CuddlesAndHuggles — Invader Zim Secret Santa!
Published: 2013-11-03 19:19:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 4526; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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Hey everyone! Halloween's over and it's on to Thanksgiving and Christmas!


I am going to host a Secret Santa for all of you in the IZ fandom out there! : D

What is a Secret Santa?

A secret santa is a "tradition in which members of a group or community are randomly assigned a person to whom they anonymously give a gift" however in this case the "gift" will be a drawing.

All of you who sign up for the Secret Santa will be randomly assigned someone to draw a gift for, and you also will be receiving a gift from someone. 

How does it work and how do I sign up?

1. In order to be in this Secret Santa you need to feature this journal, spread the news so we can get as many people as possible. 

2. When you join you must tell me WHAT you want your Secret Santa to draw for example you can say "I'd like a drawing of my character ____ doing ____" or "I'd like a scene of ____ and ____ doing _____" etc etc etc. 

3. In order to sign up complete the following form and post it in a comment on this journal...


deviantART name: 

Dear Secret Santa, I would like...(write what you'd like to be drawn for you here)

Character Reference(s): 

Any Additional character information: 

4. On December 1st sign up will be closed and you will receive a note with who you are drawing for and what they want as a gift.

5. You have until December 25th on which you will be expected to upload your gift for the person you were assigned AND you MUST note them/comment on their page and let them know their gift is posted (If you cannot post on the 25th for whatever reason you will be expected to post it either the 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, or 24th, please do not post it AFTER Christmas, it kinda defeats the purpose :I if you have an emergency/computer crash/etc, contact me and let me know and I will see what I can do) 

Rules and Exceptions

1. IF you have a family vacation and will be leaving BEFORE the 20th and wont be back in time for the 25th, just make sure you post it before you leave

2. You WILL BE EXPECTED to do a quality image for the person you've been assigned. If you simply draw them a wimpy sketch/line art, that isn't very nice  HOWEVER if sketching/line art is all you can do 

(like you don't have photoshop or a scanner or w/e the cause) that is okay.

3. TRY NOT to not request anything too complex for your Secret Santa, how would you feel if someone requested you to draw something with 5+ characters and a complex background? <:/ 

(I'm not saying you can't ask for more than one character, but I would say leave the max at 3, and provide an alternate idea in case you think your request might be too complex so you don't overwhelm your Secret Santa)

4. DROPPING OUT, if you need to drop out PLEASE LET ME KNOW IMMEDIATELY it would be quite troublesome if you were assigned a person and had to drop out, that leaves them without a Santa, and I wouldn't have anyone to put in place of their Santa. 

5. It is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE for you not to produce a gift for your assigned person by Christmas. It will not be tolerated. If you KNOW you aren't going to be able to produce a gift PLEASE LET ME KNOW I need a minimum notice of 10 DAYS prior to Christmas, the 25th of December.

In all honesty I do not know what I will be able to do if you have been assigned and need to drop out...so please, let me know before your assigned if you cannot produce a gift. If you realize you can't after you've been assigned you need to notify me ASAP no questions asked.

Now, with all that said, let it begin!


(Slots are unlimited)

1. Yes I will be joining in this x'3 of course whoever gets assigned to me...I will know .3. so it isn't exactly secret for me x'D BUT FOR EVERYONE ELSE IT WILL BE MUAHAHA

Dear Secret Santa, I would like... a picture of Mason and Chana enjoying Christmas together, doing something Christmas-like, such as sitting in front of the fireplace, putting up/decorating a Christmas tree, drinking hot chocolate, being out in the snow, etc.

Character Reference(s): cuddlesandhuggles.deviantart.c…

Any Additional character information: 


-Chana must be wearing a hoodie of some kind, you can give her whatever kind of hoodie you want but she must be wearing a hood.


Dear Secret Santa, I would like...A picture of my OCs Insane and Cyan kissing or hugging, something on that level, but nothing more mature than that. OR my OCs Mist and Thunder kissing or hugging, something on that level, but nothing more mature than that.

Character Reference(s): Insane: fav.me/d6gqiyh

Cyan: fav.me/d6kbqxb

Mist: fav.me/d6jh3k8

Thunder: fav.me/d6hycpl

Additional character information: 

-Mist's headset is see-through, so make sure it stays that way. 

-Insane's PAK is grey with three red spots. 

-Cyan's PAK is grey with three cyan spots. 

-Mist's PAK is grey with three light grey spots.

-Thunder's PAK is grey with three dark grey spots. 


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of my OC's Grurr and Zun on a winter/christmas themed date. The setting can be on earth or any other planet of your choosing.

Character Reference(s): 

Grurr: fav.me/d69aujt

Zun: fav.me/d6b3xo3

Any Additional character information: 

-Zun will act embarrassed showing any form of affection especially in public. 

