Crusher0508 — Dark Past of the Bipolar Ninja

Published: 2004-05-27 22:59:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 221; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 9
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Description The Dark Past of the
Bipolar Ninja

By Justin Borer
Co-written by Mary Coulter

Justin a.k.a. the Bipolar ninja has blonde hair and blue eyes
Weapons of choice: Either dual daggers or his Katana.

(Justin begins to regain consciousness)

(Justin sees the group of ninja from “Purple Ninja Pants” and the group consists of Mary, Bill, Caroline, Katie, Lauren and Candice, but they are all blurry)
Justin: Who are you guys and where am I?

(Justin sees one of the girls walking over to his bedside)
Mary: You’re in a hospital and I’m Mary.

(Candice and Katie introduce themselves)
Candice: Hey I’m Candice.
Katie: I’m the Takie Sedai of the Brown Ajah of the White Tower.

(Justin gets a bewildered look on his face)
Justin: Huh?

(Katie starts to chuckle nervously and she gets an embaressed look on her face)
Katie: I’m Katie.

(Pan over to Caroline and Lauren)
Caroline: I’m Caroline.
Lauren: And I’m Lauren.

(Justin laying in the bed with Mary standing next to him.)
Justin: But who is that?

(Bill hiding in the shadows)
Mary: Oh, that’s Bill.

(Justin tries to get up, but he can’t because he’s badly injured)
Justin: (Painful Groan)
Mary: Don’t get up, you’re hurt pretty badly.  Thank God we found you.

(Justin lays back down and relaxes)
Justin: What happened?
Mary: We found you beaten up in the woods.  You were still conscious, but shortly after we found you,            you passed out.  We couldn’t just leave you there.

(Justin starts to chuckle)
Mary: What?
Justin: Maybe you should have left me there.  You might have been better off.

(Then Mary smiles)
Mary: In our group no one gets left behind.  Oh, by the way, why were you  walking in the woods            all alone, with no weapons to protect yourself.

(Justin gets an absent-minded look on his face)
Justin: I can’t....remember.

(Mary starts to laugh)
Mary: That’s probably because of the big lump on your head.  You should be able to remember           soon.

(Then Mary kindly smiles)
Mary: You should get some rest.  We’ll come back and check up on you  later tonight.

(They all start to leave)
Everyone of them but Lauren: Bye, see you soon.
Lauren: Bye Grandma!!

(They leave, but Justin can hear their voices from the hallway)
Candice: Grandma??
Lauren: I don’t know I just wanted to call him Grandma. Is that a crime?

(Justin starts to laugh)

(A couple of minutes later, the lights dim in the hospital room)

(Then Justin grabs his head)
Voices in his head: (Screams) What are you?
Justin: What is going on?
Different Voices: You murderer.
Justin: I need to get out of here and clear my head.

(He tries his hardest to get up and he has a painful look on his face.
Justin: (Strained groans of pain)

(He gets up and walks over to his clothes that are sitting folded in a chair)

(View of  his upper body as he takes off his hospital clothes)

(Then he pulls on his ninja clothes, and he heads for the window.  Then he jumps out of the window)

(Pan down to the bed and there is a note on it)
The note says: Thank you guys for your hospitality, and I hope to meet you again, but right now I           need to clear my mind.

(When the group comes back to the room, they see the note on the bed and the window open)

(Justin is sprinting across the rooftops of the city)
Justin: I’ve got to find a place of solitude.

(City streets where Mary and everyone  in her group are looking for Justin)
Mary: We’ve got to find him.
Katie: He’s got to be around here somewhere.
Lauren: He couldn’t have gotten too far.
Candice: Yeah you’re right.  He was hurt pretty badly.

(Bill sitting on the roof of a nearby building)
Bill: I must give it to him.  He is very sneaky.

(Newspapers scattered on a floor about murders)
Justin: What have I done? How did I become this way?

(A dark room with a single window with moonlight shining on the newspapers and a face in the shadows)
Justin: What drove me to such anger and destruction?  I’ve got to try to remember my past.

(The face comes out of the shadows into the light and it’s Justin)
Justin: It’s the only way I can take control of my mind.

(Justin clears away the newspapers and sits in the moonlight)
Justin: I need to start remembering from the very beginning.

(A flashback of Justin as a little kid sitting at a table with his parents, a very nice, kind looking mom and an evil, demented-looking father)

(A young Justin with his mom in a garden and he is carrying a basket of flowers for his mom)
Mom: Thank you. That is very kind of you .
Justin: You’re welcome mom.  I’m just trying to be nice.

(Mom stands up and Justin sets down the basket of flowers)
Mom: Your going to make a girl very happy someday.

(Mom kisses his forehead)

(Justin gets a disgusted look on his face)
Justin: Mom stop doing that.  You’re embarassing me.

(Then he smiles)

(It cuts to the time he spends with his father.  Justin is in the armory with his father and he is teaching Justin to fight with daggers and katanas. They both are fighting with dual katanas and their blades are locked together)
Father: Look at your moves.  They’re rash without any thought of their consequences.
Justin: I don’t care; just shut up and fight.

(They jump away from each other and Justin is sweaty and mad, while his father is calm)
Father: Do you know what your problem is?
Justin: Enlighten me.

(They circle each other)
Father: You fight with your emotions.  That has always been your problem.

(Father hits Justin’s Katanas up)

(Then he lunges forward and puts one of his katana blades against Justin’s throat)
Father: Unless you can give me a decent challenge by the end of the night, you’ll have to train             every moment you are awake for the next week without water or food.

(Father pulls away)

(He falls to his knees and Father walks away)

(He looks up and for a split-second his eyes turn pure white and his hair turns pitch black, while having a sinister look on his face)

(Then he’s back to normal, looking up with an evil look on his face)

(Then a close up view of Justin with a really sad and depressed look on his face, like he is about to cry and it’s raining)

(You zoom out to see him staring at his mom getting buried as he starts to cry)

(When his mom is fully buried, he wipes away his tears and he gets an angered look on his face)
Justin in an evil voice: I’m going to find him and kill him. I’m going to kill the one who did this         to you.

(Then his father comes up behind him with an evil smile on his face, and puts his hand on Justin’s shoulder)
Father: I will train you to do it.

