CyphonFiction — PMA Application: Unwin

Published: 2013-12-06 19:13:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 1004; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Description I found this group a few hours ago. I don't usually get involved in RP groups because they are so intimidating but this one is just I really hope I get accepted! And I finally have an opportunity to use this guy!


General Info

Pokemon: Unown(!)
Nickname: Unwin
Gender: Male
Birthdate: March 19th
Current Age: 20
Orientation: Bisexual

Height: 5'2" (he is NOT a tall guy!)

Father: Unown
Mother: Unown
Siblings: Unown
(funny cause it's both not known and the Pokemon XD)
Romantic Partner: N!A
Offspring: N!A

Pokemon Stats
Current Level: 25
Nature: Rash
Ability: Levitate: Damage dealing Ground-type moves have no effect on this Pokémon. Cannot be trapped by Arena Trap ability. Takes no damage from Spikes.
~~~~Hidden Power - A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it.

Battle Stats:
Sp. Attack:
Sp. Defense:
Residence: Originally from Tanoby Chambers, now resides in Lumoise City

PokeHuman Stats
Occupation: Waiter at a Cafe, though he never tells which.
Town of Residence: Lumoise City
Appearance: Slim build with dark black hair,  pale skin, and black eyes. Usually wearing an indifferent expression or a scowl, he's not the most friendly of Pokemon. He most commonly wears black dress pants, dress shoes and blouse, with a white vest and a black and white hat.

Personality: Rash, Egotistical, Selfish, Lonely (Hidden), Childish (tries to hide), Semi-Patient

{Rash} He is known for making rash decisions and not fully preparing for if things don't go as planned. When things go wrong he, if only for a split second, will loose his mask of indifference and show what he's really feeling.

{Egotistical} Unwin is and will likely always be an Egoist. He will only help others or participate in things if he feels it will benefit him in some way. Whether with material gain or furthering his own personal goals of getting stronger and being seen as a legendary. He see's himself as higher then others and strives for others to regard him as such.

{Selfish} Just as he is an Egoist, naturally he is also selfish. He does not like to share or help others at all, and only the thought of furthering his own gains will motivate him to do anything for anyone else. Due to his past and the reaction received when he thought he was helping he rest of his kind, he no longer thinks of anyone but himself. Anyone asking him for anything will likely be rewarded with a severe glare and a childish scolding.

{Lonely} He pretends he is not and acts as if he is completely happy living only for himself, but he's actually very lonely. Outcasting himself from his own kind and blocking others from getting close he's stranded himself emotionally from the rest of the world. Many of the things he strives for often just boil down to wanting others to truly see and acknowledge him, but his personality and actions make it so even if he achieves these goals he'll still be completely alone.

{Childish} His motives are childish and show a distinct lack of knowledge in the way the world works. He is prone to small temper tantrums when he looses his cool and actually has a very childish sense of humor though he will try his hardest not to laugh at ridiculous kid jokes.

{Semi-Patient} He can withstand a decent amount of nonsense and failures before he breaks down or gets angry enough to attack. His mantra to keep him calm when getting frustrated with other people and Pokemon is somewhere along the lines of "It's okay, they're just lower beings, They don't know any better."

Unlike most Unown, he does not stay in the Unown realm and has spent most of his life in he real world partially learning about the ways of humans and Pokemon. He first entered the normal world when he was young, and was instantly captivated by the strangeness and wonder of it all. However as he began to learn about the world by reading the minds of people and Pokemon alike, he started to grow bitter. He learned of legendary Pokemon and the way they were revered and couldn't understand why. As an Unown he had seen many of the so called legends in his own realm and knew them as nothing more than ancient monstrosities who needed to be caged. Why would creatures like that gain so much awe and respect when the Unown did not?

Frustrated with these thoughts, he returned to the Unown Dimension to share what he learned. But none of the other Unown seemed bothered and merely laughed at how young and innocent Unwin was. Why should they care what the humans thought of them? They knew what power they held and that was enough. But it wasn't enough for Unwin. More frustrated by the lack of support in this travesty, he returned to the human world with a decision. He would MAKE the humans and Pokemon see them as legends too! Then the rest of the Unown would thank him for taking the initiative and gaining them respect.