-Grurr is usually the one leading the relationship, she will always have a smile on her face. 

-You can change their outfits if you want but please keep Zun's freckle and antennae ring so he is recognisable and not just a yellow eyed irken.


Dear Secret Santa, I would like... a cute picture of Nix and Akir sitting down on the floor of some living room, wearing Christmasy clothing (and maybe one of them is wrapped up in a blanket or something) and drinking hot cocoa while playing some sort of card game. also, if you do draw any windows, could you make it snowing outside? 

Character Reference(s): 

Nix: fav.me/d64sk86 fav.me/d6saofg

Akir: fav.me/d6npy3b fav.me/d69xcyz

Any Additional character information: 

-Nix is about 6ft 4 and Akir is 7ft 3. 

-Akir is more of a peaceful, nicer person who cares a lot and is often sweet (and awkward). 

-Nix is a flirt, and can be rather full of himself and a jerk. He really only cares about Akir, and can be a softie for him and kind to him. He hates loosing he is stubborn and doesnt like to admit he is wrong. Right now, though, he has humbled down, and is a lot more quieter, and not as jerk like as he was before. 

-Akir and Nix are in a romantic relationship together. 


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a drawing of my Vortian OCs, Kya and Tabris, dressed in winter-themed clothing (scarves, coats, parkas, mittens, earmuffs, etc. Any clothing associated with winter) and having a snowball fight. 

Character Reference(s): 

Kya: fav.me/d5y189f  ; fav.me/d687h2s (Kya is the purple-skinned, green-eyed girl on the far left, and Tabris is the blue-skinned, pink-eyed boy on the far right) 

Tabris:  fav.me/d5xizex (Tabris with father)

Any Additional character information: 

-Kya is the more calm and quiet of the two 

-Tabris is more outgoing, and a bit rowdy. 

Dear Secret Santa, I would really like a pic of my oc Rayna with my bf's oc Rift in a cute romantic scene with them snuggling up together in a blanket by a warm fireplace while drinking hot chocolate x3
As clothing goes it should be something comfortable like pjs
Rayna wearing a red nightdress and Rift wearing men pjs, if not, he can wear a green sweater and black pants
Character Reference(s):
Rayna and Rift: fav.me/d5uuqlb fav.me/d6qijcy

Additional Character Information:
-Rift is the red Irken 
-Rayna is the normal skinned Irken with purple eyes


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a ZADR(Zim x Dib) pic, fluffy or violent or any way you want it, its just my fave pairing! xP

Character Reference(s):
Zim- downinthewell.com/wp-content/u…
Dib- ageofirken.webs.com/photos/Dib…


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of these two characters, Rec (from Octeapi ) and Vortx (mine) sittin inside of a space ship (or just somewhere with a window that shows the space), with Rec looking amused and Vortx looking annoyed or plain tired of Rec (: if that's not too much to ask >w>;  

OR My fc Morck and Tea's Cyshkil cuddling

Character Reference(s): 

-Vortx: sta.sh/04ysmn5zd4y (middle one)
-Rec: fav.me/d6l7r1f

-Cyshkil: fav.me/d6lv8jy (the one on the very left with the brown jacket, those are the current clothes he wears) fav.me/d5wkiiq (Cyshkil does not currently wear his Bloodsport clothing)
-Morck - fav.me/d69xrm3 - fav.me/d6jlxev - sta.sh/029e7qhivpwm

Additional Character Information:

-Morck is embarrassed very easily, but he's very proud and usually will try to hide it, so he looks like he's pouting or grumpy

-Vortx suffers of Rec's constant pranks, and he has a temper, so he gets annoyed with him rather quickly...even when he has a thing for him wat


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of my OC Enya, and my friends OC Skulli together. Doesn't have to have anything to do with Christmas. Just something cute like her sitting on his lap leaning against his chest, or perhaps Enya bringing him some soda or coffee or something with Skulli looking all tired from too much work.

Character Reference(s): 
-Enya: fav.me/d6n0s82 fav.me/d6t00nb fav.me/d6ka0nc
fav.me/d6lv8jy (third from the left)
-Skulli: fav.me/d6k364y fav.me/d6p4oc0
Any additional Character Information:
-They are a Shipping :T and actually they do work whether well together.
-At times they looked rather frustrated with one another, but there is a bit of a understanding between them in a sense. Whether they admit it or not.
-They aren't the type to display affection too openly, if anything their intimate moments that actually show that they care for one another are more private.
-In public it is more like little things, Enya putting up with Skulli's wild behavior for example, or just the way they interact with one another.
-Enya manages to always keep Skulli guessing when it comes to how she behaves, in a way they are completely Yin and Yang but help to fix the broken pieces of one another.