(Then they are back in the armory and Justin’s father, who is using one katana because Justin knocked his other across the room, is getting aggrievated because he is having a real hard time getting the upper hand over Justin, who is using a dagger and a katana, hasn’t even broken a sweat.  But then Justin thinks of his mom’s killer and he gets a very angry, almost demented look on his face.  Then Justin locks his katanas with his father’s)
Justin: You want to see weakness?  I’ll show you weakness.

(Justin pushes away and slashes at his father with his dagger.  Then with his dagger he blocks his father’s katana)
Justin: You’ve critizied me all my life; now it’s your time to pay!!!!!

(Justin’s eyes turn pure white and his hair turns jet black.  Then he gets a sinister look on his face as he yells)

(He knocks up his Father’s katana with his dagger and he swings with his katana at his father’s stomach)

(Justin is still in a lunged attack pose while his dad is holding his stomach)
Father: (Groan of pain) You’ve done it; good job, my son.

(Then his father collapses and Justin turns around and his eyes are back to normal and his hair is blonde again, while the expression on his face is a little more sympathtic and little less angry)
Justin: Goodbye, father.

(Justin then walks over to the armory wall with all of the swords on it)

(Then he puts his two daggers in their carriers on his back)

(He then goes and  picks up his katana that is still stained with the blood of his father)

(He stares at the sword for a moment, then puts it in its carrier that is on his hip)

(Finally he walks out of the armory with his father laying in the middle of the floor)

(You then see Justin kneeling on his mother’s grave)
Justin: I will not stop until I get my full revenge.

(While he is kneeling on the grave, he pulled the cloth up over his mouth and his hood over his head)

(Then he gets up and bows)

(Then he’s gone)

(You then see Justin on a high branch of a tall tree and he is looking at something in the distance)
Justin: I’ll start my hunt here.

(Behind view of  him in the tall tree looking down on a city)
Justin: This is where I’ll start my hunt for the bastard that killed my mother.  I can still            remember his face.

(A flash of the face of the man that killed his mom as he ran away laughing.)

(Justin gets a sinister look in his eyes)

(Then he jumps off the tree towards the city)

(He starts sprinting through the trees towards the city)

(When he nears the city, while in mid step, he leaps over the city’s wall)

(After landing, he looks up from his crouched position)

(He jumps up to the top of the nearest building)

(Justin looks down and observes all of the people walking on the street)
Justin (thinking to himself): I will find you.

(Then another flash of the killer’s face appears in his mind)

(Justin shakes his head as if he got a head rush)

(He gets an sinister look in his eyes)
Justin: I see you.

(He flips off of the roof)

(As he lands and he starts to run, his hair turns black and his eyes turn white)

(Then you see through Justin’s eyes as he starts to charge at a person walking on the street.  This person has the face of his mom’s killer)

(Justin starts to draw his katana)

(He then pulls his katana over his head as he screams)
Justin: YOU’RE GONNA PAY!!!!

(He swings his katana)

(The person stands there after Justin hits him)

(The person collapses and his head falls off)

(Then Justin smiles)
Justin: Now I can finally rest.  I can finally look upon the still face of my mom’s killer.

(As he turns around and looks down at the head, his hair and eyes turn back to normal)

(Justin gets a shocked look on his face)
Justin: What?  It’s not possible.

(The head isn’t one of the killers.  It is just the head of a person he hallucinated was the killer)
Justin: You’re not him.  You’re not the killer.

(Now you zoom out and the crowd of people are frightened)

(Justin, with a look of disbelief on his face)
Justin: This isn’t possible.  I swear he was here.

(Justin looks up)  

(You see him staring at the crowd of people)

(Then he does the head shake again)

(Then he gets a malicious look)
Justin: There you are!  

(As Justin lunges at the crowd his hair and eyes change again)

(Then after he hits two people in the crowd, they collapse)

(Justin stands up)

(The crowd encircles the three)

(Justin slowly looks around with an even more sinister look on his face)
Justin: Where are you?  I will find you.

(Then he is holding his katana, and he pulls out one of his daggers)
Justin: You’re mine!!

(A few minutes later, you see Justin looking down with the same evil look on his face)

(Zoom out, and you see him standing with the dead bodies of the crowd around him)

(You then see some of the dead bodies laying in the street with a trail of blood rippling and running through the cracks in the street)

(Zoom out as the blood trail runs towards Justin as he falls to his knees)
Justin: I’m sorry.

(Justin then looks down as the blood trail creates a puddle in front of him)

(He then looks at the reflection of himself in the blood and his hair and eyes are again back to normal)
Justin: I must find the one who killed my mom.  So that I never do this again.

(Then it becomes morning in the city and Justin is gone, but most of the dead bodies have flowers on their chests)

(Then Justin comes back with a handful of flowers to put on the rest of the dead bodies)
Justin: Again, I’m sorry and I swear I will find the one who drove me to this.

(Justin bows)

(Then he’s gone)

(Then there are flashes of front page newspaper clippings about mass murders that Justin caused and while these flashes are going on, you hear random people’s screams)

(After that the noises slowly fade out.  Then you see Justin standing on a hilltop staring down at a city)
Justin: I know he’s here. I can’t explain how, but I know he is.

(He then sprints down the hill towards the city’s gates)

(He charges towards the gate and the two guards who defend it.  And then in one swift strike, both guards collapse)

(Justin kicks down the city’s gate)

(He starts walking through the empty streets)
Justin: (with a raised voice) I’m going to find you and kill you for what you did and for what you            made me do!!

(Then two ninjas jump off nearby roofs and land in front of Justin)
Justin: Oh, so this is supposed to be my warm up.

(The ninjas charge)

(Justin, with little effort, lifts and cuts both of the ninjas down with a single swipe of his katana)

(Then, as if neither of them were there, Justin walks right past their dead bodies)
Justin: Come on. At least give me a challenge.

(Two minutes later you see him walking up the city’s temple steps as he puts his katana away)
Justin: Where are you ?! Don’t you want to come out and play?  I don’t think your minions liked
           my game.

(Then you see a frontal view of Justin walking up the temple steps and behind him in the background, the streets are lined with dead warriors and ninjas)

(When Justin finally reaches the temple doors, he knocks them down.)

(He sees a ninja sitting in the back of the temple)
The Ninja: So nice of you to finally join me.

