CupCakeBear1 — Confused_Valentine Special~

Published: 2014-02-14 13:17:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 1832; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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Description NOTE: If You Are A GerIta Fan I Won’t Stop You From Continuing On. This Is A Germany X Reader After All So Please, If You Don’t Like Something About It, Do Not Leave Rude Comments.
Thank you, And Happy Valentine’s Day~


~Confused Valentine Special~

Sitting by a nearby tree you tilted your head observing the beautiful sketch you had just drawn. A sigh escaped your mouth; eyes examining the beautiful picture of your long time crush. This picture would forever be your own little secret. No soul except God’s and yours would ever know about it. You captured the handsome man’s every detail. From the stern look he usually wore to the fine build of his body. His eyes that had not yet been colored looked on into the distance, a breeze blowing by with a few lose bangs being carried with it. You squealed hugging the picture to your chest. Just thinking of him made your face heat up and a goofy smile spread on your face. Oh why couldn’t you just tell him how you felt already?! Was it because you knew he became very embarrassed when it came to romance? No, it was because of something that confused you very much.
The sounds of a thick German voice yelled off in the distance, followed by the cry of an Italian. Your eyes diverted to the two men who were currently running laps around the field. The way his handsome eyes looked sternly at the small Italian man. Though he sounded stern and mean you could sense the care in his thick voice. A blush dusted his cheeks when Feli made an adorable pouty face.

His sexuality.

Which was he? Straight or gay?
The heart that pumped blood threw your body cringed in thought of the latter. You wouldn’t judge him or be a homophobe if he was. In fact you’d probable support and help him since he was one of your best friends. But the thought still made you feel depressed because he was still your one and only crush. You remember the day your brother had introduced you to the handsome German. It wasn’t love at first sight, but you couldn’t say no to his looks. And over time, as you two got to know each other more, you found that you not only liked, sorry LOVED, his looks but his personality too. It was cute whenever he got flustered from things related to romance. You also found his neat freak side to not be very helpful but funny and adorable too.  

Shaking your head you turned back to your sketch book; (h,c) bangs covering your eyes and a small frown upon your face. You held back a few tears as thoughts filled your head and made you doubt. “What if he is gay for Feliciano?! What would happen if I told him how I felt?! He’d probably hate me forever!”, you sniffled and gripped the edge of your sketch book. The sounds of crunching grass getting louder made you quickly straighten yourself and you quickly flipped to a random empty page; your pencil making meaningless circles. Lucky for you it was Feli who came by and plopped down on the grass. His breathing was heavy and exhausted.

“Ve~, that was-a hard! I-a took the chance to-a getaway when-a Doistu wasn’t-a looking!”, he explained turning his head your way, even though his eyes were closed.

You smiled down at your Italian friend. It seemed even when you were in the downest of moods, Feli was always somehow able to bring you up.

“So what-a are you drawing?!”, he asked with a smile before sitting up by you and looking down at your sketchbook.

“Oh n-nothing, I’m just trying to get some ideas is all.”, you  replied.

“Ve~ may I-a draw something?!”

“Sure”, you handed him your sketchbook.

Feli was the only one you ever let draw in your precious sketchbooks. Not only because his art was very beautiful, but also because you trusted him to handle it with care. Light sounds of the pencil marking the paper filled the silence along with the sounds of birds in the distance chirping. A cool breeze blew by and fluffy white clouds flew overhead. Everything was at peace.

“. . .what would you do if a man was gay for you?”

The boy’s hand completely came to a stop and time seemed to freeze. The strange curl upon the Italian’s head slightly bounced as he looked at you, thinking for an answer. Your question had come out of nowhere, and you couldn’t believe you asked that. It just slipped out without a thought. Your eyes quickly widened as you sat straight. “Y-you don’t have to answer-“, you couldn’t finish because Feli had cut you off.

“Its-a okay bella! Um. . .well I would-a be flattered but I’d have to apologize because I wouldn’t-a feel the same way!”, he explained with a small friendly smile.

His answer brought some weight off your shoulders and you mentally sighed in relief.

“Why do you-a ask?!”

You stiffened,” U-uh! N-no reason!”

“Mmmm, okay bella!”, he said before going back to his art.

