence,  we finally pulled up to my house. I got out and slammed the door which dented it. I stood in shock that I didn’t even activate my powers and it did this much damage. “Viv..the hell was that all about? I know you’re pissed off, but c’mon that’s my ride!”
“I didn’t mean to Ash, I swear it…” I was just in as much awe as her.
“I think you’re powers are getting stronger...are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
“To tell you the truth, I have felt a little stronger since our run in with Damien.”
“Maybe you two are linked somehow.” Ashley replied in a taunting manner.
“Please I’d rather not think that I’m ‘linked’ to him in any way, shape, or form. Besides even if I’m getting stronger there’s nothing we can do for now, so let’s just go inside, and hang out like you wanted.” I started to walk into my house with Ash not far behind me.
“Ouch..damn somebody’s a tad bit moody. Is it..y’know..that time?”
“What? No! Jesus Ash you really know how to push my buttons sometimes ya know that?”
“I do what I can!” She replied with a huge grin on her face. I scoffed and opened the down after fiddling around with the lock for a while. I looked over and saw the copious amounts of beer bottles on the coffee table. I could infer two things from this fact. One, my dad was passed out in his room like usual, and two he won’t be bothering us for the rest of the night. I sighed in relief knowing that we wouldn’t have any ‘trouble’ from my dad. He never really like Ashley, he always thought that she was a bad influence on me. If he found out that Ashley was here, he would surely get pissed off.
“I’m sorry about the mess Ash, my dad…” I was cut off by Ashley putting her finger to my lips shushing me which shocked me a little.
“Viv it’s okay, I understand completely, it’s not your fault you have to live in such a shithole.” She put her arms on my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes. “How about you call off of work tonight, sit on the couch, and relax for once while I clean for you for once, then we can watch a few movies together like old times?” She gave me her trademark Ashley Winters grin and pushed me down onto the couch as she got to work. “I’m not taking no for an answer!.” She looked back and stuck her tongue out at me.
“That’s fine and all, but why exactly are you doing this?” I asked curiously.
“Viv, it’s been months since you’ve talked to me. You stay silent in class, and now I find out that you’re cutting again. Some shit is going down in your life, and while I’m not going to force you to tell me what’s wrong, I just want to make it the least bit better. You could at least let me do that right?” She gave me the look of a pouting puppy that didn’t get it’s way.
“Sure go ahead, and thanks, I...uh..really do appreciate it.” I replied and chuckled slightly.
“Don’t mention it!” She replied back as giddily as ever. I pulled out my phone, and called my boss telling him that I wouldn’t be able to come in tonight, thankfully since this is the first time I’ve actually called off, he was understanding and he told me to take as much time off as I needed. I watched Ashley methodically clean the house tripping over random things as she wasn’t the most coordinated person in the world. I chuckled each time, while Ashley would always reply back with a death stare. After about an hour of watching her trip over her own feet, she finally put in a movie and sat down next to me on the couch. We watched in silence until I finally broke it.
“Thanks for supporting me Ash, you’re right, I just really need a friend right now, thanks for being the only one in my life that actually cares.” I smiled and gave her a friendly hug. I’ve just had a lot on my mind, and you’ve been there for me every step of the way. From when I first discovered my powers, to when I tried to kill myself a couple of months ago. I pushed you away, and you never gave up on me. You’ve been a great friend Ashley, and I’m glad to have you in my life.” I started to tear up a bit.
“Aww thanks, I’m touched!” She replied in a lighthearted but joking manner! She patted me on the back, and then suddenly a jolt ran up my spine and I was lying face down in what looked to be the woods during a fierce thunderstorm. I got up, brushed myself off, and started looking around at my surroundings. I confirmed that I was in the woods just outside of Apocrypha. I looked up at the sky and noticed nothing but blackness. It was almost as if someone or something had hidden the sun and the moon from view. It was caused by an intense eclipse that blacked out the entire sky.  The heavy rain had already soaked through my clothes, and I was freezing cold. In the distance I could hear the wind howling, and thunder crashing around me. I put my arm in front of my eyes to try and shield them from the wind and the rain. I walked along the path before me deeper into the woods struggling to walk against the intense wind which had to be blowing extremely hard if it was hindering my ability to walk. I eventually came to a clearing where I saw a dark figure standing with a gun in it’s hand standing over a familiar figure with cyan hair. It raised it’s arms up, and black wings came out of its back and it held up the gun and shot the cyan-haired girl in the chest.
“Ashley!” I screamed in terror and finally snapped back to reality. I was back in my living room lying on my floor looking up at the ceiling gasping for air. Ashley was standing over me freaking out, and shaking me.
“Vivian wake up please! Please! I need you, I…I lo...Oh my god you’re awake! I thought you were dead!” She hugged me tightly. I was in writhing pain. I could barely scream out as all my power was drained from what I could only guess was the dream. I barely managed to choke out the word energy to let Ashley know that I needed some. Fast. “Oh right!” She got up and headed out to her truck to grab another protein bar. I could feel that I had a nosebleed as I felt the blood slowly trickling out. I ate the protein bar, and felt my energy slowly coming back again. I slowly sat up putting my hand against my head in a vain attempt to get rid of the massive migraine I had, and wiping the blood off of my face. After a bit of recuperation, I looked at Ashley still trying to catch my breath. “What the hell just happened to you just now?” Ashley looked terrified.
“You’re not gonna believe me, but I saw something just now.” I said in a serious tone.
“Viv..tell me what happened. I don’t think you’re crazy.” I explained my dream to her down to the last detail. Whenever I got done she had a blank look on her face as if she was trying to process the entire thing. “So if this is a new power you have...to see the future...I’m going to die?’
“Ash I hope this was just a dream, but something tells me that this is going to happen very soon.” I said worriedly.
“Do you think it has something to do with Damien?” She replied in a hushed tone.
“I don’t know, but I don’t want to wait to find out either.”
“You’ll protect me with your powers...won’t you.” She started to cry, fearing for her life, if I was in her position I would’ve too.
“I’ll try..but I’m going to have to practice and figure out how to use them to the fullest. If I’m going to save you, and the town from the storm-causing eclipse. While you, need to snoop around on the internet to find out as much as you can about Damien. I don’t think we have much time…”
“Thanks Viv. C’mon, lets finish this night as it could be the last time we actually hang out together.” She forced a smile and helped me back onto the couch. We finished the movie, and I fell asleep next to Ashley not long after that do to exhaustion.
Comments: 1

Nophica [2015-08-13 06:31:26 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness.. You should make your own manga or something.. hehe ^^ <3

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