(The ninja turns around and it isn’t the killer)
Justin: Who are you and where is the one who killed my mother?

(The ninja smiles)
The Ninja: He’s right here.

(The ninja transforms into a young Justin)
Justin: I didn’t kill my mother!!
Ninja as young Justin: Yeah, you’re right.  I did.

(Then he changes into his true form, the form that he killed Justin’s mom in.  The killer is dressed in his fighting outfit.  And just after he changes, he starts to draw his two katanas)

(Both of them begin to stare at one another)
Justin: Shall we get on with it?
Killer: If you’re so anxious to die, sure.

(They square off in their fighing stances and Justin still hasn’t drawn any of his weapons)
Justin: Prepare to pay a painful and terrible price for what you have done.
Killer: What, are you going to make me? You couldn’t even save your mom so how do you            expect to save yourself.

(Justin pulls out his daggers as he charges toward the killer.)
Justin: Prepare to DIE!!!

(Justin and the killer swing their swords and the initial impact knocks them apart from each other)

(But the instant they gain back their composure, they leap at each other again)

Justin begins to go on the offensive and the killer slowly retreats away from Justin’s lightning fast strikes)

(But the second that Justin lets up on the killer just the slightest bit, the killer goes on the offensive. Which makes Justin  goes on the defensive)

(The fight goes back and forth like this. Every move they do is as graceful and even more powerful than their last.  By the mere appearance, it would seem as if they were dancing.)

(Their swords then lock up as they get into a power struggle)
Killer: You disappoint me.  You’re supposed to be such an excellent swordsman.
Justin: I am.  I just wanted to toy with you before I kill you.  And now, playtime’s over.

(Justin yells and his hair and eyes change as he hits the killer’s katanas out of his hands.  The impact of the hit makes the killer stumble back against a wall)

(Justin, in one smooth, swift motion throws his daggers into the killer’s abdomen which stick him to the wall)

(The killer tries to scream out in pain, but all that comes out his mouth is blood)

(Justin charges toward him as he draws his katana.)

(As Justin nears the killer, he gets ready to swing his katana)
Killer: Wait!
Justin: What, you want me to give you your last word before I kill you.

(The Killer changes into Justin’s mom)
Mom: Would you kill me? Your own mother?
Justin: You aren’t my real mother and my mother was already killed.  By you .

(The killer then changes into Justin’s dad)
Father: Well would you kill your own father?

(Justin starts to laugh hysterically)
Father: What? What are you laughing at?

(Justin stops laughing)
Justin: I already killed him.

(Then Justin swings his katana and the killer’s head falls off)

(Justin smiles as his hair and eyes turn back to normal)
Justin: I have done it. I have gotten my revenge.  Now, I must start to become the person my            mom would have wanted me to become.

(Then you see Justin walking out of the temple and walking past all of the dead bodies in the street.  He has the killer’s katanas wrapped in a cloth that he is holding in his arms)

(Justin then goes to his mom’s grave and he sets down the katanas)
Justin: I did this for you, mother.

(As he takes kneels on the grave, he takes off his mouth cover and hood so you can see all of his face)

(He takes the katanas out of the cloth and sets them on the grave)

(Then he takes out his daggers and stabs them into the ground like stakes.  After that he takes out his katana and stabs it into the ground between the two daggers)
Justin: I’m not going to need these anymore.

(He stand up and puts his mouth cover and hood back on)
Justin: I miss you.

(Justin bowes with a tear running down his face)
Justin: Goodbye, mother.

(Then he’s gone)

(You next see Justin walking through the woods with a happy look on his face)
Justin: One part of my life is over.  I must find a new reason to live.

(Then out of nowhere five ninjas appear and surround him)
The leader of the Ninjas: You cross our paths with nothing to offer or nothing to fight with.  Big             mistake.
Justin: Please. I don’t need any weapons to beat weaklings like you.

(All of the ninjas laugh)
The leader of the Ninjas: You can try and cover it up as much as you want. We all can see that you aren’t in the mental or physical conditon to beat anyone.
Justin: Just try me!

(The ninjas get ready to attack)
The leader of the Ninjas: Big mistake.

(The ninjas charge)

(Justin dodges one ninja dagger)

(But as he does, he is hit in the back with four other daggers)

(Justin falls to his knees as he screams in pain)

(Then all five ninjas act like buzzards as they come in and pick apart Justin with slashes from their daggers.  Justin is basically left defenseless)

(Then after what seems to be an endless assult, the ninjas leave him to die)

(You see Justin laying on the ground, bloody, cut and battered)

(You then see the view of the forest through Justin’s eyes.  The image is blurry, faded and slowly a tint of red flows onto the image as Justin’s view is filled with blood.)
Justin (thinking to himself): Am I going to die here?

(Then the view becomes alittle bit darker as Justin slips in and out of consciousness)
Voice in the distance: Hey guys, what’s  that over there?
Another voice: Oh my God.

(Justin hears the footsteps of a couple of people running towards him)

(Then someone moves his head and you see a blurry image of Mary and Caroline’s faces)
Mary: What happened to you ?!?
Justin: (Groans trying to say something)
Caroline: Can you at least tell us your name?
Justin: (Strained)  Justin.

(Then everything goes black)

(You then see a zoom in of a person’s closed eyes.  The eyes open.)

(Then you zoom out and you see Justin sitting in the moonlight back in the present time.)
Justin: Now that I remember, I can truly find peace.  But, I’ll have to be alone because who             would be kind and friendly to a murderer.
Mary’s voice in his head: In our group no one gets left behind.

(Justin smiles)
Justin: I think I should go and find them.  They’re probably worried aboutme.

(Justin stands up and he jumps out of the window.)

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Comments: 67

erika18 [2004-06-23 05:25:06 +0000 UTC]

That was very morbid...but it had a cool ending. I liked it in all...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-10 23:55:57 +0000 UTC]

Morbid what does that mean I am slow I think it means dark but could you give me a better description

YAY you liked it COOL

and I like the ending but now that someone has finally read it I wam now going to work on the sequeal to it even harder

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 01:10:26 +0000 UTC]

Morbid is gory/bloody...when I'm talking about dark or sad stuff I'll say it's angsty. Yeah, I kinda think it's dark too...but it's still a really good story.

I did indeed.

The ending was definitely good. Awesome! I'll be waiting to read it.

Umm...Just a question.