Dear Secret Santa, I would like�

My pals OC, Simone and my OC Cirque in a rather ridiculous hot chocolate-related conundrum. Doesn't need to be romantic in any way possible. It's more or less for the kicks

Character Reference(s): 

-Cirque fav.me/d6d0wbb

-Simone fav.me/d4pzen
Any Additional character information: 

-The two are a pairing that's still in it's early stages. How the two interact is somewhat of an awkward fashion. 

-Simone is generally the positive one
-Cirque acts really reserved and quiet.

-Overall it's an amusing couple


Dear Secret Santa, I would like... a picture of Angel and Gaia enjoying Christmas together, doing something Christmas-like, such as sitting in front of the fireplace drinking hot chocolate (coffee for Gaia XD), being out in the snow, etc.
Character Reference(s):
-Gaia: fav.me/d6iqeey
-Angel: fav.me/d6ig07k
Additional Character Information:
-Angel's pak is really low on her back
-Gaia loves tukes and Scarves in winter

Dear Secret Santa, I would like my oc Nekka doing something Christmas related. you know, opening presents, playing in the snow, ...singing? just be creative! i would just like it to be Christmas related somehow. You can draw her as a smeet or mature, whichever you feel like!
Character Reference(s):
-Nekka: fav.me/d6q0aho fav.me/d6n9eix
Additional Character Information:
-Her PAK is just light grey with purple spots.
-Her eyes don't match other irken eyes, instead of just purple she has a hint of red in her eyes as well (mostly on the top and bottom), so make sure her eyes are dark purple and a little red. -Nekka is happy-go-lucky so she will most likely be doing something fun and exciting, or something to help others. I'm pretty sure that's all

Dear Secret Santa, I would like my OCs Vern and Makove, setting up a Christmas tree together, with the tree next to a fireplace (if you catch my drift). If you don't then I'll just say that Vern likes setting stuff on fire.
Character Reference(s):
-Vern and Makove: fav.me/d6s8nnu
-Bio Refs: fav.me/d6risnz (the two in the middle)
Additional Character Information:
-Vern can't wear shirts or anything on his upper torso or arms because he would catch himself on fire.
-Makove does not talk! Ever! But that doesn't mean he's flat and emotionless. He's a big brother and laughs and makes facial expressions like everyone. Just doesn't use words. If he has to communicate then he uses gestures, or if absolutely necessary, typed messages.


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of my OC Vix (she's the only one I have a ref for anyway XD) doing something Christmas-y. Not really picky what she's doing, just something that's related to Christmas and not romantic or anything.
Character Reference(s):
-Vix: fav.me/d6jlq0u
Additional Character Information:
-Vix isn't really someone who likes romantic and/or girly things, she prefers technology, adventure, and hanging out with friends.


Dear secret santa, I would like a picture of my two irken Oc's Nanamech and Tavvf around a fire enjoying the holidays...
Character Reference(s):
-Nanamach: fav.me/d6b9dbi
-Tavvf: fav.me/d6b0i50
Additional Character Information:
-Nanamech is usually very calm  and serious but tries to enjoy things around his daughter
-Tavvf a smeet that looks up to her father is usually very happy and she always has a smile


Dear Secret Santa, I would like my OCs Jed and Serka wearing scarves and doin' somethin' Christmas-y. XD nothin' really in particular

Character Reference(s):

-Jed: fav.me/d6nfwld

-Serka: fav.me/d6ksrlu

Additional Character Information:

-Jed can be rather flirty with Serka, but she either doesn't really seem to notice, or just doesn't care.

-Either way, they're still friends.


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a deviation of my two IZ OCs, Zak and Narzi, cuddling on a park bench (or just generally sitting down) amongst a bunch of snow. 

Character Reference(s):

-Zak: invaderlez.deviantart.com/art/…

-Narzi: invaderlez.deviantart.com/art/…


Additional Character Information:

These two aren't an official pairing, so I really won't care if its OOC.  Go nuts!! 


Dear Secret Santa, I would like my irken OC Cou sitting (or if need be, standing) between Zim and Dib with a long scarf that they can all wear at the same time, maybe outside in the snow or something (the background doesn't matter much it can be simple) c:

Character Reference(s): 

-Cou: fav.me/d6es1q6 fav.me/d6b068f

-Zim: downinthewell.com/wp-content/u…

-Dib: ageofirken.webs.com/photos/Dib…

Additional Character Information: 

-Cou is super excited just to be near them.

-Zim and Dib would not be too thrilled about it, but I prefer they be at least tolerable with it. (maybe a smile i dunno! I'm not really picky~ Have fun with it!)


