Crystaldemon93 — The Devourers

Published: 2011-12-08 18:38:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 2411; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 9
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Description DEVOURERS

Family: Geodaemon(Earth Demon);
Name: Amalgaspinus Genoraptor;
Element: Water;
Sin: Gluttony;


Land Fish- Devourers are amphibious, and can live both on earth and in water. Given that they are usually first birthed from land-dwelling beings, it is unknown if they already possess lungs or inherit them by their hosts, sure is that they possess natural gills from the start of the mutation;

Deep Fish Teeth- Devourers's teeth are long and needle-like, able to land nasty bites;

Regeneration- Devourers can regenerate from even monstrous wounds, even if slowly, and are not really sensible to pain. Each time one of them is wounded, the cut will copiusly spill black blood all around, augmenting the danger of infection, and in some cases, the wound will sprout black tentacle-veins or even random limbs from previously absorbed prey that will latch on the attacker, beginning absorption. This fact, combined with the slow regeneration, will make the creature literally a mess should a fight be really long. The powerful regeneration even allows them to reform from a single cell, even if it takes Much time to do so and also they go back to their 1° stage;

Infection- Each part of the creatures, no matter which one, that successfully penetrates another being's skin contaminates the foe with Levias's curse. Should someone survive an encounter with a Devourer, they'll find themselves badly ill, showing complications such as high fever, extreme cold, and pains in various parts that augment with time. They're consumed by a need to feed, given that the more they eat, thefastest the curse develops. A scratch takes more time to take over a host, while direct exposure to Devourer's blood accellerate the curse greatly, however, the result is still the same: the host dies with unbearable pain, and barely within days after demise the body will burst alive, the curse successfully creating a new Devourer;

Biomass Absorption- Devourers have the ability to absorb any other lifeform, thus gaining biomass for themselves. Absorption is a rather grossy procedure, and takes place in three ways, the most used of which is swallowing entirely the prey. However, should the Devourer be in sadistic mood or just wanting to enjoy the meal, all it'll have to do is make direct contact with its prey for a time that varies with the latter's nature. Contact may be effectued by directly applying any of the Devourer's body parts on the prey, or at a distance, releasing the black veins like tentacles to envelop the prey then beginning the process. It's a procedure similar to the digestion act, with the horrorific difference that one can see the body of the prey grothesquely and painfully slowly attach and become one with the Devourer's hide. After absorption, the Devourer adds the prey's biomass to its own, and also gain its magical and some physical abilities, as well as its memories. Often, Devourers's skin is covered in the faces of their prey, still alive and fully conscious, who screams and moans in pain and horror. It is unknown if there is any difference for them in absorbing deceased creatures instead of fully living beings;

Evolution- Once it gathers enought biomass, a Devourer withstands a new, terrifying mutation, it's body undergoing horrible tremors and growing in size and power. As the monster grows, it's body briefly seems to go nuts, beginning to sprout tentacles, maws and other parts at random, before slowly coming back together at their best to form the new body. This transformation takes place once a stage 1 has gathered enought mass to evolve to a stage 2, and when stage 2 goes 3. Stages 3, once gathered enought biomass, do not evolve further, but they rather divide in two, thus creating another Devourer. This process, however, means the Devourer has to give it's other half part of it's biomass and absorbed bodies, thus losing much of its power. The sheer shock and extreme pain are such that most can't withstand this loss, and both parts regress back to 2° or even 1° stage;

Stored Abilities- Devourers store inside their body most of the powers the creatures they absorbed possessed, and can use them freely. Eventually, they can grow parts of absorbed creature's anathomy, like claws, hands, feet and maws, to use at their liking. When a Devourer experiences high levels of stress or extreme pain, it will loose control on it's body, mutating uncontrollabily and horribly;

Mental prowess- All Geodaemons are psychic in one way or another; Devourers are no different. They possess some telekinetic and telepathic powers, but their greatest strengs are the Psychic Wave and the Psychic shield. Devourers are built up by countless bodyes and minds, all of them active. The sheer number and difference of them all in one body makes any effort to psychically affect the creature simply useless, and the combined mental energy of them all can be unleashed by the creature in a devastating wave of thoughts, able to make enemies faint when weak, but utterly burning their minds when enought lives have been harvested;


Pyrophobia- Fire utterly annhilates their cells, so Devourers keep well-away from flames. Fire-based creatures are registeres as the only creatures nearly completely immune from Devourer's infection. This also caused severe rivalry between Devourers and Destroyers;

