crunchbite101 — rp Part 1

Published: 2015-07-21 14:12:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 700; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 6
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Description First ever PKMNation so sorry if it sucks XD me and my mate did a rp over text and we just put it together, I was Razor the tyrunt/Snivy and he is the Charmander/Riolu

My response is on the left side his the right

At the crack of dawn Pokémon around aura Valley ranch the Pokémon living here lay fast asleep. As the sun slowly rises over the Valley lighting the land I suddenly feel the warmth of the morning sun tough my face. Yawning I stand up stretching realizing everyone else still sleeping. At I look over at the rising sun my eyes wonder along the fence line separating the ranch and its inhabitants from the outside. I grin wagging my tail excitedly "today is a good day to explore"

"The sun pricked the sky over the horizon and a beam of light cutting through the morning landing on my face, I quickly sat up but upon looking around to see everyone still sleeping I decided to sneak off and explore out beyond the ranch. "

"As I get the the fence on the edge of the ranch I quickly climb up looking at the hills in front of me. Taking one final look back at the ranch I jump of the fence walking off on my adventure"

" I run through the forested hills on the outskirts of the ranch feeling the morning breeze in my fur I close my eyes for a moment to take in the sensation when suddenly I trip on a root snapping my eyes open I try to regain my footing but it's too late I tumble down the side of the hill. I reach the bottom will a decent thump face first in the dirt tail in the air I look up to have no  idea where I am any more, I slam my head back into the ground and moan."

"? I quickly look up, my feathery ears perked up hearing an unknown sound. Curious I sneak up to the top of the hill looking over it spotting a Pokémon laying in the dirt."

"I roll over looking up at the morning sky, I breathe out heavily and slowly get up and begin to dust myself off. Patting my blue fur down I knock what seems an endless pile of dirt and dust off myself"

I smile watching curiously as my tail wags from side to side "you must have had one hell of a tumble there" I call out standing on top of the hill now fully visible as the sun rises behind me

Startled I quickly regain my composure. "Ahh huuu I should see the other guy" I gesture to the empty space behind me and look left to right blushing slightly from embarrassment trying to find the source of the mysterious voice I then look up eyes squinting from the sun light.

I tilt my head looking around "u mean the dirt beat u up" I giggle as I walk down the hill so I’m not directly in front of the sun.

I scratch the back of my head and shrug my shoulders "ahhhh well u see the thing is" I slump my arms and look down flame tipped tail slightly drooping "I feel down the hill" I sigh

"Yeah I herd *laughs* just bad timing that I showed up I guess" I smile looking around "this your ranch? I hope I am not a bother"

Still blushing slightly from embarrassment I look up "yeah it is but it’s my first time being out this far" my eyes now trained on you

'"Yeah same here actually, I left my ranch this morning" I blush looking back over the hill where I came from.

"I hope u are having better luck than I am, I am Zeke by the way" I step towards u holding out my right paw

"Yeah so far I am" I smile shaking ur paw in my claws "I’m razor"

shakes your claws “nice to meet you razor that’s good to hear, so what brings you out this far so early? "

"Got sick of being cooped up in that ranch I guess" I shrug "you?"'

'"I was just out for a morning run to see what was where around the ranch when I lost concentration and fell down the hill" I reach back and pat the last of the dirt off my tail.

"Ah that’s fair enough, I’d help get rid of the dirt but...” *looks down at small t-rex arms*'

'*chuckles a little bit* "It’s all good it is all gone now anyway, so u want to do anything?” I turn back to face you and smile and waging my tail revealing a little bit of dirt still on my forehead'

I giggle to myself staring at the dot "you kinda have some on ur face" I chuckle before I nod "what is there to do around here?

I dart me eyes around trying to see where it is on my face and then use my paws to ruffle all the fur on my face leaving it all poofy " well that depends on what u like to do, just over those hills there is a waterfall that I usually train and meditate at and down the stream there is the sparing grounds and if u head north from there u get the steel garden. That’s all I really know I’m kinda new here."

'"I see" I smile wagging my feathered tail happily” they all sound awesome, what do you wanna do first?"

'"Well the waterfalls are the closest they are just a bit over that hill, wanna race there once u get over the hill u can hear where they are" I smile also wagging my tail.

"Oh you are so on" I grin stretching my back legs claws digging into the ground when I’m ready'

'"Let’s do this" I dig my clawed hind paws into the ground and lean over placing my pawns on the ground "so on the count of 3 or?"