...Do you happen to like vampire stories?

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-11 01:19:21 +0000 UTC]

and actually I just plan on doing the edit submissions first (my friend Bill edited my comic into two seperate edits the comedic on and the serious one I think it is so halarious )

It may take me awhile ot finis the sequel thought cuz it took me almost the whle second semester of school to complete

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Crusher0508 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 02:49:57 +0000 UTC]

HEHEHE yeah here is a taste of his edit (ok think to the part of the story where Justin is just reached the city temple near the end of the story )

(After that the noises slowly fade out. Then you see Justin standing on a hilltop staring down at a city)
Justin: I know he’s here. I can’t explain how, but I know he is.

(He then sprints down the hill towards the city’s gates, but trips )

(He charges towards the gate and the two guards who defend it. And then in one swift strike, both guards collapse) of course becuase the emotioinally unstable one is also a god ninja

(Justin kicks down the city’s gatewith is 3rd leg lol)

(He starts walking through the empty streets)
Justin: (with a raised voice) I’m going to find you and kill you for what you did and for what you made me do!!

(Then two ninjas jump off nearby roofs and land in front of Justin) They're school Bullies
Justin: Oh, so this is supposed to be my warm up.

(The ninjas charge)

(Justin, with little effort, lifts and cuts both of the ninjas down with a single swipe of his katana)

(Then, as if neither of them were there, Justin walks right past their dead bodies)
Justin: Come on. At least give me a challenge. Like Cheerleaders with Pom Poms

(Two minutes later you see him walking up the city’s temple steps as he puts his katana away)
Justin: Where are you ?! Don’t you want to come out and play? I don’t think your lackeys liked
my game.

(Then you see a frontal view of Justin walking up the temple steps and behind him in the background, the streets are lined with dead warriors and ninjas)

(When Justin finally reaches the temple doors, he letargecally srtuggles to open one of tehm

He is so funny

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 02:18:18 +0000 UTC]

I see...^_^

It's not a problem, 'cause I know what it's like being a writer with people nagging you, so I've learned sympathetic patience. >_< Geez...I REALLY know the feeling...*Sighs tiredly * I have some to work on right NOW for that matter...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-11 02:50:24 +0000 UTC]

HEHEHE yeah here is a taste of his edit (ok think to the part of the story where Justin is just reached the city temple near the end of the story )

(After that the noises slowly fade out. Then you see Justin standing on a hilltop staring down at a city)
Justin: I know he’s here. I can’t explain how, but I know he is.

(He then sprints down the hill towards the city’s gates, but trips )

(He charges towards the gate and the two guards who defend it. And then in one swift strike, both guards collapse) of course becuase the emotioinally unstable one is also a god ninja

(Justin kicks down the city’s gatewith is 3rd leg lol)

(He starts walking through the empty streets)
Justin: (with a raised voice) I’m going to find you and kill you for what you did and for what you made me do!!

(Then two ninjas jump off nearby roofs and land in front of Justin) They're school Bullies
Justin: Oh, so this is supposed to be my warm up.

(The ninjas charge)

(Justin, with little effort, lifts and cuts both of the ninjas down with a single swipe of his katana)

(Then, as if neither of them were there, Justin walks right past their dead bodies)
Justin: Come on. At least give me a challenge. Like Cheerleaders with Pom Poms

(Two minutes later you see him walking up the city’s temple steps as he puts his katana away)
Justin: Where are you ?! Don’t you want to come out and play? I don’t think your lackeys liked
my game.

(Then you see a frontal view of Justin walking up the temple steps and behind him in the background, the streets are lined with dead warriors and ninjas)

(When Justin finally reaches the temple doors, he letargecally srtuggles to open one of tehm

He is so funny

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 04:14:02 +0000 UTC]

^_^ Hehehehe...Too cool! I loved it! Thx. I'll post that story soon btw.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-11 15:40:44 +0000 UTC]

COOL I can't wait to read it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 18:19:06 +0000 UTC]

And I can't wait to post it! I just keep taking so dang LONG...>_< I MUST do it TODAY.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-11 19:22:38 +0000 UTC]

I have it printed out and I will readit later today

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 19:24:09 +0000 UTC]

Awesome. ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 19:23:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-12 00:03:18 +0000 UTC]

Don'yt worry I will comment on lit later if not tommorrow it is really short

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-13 02:08:48 +0000 UTC]

Okay, and yeah. I meant for it to be short. The other "chapters" are a LOT longer then that. It's only intros for this one.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-13 03:25:39 +0000 UTC]

I can't wait

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-14 03:37:29 +0000 UTC]

O_O I just posted it...But I think the freakin' thing didn't RECOGNIZE IT! AHHHH! Cross your fingers because I do NOT want to put that back through AGAIN...-_-

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-14 03:41:11 +0000 UTC]

it sent but doesn't it go prologue to Chapter 1 and then Chapter 2

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-11 01:14:35 +0000 UTC]

I cna stand thenm UI t really all depends on the overall thing if I like it like Van Helsing Was an awesome movie and it had alot of vampires in it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 02:13:09 +0000 UTC]

^_^;; Well...In my own personal opinion I'm a sucky writer...But I'm writing one myself.

(Once again, a fanfiction. And strangly enough, it's YGO. But you don't even have to watch the show to understand it because it's alternate universe. The only thing the same is the that original characters are put into play.)

Ummm...You might like it though...*Nods * Actually, I'm pretty sure you would...

Sarah: If it has ME in it, EVERYONE will like it...

Erika: -_- You are such a ham, you know that?


Erika: ...-_- Anyway, most of my readers liked it...so...Maybe I could post the prologue and see if you like it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-11 02:16:00 +0000 UTC]

Wait was that the same person hat said you like to tell guys they are cute

But I will gladly read it just post it and I will read it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 02:20:59 +0000 UTC]

Yeah she was. Meet Sarah! My own character and kind of like my alter ego. (Even though she's supposed to be like me.)

Sarah: Nice ta meet ya! I'm not exactly nice to my creator, but I'm really just playing.

I actually ADORE her...


Erika: Guilty...

Sarah: Grr...

Erika: The story is called "Crimson shadows" okay?