No Bros- When two Devourers encounter, they will viciously fight to absorb one-another. Strange thing among Geodaemon family, whose hive-like society is well-known. Even stranger is that a Devourer's favourite prey is...another Devourer. This is theorized to happen simply for the fact that another Devourer has at least the biomass of five creatures inside it, so that's a pay-one-take-five offer it can't refuse. Others suggest that this was part of Levias's plan: the hunger of her brood for one-another could lead, one day, to only one remaining, whom will practically be her born anew;

Expensive fuel- As most Geodaemons, Devourers are immortal, and live as long as they absorb other beings. Their lives are literally fuelled by the other lives they absorb. Harvested lifeforms are also source of their regeneration, even if they can heal and even resurrect just as long as they have other lives inside of them. once a fatal blow is landed, the creature will completely consume one of the harvested victims to gain the energy to heal the damage. This makes them vulnerable to very stubborn enemies, even if their infection would probably get the best of 'em before they make the creature loose too many lives;

Geodemons were creatures designed and born to breed, to spread and devour like locusts the world of the gods and turn it into their hellish home. Numbers were always on their side, for one who fell, two others wouls rise. They were to overwhelm the world in a sea of teeth and claws.
Yet Levias, the earthly mistress of Gluttony, simply couldn't. Differently from her brethen, she was born stherile. Even though she was worth an entire army, she was not well-viewed, especially by her own family. Eventually, she slipped into madness, a madness which took the form of a berserk hunger: she joined the battlefields herself, devouring the hordes of Eden
with a fury never seen before, and when they were finished, she would turn on the other demons. None of them could withstand her unending hunger. Yet, she greatly overstimated herself, launching all alone into an entire horde of the Promised Land. She devoured many, but she was eventually mortally wounded. Just as she saw the claws of Apocalis descending on her, her sanity returned for the time necessary to come up with a plan. As she exhaled her last breath, her body began to shake and rumble like a storm made flesh. Her entire form began to bloat more, and more, and more, untill...SPLAT! waves of black blood and dark organs flew everywhere, hitting practically all the survivors. Though disgusted by the entire thing, they cheered in victory. Just when they where about to return to Eden, however, their bodies began to rebel and work by themselves, twisting and cracking with own lives. The curse was fast, since launched by its own starter, and soon the Devourers, spawn of Levias, were born.

Maybe the first case of undeath, Devourers are, like most inhabitants of Gehenna, both ferocious and clever, their main objective the consumption of all life they see. However, they're not totally blinded by hunger and will try desperately to survive if they see they cannot win. They don't have much personality besides that, save maybe for a gore fetish, as they like to gross out enemies by mutating in horrible ways, often showing internal organs, grothesque mutations and sometimes ridiculous amounts of blood and other unnecessary horrors. Their intelligence varies among their stages of life, mostly pending on the brains of those they absorbed. Lowest stages are nothing more than beasts, while the more evolved stages gain human-level intelligence, even if they barely use it. Life stages are:

Stage 1 (baryonyx)

This abomination forms when any living creature is infected by another Devourer. Infection can take place even by a single scratch, even if in this case it takes longer for Levias's blood to take over the host. There has never been confirmation of infection on dimensional or elemental creatures, however.

This horror is such a chaotic and primitive amalgamation of biomass, that its body has a hard time getting its basic systems to work, so it often show deformities and visible, black and pulsing veins, as well as a mixed, brown-grey coloration.
Its upper body looks much like a basic spinosaurid's one, except the exxagerated teeth, the little frill and the hands with thumbs. It drags itself on two, leg-like tentacles, flexible and grapping, and on a tentacle-like tail. This breed's the most mindless and bloodthirsty, and is driven by sheer instinct, even if it gains intelligence by absorbing other creatures.

Stage 2 (Suchomimus)

After a 1°stage gathers enought biomass, it evolves into a 2°stage. 2°stages are bigger, more intelligent and more dangerous than 1° stages. They're far more stabile mutations, and do not show many deformations. They differ from 1° stage in size, being two times bigger, as also in conformation: they have bigger snut, long sails on their back, and four leg-tentacles. They also show less black veins, being their bodies genetically more stable.

Stage 3 (Spinosaurus)

The ultimate children of Levias, 3° stages are the most vile of the breeds, created by transformed 2° generations. they're nearly perfectly stable mutations, showing not many black veins. Their skin is sea blue, with light blue frills and sail and six leg-tentacles. This is the most powerful of the Devourers breeds, having absorbed hundreds of beings. 3° stage are physically powerful, but they rely much more on mental power, their conspicous intelligence giving them the will to unleash devastating psychic waves. They also have minor, natural hydrokinesis.

