Cydnee-B — Gravesend: Ashtoreth

#ashtoreth #city #era #gravesend #psychic #victorian
Published: 2019-03-28 02:51:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 1198; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 5
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[Song I] [Mood Board] [Song II]


You'll never know
The beauty I see when you open your shadow


They'll never know
The worlds that I see in the darkness you don't show


NΛMЄ 〗Ashtoreth Eklund

ΛGЄ 〗32

GЄNDЄR & SЄX 〗Cis Female

ORIЄNTΛTION 〗Panromantic Heterosexual

WЄIGHT 〗 130lbs | 59kg

HЄIGHT 〗 5'10" | 178cm standing / 4’3” | 130cm in wheelchair

OCCUPΛTION 〗Novelist, Illustrator, Psychic

SPЄCIЄS 〗Human-Alien hybrid


Being half alien, Ashtoreth is adept with psychic powers. She is self taught and isn’t aware of her maximum potential due to not knowing about her paternal bloodline. She continues to stumble into new abilities over the years and practices through trial and error. A whole lot of her powers are mentally invasive and/or can cause severe physical harm, so she rarely, if ever, uses those specific ones.

Astral projection – separating her spirit from the body via trance to become a ghost with the ability to communicate with other magical spirits and undead. She can travel freely within the environment via floating.

    ● Psionic Possession - through projection, Ashtoreth can possess or take over the body of any living being, whether sentient or not, by stealing their motor functions and senses. Sentient targets can only be possessed when sleeping or unconscious, while non-sentient targets can be possessed whenever. She cannot possess the dead.

    ● Ashtoreth’s physical body is vulnerable when she projects, and if she’s away for too long (24 hours) her body dies and she is permanently a ghost.

    ● Ashtoreth must meditate, sleep, or be unconscious when she needs to astral project.

    ● A permanent symptom from being separated from her body for a prolonged period of time to almost dying, is that she can see and communicate with low to mid level spirits to without astral projecting. Another permanent symptom is that she spaces out and forgets things that just happened moments before.

Psychokinesis – The ability to manipulate objects with the mind.

    ● Binding: keeps object(s) immobile

    ● Levitation: lift object(s)

    ● Movement: to push, pull, or alter the natural course of object(s)
    ● Pressure: to apply unseen pressure on object(s) with potential to damage. She can bend a steel beam and crush skulls with ease if she wanted, but she couldn’t even kill a fly personally.

    ● Her psychic weight cap is 400 pounds in total, ex: one 400-pound boulder OR 400 one-pound stones at once.

Telepathy – The ability to transmit and receive thoughts supernaturally.

    ● Communication: open up secret conversations and relay covert information.

    ● Omnilingualism: intuitively understand and translate any language. She uses this mostly to translate her books.

    ● Psychic Link : linking minds with other living being, sharing thoughts, memories, emotions or feelings when connection is deep, such as Ashtoreth is with Elijah.

    ● Empathy reading: can fully interpret emotions, moods, and temperaments of others. This is an inferior version of mind reading as Ashtoreth hasn’t practiced this often due to respecting other’s privacy.

    ● Mimicry: through reading brainwaves, she can perfectly replicate actions if she has the capabilities in doing so, such as painting a perfect duplicate of a picture or can instruct someone on cooking professional level cuisines.



● Music: Elijah personally made her a music box and she plays it almost everyday. It helps keeps her intrusive thoughts away.

● Pasta: a picky eater, but loves pasta heavy dishes.

● Reading: a good novelist researches her competition, but she’s also has been reading at an early age as an escape.

● Elijah : her means of living. The only being to accept her mind body and soul. If anything were to happen to him, she wouldn’t be able to go on.

● Learning: always down to learning a new trade skill if she is physically capable.


● Newspapers: they bring negativity into her life, despite wanting to keep up with current events.

● Traveling: not a big fan of change and unfamiliarity unless absolutely necessary. Plus it’s expensive.

● Physical labor: her disability prevents her from doing basic tasks without the aid of her psychic powers or Elijah.

● Dependence: embarrassed and borderline humiliated when she has to ask for favors from others even if it’s a tiny favor.


+Motherly +Respectful +Peaceful

● Ashtoreth is the nice lady who spends time listening to other’s problems and offers advice when asked. She’s extremely hard to anger and minds her words with her company. She never ever gossips either.

=Reserved =Sensitive =Careful

● She often doesn’t talk about herself and it can come off as humble but also mysterious. However, she’s not very good at hiding her emotions although it’s what makes her human half relevant. She will do her damnedest to avoid being in the spotlight.

-Self-Destructive -Obsessive -Spacey

● She self-deprecates out of habit even when people compliment, and when she's obsessed with something, it is very hard for her to stop even if she knows its unhealthy. Somewhat uncommonly, Ashtoreth will lose track of her thoughts, speak randomly, or just drop focus in the middle of a conversation, a side effect of her powers.




For full story, read here.

 TL;DR: Born in Nigeria, her mom was mysteriously inseminated by an extraterrestrial, she left for England to start a new life as a single mom and maid. When Ash’s powers started to develop, her mom encouraged her to learn about herself. When ash became a late teen, her mother died and goes into a deep depression. During this phase she gains the ability to astral project and meets Elijah, a Fae of the court. He helps her out of depression, but it unintentionally leads her to rely on astral projection too much that her body rejects her spirit and she goes insane. Elijah saved her by becoming Njall’s familiar and uses his power to bring her back into her body at the cost of her ability to walk, and Elijah’s faith to his court. They now live in Gravesend together and are married.



● Her ‘freckles’ and eyes have a light glow to them. She has more ‘freckles’ on her elbows, shoulders knees and hips.

● She will always ask if it's okay to speak telepathically to someone. She is aware a lot of individuals find it invasive.

● She is very fascinated with learning about otherworldly beings and their professions. One of her hobbies in between writing stories is to shadow others and learn.

● Her last name is taken from Njall Elkund because Ashtoreth gave Elijah the opportunity to pick one and the witch’s was the only one he knew other than Ash’s.

DISCORD ID 〗Cydnee B.#5868


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