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of my OC, Dax and his son, Dext with santa hats on, and in a snowy background. (on irk)

Character Reference(s):

-Dax: fav.me/d6kms0b

-Dext: fav.me/d6kmj6o


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of my OC Kira doing some thing cool or a ship with her

Character Reference(s):

-Kira: fav.me/d6se1lv

Additional Character Information: 

-She likes technology and she's a bit paler then In the picture I have


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of my irken OC Harper sitting on a beanbag chair drinking some hot cocoa. If it's not too much can the bean bag have some nice Christmas pattern (or colors). Harper doesn't have to be in his regular outfit he can be in some pajamas. Again if it's okay I would like him to have Christmas colors. It won't be necessary to put a background so don't worry abut that.

~ Thank you

Character Reference(s): I hope this is a good ref because I haven't made an official one yet

-Harper: fav.me/d6kjk6e he is the one on the bottom

Additional Character Information:

-I would really appreciate it if you drew his tail but it's not necessary. 

-What I would really like you to do is to draw him wearing a scarf that has stripes and the colors will be green and red.


Dear Secret Santa, I'd like a scene of Yverin and Milliz celebrating Christmas, with Yverin having lots of fun unwrapping her gift and Milliz kind of staring at her like "what the hell is this?!" while holding a Doctor Who screw driver. 

Character Reference(s):

-Yverin: fav.me/d6moayl

-Milliz: fav.me/d6mkf07

Additional Character Information:

-Here's a pic of Milliz and Yverin at the beach: fav.me/d6mobet  ;Yes, Yverin likes to tease and grope Milliz just because she can and because they're best friends. 


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of Kid and my friend's OC Risk cuddling in front of a warm fire drinking hot coco together. It can be either outside or indoors in front the fireplace I don't mind. I also wouldn't mind if both of them were dressed warmly for the holidays.

Character Reference(s):

-Kid: fav.me/d5zivov

-Risk: fav.me/d5rpytb (if this is too detailed for you, here is a simple version so you don't have to struggle sta.sh/01uyrscycaiz )

Additional Character Information: 

-Kid is around 5'4 in height and Risk is about 6'2. So there should be a huge height difference. 

-And yes they are lovers (and eventually they get married in their canon stories XD) I think that is all I can say about them.


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a drawing of my character Lucy or Stitch with one of your characters

If you choose Lucy, I would like it to be Christmas Themed: decorating the house with holly and drinking hot coco or drinking tea outside

If you choose Stitch, I would like anything Christmas themed wearing a big fluffy Christmas sweater (pick whatever Christmas theme)

Character Reference(s):

-Lucy: fav.me/d6hq80t (the orange one on the left)

-Stitch: fav.me/d6tj4mb

Additional Character Information:

-Each character's bio and info is in the artist comments


Dear Secret Santa,  I would like a picture of my OC's Sahuri and Tyson exchanging gifts and drinking hot coco. If you want, make them be in the woods (or indoors it doesn't really matter) with a pretty fireplace all cozy and stuff. You can also change their outfits patterns and if you want the color. 

Character Reference(s):

-Sahuri and Tyson: fav.me/d5vnwrw fav.me/d6pithw

Additional Character Information: 

Tyson and Sahuri are similar but very different. Tyson likes violence and Sahuri is more calm.  Be creative!! Have fun with it.


Dear Secret Santa, I would like me surprise kissing my girlfriend on the lips under the mistletoe hanging from a dead tree outside in the snow. 

Character Reference(s):

fav.me/d6q4k60 (I am on the left and my girlfriend on the right)

Additional Character Information:

She blushing beat red and we are wearing the most cheesiest Christmas sweaters you can come up with. 


Dear Secret Santa, I would like my OC Nini and CuddlesAndHuggles ' character, Todd under a mistletoe. Nini is kissing him on the cheek slightly blushing and Todd is completely bashful and shocked, but of course happy..! I only wanted this because I'm a huge fan and I think it would be a cute fan chara mash up picture c'; Only if she doesn't mind ^__^

Character Reference(s):

Nini- fav.me/d66ohyu

Todd- fav.me/d664n97

Additional Character Information: 

-Nini is short, but not Zim short. 

-Instead of her regular outfit, maybe a cute, but "trap"(sexy) like santa outfit for nini and a xmas themed outfit for Todd like this 


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of my OCs Dameon and Anuk kissing under the mistletoe.  I have to draw a reference for them real quick but I can. I'll add it on here as a reply.  but these are the ones I have so far.

Character Reference(s):

Dameon- fav.me/d640p5l Dameon antenna: fav.me/d6ugj7v

Anuk- fav.me/d5y2n4q


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of Mira teaching Dural how to ice-skate on a frozen lake. I'd like them holding hands with Mira perfectly balanced and Dural looking very unstable like he's about to fall. They can be dressed up in warm winter clothing. And if you feel like it, have it snowing. I don't really care what's in the background, just as long as they're on a frozen lake, then it's fine with me.