Why can't I stop watching Carpenter's 'The Thing' when it makes me do this!? those body parts where fun to tatoo on them, but hell!

On a side note, you'll see that these creatures are not what you could find in Gehenna. As you can see from their skin, these specimens have absorbed humans, goblins, orcs, birds and I don't know what else!
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Comments: 79

Crystaldemon93 In reply to ??? [2011-12-16 20:19:01 +0000 UTC]

Thanks man. That's what happens when I get the idea of tributing the Thing. Also, I liked the old concept of Levias's death curse, and I think this version still works and explains their unending hunger.

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Ravensaurs-Rex In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-16 20:41:55 +0000 UTC]

Works pretty well.

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Ravensaurs-Rex [2011-12-16 20:47:18 +0000 UTC]

I'd dare to say it's even worse, I mean, can you stand being nothing but skin and fuel to a monster?

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Ravensaurs-Rex In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-16 20:56:31 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, nightmare fuel if I ever heard it.

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Ravensaurs-Rex [2011-12-20 15:00:51 +0000 UTC]

Pretty much.

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Gilarah93 [2011-12-11 04:46:08 +0000 UTC]

Well, seeing what watching "The Thing" brings out in people's artwork, I'm never going to watch it. LOL

Anyways, these new versions all look a lot better than their original "Amalgaspinosaur" counterparts, since now they clearly look like spinosaurs. ^^' The various texturings are also much improved.

Stage 1:
Horrific, as was expected. It's good to know now that the Devourers actually do have suckers on their tentacles, as opposed to presuming they do. This particular Devourer might be in trouble though, it seems to have eaten a Symbiote...it's sooooo gonna regret doing that later. LOL

Stage 2:
Also horrific. As ~scribe' mentioned, the Sucho's veins and such are very nicely done. That tongue design is rather...interesting.

Stage 3:
Favorite of the bunch, as it always has been. That one face in its hide, near its chest...is it...laughing?? Methinks the Devourer should have passed on devouring that person. LOL

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-12 16:15:13 +0000 UTC]

It's an excellent movie, I'd recommend it for it's very good, old-fashioned spec effects and the real scaryness, but, I won't recommend it to you, because I recall you told me you're a very religious people, and the movie has insane amounts of blood. Funny thing is that most of it does not come from the characters, but the monster itself!

Thankya man, I appreciate you like 'em.

Stage 1:
They do, and if you look closely, there are hands and claws too. No, this guy did not ate a Symbiote, those are it's veins and arteries being used as digestive tentacles. It does not really come out of the picture, but they are.

Stage 2:
Not even I know if those are tongues or tentacles XD

Stage 3:
I had a feeling it would. Bah, people have strange ideas these days XD and what can be more funny than being a 3-D tatoo on some monster's hide? LOL

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-12 21:13:08 +0000 UTC]

I'm not a fan of bodysnatcher-type monsters either, it seems like a copout on creativity to me.

Indeed I do.

I can see them, very gnarly. I know, I read the description. I can't poke a little fun every now and then? LOL

Tenta'tongues they be then XD

Yesh. Incredibly so, and many, many things actually. LOL

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-13 16:06:09 +0000 UTC]

OH, well, the Thing does not really dislike creativity when it goes all mutating. It can come up with the weirdest mixes of ideas. Example:[link] info here [link]

I'm sometimes not mentally healthy enought to notice XD however it indeed looks like a Symb is trying to break free. And trust me, it would. So you were right, he gonna regret that meal LOL

So be it XD

NO, you don't say LOL

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-13 18:29:00 +0000 UTC]

True, but taking those forms isn't usually intentional, be it getting shot to pieces, cut in two, or part of it gets crushed beneath an immovable object. But meh, I'm not an expert on the subject, so I don't really know. BTW, first link is broken.

We rarely are. LOL Told you.


You want a list?? LOL

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-13 21:21:24 +0000 UTC]

In truth, it mostly is. Theat thing's got a wild fantasy taking attack forms, sprouting the necessary appendages in seconds, though in every form it looks much like a Chaos Spawn from Warhammer. If you find the time to read that second link, everything shall be more clear.

Double point.


That would take centuries at best XD

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-14 15:05:55 +0000 UTC]

I did read it. Still eh.

Oh, I got the time. LOL

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-14 18:02:21 +0000 UTC]

What, you don't think the thing has esthetic sense? LOL

Then on with it. LOL

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-15 15:33:31 +0000 UTC]

Well, it can't have a sense of aesthetics if it has no eyes. LOL

*pulls out vast scroll*

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-15 15:37:14 +0000 UTC]

LOL, who said it doesn't?

