Cynthrey — A.J. Maza

Published: 2018-11-18 04:18:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 1596; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 1
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Description -Ajabu James, o A.J., es el hijo mestizo de Goliath y Elisa; nacido aproximadamente 4 años luego del final de la serie (me refiero al episodio "La Luna del Cazador", no a la 3ra Temp.), en un período donde los humanos comenzaban a respetar a las gárgolas pero el Quarrymen seguía siendo un riesgo a tener en cuenta.

-"Ajabu" significa "maravilla" o "milagro" en suajili y fue sugerido por su abuela Diane que quería que su nombre hiciese referencia a lo que sería no solo para ellos como familia sino para ambas especies, mientras que "James" fue sugerido por su abuelo Peter que prefería dar a su nieto un nombre que no lo hiciese resaltar tanto. Al final, Elisa decidió darle ambos nombres a fin de acabar con el conflicto entre sus padres y le tomó pocos segundos el apodarlo A.J. mientras que a Goliath le tomó pocos segundos el empezar a cuestionar por qué los nombres tienen tanta relevancia para los humanos.

-El ser mitad gárgola ha afectado su crecimiento desde que estaba en el vientre de su madre. Su gestación se completó luego de 6 meses, naciendo perfectamente sano pese al poco tiempo que duró el embarazo de Elisa. Sus primeros años creció física y mentalmente más rápido que un niño humano y, sobretodo, más que un polluelo de gárgola, alcanzando a los 10 años un aspecto y mentalidad de un adolescente de 14; luego de un año, a los 11, su envejecimiento se volvió similar al de una gárgola. Esta maduración tan acelerada provocó que constantemente se saltase años y cambiase de escuela durante su niñez e impidiéndole establecer amistades fuertes con otros niños humanos. Ser hijo de quien es también le dio una mejor constitución física y gran altura, la cual puede hacerlo ver incluso mayor.

-Debido a que se conocen de toda la vida su mejor amigo es Alex Xanatos, siendo tan cercanos al punto que Alex es el único en el castillo que conoce un secreto que A.J. a ocultado a toda su familia, incluso a su hermana. Como todo amigo casi hermano un minuto pueden estar peleando a muerte y al siguiente jugar un partido de basketball. Nashville también es un amigo cercano, pero no se compara a la unión que tiene con Alex.

-Mantiene una buena relación con todos en el clan. De niño podía pasar horas enteras escuchando las anécdotas de Hudson, llegando a considerarlo su abuelo; le tiene cariño a Broadway pero disfruta molestándolo sanamente de cuando en cuando; Lex y Katana lo instruyeron en el manejo de tecnología, el combate y el sentido del honor; de Brooklyn acabó aprendiendo un gran amor por el motociclismo. A Arthus, su sobrino, lo adora con locura y casi compite con Broadway por quien se gana el favor del polluelo. Mantiene una relación estable con sus padres, de niño eran sus héroes pero al crecer perdió ese sentimiento. De su padre heredó el amor por la lectura, el sentido del deber y el mal genio (Dios se apiade de quién esté cerca de él cuando está furioso); de Elisa heredó una gran perspicacia y mente ágil y también un gran gusto por la comida picante, de hecho, inspirado por ella toma la decisión de convertirse en policía. Ángela es la más cercana a él de todo el clan, se tienen un inmenso cariño y confianza siendo ella de los primeros a quienes recurre cuando se siente afligido; de hecho él tiende a referirse a ella como Angie, ese apodo tan odiado por Ángela, pero debido a que se le refiere de esta manera desde que era pequeño ella nunca tuvo el corazón para confesarle su disgusto por ese apodo.

-Otras de sus buenas relaciones son con Natalie Bluestone, hija de Matt Bluestone, que también conoce el secreto compartido por Alex. Sus abuelos, que desde pequeño lo mimaban; su abuelo le regaló una armónica cuando tenía 8 años y desde entonces la lleva siempre consigo a modo casi de amuleto. Sus tíos, Derek y Maggie en el Laberinto, y sus primos, los trillizos, Veronica, Louie y Dilan, fueron una parte de su vida que le hicieron no solo un combatiente contra el racismo sino casi incapaz de entenderlo. Su relación con su tía Beth podría describirse como la relación entre el sobrino rebelde y la tía cool.