'"Yep on 3" I nod grinning showing my pointed white teeth "prepare to loose, where u might have arms I have strong hind legs" I grin teasingly

'"Well just have to wait and see arms come in handy free running through the woods. One" I respond to your gin in kinda and look forward eyes beginning to narrow as I focus ahead'

"Didn’t stop u from falling on ur face" I grin getting ready to run "two"'

"Three" I push off from the ground arms trailing behind me'

"I laugh quickly bolting off beside u, my claws flicking up dust and grass as I run"

"I look over to you and grin as we approach the side of the hill, I then jump up rolling back and land on a large rock, I jump from rock to rock and climb up the steep part of the hill"

“I squint my eyes at u jealous before I try flap my wings as I run. I gain a little air but sadly do not fly as to not having learnt yet. I huff bolting between the rocks keeping up with u as I grin focusing of the rocks with all my might as some start to float in the air and get thrown out of my path (learns ancient power)"

As the stones began to float I watch u carefully observing every move u make then jump up and do a round off on one of the floating rocks and lands in a role and keeps running trying to catch up after losing some ground. "

I grin looking back at u as I send rocks flying back towards u as I bolt up the hill

While Jumping and flipping from rock to rock I never take eye of you observing everyone you make I then grain and begin to glow I then launch the rocks back at you using the one I'm standing on as a speed boost  (learns copycat)

My eyes widen at the sudden change of events. As I keep running I send more and more rocks flying into the ones you've thrown back. Starting to get the hang of the new moves I send larger rocks flying towards u as I reach the top of the hill spotting the waterfall in the distance

Just before a large rock crashes into the one I am ridding I leap off and flip before planting myself on the side of a tree before pushing of and landing in a roll next to you I pause for a second and let out a little grin before snap back into a sprint.

I roll my eyes chuckling as I bolt beside u raising my wings a bit smiling at the breeze. I sprint beside u quickly making my way towards the crashing sound of water in the distance

As the sound of the crashing water grows louder I quickly spin to face you I plant hind paws aswel as one of my front into the ground. I slide backwards from the shear speed we were traveling at. As I slid backwards towards the edge of a cliff I jump doing a backflip down into the mist filled canyon."

Panicked not realizing the cliff I try to stop causing me to slide along the grass. Unable to gain traction I slide off the edge of the cliff and quickly flap my wings trying to keep me in the air. Unsuccessful I slowly fall the bottom with a soft thump having slowed down my fall with my wings. Covered in dirt I grown looking up slowly before thumping my head back down on the dirt "oww.."

Standing up from the rock I landed on I quickly run towards you sliding in the dirt next to you scrambling to see if u are ok. "Are u ok?? I’m so sorry, but look we made it lets call it a draw" *tries to help you up without pulling any of your feathers*

Well technically I got down here first but sure" I chuckle and get up slowly groaning "stupid useless wings" I growl at them blushing from embarrassment

*boops your noes/beak with paw and tilts head smiling and blushing lightly* "you’ll get the hang of them soon enough"

"Heh that I doubt" *rolls eyes blushing and looks at all the dirt on me* "this will be a pain to get out of my feathers" I huff before smiling over at the waterfall

"U never know anything could happen and hey I could give u a hand with the dirt if u want, I do have paws and long arms after all" * smiles and gestures paws*

" I got a better idea" *grins cannonballing into the water the waterfall flows into causing a wave of water to splash over  u. poking my head out of the water I grin up at u

*glares at you water dripping from my fur* " I’m gonna get u for that one" I grin and jump into the shallower water next to you

I laugh swimming back using my wings as tail as fins to swim easily "suuuuure ya are" I giggle

I try to swim after you but my head falls under the water and I quickly stand back up coughing and spitting out some water. "Eh ssss, I will when we get out of the water”

I tilt my head looking at u "not a strong simmer hay Mr. Fire tail" I grin swimming easily

*blushes* "yeah I’m not supposed to really get wet, that’s why I train here so I can get stronger but it would  be nice to swim one day tho."'

"Ah I see" *nods* "you could get used to it after time, or hey even after you evolve you could find yourself more used to it" *I smile and wash all the dirt off me*

"Yeah I can hope” *I smile and rub my paws together* "sure u don’t need a paw?"'

