CRUBAT — Bioshock CH2 by-nc-nd [NSFW]
Published: 2008-06-24 22:43:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 8078; Favourites: 71; Downloads: 115
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Description                                                               CH 2
       He brandished what looked like a meat hook, only sharpened. Light gleamed off the uneven surface. The man pulled the girl up his shoulder, bringing the hook to her neck.
       “WAAAAAAAAAARRGGG” The girl scream from the pain of being held by her hair.
       “I get to have some actual fun after I get the Adam in this little bitch!” he grinned sadistically. Sakura's mind raced, thinking and scrapping ideas that could and could not work.
       “Adam......he wants Adam....HEY!” Sakura shouted, grabbing the man's attention. “YOU WANT ADAM, WELL HERE IT IS!! IN HERE!!!” She lifted her breasts prominently, gently shaking them. Sakura could here the sloshing again. She smiled to herself when the man's want for 'fun' overcame his interest in the small girl, whom he dropped. She quickly scurried to a fallen section of the floor that lead under their feet. She let her head peep out, watching them.
He lumbered slowly toward Sakura, hunched over, breathing raggedly.
       “Thats it. Come get some” Sakura raised her arms over her head, arching her back. His eyes were greedily focused so much on her chest he failed to notice the small flames coming from behind her. Sakura waited till he raised his claw, ready to either cut her down or cut off her top.
       “HA!” She brought her arms in front of her, outstretched, and released a burst of electricity.
       “WARARARARARARAA!!” the man shrieked in both surprise, pain, and electrocution. Sakura followed with Incinerate. The man burst into flames which droned out his screams of pain under their roar. Sakura deftly pulled out the handgun and emptied the revolver into the human torch. He fell backwards on the wood and metal bars, embers jumping off him from the impact and flames curling around the body. The body finished its convulsing from the electrical surge and soon the fire went out as well. Sakura fell to one knee, slightly drained from the double plasmid attack. When here eve replenished itself, she reloaded her gun and returned to the holster. Sakura immediately began looking for the small girl. She spotted the fearful eyes peering from the fallen floor. Sakura got her other knee down, leaning forward slightly with her arms open.
       “Its Ok. The bad man isn't going to bother you anymore. C'mere, I'm safe” Sakura cooed softly. The child remained still, keeping an eye on her. Sakura scooted forward a bit, gently coaxing the girl.
       “I won't hurt you, I promise. Please? Come out?” Her efforts paid off as the girl slowly climbed out of her spot. Sakura remained where she was, not wanting to startle the child. She took a few steps toward the Sakura and paused.
“Its ok...” Sakura repeated, arms open and inviting. The small girl shyly moved closer, keeping her head low. Sakura considered this good enough to move up a bit.
       “I'm Sakura. Whats your name?”
The girl looked at the cyan haired girl with a confused expression.
       “.......Anne” Sakura mentally breathed a sigh of relief.
       “Pleased to meet you, Anne” Sakura offered her hand. Anne replied with her own hand. Sakura moved with in inches of the girl.
       “Anne? Can you tell me whats going on?” Sakura tilted her head, trying to get a better look at the lowered gaze.
       Snff. Tears began to flow from the girl's eyes, eventually leading to the girl's break down into a sob fit.
      “Oh shhh. Its fine” Sakura moved to hug Anne, but stopped when Anne instead walked to Sakura, planting her head against the older woman's bust and crying freely. Sakura wrapped her arms around the Anne, letting the child sink into her chest. She placed  a hand on Anne's head, rocking gently.