Character Reference(s):

Mira- fav.me/d6u535i

Dural- fav.me/d6bz4bb

Additional Character Information: 

-Dural should be pretty scared because he doesn't want to fall. And Mira can just be all happy and smiling.

-I would appreciate it if Dural were wearing a hat and scarf as well (he likes them). Mira doesn't need those but you can add them if you want. 

-Plus...height difference! Mira must be taller than him. (she's 5'3", Dural's 4'11")


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of my OC'S Jazz and Lex walking down the side walk drinking, alcohol haha, and I'd like them to be super happy and kind of leaning on each other. In other words super cute drunk time!  and winter clothing would be good too! 

Character Reference(s):

Jazz- fav.me/d6b36p5

Lex- fav.me/d4x0vy3 (on the left) fav.me/d4wxpjh (on the right) fav.me/d47xmdz

Additional Character Information: 

- Lex and Jazz are both very flirty and sexual, so they should have chemistry. But not OVERLY lovey, more like good friends who are drunk and flirty.
- If you can, it would be awesome if you drew Jazz without his glasses.
- Also, Lex isn't a huge fan of wearing clothes, but she also hates the clothes, so any combination of skimpy and Warm would be perfect! haha


Dear Secret Santa, I would like a drawing with my ocs Scream & Axel with their son, Aero, opening presents on his first Christmas morning thank you 

Character Reference(s):

Axel and son fav.me/d4pdg0r

Scream and son fav.me/d4pdj3z


Dear Secret Santa, I want my character wax and her family merlin and kole to be doing something ehhh Christmasy 

Character Reference(s):

Wax: fav.me/d66bjcy

Merlin: fav.me/d6bw44k

Kole: fav.me/d69o2ke

Additional Character Information: 

-Wax actually just got pregnant again other then that there is nothing else to be added i dont think at least.. Well besides merlin doesn't belong to me he belongs to X39-The-Wolf  and we share kole


Dear Secret Santa, I would like an image of my OC Qwif attempting at get ready for a Christmas party by cooking, putting decorations up or anything else you can think of, but It kind of flailing.

She would also probably try multitasking but again, flail pffft xD

Character Reference(s):

Qwif: fav.me/d6u5o8y

-Any of your OCs could be in there too attempting to help her poor soul xD

Additional Character Information: 

-She is a very bad cook and decorations would probably be very messy too |D

-She's a cheery person and probably wouldn't be getting angry/ stressed about the situation and maybe wouldn't even notice how horribly everything is going
-I wouldn't mind if you altered her clothing abit to make it more Christmasy, but please try to keep the colour scheme about right x)
Thank-you c: <3


Dear Secret Santa, 

I would like a picture of plain ol' Zim reacting badly (and maybe violently) to any Christmas tradition or object, please.

Character Reference(s):

Zim: static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__c…

Additional Character Information: 

It weirder the picture the better. I don't really want anything super fancy just funny, you know? 

feel free to stick any of your OC's in the if you want to 


Dear Secret Santa, 

I would like a picture of my OCs Ziv and Ady... Doing something Christmas-y. Like opening presents or something like that?

Character Reference(s):

Ziv and Ady fav.me/d5suvtz

Additional Character Information: 

-They're friends, in a messed up sort of way. 

-They tease each other a lot. 


Dear Secret Santa, 

I would like a picture of Dib trying to explain to Zim what "Christmas" is and Zim not understanding.

Character Reference(s):

Zim: images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__c… ;

Dib: ageofirken.webs.com/photos/Dib…

Additional Character Information: 

Zim does not understand Earth's customs very well, but is still bent on conquering it one day.

Dib: Is determined to make sure Zim doesn't conquer the planet, but is willing to work with Zim on rare occasions.


Dear Secret Santa, 

"I'd like a drawing of my character (Violet) with tallest Purple "I'd like a scene of Violet and Purple kissing, (Purple and Violet, doing anything really)

Character Reference(s):

Violet and Tallest Purple: fav.me/d21c0pb fav.me/d5h8j4p

Additional Character Information: 

-Violets personality is very panicky, shes very shy and often has a confused/sad look on her face, she loves purple but red makes her very uncomfortable ( shes my irkensona! 


Dear Secret Santa, 

I would like...A picture of my OC Nova dressed in Christmas clothing singing Christmas songs, She can be in her normal form or in her Human form.

Character Reference(s):

Nova: fav.me/d6rm1m5 fav.me/d6s3n4c

Additional Character Information: 

- Nova is normally a happy character. Smiles a lot and loves to bring smiles to others.