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Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-11 03:05:44 +0000 UTC]

well maybe my alter ego the Bipolar Ninja could get to gether some time Just please don't agitat him I don't want him to hurt your alter ego unless you want ti to happen but when I get my Katana which I hope is soon then when my alter ego gets out I better make sure my Katana is in timed safe so that he can't get ahould of it or you may see a mass murder itn parma JK


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 04:08:04 +0000 UTC]

You wanna know something ironic? Both our alter egos are ninjas. Sarah isn't in the vampire story, but she's a ninja in her original story. Her favorite weapon is her katana. O_O Weird...

I won't agitiate him...I'm used to being around very touchy characters...Like Hiei jaganshi...he hates everyone...

But Sarah DOES get on my nerves...

Sarah: Ehehehe... *Chuckling nervously *

Yes...Great fun.

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Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-11 04:14:03 +0000 UTC]

Yes that is very funny but it is kinda predictable when Katansa ARE one of the collest weaopos ever created and ninjas are just so dang cool

Just say the word and my alter ego will go on a relentless rampage after your alter ego really it's no problem at all

and message to sarah I would watch you back if you start to aggrivate my friend again cuz you will never know where the Bipolar Ninja wil strike next I Have control of The Bipolar Ninja and I can let him go after you if you make fun of my friends cuz I don't like people who make fun of my friends So watch your self

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 04:17:49 +0000 UTC]

^_^ Really! NINJAS ROCK!


Erika: ...-_- You're a ninja too moron...

Sarah: O_o Oh yeah...But...He's SCARY! He can KILL people...

Erika: You REALLY are losing it...you can TOO. -_-

Sarah: But...but...but...I don't. I be good. I be good! *Begs you for mercy * I can be REALLY good...

Erika: ^_^ Thank you! Yep...really funny...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-11 16:05:51 +0000 UTC]

YES NINJAs do rock

Me: No problem

BPN: HEHEHEHEHE watch your back I will be watching you

ME; Dude could you kinda layoff. if you don't I think taht you won't have a back too watch you'll scare her to death and you don't want that do you ?


ME: you little. you do don't you

BPN: Maybe maybe not HEHEHEHEHEHE

Me: But if you do tha tthen you won't have somthing to kill with your katana.

BPN: You have a good point. DARnit I hat it when you are right

ME: HEHEHEHEHEHEHE I love doing that you

BPN: stop it or I will kill you

ME: HEHEHEHEHE just try me I can easily just hide your katana away and then you will be just as defensless when those Cheerleaders beat the crap out of you with their pom poms

BPN: Hey I told you not to tell that to anyone

ME: Then keep your mouth shut and let me do the talking

BPN: ok fine

Good Ninja

OK now that he is gone I must tell you something but not you Sarah so but out ( if sarah makes fun of him he will get pissed so don't stop her from making gfun of him and then she will be sacred out of her mind and she will probably be looking over her sholder every where she goes )

ok noew tha tthat is finished I was wondering if you could put me and/or the BPN in your story some how

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Crusher0508 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 20:11:51 +0000 UTC]


ME: (holding Katana) no man I will not let you kill her you can scare her but I will not let you kill her

BPN: but she just made fun of me

ME: I know but if she wasn't as stupid as she seems she would have noticed that the only reason why you got beaten by those cheerleaers was becuase of the fact you had no weapons. and alos cuz those Cheerleader we fast and you yourself knew that they had daggers inside of their pompoms. Plus I don't know why bu tI swore thos Cheerleaders were guys and they were really fasyt and strong weather they were girls or not so don't ffeel to bad.

BPN: Ok man fine but still if she does it again she is going down

ME: dude I will give ou the katana if she makes fun of you again. but dude I knwo tha tyou are insanely deadly with your katana but I never took away your daggers

BPN: HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE tha tis right loting:

Oh well thatnks for the protection from him but I have him under control. I to am a mean swordsmen so if I have the katana he will not even go near me


ME: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOUT. *looks at what BPN is looking at* OMG he is looking at Vampire sarah I think he thinks she is cute good Greif *shakes head in DisBeleif*

That would be so cool and then the BPN could be like Auron to Sarah but a litle meaner he could be really tuogh on her and teach her respect. but he still would only be tough on her cuz he wants her to learn he has to be like Auron he has to expecially the HUGE katana part

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-11 18:07:02 +0000 UTC]

Sarah: Ooh....I'm shaking in my ninja sandles...

Erika: ...Since when did you get so...brave?

Sarah: -_- I was ALWAYS brave...I just didn't know about the cheerleading thing till now! And now I'm in the mood to taunt someone...

Erika: ...You DO realize that's a bad thing right?

Sarah: Err...But...

Erika: And without my help...you're doomed.

Sarah: Am NOT!

Erika: REALLY?

Sarah: Yes!

Vampire Sarah: 'Fraid so. She thinks that I can help her...

Sarah: Wadda ya mean THINKS?

Vampire Sarah: I may be the vampire version of you, but I'm actually (Strangely) nicer to Erika.

Sarah: Er...But I protect erika!

Erika: ...*Raises eyebrow * Not HERE you don't...AND you're mean.

Sarah: ...Okay...Maybe I became a little evil when I came here...But it's FUN!

Erika: Oh and ninja? If you kill your creator, you're instantly dead. Because you don't exist without him. So THERE!

*Has hoard of cheerleaders waiting hungrily *

Erika: You don't hurt my FRIEND! MUWAHAHAHA!

Sarah: I still think it's funny...he got the crap beat out of him from a bunch of pom-pom toting girly-girls...

Erika: I REALLY wouldn't taunt him if I were you. Ninjas are scary when you insult their honor or power...I should know too.

Sarah: But it's so freakin' FUNNY!

Erika: -_- I warned you...Now let me talk or I'll write angst about you.


Erika: Now that she's out of the way, O_O Really? You want to join? ...Well, Actually...That sounds like an awesome idea.

*Bites lip * one problem..."crimson shadows" is Sarah's vampire story (In other words...ninja free.) and the other story were she IS a ninja (called "The Dueling Angel")
is a little bit difficult to fit stuff into...I could still try because she has to fight some people out of the black ninja clan. But they're all supposed to get their butts kicked...hehehe...

You see, Sarah is a part of the white ninja clan and then her clans rivals are the black ninjas.

^_^ It has a bit more history then that, but I won't go into detail. The black ninjas show up every once and a while and Sarah DOES make a few hopsital trips, but mostly she doesn't get very hurt.