"Nah I’m good" *I smiles and dive under the water swimming around as the dirt rubs off

"Okay" I wade over to the edge of the pool and sit on the side dangling my feet in blushing I look at the water at my feet

*I smile up at u as I swim around happily before surfacing my nostrils and eyes getting air as I smile* "hay that was some good moves back there by the way with sending those rocks back. I definitely didn’t see that coming. The cliff too" *laughs*'

*I smile and blush* "thanks, I have been trying to do it for a while but that’s the first time I pulled it off, and aww it’s all cool we both feel off cliffs today"

"Ha-ha yeah but mine was a lot bigger" *I laugh to myself*'

*shrugs * “I guess but yours was more adorable, u didn’t tumble your but into your own head"'

*blushes* "mine hurt more" *I shrug climbing out if the water shaking myself off like a dog*'

"Aww hope u are ok" *smiles and watches u dry off* "ooo watch this :3, stand back....ehhhhhh" I close my eye and scrunch up my face and tense up my body'

?*my feathered ears pop up at I look at u waiting then I stand back for you* "you can do it!

I think of the hottest thing I can and focus on the heat in my heart as the water on my fur begins to steam, I tense then release and open my eyes a slight red glow in them I breath in then out in a slight roar and explode in a burst of flame. I fall to the ground on my knees and paws puffing and panting "hhhaaa hhhaa I did it hhhhh" (learns flame burst)

!!!*panics a bit as I use my wings the blow the flames away since it starts to put the grass on fire. I keep flapping my wings till not a single flame is on the grass (learns gust). "Holy cow that was awesome!! Are you ok?" *leans down looking at u* "that was a really powerful move"

Still puffing I fall over and roll onto back *hhhhhh ahhh yeah I think so. Thanks for handling the fire" *breaths heavily*

"ah its ok man" *smiles down at u before I lay down on the scorched grass resting as I let u rest too* "it’s alright regain your strength" *I smile before looking at the burnt grass* "hmm let me try something" closing my eyes I grit my teeth focusing on the grass in my mind. As I focus harder squinting my face the grass starts to slowly turn green and flowers start sprouting before quickly blooming.  Letting out a sigh of relief as I rest my head on the soft new grass I smile "pfhew..heh did it" (learns growth)'

My eyes widen in amazement at the feat I just witnessed. "That was amazing razor" I nudge u while slowly gaining my breath

*I blush wagging my tail happily* "why thank ya ^////^" *smiles resting my head on the grass as I look at the flowers*

I wriggle closer to you and rest my head on some of your feathers "anytime" I yawn and breathe out heavily relaxing as I do

*blushes looking back at u as I yawn closing my eyes* "guess a nap can’t hurt aye, we’re not gonna get woken up by any other Pokémon here right?” *I ask starting to doze off*'

"Nah I’m the only one that trains out here we should be fine" I look back to you blushing and doze off as well

Alright" *smiles falling into a deep sleep 

                                                                                                                                         *blushes smiling and falls asleep*

2578 Words total

2401 Words that Razor is in so thats 12 levels

2449 Words that Zeke is in so thats 12 levels

Razor ref  Gains 6 levels from the art and 12 levels from the RP and learns Ancient PowerGrowth and Gust

Zeke refsheet  Gains 6 levels from the art and 12 levels from the RP and learns Copycat and Flame Burst

18 levels total each


Rp part 2I toss and turn a little bit before waking up to fund my head still buried in some of your feathers. As i go to yawn i get a mouth full of features and cough
*yawns rolling on my back scratching my belly still fast asleep wagging my tail*
*sits up and yawns stretching my paws over my head* "hey razor u awake?
"zzzz" *i smile in my sleep wagging my tail faster*
*rolls up onto your chest and boops you on the nose with my paw* "hawooo sleepy"
"nnnng" *yawns but covers my face with my wings continuing to sleep*
"Awww" leans forward and lays on your chest resting my head just below your chin "you are going to have to get up sometime"
"nuuuuuu I don’t”
*reaches up and plays with the feathers on ya neck* "yeah ya do sometime"
^\\\\\\\^ *blushes hopping up*"
*falls to the gourd as you get up* "good to see u up sleepy head"
) "well yeah u were kinda laying on me" *blushes as I yawn streching my legs and tail*
?)  "I hope you don’t mind" *blushes siting  up and playin

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