That was close. Who knows what he would’ve done if you said it’s because you suspected that Ludwig was gay for him. Hell what would Ludwig do if he was and you told Feli how he felt?! It probably make things even worse for you! Just as Feli was finishing up his piece of art the ruff sounds of breathing were heard and a deep growl.


The two of you both turned to see a sweaty, panting Ludwig stomping towards the both of you. Feli yelped before cowering behind you, but you were completely busy at the moment to even care. Busy looking at the fine man advancing towards you that is. Oh how his shirt clung to his body, showing every line of his toned chest and stomach. The drops of sweat made his muscle shine in the sunlight, and the few strands of out of place bangs made your heart race. Ludwig was too sexy for his own good. Hell his own good, he’s probably going to make your heart explode from all his sexiness and glory. During your whole faze you hadn’t noticed that Feli just addressed you before he waved his hand in front of your face.

“H-huh?!”, you stuttered blushing more then what you already were.

“Ve~ are you okay bella?! Your face is really red!”

“I-I’m fine! W-what were you saying now?!”

“Oh I was-a explaining to Doistu that I stopped running to talk to you about M’s and Alfred’s Valentine party!”

You were totally confused now not remembering anything about a Valentines party, but sensing that your friend need help you went along with it.

“O-oh yeah. Are you going Ludwig?!”, you asked him with a hopeful smile, now calm enough to actually talk to him.

He merely sighed before pushing back his blond bangs, “Ja, I guess. Feli asked me to go vith him.

You noticed his cheek’s pink a little and you began wondering why. Was he really gay for Feli?! You frowned a little but quickly smiled again, not only because you remember Feli telling you he wasn’t gay, but also because the two were here.

“Oh cool!”, you stood up from the ground dusting off your pants. “Guess I’ll see you two there! I’ve gotta go help Oni-chan water the bonsai before he closes shop.”

The two waved goodbye before you had completely disappeared from view. Ludwig looked down at Italy blushing slightly again before turning to leave.

“Ve’re leaving as soon as I’m done and dressed. Don’t go making pasta or I’ll have to clean up after you again, ja?”

Italy stood up,” Aw, but I-a like pasta.”


“Ve~ okay. Hmm? Oh!”, Feli stopped and ran back to the tree as Ludwig stopped to wait for him.

“Vhat is it now?”

“(y,n) left her-a sketchbook!”, he replied before picking it up.

Just right as he was about to though a wind blew some of your pages back. Once the Italian had picked up for better view he lightly gasped at the picture now at hand. It was very interesting to say the least. Oh won’t Doistu just love it?


Lights flashed in the large living room and music boomed through loud speakers. Some people where dancing while others were laughing amongst each other and having a drink. You had arrived a little early to see if there was anything you could help your friends with. Now with the party on play and most of the guest here you stood with your best friend M’. She had just finished writing down your answers for a valentine survey her teacher gave her.

“Glob, I can’t believe I have to do this!”, she groaned with one hand on her hip, the other holding her clip board.

“Well is it absolutely necessary?” you asked with enough volume to be heard over the music.

“No but I get extra credit if I do and I really need it.”

“Oh I see.”

“Yep, oh hey! Did you ask Ludwig yet?!”, she asked with a dorky grin.


“Uh yeah. Did you ask him about his sexuality yet?!”, she clarified what she meant, pen spinning between fingers.

“What?! Of course not!”

It wasn’t that you forgot or anything. It’s that you weren’t sure how to ask for one, and you were too scared for an answer. M’ sighed shaking her head, her dark hair moving with her motions.

“Well you need to soon or later.”

You crossed your arms and narrowed your eyebrows,” It’s not that easy. Why don’t you ask him yourself?!”

She chuckled,” Pfft, one because he’s your crush. And two I don’t have to ask someone if they’re gay or not.”

Both answers were true. M’ had not only a gay uncle but one of her closest friends was gay as well. The two hung out quite a lot also. You and M’ had been friends since you two could practically walk, so she knew everything about you just like you knew her. It also helped that both of your older brothers were really close friends too.
M’s expression changed and she looked very serious,” Look (y,n), it’ll hurt more finding out a different way than asking. Whether he turns out to be straight and gets himself a girlfriend, or if he is gay and ask Feli out.”