But in the end she takes a rather nasty blow to save the guy she falls in love with. (Sappy...REALLY sappy...but my readers love that kind of stuff...And...I kinda do to...)

Anyway, it'd actually be better if I wrote a new story...Kind of like...! OMG! I HAVE THE PERFECT IDEA!

It's perfect! ^_^

...I never go into detail in my story about what happened while sarah trained to be a ninja! Hehehehe...I could write about that and add your ninja! He could be one of the students/masters there. (Or whatever...)

Have any ideas?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-11 20:12:22 +0000 UTC]


ME: (holding Katana) no man I will not let you kill her you can scare her but I will not let you kill her

BPN: but she just made fun of me

ME: I know but if she wasn't as stupid as she seems she would have noticed that the only reason why you got beaten by those cheerleaers was becuase of the fact you had no weapons. and alos cuz those Cheerleader we fast and you yourself knew that they had daggers inside of their pompoms. Plus I don't know why bu tI swore thos Cheerleaders were guys and they were really fasyt and strong weather they were girls or not so don't ffeel to bad.

BPN: Ok man fine but still if she does it again she is going down

ME: dude I will give ou the katana if she makes fun of you again. but dude I knwo tha tyou are insanely deadly with your katana but I never took away your daggers

BPN: HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE tha tis right loting:

Oh well thatnks for the protection from him but I have him under control. I to am a mean swordsmen so if I have the katana he will not even go near me


ME: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOUT. *looks at what BPN is looking at* OMG he is looking at Vampire sarah I think he thinks she is cute good Greif *shakes head in DisBeleif*

That would be so cool and then the BPN could be like Auron to Sarah but a litle meaner he could be really tuogh on her and teach her respect. but he still would only be tough on her cuz he wants her to learn he has to be like Auron he has to expecially the HUGE katana part

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Crusher0508 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-13 04:11:21 +0000 UTC]

yes I agree

well maybe if you aren't nicer she could just kill you again

BPN: no dude let me do it PLEASE

ME: only if Erika wants you to do it but not any other time so Be good Sarah also why did you make it so dang sugery

BPN She is such a whiner I think it would help us all oi fI put her out of her misery. but I guess it is to much fun watching her squirm when I come near. I LOVE MY DAGGERS THEY ARE SO MUCH FUN

ME: dude you are so weird and peopel wonder why I like you so much

*bakura tries to run out of the room*
*he opens the door and then through a shadow shoots a Katana right across his throat*
BPN: I Would give that up if I were you

Bakura: ok sorry *hands over photo*

BPN: good boy *pulls away katana and boots him out the door as he rips up the picture*

ME: see that is what I like about him he can have a purpose to some of his objectives. WAIT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING

*BPN scoches closer and closer to Vampire Sarah and he blushes just before he pecks her on the cheek*

ME: MG: what are you doing:

*BPN looks away in embarrasement*

ME: OMG I don't think I will every understand you completely.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-13 02:35:12 +0000 UTC]

Erika: Goodie. Because I can't finish the story without her.

Sarah: @_@ Dang...so THAT'S why he was beaten by the cheerleaders... I be good. I be REALLY good. I swear it. No more meanieness.

Erika: ...even though sometimes I feel like taking something to Sarah and whacking her, I'm afraid that she shouldn't for good.

Sarah: Note the "For good", as in I've died b4. >_< Which is WHY I have just a SLIGHT grudge against my creator.


Sarah: ...I know...But...It's not fair...*Sniff *

Erika: -_- You're a ninja. And you're crying over something you got a GOOD deal out of?

Sarah: Hehehehe...

Erika: Sympathy monger...

Sarah: *Opens mouth *

BPN: *Sticks dagger at throat *

Sarah: *Closes mouth *

BPN: *Removes dagger *


Vampire Sarah: O_O ...you're not so bad yourself...*Blushes the color of blood *

Erika: Okay...This is about the most interesting thing I've ever seen. A ninja and a vampire BOTH blushing in the same room! *Takes picture * BLACKMAIL! WEE!

Bakura: I'LL BE TAKING THAT! *Swipes * Now I can update my blackmail website! MUWAHAHAHAHA!


Erika: oops?

...I like that idea. I like it even better then mine. Muwahahaha...I like it a LOT. Huge Katana huh? ...This is shaping up to be an interesting story...I'll try my best to write it well.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-13 04:16:21 +0000 UTC]

yes I agree

well maybe if you aren't nicer she could just kill you again

BPN: no dude let me do it PLEASE

ME: only if Erika wants you to do it but not any other time so Be good Sarah also why did you make it so dang sugery

BPN She is such a whiner I think it would help us all oi fI put her out of her misery. but I guess it is to much fun watching her squirm when I come near. I LOVE MY DAGGERS THEY ARE SO MUCH FUN

ME: dude you are so weird and peopel wonder why I like you so much

*bakura tries to run out of the room*
*he opens the door and then through a shadow shoots a Katana right across his throat*
BPN: I Would give that up if I were you

Bakura: ok sorry *hands over photo*

BPN: good boy *pulls away katana and boots him out the door as he rips up the picture*

ME: see that is what I like about him he can have a purpose to some of his objectives. WAIT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING

*BPN scoches closer and closer to Vampire Sarah and he blushes just before he pecks her on the cheek*

ME: what are you doing

*BPN blushes even more as he looks away in embarrasement*

ME: OMG I don't think I will every understand you completely. *bows head in shame and shakes head in disbelief*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-14 01:25:51 +0000 UTC]

Normal Sarah: *Appears again * I'm nice okay? I'm just NOT nice when I'm mad at people who call me names that are NEVER to be used by another soul under pain of death.

Mean Sarah: I'm just evil cause I wanna be. ^_^ Muwahahaha...Wait! You think you can actually KILL me? Hehehhee...ahahahaha....harr harr harr...tee hee hee...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH! I AM PURE EVIL INCARNATE! I CANNOT BE KILLED!

Sarah: -_- *Sticks katana in her chest *

Mean Sarah: *Regenerates * ...O_O I stand corrected.

Sarah: Yes you do.

Mean Sarah: ...Must...Find...cheer leaders...!

Normal Sarah: Watching WHO squirm ninja boy? -_- I believe this is too confusing.

