daaku-no-tenshi — Mischief Managed Designs 01

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Published: 2007-03-20 18:20:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 7208; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 48
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Description This is a piece of work done with a variety of materials, watercolour pencils, pens, markers, and then touched up on the computer. If the op's feel that it is in the wrong categories, please, by all means, feel free to move it, just please to GOD dont delete it, please? x_x


Edit: I've added a new image of Abigail as an adult after Voldemort and the Death Eaters take over Hogwarts on Mischief Managed. The new image is up, and the character profile at the bottom there has also been updated.

This is Abigail-Melissa Mailey. She's a Harry Potter Fankyara. Now I know that I swore a blood oath never again to make another Harry Potter fankyara because all the places in my HP Fanmanga were full and I didn't HUGELY enjoy Harry Potter persay, but still, I wanted to RP with Kat and the others on Mischief Managed, an HP RP site, so I designed Abi for the purpose.

Err.. actually, I should also say that I have another character in mind - Spyrral Whirl, a school bully. But thats all up to Kat and her two comrades as to whether or not both or even one of them is accceptable on the site. Design of Spyrral coming soon, but this is the last image on this account for at least a week, and the last of the IMMENSE UPLOAD LOT! O_O

Abigail-Melissa is her full name, btw. Melissa isnt her middle name.

Err, case in point, I'd love her to be Ravensclaw, thus the ravensclaw banner, but Kat was kindof iffy, thinking she might be a hufflepuff. And I .. HATE ... Hufflepuffs. Their all chubby and clumsy and don't fit in anywhere really socially, and tend to be viewed a bit of a load of oddballs in my opinion. If anyone wants the link to Abigails profile, itll be up soon, just ask me for it.

Second Edit: I've recieved a few disappointing messages lately saying that Abigail is a Mary-Sue. People are of course entitled to their opinions, but I'm rather sad that people think so, even if it is a vocal minority. I take a lot of pride in my character design, fandom or otherwise, and it's a shame she's been given that label as she is one of the few fandom OCs I genuinely became attached to. Please keep in mind that her design was strictly limited by the admins of the site and her actions, what she does and some of her characterisation was built around the way some individuals on the site felt it best for her to fit into the current plots at the time. To simply even get past signup, I had to relinquish a lot of creative freedoms to even begin RPing. I hope you understand.

Maybe it's a case of too many cooks spoil the broth. Or maybe I'm just being overly sensitive. I don't know. I quite like Abi, so I will just let people make up their own minds.


Name: Abigail-Melissa Mailey
Nicknames: Abi, Abigail or Mel. (Referred by adults as Mailey)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Blood: Half-Blood
Wand: Chimaera Scale Core with Birch Wood, 9 inches long.
Pet: Pardalis, an Indian Star Tortoise.
Broom: Any broom'll do!

Appearance: A general height of around 5’3, has baby blue eyes with much depth to them, with slightly thick eyebrows and always wears a pair of thick rimmed glasses. Her hair is medium to shoulder-length, a dark and dirty-brown colour and rarely is it ever styled, tending to hang down loosely off of her head in a sort of bob-cut, because its more easy to maintain with just a couple of ribbons or hair-clips in it, and at times can appear quite frazzled or frizzed. She has an average build for her age. The tips of her hair are slightly blue-ish in tinge due to coloring or dye. Generally wears warm clothing, thick and wooly with big gloves for her health. She has a liking of turquoise nail varnish on the weekends, and wears either black shoes, or steel-toecaps with long, dark blue socks. Funnily enough, a lot of times, she can be seen scurrying around the place at top pace with such clothing on, and usually stares at the ground while talking to people, and bows her head a lot and runs off a lot. Her complexion is a bit pale looking, with no real visible tan. Very much a Scottish upbringing, her twang, especially for living around Glasgow, is something that a lot of people find incomprehensible on the rare occasions that she would tend to speak.

Personality: Introverted, very very inward and tends to stammer nervously. Only speaks very clearly and in very good English when only around people she’s comfortable with. She’s very formal, and would tend to be considered aloof by those that don’t know her. She also keeps to herself an awful lot, and has very few friends. Doesn’t inspire conversation, and usually answers questions with one-word answers, in a whisper or mutter. That much older now, she is almost totally unaffected by any teasing or nasty comments she receives from others. Easily pressured and/or bullied into doing things, but on very rare occurrences, a firm sureness of herself seems to come to the surface, out of nowhere. If found in the Library, usually hidden behind some big, thick textbook or at the main desk working, she can be asked on mostly any subject, and can quickly, and silently, show you lots of books on that given subject.