She had a point. It would hurt way less asking first hand then finding out the other ways. You let out a sigh. Oh what to do?! Should you ask him or just wait and see?! Clenching your fist and biting the bottom of your lip you came to a conclusion.

“Your right. I’m going to ask him tonight.”, determination laced your voice.

“Alright! That’s my girl!”, M’ smiled before slapping you on back rather hard like her American brother.

“And if he is gay and breaks your heart, I’ll smash his face in before taking him shopping with me and Felix!”, she winked jokingly at you.

You laughed,” Don’t do that! That’s mean!”

“What?! I can’t help it! But seriously you don’t want to be all depressed because then you eat a lot and end up like that fatty over there.”, she snickered pointing to Alfred who just walked by.

He heard what M’ said and made a face,” Hey! I’m not fat! I’m fluffy.” He pouted cutely before walking over and giving her a noogie,” And what about you little sis?!”

“Gah! I’m not fat or fluffy! I’m drop dead sexy!”, she pointed at herself with a wide grin.

“You’ve been hanging out with Gilbert again haven’t you?!”


You giggled watching the two playfully argue with one another. It was nice to know you had good friends. Sighing you turned around and started your mission. Many people were in view but you couldn’t find the one person you were looking for. You looked outside to see Gilbert and would have asked him where his brother was if he hadn’t been butt naked skinny dipping with his other two friends. When you came to the kitchen you only found Arthur drunk as hell whining about something while being soothed by some random chicks, a few stifling some giggles.

It felt like hours had passed before you decided to look in the large living room once more. Scanning the area you noticed M’ looking down at her clipboard before throwing it in the air and running over to join her Russian boyfriend to dance. You shook your head knowing that she’d give up on the work soon or later. Walking around the dark room with flashing lights, and blasting music you continued to scan the area. (e,c) eyes stopped dead on some shinning blond hair sitting at a couch. Target acquired. Making your way over to him you noticed that his gaze was fixed on something. Following the direction his blue eyes led you spotted Feli dancing with a bunch of girls. Your head snapped back to Ludwig but you became even more confused when you saw his expression blank. You expected him to be glaring perhaps out of jealousy or standing up and gripping the man in a head lock. Does this mean he’s not gay?!
You felt your heart being fed a little more hope and more confidence came as you strode over to the man. Ludwig directed his attention to you when he noticed you sit by him.

You smiled,” Awesome party huh?!”

“Sorry what?!”, Ludwig asked over the music.

You spoke a little louder,” Awesome Party Huh?!!”

He pondered for a minute before nodding,” Oh! Ja, I Guess!”

“Uh hey Ludwig! I Have Something Important To Ask!”

His cheeks dusted pink noticing the nervousness in your voice. Curse the damn darkness though and random colors of flashing light, because you could not see his blush.

“Vhat Is It?!”

This was your chance. How should you approach this?! Should you just be straight about it and ask if he was gay? Or should you start a conversation and leave hints here and there? F’ it, you were just going to ask because you were so tired from the anxiety of wanting to know. Just as you were about to ask however the song ‘Vivir Mi Vida’ by ‘Marc Anthony’ played and the music became twice as loud with the cheers of screaming people.

“Ludiwg, U-um! A-are you gay?”, you voice couldn’t be heard and the German narrowed his eyes confused.


“I Asked! Are You . . .”, you voice was once again drowned out as the majority of the people had yelled some lyrics along with the song.

Ludwig, now a bit frustrated yelled though it sounded normal over the music,” VHAT?!!”

You groaned now very angry. Why was this so difficult?!! Taking in a large, deep breath you yelled just as the music had stopped, “ARE YOU GAY?!!!”

The room was DEAD silent. People were so confused and weren’t sure how to react. You quickly slapped your hands over your mouth, your face very heated from embarrassment. You had it easy compared to poor Ludwig though. His face put everything and anything red in the world to shame, and he only starred at you with a slightly gaped mouth and eyes the size of dinner plates.

“I-I’m. . .”, you couldn’t even finish your sentence as you quickly jumped up from the couch and ran out the house. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes but you wouldn’t let them till you were as far away as possible.