Unwin's plans did not go as he intended however... His first attempt to show off just how powerful the Unown could be, accidentally lead to the death of a small boy. The child had been entranced by Unwin's psychic power and had fallen from a high cliff dying on impact on the ground below. In shock at the turn of events and not sure what to do, Unwin had used his power to make the boy's body walk back into town then fled back to the Unown Dimension. However the rest of the Unown knew what he did, and figuratively shook their heads at him. Poor Unwin. To young and naive to understand the world.

Angered by the way he was now referred to by the rest of his kind because of his mistake, Unwin once more left the Unown Dimension this time with no intention of returning. He took up residence in the Tanoby Chambers in Kanto, and grew more and more bitter and angry through the years. He hadn't done anything wrong! He often tried to convince himself. He'd only been trying to help his kind and they did not recognize it! Only looking at him with pity...

A few years after the incident, Unwin discovered knowledge about the Diitech device, created by the Pokemon Amie co. Now thinking only of himself and how he craved he respect that Legendary Pokemon received, he jumped at the idea and moved to the Kalos region. Choosing the name Unwin for himself, he now resides in Lumoise City posing as a waiter in one of the many Cafe's around the town (tough luck getting him to tell you which one though, being that a waiter isn't exactly the most respectful job in the world so he doesn't like to reveal where it is hat he works specifically) He prefers to stay in his PokeHuman form rather than his natural form. Despite his past mistakes he seems to be on the same route as before, now believing that as a PokeHuman he has become even greater than he was as just a regular Unown. Finding that he Frou gang had similar thoughts of PokeHumans being better then regular Pokemon and people, and knowing that joining a powerful team would help him excel in his aspirations, he fervently tries to join...

(To be continued~)

Black and white are the only colors he will wear. He vehemently refuses to wear anything else.
Does not like to be ignored
Will occasionally devolve into a childish tantrum when too many things go wrong for his liking
Does his best to school his emotions and collect himself when he realizes he's being too much like a child
Likes the snow and many other things he never got to experience while on the Sevii Islands
Prefers dry flavored foods and can't stand bitter tastes
Would likely really enjoy hugs and other acts of affection, but will not willingly do such things himself.

(more to be added upon discovery)

Relationships: (Link to be provided later)

User Info
Time Zone: Central Standard Time
Chat Availability: My availability changes from day to day and is never guaranteed due to my job and school. However I typically try to be online at 10PM and will stay until I am too tired to do so anymore.
Chat: I'm not keen on the chat room as it's harder to go back and read what was previously posted, but I'm willing to attempt it
Skype: Feel free to add me, it's also an easy way to tell when I'm online. Name: ciphondrive just include your dA username in the message when adding me
Note: A good place to discuss ideas or get a hold of me, but i don't like to RP in dA notes.
Comment: I don't like to do serious RP in comments, but silly random stuff is fine ^^
Forum: I LOVE LOVE LOVE to RP on forums. I even have my own personal forum for roleplaying fictionasylum.boards.net/

Role-Play Examples:
Excerpt from an AU Virgins RP with Honey
Bellum grinned and returned to staring out at the sea, feeling much better then he had just moments before. Linebeck gave him a gift! His first gift... He pulled the coat tight and grinned wider. Maybe he'd get a gift for the captain to... An idea popped into his head at that thought and he almost slapped himself. Of course! Why hadn't he thought of it before? The captain did so love treasures after all. The young Drago grinned wider, it was perfect! And he knew exactly where a good sized stash was hidden. Deep on the ocean floor, not to far from their current position. A long ways for a Hylian, but for a water Drago? Just a quick swim."Now jus' wait fer him to go ta sleep..."

Excerpts from V4D