As for what she likes and enjoys, Abigail enjoys nature and animals, but rarely if at all gets to see any animals other than her familiar, Pardalis. She is very interested in magical creatures, and writing stories, and drawing comics, enjoying a lot of the classic British comics – Beano, Dandy, Beezer and especially a local comic – Andy Capp. Her favourite book is The Importance of Living, and her favourite type of music, unsurprisingly, tends to be emo-like, melodic and sad country music. She is hungry to read up on as much as she can, and has thus burned out her eyes and required glasses because of it, however, when she is not interested in something – she is definitely NOT interested in something, and tends to show it. She enjoys a bit of herpetology and falconry, which is the study of reptiles and amphibians, and falconry of course, being the usage of predatory birds for hunting or recreational purposes. She doesn’t have her own bird though, and she aspires to keep one someday in the future when she is older.

With her dislikes it’s a little difficult to say, because Abigail doesn’t talk about herself much. Nevertheless, her dislikes are being put on the spot, such as being asked to do something for someone on the dot when she’s busy. This instance seems to engender an automatic “Yes” in agreement from her, because she finds difficulty saying “No” to people. When working around the Library, she becomes irritated if people try to talk to her when she is really busy with doing things. She hates secrets and being kept out of things if she KNOWS she is being kept out of things, and has a bit of a habit for reading things and trying things out that she shouldn’t be, or just down-right isn’t allowed to. Whether this comes from general independence or her ‘inner activist’ is debatable. She doesn’t like being out in the hallways or grounds at night in the Orphanage, alone.

She has a bit of Agoraphobia, and this is unsurprisingly a result of staying inside almost all of her life. Her mother taught her hardly anything of magic, and she had no real magical background. Contained inside of the school as a student and in buildings as a young adult, the risks to her very fragile health from cold is reduced. (And you thought that room was warm to irritate you!) Many times she feels unwell and can be caught sleeping in the Library as she would be reading, and this is when most people can find and get a hold of her to help them find something. When awake, she tries her best to stay out of the way of others, and out of sight, and thus, is a rare social appearance.

Occupation: Book Keeper/Teacher at an Orphanage.

Checked by FT

Robert Mailey [Father - Missing]
Star Truesdale [Deceased]

In Abigail’s own research into her family history, she has recently discovered a probable tie to the Malfoy family on her mother’s side. In her studies, she has found that her mother appears to be a disowned and illegitimate daughter of the seemingly illustrious family, although the name Truesdale never seems to be recognised and is totally denied by the Malfoy’s. This Pureblood line seems to become.. iffy, somewhere around her grandparent’s generation. Sadly, she also tends to know very little of her fathers side too, and the only thing that Abigail has been able to find out about her fathers side of the family – because she never knew her grandparents on her fathers side, is that he comes from a largely extended family, and that they seem very low-class, with a genetic ‘thing’ for having ginger or reddish hair and freckles. Thankfully, she seems to have dodged this genetic pool, whereas her father did not. Documents pertaining to her father’s side of the family are written or signed with excruciatingly bad hand writing. Living and meeting near the Clyde coast in Glasgow, Scotland, Abigail’s parents lived generally in the area all of the time that they were together, and until Abigail was taken in by Hogwarts, she always lived in the area as well.

Her parents met outside of schooling, in the Muggle World. Out shopping one night, Abigail’s mother, Star Truesdale, was being pulled into an alleyway and held at knifepoint by a couple of street robbers. One of the robbers was Robert Mailey, Abigail’s basically Muggle father. Under the most terrifying of circumstances, Star Truesdale was possibly to be subjected to rape or even murder in that alleyway by the second of the two assailants, the anonymous criminal. But when the entire course of events in the alleyway took on more a more sinister tone than that of a simple robbery, the first of the two assailants, Robert Mailey, began argueing with the other robber, and what occurred next was a mini free-for-all struggle, with the two robbers fighting and Star trying to get herself out from between the blows. Robert, though defending the witch now, was overpowered by the second robber and dazed on the paving, leaving her helpless. In a split second decision, Star broke every rule that wizards are ever taught, and used her wand on the other robber when he refused to let her just run off. Even if it was for the case of survival, she still felt it was wrong afterwards. She fell to the ground unconscious after turning her magic on the robber, hit hard and badly bruised from the confused scuffle between her and the two men, and a few hours passed. Star awakened in the local hospital with a few large bruises, and a badly shaken nerve. Beside her, sleeping somewhat groggily in a wicker chair, was Robert Mailey. Recognising him from the robbery, the hospital promptly went into uproar when Star started shrieking at the height of her voice, and Robert, just as promptly, ran as fast as his feet could carry him. Despite this, Star soon learned that not only had Robert defended her in the alleyway, but he had also helped her to the nearby hospital. A later look at her belongings showed her that Robert had indeed not stolen anything from her, and discussions with the doctors sounded like Robert had not given away any of her magical secrets.