Back at the house the room was still filled with airy silence, but a certain American had ruined it by bursting into laughter. The very red German sent him a death glare but that didn’t stop his fit of laughter. M’ quickly elbowed her older brother in the stomach before he fell on his knees gasping for air. Other people just starred at them making her very uncomfortable. That is till Ivan stood behind her with a dark aura.

“What are you looking at?”, he threatened with a his accent lacing his voice.

Immediately people went back to their own business and the music continued. M’ smiled and turned to her boyfriend.

“Thanks babe.”, she tip-toed and kissed his cheek before running towards the living room entrance. She stopped by the couch though and glared at Ludwig.

“You’re coming too.”, her seriousness only made him nod before she grabbed his  wrist and took off running to find you.


You sniffled and held your head as tears poured from your eyes. After the ‘incident’ you quickly made and escape and ran all the way to the park; not taking a single brake. You didn’t care about the pain your legs or lungs felt, the only pain that really mattered was your heart. Now he surely hated you, even if he isn’t gay. How were supposed to face him now every time he came over to train with Kiku. You could just stay inside but you know that after a while the boys come in for a break. God, this was so frustrating to you and what made it worse was that you still had no clue about his sexuality.

As you continued to cry you hadn’t notice that your best friend M’ had sat down by you. Only when she put a gentle hand on your shoulder did you look up. She frowned deeper seeing your tear stained face and red beat eyes. You didn’t give her a chance to say anything before you hugged her and cried harder into her chest. She hugged you back and stroked her hair like a caring mother while saying soothing words like “there, there it’s alright.”
It was like that for a while before your crying had calmed and you pulled back sniffling and rubbing your eyes. M’ smiled at you softly, one hand still on your shoulder.

“Better now?”, she asked with a soft voice.

You nodded and sniffled,” A-a little.”

“It’s okay (y,n). I talked to Ludwig before I-“

“Y-you Talked To Ludwig?!!”, your eyes now full of panic.

“Uh yeah but-“

You interrupted M’ once more, “Oh My God!! He Probably Hates Me So Much Now!!! He Probably Thinks I’m A Weirdo Too!! He-“

“Will You Stop Interrupting Me?!!”, she yelled bonking you on the head. You whimpered rubbing the sore spot as she let out a frustrated sigh.

“Look (y,n). Ludwig doesn’t think of you like that at all. In fact he’s not even mad. Maybe a bit embarrassed, but he’s not mad at you. If he’s mad at anyone its Al’. He also completely understands and forgives you for what happened. So don’t worry too much okay?”, as she continued to speak her tone became more reassuring then frustrated.
You starred at her for a bit before asking,”. . .so. . .he’s not gay?”

M’ giggled,” You’ll have to find that out on your own. I just came to tell you that he’s not mad and to comfort you.”

You nodded,” Thanks M’. You’re a true friend.”

“No problem dude! That’s what friends are for!”, she smiled before standing up.

“Remember (y,n), I’m always there to help you in any way I can. I’m rootin for ya girl! Go get’m!”, she winked before walking off. You smiled at your brunette friend before turning forward once more. Bringing your knees to your chest you sighed as you closed your eyes to think. Now you had to plan on how you were going to face Ludwig and ask him once again.

M’ hummed now at the fountain a bit away from you and spun on her foot before stopping in front of a certain blond.

“Kay dude, she’s all yours. But remember, broken heart equals broken face~”, she threatened the German with fiery eyes.

He gulped and nodded before the two went separate ways, his way towards you. Ludwig was going to talk with you, not because your friend scared him a bit, but because he needed to. Seeing you sitting by a tree he fastened his pace some. You were so deep in thought that once again you hadn’t notice another presence. Ludwig looked at your face and noticed the tear trails which only made him feel a little worse. After sitting down beside you he shook your shoulder, not hard enough to hurt you though, but still a bit tough.
Upon seeing him you nearly jumped out of your skin. Not just because there was a huge buff dude out of nowhere, but because that huge buff dude was Ludwig. The one guy you had totally embarrassed at the party in front of everyone. His eyes widened a bit when you jumped and let out a little squeak.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”, he apologized taking his hand back.