       “You're fine. Shhh its ok. Don't worry. I'm here” Sakura ignored the tears that flowed down her top. For a few minutes Anne bawled into Sakura's chest. Only when she calmed down did Sakura try speaking to her again.
       “Are you hungry?” Anne's watery eyes appeared from Sakura's cleavage. The busty  woman could feel the girl's slight nod. Sakura picked Anne up, propping the small girl on her left hip. Sakura's left breast was slightly compress by it's owner's baggage.
       “Sorry, but I'm new here an I don't know where to get food” Sakura smiled warmly. On cue her stomach growled loudly. Her face belayed her surprise, causing Anne to giggle softly.
       “See? Do you know where we can get something to eat?”
       “There are machines that give candy bars” Anne spoke quietly. The image of the machine back by the round submersible flashed across Sakura's mind.
       “OH! Okay. I know where one is!” Sakura said happily as she retraced her steps.
As the walked, Sakura noticed a couple things. First, was Anne's shy glances at Sakura's chest. Though Sakura wasn't walking fast, the exposed skin jiggled slightly to each step. Anne seemed amused by the quivering, especially since she could most likely feel it. The second thing was that all this weight was taking a toll on Sakura's back.
       “Not much further” she said aloud, for herself and Anne. The pair reached the pillar where the machine was. They had to crawl through a gap between the crates to reach the other side.
       “It needs money” Anne's innocent voice sounded as Sakura came through the gap.
       “I got some” Sakura retrieved the bundles of cash she had stashed down her front. Anne seemed to have a look of awe as the older girl performed the retrieval.
       “Probably the biggest she has ever seen” Sakura though to her self as she selected as much pep bars and cream cakes she could. They sat in silence as they ate. Sakura was amazed at how hungry Anne actually was. Sakura had 3 cream cakes while Anne ate the other 6. Anne was about to move to the bars when Sakura stopped her.
       “Lets save these for later...” Sakura paused as she looked for something to carry the food in. She turned back to Anne.
       “Do you have any pockets?” Anne shook her head. Sakura's shoulders fell.
       “Dammit” She cursed to herself. She sat back down and began to place the food down the front of her suit. All the time Anne eyed her, which was starting to bother Sakura.
       “What it it?” Anne jumped at the sudden question, looking away. “....Um...its...why are they so big?”
       Sakura finished with the food and shrugged. “They got big when I was growing up, but I ...accidentally took a plasmid and they got THIS big” Sakura used her arms to squeeze her bust, making the skin flow over the top.
       “They look like pink balloons” Anne kneeled infront of Sakura, her face inches away from the breasts.
       “If only they were that light” Sakura mentally joked. Sakura leaned back against the pillar, arms behind her head. She gathered all of the current situation when a small prod to her right breast made her jump. Anne jumped as well, pulling her finger away.
       “Sorry!” she said, looking somewhat scared. Sakura relaxed again.
       “Its ok, I just wasn't expecting that” She noticed Anne looking somewhat ashamed.
       “....Sit with me” Sakura said, patting the floor beside her. Anne's expression lit up as she scurried next to Sakura. When she was settled, Sakura put an arm around the smaller girl's shoulder, pulling her close. Sakura's left breasts was forced against Anne's face.
       “Lets rest for a while. You look pretty tired” Sakura smiled again. Anne gave a relieved smile, almost falling asleep immediately. Sakura took her 'alone time' to piece together recent events.
These people seemed to be obsessed with Adam. Adam allowed the use of plasmids, which were genetic powers. Who created the plasmids? And how was Adam discovered? These thoughts dominated Sakura's mind as she too drifted off to sleep.