Dear Secret Santa, 

I would like... My irken May to be doing something cute and christmassy! (Preferably with her boyfriend marshall, who belongs to anonymousinvader24)

Character Reference(s):

May: fav.me/d5jk6ff

Marshall: fav.me/d4hhewo fav.me/d49rd3v

May and Marshall: fav.me/d5y9a3x

Additional Character Information: 

-The diamond on May's head changes colours, the ones that suit her emotions- the pink is love. The purple is her neutral emotion. Her diamond also is connected to her guitar, which can be included- which changes colour to fit her emotions too

-May is the princess of irk, so she is usually stressed- don't be afraid to make a picture of her stressed in some way, vs long as it's cute to some extent

-May will not usually wear fancy clothes

-Marshall is a vampire, he can turn into a bat

-Marshall will usually do sweet things, but can trick May if you like.

-They both love red foods, especially strawberries


Dear Secret Santa, 

Character Reference(s):

Additional Character Information: 


Dear Secret Santa, 

Character Reference(s):

Additional Character Information: 


Dear Secret Santa, 

Character Reference(s):

Additional Character Information: 


Dear Secret Santa, 

Character Reference(s):

Additional Character Information: 


Dear Secret Santa, 

Character Reference(s):

Additional Character Information: 


Dear Secret Santa, 

Character Reference(s):

Additional Character Information: 

Have fun!


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Comments: 213

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to ??? [2013-11-30 03:30:50 +0000 UTC]

Noted! ^^ You will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd with who you will be drawing for!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Linzcow In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-30 04:54:15 +0000 UTC]

Woot woot! I can't wait!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nekomira [2013-11-26 10:38:26 +0000 UTC]

deviantART name: *Nekomira

Dear Secret Santa, I would like to have a drawing of Edur and Pip opening christmas presents together, both having one present given from the other. ^^

OR, a picture of my Vortian character, Vivi-Lann, sitting by the window, with a cup of hot cocoa in her hands. 

Character Reference(s): 

Edur and Pip nekomira.deviantart.com/art/Ed…

Vivi-Lann nekomira.deviantart.com/art/CE…

Any Additional character information: 

Edur: ALWAYS has his goggles. 

Pip: Communicates by beebing sounds, and tiny pictures/emotes on her monitor eye. Is a rather cheerful robot, who loves to help.

Vivi-Lann: Almost always wearing gloves. Smiles a lot. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to Nekomira [2013-11-30 03:30:53 +0000 UTC]

Noted! ^^ You will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd with who you will be drawing for!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

XxGlitterKittenxX [2013-11-26 04:15:19 +0000 UTC]

journal - epicemocat.deviantart.com/jour…


Dear, secret santa, i would like a drawing of my characters Jo and gigi doing something cute and christmasy ^^

Reference -  epicemocat.deviantart.com/art/… (its the only one i could find without them with derped eyes =^ (if you need colors: epicemocat.deviantart.com/art/… )

Gigi's right eye is black and the other is White. He belly is white, black left shoulder, and white right.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to XxGlitterKittenxX [2013-11-30 03:30:56 +0000 UTC]

Noted! ^^ You will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd with who you will be drawing for!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XxGlitterKittenxX In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-30 03:33:17 +0000 UTC]

alright, thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GravityBee [2013-11-26 02:35:59 +0000 UTC]

Journal: fav.me/d6vndie


deviantART name: GravityBee

Dear Secret Santa, I would like... a drawing of my characters Caitlynn and Jakob, dressed in their pjs, opening gifts from each other on Christmas morning

Character Reference(s):

Any Additional character information: Caitlynn's eyes are blue (doesn't matter what shaded) jakes are like dean Winchester's (like a Disney princess haha), I wear a heart necklace and jakob wears a star pendent, and the clothes doesn't really matter how they look .-.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to GravityBee [2013-11-26 03:48:48 +0000 UTC]

Noted you'll receive a note either December 1st or 2nd with who you will be drawing for. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Cooliberta [2013-11-25 19:03:52 +0000 UTC]

deviantART name: Cooliberta

Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture a lot where Zim, Dib, Gaz and Gir are trying to decorate a christmas tree, which slowly mutates into                                       chaos!^^

Character References: Zim: 1.bp.blogspot.com/-rdsDjsK-_wk…

                                      Dib: www.absoluteanime.com/invader_…

                                      Gaz: static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__c…

                                      Gir: images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__c…


                             ...Sorry, if it's not enough! X(

Additional information: You don't need to draw a background, if you don't want to, and you can draw them in any stile you want!


And thank you in advance! :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to Cooliberta [2013-11-25 21:39:18 +0000 UTC]

Noted! You will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd with who you will be drawing for.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cooliberta In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-26 12:13:48 +0000 UTC]


Could I ask you a question? When I've done the drawing, when and where should I submit it?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to Cooliberta [2013-11-30 04:37:37 +0000 UTC]

You submit it here, but not until either the 23rd-25th of December, earliest you can post is the 21st

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BooBerriCrunch [2013-11-25 09:29:07 +0000 UTC]

deviantART name: Inv4derJ3nn 

Dear secret Santa, I would love for my OC's Court, Ali, and Exo, to be out in a forest at a very florescent lake. Where Court is telling her niece, Ali, and her nephew, Exo, the wonders of life, and that we should cherish it. 