You stuttered but smiled with one hand on your heart,”N-no! It’s okay! I was my fault for being in my own little world! Um. . .sorry about. . .calling you gay at the party.” You looked down hugging your knees once more.

Ludwig frowned a bit but nodded,” Vell. . .you didn’t really call me gay. You just asked. . .”

You peeked over at him after what he said. You really did expect him to be mad at you, but apparently M’ was right when she said he wasn’t. (e,c) eyes admired the work of art infront of them. That beautiful blond hair and perfectly blue eyes. It wasn’t just his looks you were admiring, but all the memories of the times he had been nice to too. His personality was also on your thoughts and you loved every bit of it.

. . .well, here goes.

Your body tensed as you turned towards him some and his blue eyes had all attention on you. You looked nervous and your cheeks were dusted a light pink.
“So. . .are you gay Ludwig?”

Once again you had asked him, but unknown to you was that the question had flown past him. He was more focused on the way his name rolled off your tongue. You made it sound so perfect as if it were the only word you knew. He blinked as his blushed more remembering you had just asked him something. Of course the blush was more for those thoughts he had. Ludwig pondered on the question and every second of silence that past by made your heart sink on the inside just little bit more.

“Vell. . .no. . .I’m not gay. . .it’s just. . .sigh,” he let out a sigh still trying to think. In honesty he was a bit confused now himself. Why did you think he was gay?

“Um. . .vhy do you think I’m gay?”

Now it was your turn to be caught off guard. You hadn’t expected him to ask YOU that! What were supposed to answer with?! You rubbed your arm a bit nervous recalling all the times that gave you thoughts that he was gay.

“U-u. . .well. . .the way you look at Feliciano.”, at this Ludwig blushed a bit. What did Feli have to do with this?! Well he’d soon find out as you continued.

“Whenever he’s flirting with girls I see you either punch him in the stomach or get him in a head lock. It’s as if you were jealous that he wasn’t flirting with you. Also they’re the number of times I’ve seen you blush when Feli does something cute like pouting, or making you pasta, or giving you something nice. You’re around him a lot too. Even when he isn’t in any danger or calling for help.”

There was silence in the air when you finished. All you did was look to the side shuffling nervously. If only you could read minds would you maybe not be so worried right now. As for Ludwig he continued to stare at you with a blank expression. Now thinking over what you had just told him, he couldn’t help but blush a bit more. Sure he liked Feliciano, but he wasn’t sure he was gay for him. He decided to go ahead and finish his answer and explain why all that was.

“Vell . . . you see. I could honestly care less about vhether he flirts vith a girl or not. I just vish he’d do it vhen ve’re not training. Und all those times I’ve blushed vhen he does something is just because I can be easily embarrassed. Also I know it looks like I’m gay for him sometimes, but it’s just I’ve never had such a close friend before. Und . . . um . . . it’s kind of the same for you too.” he rubbed the back of his head feeling heat rise to his face.

Your head shot up in his direction. What did he mean by that?! Does he . . . does he like you?!!

He cleared his throat and continued,” You’ve always been a really close friend to me like Feli. I didn’t expect us to become so close even the first day ve met. I just thought you’d be like an acquaintance, but you talked vith me and trained vith me. Even though sometimes I could tell vhen you didn’t vant to, you did anyways just to be around me. Also you gave me gifts here und there for no reason at all. Even the small things vere a lot to me.”

Your cheeks were red from blushing and your heart beat faster every time he spoke. Maybe he did like you! He’s clearly stated he’s not gay so there’s a point to you. You starred at him and a small smile appeared on your face.


He nodded,” Ja. Oh um . . . here.”

He reached into his jacket and what he pulled out made your heart skip a beat. It was a box in the shape of a heart with a red bow tied around it, and in between the two was a small red rose. His nervously handed it to you while you took it with care. His face was as hot and it looked like he was about to pass out. Clearly this wasn’t something he normally did.

“I’ve seen people give these things out to others they like, but I never really thought about doing it. You don’t have to keep it if you-“

“Oh Ludwig it’s beautiful. Thank you!”, you cut him off with a thanks and smiled cutely. He sighed and grunted in response. It was an awkward silence from then on. Neither of you were sure what to say next. Right now you were trying to come up with courage to say you love him. Asking if he was gay wasn’t nearly as hard as this. Even though the chances of him liking you back were good you still couldn’t help but feel some doubt. What if he only like you as a friend? And what if asking this was going to make that friendship awkward if he didn’t?!