The large foot steps rocked Sakura awake. She immediately swung her head in all directions, checking for danger. Anne was still asleep, but her face showed discomfort. Sakura woke her up, but placed a finger to her lips.
       “Stay here, I'm gonna see what that noise was” Sakura whispered. As she moved away, Anne grabbed her arm.
       “It's a Big Daddy!”
       “Big what?” Sakura replied. Anne suddenly  used all her weight to pull Sakura down.
       “Pretend you are asleep. It wont bother us if we don't move” Anne pleaded, worry written all over her face. The footfalls drew nearer. Remembering what those footsteps belonged to, Sakura complied. She didn't want to confront that thing. Both girls lay on their sides. With in moments, the steel door lifted and the Big Daddy appeared in the gap between pillar and vending machine. The girls were in full view, but were simply ignored as the creature lumbered past. Sakura could feel her heartbeats travel through here chest and into the dock below. The foot steps, like the last time, faded away. Anne showed a look of relief as she sat up. Sakura sat up as well, stretching out her back. Her Eve-enhanced bust was becoming a burden, even if she did technically have more space for things down there. Sakura didn't need to look, she could feel Anne's gaze upon her. Sakura adjusted her seating to crossed legged and looked at Anne.
       “You seem to like my bust a lot. Why is that?” Anne looked away briefly, letting her gaze slowly meet back up with Sakura's.
       “Your warmth reminds me of my mother. Splicers took her away. I...h-haven't s-s-seen her since...” Anne began to sob. Sakura reacted instantly, pulling the child into a bust filled hug. Her sobs soon disappeared and her body relaxed as well.
       “This really seems to work on her” Sakura thought. She felt sad for the little girl, being separated from her mother, especially at this age. She pondered her next statement before looking at Anne.
       “If you want, you can do this as many times as you like.”
Anne's face lit up like it was Christmas, burying her face deeper into the bouncy flesh.
       “Kids are easily amused, just like CJ says”
The happy moment was ruined by the return on the Big Daddy steps. Anne clung to Sakura, trying to get her down again. Sakura stopped her when she heard something different. It...sounded like another girl. Against Anne's pleas, Sakura peaked around the crates.
The Big Daddy was accompanied by a girl around the same age as Anne. Only her eyes glowed an eerie yellow. She also carried a syringe full of a familiar luminescent red substance. Adam.
       “There's a little girl with it” Sakura whispered back to Anne. Her face showed mortification.
       “Thats a Little Sister. If we try fake sleeping, she will stick the needle in our heads!”
Sakura didn't like the sound of that at all. She peered around the room. Before Anne could say anything, Sakura grabbed her and rushed back to the metal bubble.
       “Are we gonna hide in the Bathysphere?”
       “Behind it!” Sakura panted, reaching the back of the bathysphere and setting Anne down. She looked around the gold surface to see how this situation turned out. The water around the dome of the bathysphere began to ripple away from it. From her position Sakura saw the big door open for a few moments before closing again. The Little Sister crawled through the gap that the girls where the girls had been. The Big Daddy seemed confused as it couldn't pass through the gap. Its saddening moan echoed in the chamber.
       “It's ok, Mr. Bubbles. There aren't any angels around here. Lets go back.”
Just as soon as they had appeared, the Adam seeking duo vanished behind the door. Sakura relaxed, but not entirely. They needed a place that they could barricade until they knew what they were going to do. Sakura picked Anne back up and made her way toward the door. She covered Anne's face when she passed the tied up body. Sakura grimaced as well. Only now did Sakura take the time to read the door. Securis. Beyond the door Sakura saw the Adam pair in the dried lake bed, poking around a small pool of water being fed by a large gush from the roof. Sakura immediately went for the Gatherer's Garden machine again. She passed the plasmid vendor and returned to the place where she met Anne. Here, Sakura set Anne down. Sakura pulled out the pistol as her left hand caught fire.
       “Stay close” Sakura said.
The busty girl performed every peek around the corner trick she had seen in the movies. She traveled up the stairs beyond where she saved the younger girl. There were stairs around another corner. Sakura pressed her back against the shed aluminum that lined all the walls. Her gun was raised, ready to fire at anything around the corner. She peeked, spying nothing but empty space. She climbed the next set of stairs with Anne in tow. Sakura stopped outside a golden Securis door.