A few hours later, Blue finally stirred again, this time feel a lot better then he had when he woke up with the hangover. He yawned loudly and smirked down at the still sleeping Vio. Blue ran his hand through Vio's hair marveling at the softness of it, before something else caught his eye. The bookshelf where Vio had been reading a few days ago. Blue hadn't had a chance to clean up yet... and the books were still all over the floor. Growling in displeasure, Blue slid off the bed and away from Vio quickly picking up the books off the floor and placing them each back in their respective places. He sighed relieved that the problem was fixed... until he noticed the small drips on the floor. Some a transparent white for the first day, others a bright red from when he brought Vio home. Blue sighed. "At least Vio's asleep..." then the draconian got to work.


Nabooru's eyes snapped to Vio intently upon hearing that Blue WASN'T okay, but decided to compromise. "Fine. I shall tell you about the origin of the Draconian Dragos." She sighed then began. "You know your religion do you not? How the three goddesses, Farore, Nayru and Din came and created everything? Well this is the first lie. The three golden goddesses did not create everything, at least not on their own. In the beginning there were many Gods and Goddesses. The most powerful of which were the golden trio; the Goddess of Time; the God of Wind; Majora, the God of War and destruction; and the mighty Fierce Deity, God of Love and connection." She listed nodding her head as she went. "The Goddess of Time and the God of Wind, their duties in creation completed, faded back to their own realm no longer feeling the need to meddle in the lives of mortals. The others however, chose to stay.

"The golden goddesses created the triforce as you know, however, that is not fully correct either. As the center of the trifoce originally house a fourth piece, that of the Fierce Deity. Unlike the goddesses, the Fierce Deity did not leave his piece untended in the mortal realm. Because of this, he often visited the mortal realm choosing various forms to disguise himself, his most common being that of a Dragon.

"As time passed by, Hyrule forgot all but the golden goddesses, but we Gerudo remembered that of the Fierce Deity. Unfortunately that was our own downfall, and his..." Nabooru gave an angry look and the air felt charged with magic as she continued speaking. "Originally, there were both male and females among the Gerudo. We enjoyed our lives, and prayed often to the golden goddesses and the Fierce Deity.”

For fans and readers of the Virgins series, keep in mind this story is not entirely true as it doesn't include a LOT of information that was made after the first draft of the story was written.

Pokemon (c) Nintendo
Ref sheet for %Pokemon-Amie
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Comments: 9

R0B0tak [2013-12-14 18:33:55 +0000 UTC]

Hehehee reminds me of Death the Kid from Soul Eater <3 <3 <3 Awesome job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CyphonFiction In reply to R0B0tak [2013-12-15 03:15:36 +0000 UTC]

XD lol I've never seen it so I wouldn't have noticed the similarities.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

R0B0tak In reply to CyphonFiction [2013-12-15 03:30:24 +0000 UTC]

cdn.myanimelist.net/images/cha… Then look no further! xD Thats what he looks like.

Fan-freaking-tastic job on your Unknown! x3 I never thought one could be rendered in human form so well!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CyphonFiction In reply to R0B0tak [2013-12-15 03:43:21 +0000 UTC]

XD lol, well aside from he color scheme it's still a lot different.

thank you though XD I've had this guy for YEARS and when I found PMA his story fit it so well I just HAD to sue him for it. (I made him originally for a hack game I've worked on and off of for years now)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

R0B0tak In reply to CyphonFiction [2013-12-17 05:38:04 +0000 UTC]

Man, then that worked out perfectly! Glad you found a place to put him! x] It sucks to have a character floating about in your head with no outlet! ;o;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CyphonFiction In reply to R0B0tak [2013-12-17 05:43:19 +0000 UTC]

XD i know right? they tend to waste away in there... though i like to picture it as some big airplane terminal and all the flights are always late so all these weirdos are stuck hanging around and the ones who don't ever leave have lost their tickets and must work at the terminal to earn money to buy a new one XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

R0B0tak In reply to CyphonFiction [2013-12-17 05:47:47 +0000 UTC]


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CyphonFiction In reply to R0B0tak [2013-12-17 05:50:08 +0000 UTC]

I know right?!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

R0B0tak In reply to CyphonFiction [2013-12-17 05:54:05 +0000 UTC]


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