Erika: ^_^ PERFECT! Just like my mind!

Vampire Sarah: I have a suggestion. Call me "V. Sarah" call normal human ninja sarah just "Sarah" and call Mean sarah..."M. Sarah"

Erika: *Stares *

V. Sarah: It works OKAY?

Erika: ...Okay.

V. Sarah: Nice work...A katana at the throat is really...persuasive eh?

Erika: O_O I'll say...

V. Sarah: So will---*Is cut off * ...umm...

Erika: That's hilarious...heehee...I won't take pictures this time. *Pouts * Not after mr.Bakura came in. (Not that he'd DARE do it again...but just to be safe...)



Erika: Don't push it. And yeah. I'll never understand ANY of them.

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Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-14 01:49:01 +0000 UTC]

BPN: M. SARAH WILL YOU SHUT YOU PIE HOLE CUZ I HAVE NOT TOLD YOU ABOUT WHEN THE MAN WHO KILLED MY MOTHER, I KILLED HIM or so I thought but then I eventually i did kill him AFTER HE HAS BEEN REICANATED and he said he could never be killed either and I killed him also I still remember how to do it so shut it
Also if you haven't remembered I got beaten by those cheerleaders when I had no weapns and right now thanks to Justin I have my Katana and my 2 daggers so don't push it
Oh I was having fun making the old mean sarah squirm irt was so much fun entertainment
Shut up I have feelings to you know. ok I like V. Sarah do you have a problem with that and if you do M. Sarah I don't think that Erica now that she has her 2 other sarah's I don't think she will miss you so if you don't shove it where the sun don't shine I will stick your head where the sun can't shine 6 FEET UNDER THE EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *pants to get anger out*

ME: See that is what I really like about him over me he takes his anger out on the right people and then once the anger is out he will go back to his normal self.

Me: So dude do you really like V. Sarah.

BPN: YEAH why do you have a problem with that to

ME: no man you know I am the hopeless romantic of us 2 so I am happy for you man go for it

BPN: ok thanks man.

*moves over to V. Sarah*

BPN so you liked it when I ripped up the picture. I really love threating people and I found out that people do what I want them to do whatn I put my katana to their throat I don't know why but they are *FLIRTING MAJORLY*

M. SARAH: HEHEHEHE you guys are so stupid looking together I should break you up right now.
* I jump across the room and put my katana across M. Sarah's throat*
ME: If you haven't know I was the one who taguht him how to do this and if you EVER think of Breaking up LOVE EVER again I will kill you myself got that . He is lucky to have found someone and one of your creators alter egos have found some one so either be happy for them shut up ofr just choose to die right here right now

ME: maybe i can take out my aggressions on the right person after all

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Crusher0508 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-14 02:35:07 +0000 UTC]

BPN: V. Sarah I love you even more now s her
Hey wait you got some blood left right there
*BPN licks some blood off of the corner of her mouth *

Me: this is starting to turn into our own little love story isn't it

*BPN kisses V. Sarah again and again as he pulls out his daggers and throws them at M. Sarah's mouth to pin it shut*
BPN: just to let you know I can be perswasive in many other ways

BPN what I know I am but it is true

ME MG that was so nasty man
BPN: I know *turns back to kissing V. Sarah*
BPN: we are already in one
ME: shut up man.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-14 02:21:42 +0000 UTC]

M. Sarah: …*Shuts very large mouth *

Sarah: It’s a miracle!

M. Sarah: …Scratch that…Must find evil cheerleaders when you are DISARMED…

Sarah: Thank you for telling me.

V. Sarah: :Blush:

M. Sarah: The sun doesn’t shine in my closet…will that work? Or do you have enough space in your brain…? You know…that large gap between your ears? Seems like it.

Erika: Oh my dear God…She’s done it now…She hasn’t just TAUNTED him…She flat out INSULTED him.

V. Sarah: ^_^ Would you allow ME the pleasure of dealing with her? I’m kind of hungry like I said before.

BPN: Hn. Ladies first…

V. Sarah: Why thank you…*Grins evilly * I’ve got to warn you though, I’m a messy eater when I’m angry.

M. Sarah: O_________________O Umm…

V. Sarah: You have three seconds because I like the occasional chase. It allows my victims to realize their full doom. And it’s fun.

M. Sarah:

V.Sarah: …Three. *Uses vampire speed *

M. Sarah: *Bumps into her *

V. Sarah: Man…What took you so long? Slow poke. *Grabs her by the neck * What a nice neck you have there…pity…it won’t be when I’m done with it. *Bites *

You: *Hears various biting, ripping, screaming, dripping noises *

Erika: -_- For goodness sake…Use a NAPKIN!

V. Sarah: I was going to lick it off…*Pouts *

Sarah: …That is so gross. Yet strangely cool…

V. Sarah: Whatever the heck is left of her is yours BPN.

Erika: This could be a problem.

Sarah: …? Why? So BPN likes V. Sarah. Big deal!

Erika: -_- V. Sarah is supposed to…fall in love with the guy in HER story…

Sarah: -_- You can create SO many versions of me and you can’t solve this problem? Have one V. Sarah in there and another V. Sarah here! Problem solved.

Erika: Use a copy for the story? …

Sarah: No, it wouldn’t be a copy because all the version of me are apparently their own people. And they’d both be EXACTLY alike.

Erika: Works for me…

V. Sarah: So…Lemme get this strait…one of me here, and another ENTIRELY different one of me there…but we’re exactly the same…?

Erika: Yup.

V. Sarah: As long as I get to stay here, I’m cool with it. :Blush: Yeah, it was really cool BPN. Really…? Huh…I guess you really are just a persuasive guy. ^_^

M. Sarah: (This is physically impossible since she no longer has a THROAT, but…) The katana helps…-_-

Erika: I… would agree. You can take ‘em out on the right person indeed. I’m off to post…After a few more messages that is…

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-14 02:35:26 +0000 UTC]

BPN: V. Sarah I love you even more now s her
Hey wait you got some blood left right there
*BPN licks some blood off of the corner of her mouth *

Me: this is starting to turn into our own little love story isn't it

*BPN kisses V. Sarah again and again as he pulls out his daggers and throws them at M. Sarah's mouth to pin it shut*
BPN: just to let you know I can be perswasive in many other ways

BPN what I know I am but it is true

ME MG that was so nasty man
BPN: I know *turns back to kissing V. Sarah*
BPN: we are already in one
ME: shut up man.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-14 02:54:32 +0000 UTC]

V. Sarah: ‘s him.

Erika: Yup.