       “Back away. This could get ugly” She told Anne. Sakura stepped forward when Anne was behind a large pipe. It was a smaller chamber with pistons working on wither side. Only a few paces separated the other Securis door. Anne ran back to Sakura. Both girls walked forward into the next room. It was spacious, just like the area with the plasmid machine. Before Sakura could take in the surroundings guns started blazing. She dropped to her knee, making Anne bend over next to her. To their left they saw another Big Daddy, alone, fighter a Splicer in a raincoat, who was armed with a pistol. Sakura quickly noticed an open prison like gate ahead and to the right. She pulled Anne as she ran around the corner. Crates were stacked in various piles. Another Securis door was infront of them, but she could here a commotion brewing behind it. Her eyes were drawn up to fire light dancing on the wall above the Securis door. She spun, ignoring her bust swaying. Above them was a blown out window. There was a small alcove of planks the led to the left, with in jumping range of a pile of crates.
       “There!” Sakura pulled Anne to the crates and lifted her up. Sakura followed suit, freezing as Splicer ran out of the Securis door and right through where she had been standing. She pulled herself up all the way up into a crouched position.
       “Anne, I need you to jump to that plank over there” Sakura pointed to the extruded wood. Anne nodded, but was unable to jump immediately.
The gun Splicer collided with the Securis door, his head caved in. Anne paused at the horrific sight.
Anne was freed from her trance. She leaped forward with all her might, landing on her side. Her back hit the wall hard, making her stagger as she recovered. Sakura didn't wait as she made her jump. She landed on her feet, but the momentum ran her into the wall. Her breasts compressed to a degree before retaining their round shape with spring-like energy. Sakura tilted backwards. Anne grabbed Sakura by the waist, trying to keep her on her feet. Sakura kept her hands forward, maintaining her balance.
       “Grab my zipper!” Sakura cried out. Anne reached up, grabbed the the same place the first Splicer had grabbed Sakura, and tugged with all her might. Sakura was able to drop into a crouch, leaning against the wall for safety. Hearing the continued fighting, Sakura scrambled Anne up the planks to the window frame. She lifted the girl up with ease. Sakura was about to follow when she felt something hit her in the back.She turned her head, seeing a meet hook sticking out of her back. Then the pain came.
       “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!” Sakura cried out in pain, falling to her knees. She turned to her assailant. A Splicer was in the crap walk position, upside down on the roof. It screamed furiously as it scurried toward the now injured Sakura. Anger filled up in Sakura as she watched the Splicer near her. She snapped her flaming fingers multiple times, causing the splicer to burst into flames and explode multiple times. She added an Electro bolt to finish the job.
The Splicer fell lifelessly to the ground, land on its head with a disgusting crack. Sakura went dizzy for a few moments after using so mush eve in one round.
       “SAKURA!!” Anne's little voice shrieked. Sakura returned to her senses, grabbing the ledge and pulling her breasts, then body into safety. The top heavy girl laid on her now pancaked bust, groaning slightly from the hook in her left shoulder blade. The bleeding had slowed, but the pain was still very intense. Anne was near hysterics when she saw the the hook. Sakura clamped her hand on Anne's shoulder, squeezing to get her attention.
       “Listen, I need you to pull it out.”
       “B-but won't it hurt you?”
       “It will only get worse if we leave it there. All you haffta do is pull it out the way it curved inward. Understand what I mean?”
Anne nodded. She reached for the hook. Sakura tense up when she toughed the hook.
       “I'm sorry!”
       “Just hurry!” Sakura pleaded, tears forming in her eyes. Anne, not realizing the pain Sakura was in, she took around 20 seconds to pull it out. That 10 seconds felt like and eternity to Sakura, but was relived when Anne had finished. Sakura simply laid there, breathing hard.
       “Sakura?” Anne broke the silence.
       “Huh?” Sakura slurred, feeling extremely weak.
       “Y-your bleeding” Sakura reached down her suit and produced some first aids. “clean the would and patch it...up...” Sakura's vision blurred. Her hearing became distant and weak.
       “Sakura? Sa ura! Sara...saaa”  The sounds around her just became a steady hum. Her eyes rolled into her head.
       Sakura lost consciousness.
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Comments: 24