Character references: Court- (It's a little bad) inv4derj3nn.deviantart.com/art… Ali- inv4derj3nn.deviantart.com/art… Exo- inv4derj3nn.deviantart.com/gal…

Additional info: Court is a very loving girl, she loves the outdoors. Her antenna's are like a mood charm. When she's very happy, they will glow light blue and emit a mist that will make everyone around her feel at peace. Ali is a little bit of a moody girl, she's easy to get agitated. But when she's around her Auntie Court, she's at her happiest of moods. Exo is one of those Irkens whom you can easily impress. He's a little muscular due to training to be an Assassin. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to BooBerriCrunch [2013-11-25 21:39:21 +0000 UTC]

Noted! You will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd with who you will be drawing for.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BooBerriCrunch In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-25 21:51:56 +0000 UTC]

Okee dokiee! I look forward to it!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BooBerriCrunch In reply to BooBerriCrunch [2013-11-25 09:32:07 +0000 UTC]

AGH! Where's my holiday spirit?! Actually I would Just like for Court telling Christmas stories on an open fire while Ali and Exo are listening and drinking hot coco.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FluffleMuffle [2013-11-25 02:25:48 +0000 UTC]

deviantART name: FluffleMuffle

Dear Secret Santa, I would like my OC Invader Ris Ris wearing a scarf with a mug of Hot Chocolate~

Character Reference(s):  flufflemuffle.deviantart.com/a… (Sorry, this is the best reference I have XD)

Any Additional character information: Ris is a total dork, and she loves sparkly things XD Her favorite colors are Hot Pink and Black

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to FluffleMuffle [2013-11-25 21:39:24 +0000 UTC]

Noted! You will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd with who you will be drawing for.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FluffleMuffle In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-26 02:28:29 +0000 UTC]

Okay! Thanks so much~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DigiDead [2013-11-24 23:30:09 +0000 UTC]

Deviantart name: PizzaProgram
Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of my character Rin making a snowman while it's snowing.
Character References: pizzaprogram.deviantart.com/ar…
Additional Info: Rin can be a bit of a perfectionist. She has to get things right.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to DigiDead [2013-11-25 21:39:27 +0000 UTC]

Noted! You will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd with who you will be drawing for.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DigiDead In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-25 22:08:52 +0000 UTC]

Cool, thanks for hosting this!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to DigiDead [2013-11-26 04:00:47 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MayitaTV [2013-11-24 22:24:49 +0000 UTC]

Deviantart Name: MayitaTV

Dear Secret Santa, I would like a drawing of my OCs Kuna and Tata wrapping presents for the Tallest (Kuna is giving her's to Red while Tata is giving her's to Purple). 

Reference Pic: mayitatv.deviantart.com/art/Al…

Additional Info: Kuna is more serious about working than Tata so her present will probably be wrapped more neatly than Tata's. Also, the reference pic has Kuna and Tata in the top right corner. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to MayitaTV [2013-11-25 21:39:32 +0000 UTC]

Noted! You will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd with who you will be drawing for.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MayitaTV In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-26 01:50:55 +0000 UTC]

Oki doki!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MayitaTV In reply to MayitaTV [2013-11-25 02:53:09 +0000 UTC]

Reference pic: mayitatv.deviantart.com/art/Al…

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MrInyuasham [2013-11-24 19:38:31 +0000 UTC]

 DeviantART Name: kikuhonda2  
 Dear Secret Santa, i would love you very much if you could draw my ocs yui and kiku dressed in a Christmas dress opening they Christmas presents on Christmas eve 
 Any Additional Info: yui is a very shy girl and doesn't smile much 

but as for kiku she is totally different she is very out going and is full of smiles 

they're also twins yet yui is slightly shorter 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to MrInyuasham [2013-11-25 21:41:12 +0000 UTC]

Er…actually, this is a Secret Santa I'm hosting for people in the Invader Zim fandom <:/ forgive me if I'm jumping to conclusions but the OCs you linked aren't Invader Zim OCs and I didn't see any Invader Zim art in your gallery. 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MrInyuasham In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-25 21:42:41 +0000 UTC]

oh ok sorry um would it be all right to just asking for something different?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to MrInyuasham [2013-11-25 21:46:35 +0000 UTC]

It has to include Invader Zim OCs somehow <:/

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MrInyuasham In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-25 22:35:01 +0000 UTC]

oh umm never mind i love invader zim but i don't have any ocs for it so would it be all right for me to drop out ?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to MrInyuasham [2013-11-26 04:00:40 +0000 UTC]