*pulls out headphones*

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-15 15:48:19 +0000 UTC]

Who said it does? LOL

*plugs headphones into scroll*

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-15 15:56:22 +0000 UTC]

Every form it took did. For example [link]

*Takes out radio*

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-15 16:11:28 +0000 UTC]

Oh...cute. Those eyes aren't necessarily functional, they could just look functional as part of its disguise.

*intercepts radio frequency*

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-15 16:17:14 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, right, a severed head walking on spider legs after a mob burned its body is a perfect disguise. I can personallt assure you the Thing has all our senses.

Dude, it was kaiju wrestling!

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-15 16:22:41 +0000 UTC]

More of a getaway than a disguise, but yeah. CD93, that you?? *reaches for flamethrower just in case*

Bah, wrestling's staged. I watch MMA: Mixed Monster Arts.

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-15 16:37:53 +0000 UTC]

Of course...*sprouts dog head from chest and spider legs* ahem..I can explain!

But I bet 50 bucks on the dino-dude! Oh, well, I took em from your wallet...

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-15 22:57:25 +0000 UTC]

Best be talking fast. *aims*

Ihe Monopoly-money-in-the-wallet gag still works on pickpockets, I see....

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-16 15:10:44 +0000 UTC]

Well, you see...it's a new style. Humanoid legs are old school...and there's that cool thing of having your dog..kinda...always with you...ahem..*right headside splits into mouth* and I need brainfood

Yep, that dumb took it like true, but if my dude wins I take double cash!

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-16 15:15:47 +0000 UTC]

Uh-huh. *moves to strategic vantage point*

*is hacking your bank account* I'm sorry, did you say something?

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-16 15:30:19 +0000 UTC]

Awww..come on, can't we just talk about this...

Yep, I don't have a bank account. And can I have my radio back?

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-16 15:32:01 +0000 UTC]

NO *fires flamethrower*

Well, you don't now. *flees to getaway car*

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-16 15:37:14 +0000 UTC]


*watches you flee* uhm...maybe I should have told him that bank account was a mafia's one...oh, well.

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-16 15:38:16 +0000 UTC]

Well yeah, ever heard of the Counter-Mafia? *drives away*

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-16 15:41:17 +0000 UTC]

*appears in passenger's seat* unfortunately, that never worked *points gun* ciao, amico

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-16 15:42:28 +0000 UTC]

*ejects passenger's seat* Indeed.

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-16 15:49:47 +0000 UTC]

*Leans in from posterior seat* who was that?

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-17 04:56:22 +0000 UTC]

*looks at steel cable connecting passenger seat and back seat*

Well, it'll be you in about...*checks watch* three, two, one....

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-20 14:56:27 +0000 UTC]

*grabs cable* I don't like to be split *pulls seat down*

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-20 22:30:05 +0000 UTC]

Split nothing. *pulls over and bails out*

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-23 14:14:17 +0000 UTC]

Oh, but I want to split *pulls out blade-arm* just not me..

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-23 14:30:29 +0000 UTC]

*is already rolling into the bushes on the roadside*

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-23 15:02:26 +0000 UTC]

Remember that fire shower you gave me with your flamethrower? I think it's time you get one too *sets fire to the bushes*

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-23 20:48:31 +0000 UTC]

*is digging to safety*

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-23 21:16:25 +0000 UTC]

*launches fire in the gallery* Fire in the hole!

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-23 21:30:02 +0000 UTC]


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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2011-12-23 21:40:00 +0000 UTC]


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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2011-12-24 04:56:35 +0000 UTC]

*covers tracks*

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2012-01-03 17:00:19 +0000 UTC]

*appears behind* useless.

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2012-01-04 06:18:23 +0000 UTC]

*appears aside*


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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2012-01-04 18:19:35 +0000 UTC]

*points behind you* hey, is that Nalhest in a bikini?

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2012-01-04 21:12:42 +0000 UTC]

*is disturbed, and flees in opposite direction*

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2012-01-04 22:06:14 +0000 UTC]

Good idea *flees too*

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2012-01-05 20:54:28 +0000 UTC]

GREAT idea *continues to flee*

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Crystaldemon93 In reply to Gilarah93 [2012-01-07 16:47:21 +0000 UTC]

Agree *flees faster*

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Gilarah93 In reply to Crystaldemon93 [2012-01-08 03:08:17 +0000 UTC]

Is...is it gone? *looks* NOPE *flees faster*

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