A.J. Maza

-Ajabu James, or A.J., is the half-blood son of Goliath and Elisa; born about 4 years after the end of the series (I rmean the episode "The Hunter's Moon", not the 3rd Temp.), in a period where humans began to respect the gargoyles but the Quarrymen was still a risk to consider.

-"Ajabu" means "wonder" or "miracle" in Swahili and was suggested by his grandmother Diane who wanted his name to refer to what would he be not only for them as a family but for both species, while "James" was suggested by his grandfather Peter who preferred to give his grandson a name that would not make him stand out so much. In the end, Elisa decided to give him both names in order to end the conflict between his parents and it took her a few seconds to nickname him A.J. whereas it took a few seconds for Goliath to begin to question why names are so relevant to humans.

-The half-gargoyle being has affected his growth since he was in his mother's womb. Elisa's pregnancy was completed after 6 months, being him born perfectly healthy despite the short time that Elisa's pregnancy lasted. His early years grew physically and mentally faster than a human child and, above all, more than a gargoyle hatchling, reaching at age 10 an aspect and mentality of a teenager of 14; After one year, at 11, his aging became similar to that of a gargoyle. This accelerated maturation caused him to constantly skip years and change school during his childhood and prevent him from establishing strong friendships with other human children. Being son of who he is also gave him a better physical constitution and great height, which can make him look even older.

-Since they know each other from life his best friend is Alex Xanatos, being so close to the point that Alex is the only one in the castle who knows a secret that A.J. hides from his family, even his sister. Like every friend, almost brother, one minute they can be fighting to the death and the next they can play a basketball game. Nashville is also a close friend, but it doesn't compare to the union he has with Alex.

-He keeps a good relationship with everyone in the clan. As a child he could spend hours listening to Hudson's anecdotes, starting to consider him his grandfather; he cares for Broadway but enjoys disturbing him healthily from time to time; Lex and Katana instructed him in the handling of technology, combat and the sense of honor; from Brooklyn he ended up learning a great love for motorcycling. Arthus, his nephew, he worships him with madness and almost competes with Broadway for whoever wins the favor of the hatchling. He maintains a stable relationship with his parents, as a child they were his heroes but as he grew up he lost that feeling. From his father he inherited the love of reading, the sense of duty and the bad temper (God take pity on whoever is close to him when he is angry); from Elisa he inherited a great insight and agile mind and also a great taste for spicy food, in fact, she inspired him to made the decision to become a police officer. Angela is the closest to him of the whole clan, they have immense affection and confidence being she of the first ones to whom she resorts when he feels distressed; in fact he tends to refer to her as Angie, that nickname so hated by Angela, but because she is referred to in this way since he was little she never had the heart to confess her dislike for that nickname.

-Other of their good relations are with Natalie Bluestone, daughter of Matt Bluestone, who also knows the secret shared by Alex. His grandparents, who spoiled him since childhood; his grandfather gave him a harmonica when he was 8 years old and since then he always carries it with him almost as an amulet. His uncles, Derek and Maggie in the Labyrinth, and his cousins, the triplets, Veronica, Louie and Dilan, were a part of his life that made him not only a combatient against racism but almost incapable of understanding it. His relationship with his aunt Beth could be described as the relationship between the rebellious nephew and the cool aunt.

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Comments: 4

CowgirlMickey [2018-12-01 15:19:03 +0000 UTC]

Hr looks awesome but where are his gargoyle traits?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cynthrey In reply to CowgirlMickey [2018-12-01 22:11:25 +0000 UTC]

you mean phisically? well, I was actually thinking about explaining that on a fanfic but if I don't I promise I'll explain it other way
And about other kind of traits? well, there's that thing of his aging, and also I forgot to mention in the description that he's stronger than the common human (having an adult human's strength being kid) and when he gets mad (really mad) his eyes glow and starts acting more instinctively (not as much as goliath but still pretty much)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CowgirlMickey In reply to Cynthrey [2018-12-01 22:42:23 +0000 UTC]

Ah gtcha. Cool!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cynthrey In reply to CowgirlMickey [2018-12-01 22:56:55 +0000 UTC]


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