No problem, so sorry for the confusion ;n;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MrInyuasham In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-26 07:11:26 +0000 UTC]

it's ok

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nedrian [2013-11-24 19:19:27 +0000 UTC]

DeviantArt Name; *Nedrian
Dearest Secret Santa, i would very much love to see my OC's Ned and Tinta opening their christmas presents early (like 1 or 2 am XD) trying not to wake the others up,
Or if you would prefer something more simple, just Tinta and Rift fighting over the same present, with christmas hats on
Aditional Information;
Ned has quite a excited personality, but can be quite devious at times
Rift and Tinta both have sharp teeth, Tinta's are tinted pink while Rift's are cream colored
Tinta and Rift do not get along at all
Ned and tinta are best friends
Rift is younger than tinta however he is slightly bigger.
they all live in the same house as zim

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to Nedrian [2013-11-25 21:41:16 +0000 UTC]

Noted! You will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd with who you will be drawing for.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Nedrian In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-25 21:44:31 +0000 UTC]

okkie! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

1nvader-M1L4 [2013-11-24 19:02:00 +0000 UTC]

DeviantART Name: *Zezzra
Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of my OC Mila giving Zim a kiss and giving him a candy cane, right by the Christmas tree with Gir dancing and my kitty aka SIR Unit Tina singing Rocking Around the Christmas Tree.
Reference(s): Mila - fav.me/d6v7avd - Tina - fav.me/d6uxpuw (without the blood and knife and with a microphone in her hand!)
Any Additional Info: Mila has a stitch that shows under her top and she has two piercings on each antenna.

LINK TO TH' JOURNAL:  fav.me/d6swq46

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to 1nvader-M1L4 [2013-11-25 21:41:20 +0000 UTC]

Noted! You will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd with who you will be drawing for.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

1nvader-M1L4 In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-25 22:08:35 +0000 UTC]

Okay! YAAAAAY! lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

1nvader-M1L4 In reply to 1nvader-M1L4 [2013-11-24 19:05:38 +0000 UTC]

WHOOPS! Wrong link! Here it is: fav.me/d6vhex7

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ToonyMeg [2013-11-24 18:43:31 +0000 UTC]

DeviantART name: *LillyTheSeedrian
Dear Secret Santa, I would like a pic of my IZ OC Meg and her boyfriend Zam (Who belongs to ~invaderMaythe1st ) doing something Christmas-related together
Refs: Meg - fav.me/d5q0w5i Zam - fav.me/d6r1yh5
Additional info - Meg doesn't have a PAK...umm...I think that's it xD

Aaaaaand a link to the journal!~ :3 fav.me/d6vhb1w

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to ToonyMeg [2013-11-25 21:41:23 +0000 UTC]

Noted! You will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd with who you will be drawing for.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToonyMeg In reply to CuddlesAndHuggles [2013-11-25 22:06:03 +0000 UTC]

Okay then~ <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

woifrea [2013-11-21 01:21:44 +0000 UTC]

Deviant art Name:

Dear Secret Santa: I would like a picture of Dib trying to explain to Zim what "Christmas" is and Zim not understanding.

Character Reference: 

Zim: images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__c…

Dib: ageofirken.webs.com/photos/Dib…

Additional Character Info: Zim does not understand Earth's customs very well, but is still bent on conquering it one day.

Dib: Is determined to make sure Zim doesn't conquer the planet, but is willing to work with Zim on rare occasions.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to woifrea [2013-11-22 19:34:19 +0000 UTC]

Noted :> you will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd of who you will be drawing for. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Straight-AsA-Rainbow [2013-11-20 01:35:40 +0000 UTC]

deviantART name: ~Straight-AsA-Rainbow

Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of my OCs Ziv and Ady... Doing something Christmas-y. Like opening presents or something like that?

Character Reference(s): straight-asa-rainbow.deviantar…

Any Additional character information: They're friends, in a messed up sort of way. They tease each other a lot. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CuddlesAndHuggles In reply to Straight-AsA-Rainbow [2013-11-22 19:34:22 +0000 UTC]

Noted :> you will receive a note either December 1st or 2nd of who you will be drawing for. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KickingKoryAnders [2013-11-19 01:55:05 +0000 UTC]

deviantART name:  KickingKoryAnders

Dear Secret Santa, I would like a picture of plain ol' Zim reacting badly (and maybe violently) to any Christmas tradition or object, please.

Character Reference(s): (do I have to do this? I mean... really..um, )  www.google.com/search?q=zim&am… .

Any Additional character information: 

It weirder the picture the better. I don't really want anything super fancy just funny, you know? 

feel free to stick any of your OC's in the if you want to 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

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