DarkDarkling [2010-01-22 21:58:51 +0000 UTC]

the eve thing temperary when she gets out of the city?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CRUBAT In reply to DarkDarkling [2010-01-22 23:01:45 +0000 UTC]

dunno, ive lost my plans for the story

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DarkDarkling In reply to CRUBAT [2010-01-22 23:26:43 +0000 UTC]

ah. well im sure ya can think something like proboly something in the air in the city that effected the eve in sakura's breast and when they leave and in a fresh air inviroment the eve goes dorment

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CRUBAT In reply to DarkDarkling [2010-01-23 02:44:35 +0000 UTC]

maybe. Since this was almost a mirroring of the game, including gameplay and where you go in the very order and such, I really wouldnt know what would happen to the eve

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DarkDarkling In reply to CRUBAT [2010-01-23 02:56:48 +0000 UTC]

well take your time and think about it i mean the Eve stuff did have a different effect on her than it did on the male character from the game

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CRUBAT In reply to DarkDarkling [2010-01-23 04:28:06 +0000 UTC]

But we dont know what happened to his powers, only that he grew old and died

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DarkDarkling In reply to CRUBAT [2010-01-23 04:35:42 +0000 UTC]

well i could bring up some logic on that but it proboly woodnt be correct

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CRUBAT In reply to DarkDarkling [2010-01-23 05:05:10 +0000 UTC]

there isnt anything else to tells us about him. And it depends whether or not he harvest or saved all the little sisters too

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DarkDarkling In reply to CRUBAT [2010-01-23 22:04:29 +0000 UTC]

indeed o.o

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

R501 [2008-08-17 18:11:47 +0000 UTC]

This is getting more fun as the story goes on. Sakura's funny and hot, and Anne is cute. Good work.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CRUBAT In reply to R501 [2008-08-17 18:38:53 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HunterIce [2008-07-06 08:27:32 +0000 UTC]


is this from a game it seems like it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CRUBAT In reply to HunterIce [2008-07-07 06:25:00 +0000 UTC]

following the areas as they become available and the powers

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HunterIce In reply to CRUBAT [2008-07-07 15:08:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

redacegod350 [2008-07-03 08:21:29 +0000 UTC]

Your skills in writing a story are far beyond great Crubat But as a suggention,I would try to put some more breast growth in this story,I mean not a whole lot,but just enough to balance out the story. Because Im really liking were this is going and Im just dying to see what happens in CH.3 Keep up the great work Crubat and would you like for me to post up the othe 3 parts of this story in my next Journal entry?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CRUBAT In reply to redacegod350 [2008-07-04 05:20:08 +0000 UTC]

Dont worry. CH3 will have BE. I haffta keep the story flowing without Sakura reaching an impossible-to-move size. Plus there will be others that get BE'd besides Sakura

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

redacegod350 In reply to CRUBAT [2008-07-04 08:42:10 +0000 UTC]

Ya its no fun when the girl can't even move......and other "raises eyebrow" I like that word

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CRUBAT In reply to redacegod350 [2008-07-06 05:56:01 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LokitheOdd [2008-06-25 21:59:03 +0000 UTC]

Wow. Your action scenes were actually really good. There was a definite tense moment when the Big Daddy and Little Sister showed up.

But you have a couple of awkward spelling mistakes throughout it. Like....

Sakura could here the sloshing again.
That should be 'hear'

travel through here
It should be 'travel through her'

A Splicer was in the crap walk position,
I assume you meant 'crab walk'?

“Y-your bleeding”
That should be 'you're bleeding'

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CRUBAT In reply to LokitheOdd [2008-06-25 22:05:40 +0000 UTC]

Thanx. My word processor in Linux sux. Thank you of the error spotting

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

99Breaker [2008-06-25 02:57:04 +0000 UTC]






...o wate thur is no lazur plasmidz. lol, k then you two are on ur own bai GL! I'm gonna go hidez behind a vending machinez in the fetal position.

*Hauls ass*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CRUBAT In reply to 99Breaker [2008-06-25 05:32:12 +0000 UTC]

Rofl. Oh, thanx for the plasmid idea

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GundamNate [2008-06-24 22:57:41 +0000 UTC]

“They look like pink balloons” Anne kneeled infront of Sakura, her face inches away from the breasts.
“If only they were that light” Sakura mentally joked. Maybe in your next story Sakura and some other girls volunter to test a new BE drug the girls get BIGGER AND BIGGER but they stay very light.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CRUBAT In reply to GundamNate [2008-06-25 05:50:37 +0000 UTC]

We all know Sakura wouldnt do that . But I'm not good at that kind of writing, unlike

👍: 0 ⏩: 0