“Come on (y,n)! Suck it up! You can do this!”, you mentally yelled at yourself.

Without a second thought you brought your hands together in front of your chest and blurted out what you’ve been meaning to say for a long time.

“Ludwig I Love You!! Will You Be My Valentine?!!”

You had said that so fast you feared he didn’t catch any of it. But the expression and color of his face said otherwise. You peeked one eye open and then the other. Seeing his red face made you a bit confused as to what he felt, but once a soft smile spread across his gorgeous face you knew that everything was okay.

“Ja. I’d love to be your Valentine (y,n)”

You smiled wide and threw your arms in the air,” Yes! I’m so glad! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

He chuckled at your enthusiasm but then you frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

You pouted,” It’s just. . . I didn’t get you anything.”

During this whole time of questioning his sexuality you had completely forgotten to buy him a gift. Wow, some Valentine. He smiled once more and patted your shoulder.

“It’s okay (y,n). You didn’t have to get me anything. Just being my Valentine is enough.”

You cheered up at his words and smiled. Then a light bulb when off in your head and you grinned like a dork.

“Well . . . I may have not bought you something. But I’m sure this’ll be just as good.”

Ludwig didn’t have any time to think as you brought you soft lips to his. He stiffened at first but relaxed and kissed back. The kiss became even more passionate now as the two of you held each other. It was sweet and loving. To the both of you it was like the world had completely left you in peace. Nothing could have disturbed this moment of passion. Sadly though the need for oxygen had called you both to attention, and you parted with faces as red as the rose on your Valentine box. Ludwig rested his forehead against yours before softly speaking so that only you could here.

“That gift vas better than something bought from a store.”

You smiled softly looking up into his blue eyes.

“Ich liebe dich (y,n)”

“I love you too Ludwig.”, you said sweetly back.
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Comments: 12

sakura-trees123 [2014-03-01 17:43:24 +0000 UTC]

Awww! So cute! I <3 the ending!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CupCakeBear1 In reply to sakura-trees123 [2014-03-02 19:12:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Red-tailhawk [2014-02-17 18:02:55 +0000 UTC]

I loved the story so much!!!! especially because I completely agree with how Germany explained that he doesn't love Italy like that *cough* and also because Germany is my favorite character *cough* My day has been made

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CupCakeBear1 In reply to Red-tailhawk [2014-02-18 03:46:24 +0000 UTC]

Lol! I'm glad you liked it and that your day has been made!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shygoodangel [2014-02-16 17:45:11 +0000 UTC]

This story is so cute and fluffy. I was blushing the whole time while reading this.   It's such adorable Valentine story. you did such a great job making this wonderful lovely story. Keep it up the good work making amazing stories.    

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CupCakeBear1 In reply to shygoodangel [2014-02-17 13:33:48 +0000 UTC]

Aw, thank you! I'm glad you like it and I shall!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shygoodangel In reply to CupCakeBear1 [2014-02-17 18:25:49 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ilovemacca64 [2014-02-16 04:08:42 +0000 UTC]

Omg, I love you for this! I feel so much better that someone else thinks like I do and I'm sure my bff would be glad too(she is in love with Italy XD ). But I just really appreciate you writing this because it expresses me to a T. Thank you lots!   And yes, I think I shall choose to belong to Ludwig if you please!   -kisses Luddy-   

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CupCakeBear1 In reply to ilovemacca64 [2014-02-17 13:36:02 +0000 UTC]

Haha! Yeah my friend is head over heals for the guy and Germany's my second favorite, so I felt kind of bad when my other friend showed me the episode. Except I laughed more then PM did. She was just really angry and confused! XD But I'm very happy that you liked it and it made you feel better!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ilovecats13 [2014-02-15 03:33:08 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CupCakeBear1 In reply to ilovecats13 [2014-02-15 23:59:01 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ilovecats13 In reply to CupCakeBear1 [2014-02-17 01:22:55 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0