M. Sarah: Murph! OWWW!

V.Sarah: You taste good.

Erika: You are so strange…-_-

V. Sarah: But he DOES…^_^

Erika: Yeah, but keep it to yourself. AHH! BPN, YOU PERVERT!

V. Sarah: Oh…well…Hmm…I think I would like to…get to know you better. *Winks suggestively *

Erika: @_@ My character has turned into a pervert. -_- Nothing good can come of this…Well then get a DIFFERENT room!

V. Sarah: But I LIKE this one…

Erika: This is so wrong…This is…so…wrong. -_-

Sarah: …I bet V. Sarah would probably say “And yet it feels so RIGHT…” if her mouth wasn’t full…

Erika: O_O Either you’re reading her mind, or you’re worse then SHE is…

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-14 03:14:33 +0000 UTC]

ME: hey guys do you hear that.

Everyone besides M. Sarah for obvious reasons :what

ME: nothing isn't it wonderful
*everyone laughs and then goes back to what they were doing*
M. SARAH: mumbles incoherently but you can tell it is out of anger

BPN: really? I taste good well I make sure to keep my body fresh inside and out
what I can be a pervert if I want to *goes back to kissing V. Sarah*

BPN: Well then LETS get to know each other much better *winks even more suggestively*

ME : ok you sickos if you guys are going to do taht get ANOTEHER ROOM

BPN: fine you guys would enjoy the show to much

ME: *turns around ready to heave*

V. Sarah: well I have to say Sarah is bad but she is telling the turht it is so wrong yet it feels SO DANG RIGHT *as she moans licks her lips and goes back to licking up the blood off of BPNS neck*

ME: OK BPN you 2 get a room NOW or I will stop your blood flow and then you BPN will die and you V Sarah will lose the sweetest blood you have ever tasted. Wait did I just say that about BPN

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-15 02:20:04 +0000 UTC]

Erika: Nope...What? I see...It is wonderful.

M. Sarah: Grr....

V. Sarah: ^_^ Yeah...

Erika: BPN is SUCH a PERVERT. -_- He's almost as bad as miroku from Inuyasha...but at least he doesn't grab girls in certain...places...>_<

...REALLY. If you're going to do that, then for the love of humanity and small children...GET A DIFFERENT ROOM!

V. Sarah:

Erika: *Gags * *cough*majorsicko*cough*

...Really V. sarah...Use a NAPKIN!

V. sarah: Yes...yes you did justin. And alright...We'll get a room...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-15 02:45:10 +0000 UTC]

yes it is so much bliss
with so little noise

BPN: wait who say I don't grab girls in certian places and who says I haven't *winks at V. Sarah*
plus who needs a napkin when you have your tongue


BPN: fine *as he turns and passionatly kisses V. Sarah on the lips*

ME : I said NOW

*BPN and V. sarah leave the room*

ME: aslong as they stay out of my bed I am fine with it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-15 21:48:32 +0000 UTC]

^_^ silence is bliss…

Erika: …*Glares poison tipped daggers on fire at BPN * You’re WORSE then Miroku…-_-

Agreed. LEAVE. THE. FREAKIN’. ROOM. -_- I’m not old enough to watch this kinda thing. My MOM ain’t old enough to watch this kinda thing for cryin’ out loud! And she’s over 24 years older then me!

*chuckle * I guess so…

V. Sarah: Okies…


V. Sarah: *Pouts *

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Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-16 00:52:29 +0000 UTC]


BPN: but hey who said that she doesn't like it V. Sarah diod you say you don't like it I never heard it


BPN: don't worry we will find somewhere

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-17 01:12:13 +0000 UTC]


V. Sarah: I don't particularly remember that myself either...^_^

Erika: *Rolls eyes * I bet you will find some place BPN. ...Wait...where's Sarah?

Sarah: I was having some happy water!

Erika: O_O Oh no...Happy water?

Sarah: Yup...Someone gave it to me in this BIG blue glass and I was real thirsty... *rolls on the floor in laughter *

Erika: @_@ Sarah...how many glasses of happy water did you HAVE?

Sarah: ...15...why are you choking on air? *cocks head *

Erika: -_- V. sarah! Can you carry Sarah back to her room?

V. Sarah: What happened?

Erika: She...had some...happy water.

V. Sarah: O_O You'd think she'd be more careful about what she drinks...

Erika: One of her buddies gave it to her...-_- Sarah! Never drink happy water again!

Sarah: But I LIKE the happy water...

Erika: *Shakes head in disblief * You won't when you wake up...*Sighs * nutcase...

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Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-17 01:24:46 +0000 UTC]

BPN: don't worry I will take her *picks Sarah up on his shoulders and carries her to her room* (you hear BPN in teh distance) hey can you get me some of tha happy water

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erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-17 01:32:01 +0000 UTC]

Sarah: *Hiccup * Sure. I got an extra glass...I mean gallon...*hiccup * Erika would be mad...but here ya go. *Hands him huge bottle of happy water *

Erika: Don't even THINK about it buster! -_- I don't need another drunk person here.

Sarah: @_@ I'm *hiccup * DRUNK?!?!?! Oh man...>_< I can't believe I did something so *hiccup * stupid! ...I want some MORE!

Erika: -_- *Sigh *Yup...She's still drunk...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-17 03:03:59 +0000 UTC]

BPN looks away and takes a sip
*runs up and down the wall literally and he eventually crashes face first into the ground and doesn't move for about 5 mins.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

erika18 In reply to Crusher0508 [2004-07-17 18:48:19 +0000 UTC]

Erika: -_- I TOLD you not to drink the happy water! But did you listen? Nuuuuuuuu....No one listens to me...-_-

Sarah: I'm sober now...-_- Thank heaven I have poison resistance. It helps me to heal from intoxication quickly, but MAN...It doesn't help hangovers!
Oww...Headache. Wait...Did I give anyone else happy water?

Erika: ...BPN.

Sarah: O_O Dear Lord...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Crusher0508 In reply to erika18 [2004-07-17 22:21:15 +0000 UTC]

*BPN still laying on the floor completely motionless*

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