Crullercream — Pigeoncoat

#oc #pigeonkit #pigeonpaw #aftertomorrow #pigeoncoat #roleplaycharacter #warriorcatsoc
Published: 2021-01-28 15:37:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 1454; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Description [General]

Name: Pigeoncoat

Prefix Reasoning: Pigeon ;; coat color

Suffix Reasoning: Coat ;; common suffix

Nickname[s]: TBA

Previous Name[s]: Pigeonkit, Pigeonpaw

Biological Sex: Female

    Gender: Questioning

    Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 2.11 yrs [Last Updated: 09/12/22]

Joining Age: 2.5 yrs

Clan:  Thunderclan

Rank: Warrior

Heritage: [TC] x [TC]

[Physical Information]

Build: Round, burly

    Height: "12

    Weight: 9 pounds

Simple Appearance Description: Blue tabby molly with lighter legs, and a broken tail

    Breeds: Ojos Azure, Toyger, Domestic shorthair, etc

Accessories: N/A

Banned Traits: Missing limb



Protective ;; having or showing a strong wish to keep someone or something safe from harm.

Empathetic ;; showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Loyal ;; giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.


 Workaholic ;; a person who compulsively works hard and long hours.

Ambitious ;; having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.

Indifferent ;; having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned.


Aggressive ;;  Ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.

Judgmental ;; having or displaying an excessively critical point of view.

Peevish ;; easily irritated, especially by unimportant things.

Likes: Fighting, Fog, the sounds of wind

Dislikes: Crowds, Thunderstorms, Rain, Jim Mandible Moose

[Training & Skills]


Apprentice: Slatepaw

Previous Apprentice[s]:

Skill: Tree weaver

Required Stats

Strength:            (3/10)

Agility:            (5/10)

Speed:            (2/10)

Intelligence:            (6/10)

Charisma:            (0/10)

Stealth:           (4/10)

Total: 18


Father: Ravenshade

Mother: Tabbyfish

Siblings: Lakepaw

Other: N/A

 = Mixed Feelings.


= Acquaintance/Likes.
= Friend.
  = Thinks like a friend.
   = BFF  

= Close Friend.
= Best Friend. 

= Respect.
= Admires.
= Loyal to. 

= Family (blood related).
=Related (Adopted/Considered).

= Attraction.
= Infatuation.
= Crush

= Romantic Love.

= Familial/Platonic Love.

= Discomfort.
= Dislike.

= Finds Suspicious.
= Intimidated By.
= Scared of. 











Soul Item: N/A

Bonded: [Yes/No]

[Sexuality & Romance]

Sexuality: Homosexual

Romance: Homoromantic

Status: Single

    Currently Interested In: N/A

    Mate: N/A

    Past Mates/Flings: N/A






"Hurts doesn't it?"

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