Thus, she now felt a mixture of regret for feeling angry and terrified of him, and also she felt a bit sorry for him, although for whatever reason, she couldn’t give herself an answer. A few weeks later she and Robert met at a café when she was sitting there and he was walking past, and the two spoke – cautiously at first, but eventually got to know each other better. Robert moved in when the two of them struck up a gradual friendship and eventual relationship, and Drake Mailey (Abigails mysterious older brother) and Abigail herself were eventually conceived, after the short, snappy marriage of Star and Robert, and Star never did tell anyone that Robert was there that night in the alleyway, not even her own parents, or her own resulting children that they had together. Things seemed alright, until Abigail’s father up and left for no reason, perhaps back to old habits. When Abigail was called to Hogwarts by letter, it was at her mothers bedside, where she died with a smile on her face that Abigail still doesn’t entirely understand. Star died of an acute spinal cancer. Her father never acknowledged it.

Abigail’s grandparents on her mothers side are very, very old, and very weak of health, something that Abigail strongly inherited. So they couldn’t take care of her. Robert Mailey is still as of late nowhere to be found, as is Drake Mailey. All other relatives on Roberts side of the family could basically be called gypsies, and social services have found it exceedingly difficult trying to contact any of them – but its quite possible that they want nothing to do with the little girl. Thus, she went into care.

History: Abigail was born on the 3rd of December. After a seemingly normal life of marriage, her father suddenly up and left, and it sent a ripple effect through the rest of the family, until the entire Mailey and Truesdale lines weren’t on speaking terms any more. Abigail, already a very quiet and hard studying little girl of six, suffered from severe psychological damage after everything that had happened to her and her family. Estranged from her grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins on all sides of the family tree, Abigail found herself an orphan when her mother finally succumbed to the same ill health and weak body which she herself has inherited. Unfit to live totally in a Muggle setting on her own with other kids, she was considered of considerable danger to the rest of the society of magic, and is rather tossed around in different adoptive parental settings, taken care of by the well-wishers and do-gooders. This is because although she has inherited a huge amount of magic from her mother, she is very ungainly at willing it forward, and although she tries her best, some spells that seem simple turn out disastrous. Thankfully, she studies very well, and this is a rare occurrence, whereas it was a common occurrence when she was younger, and is now in a bit of better control with her magic. She now earns her keep, her food and welfare merely by helping out where she can, especially around Hogwarts for teachers, cleaning classrooms over the summer and doing some of the teachers non-essential paper work when their too busy, when she’s not in the study mood and in the library reading. Now generally in third year, she has spent the last three years at Hogwarts completely out of the way of others, trying to keep others attention away from her and to get on with her own schooling at much as possible, with no real social life.

Coping in the orphanage was primarily just that – coping. Left to her own devices, Abi buried her face in a book or a comic or a leaflet, anything at hand basically, and hoped no one would come near to bother her. She hated it with an up-most passion, and it was probably the lowest point in her life, just as much as it would be with any child, given the same situation.

As for exams, tests and general schoolwork within Hogwarts, because of severe and over ambiguous studying that plays as much havoc on her eyesight as it does her social life, Abigail has had very little trouble passing many exams, and yet it is surprising to see her pass a lot of the practical’s, considering she doesn’t tend to use magic that often. Prone to fainting spells and slight if working outdoors, which is one of her banes, she isn’t normally expected to pass many of the practical examinations, even though she scores optimal on nearly every written or knowledge test handed to her, and this is probably her biggest problem – because despite all others expectations that she’s going to fail horrifically at her actual magic examinations, she always goes above and beyond, and sometimes at cost to herself. Drained and a bit exhausted after practicals, mostly from nerve than anything else, this is her only problem in this area. Overall, her abilities with Ancient Runes is phenomenal, despite her passing her other classes comfortably, she has a definite talent in this class. Informed poorly on Hogwarts altogether by her mother, Abigail is ‘winging it’ to the best of her ability, and was not even entirely sure what an O.W.L was until just lately. Largely excessive use of magic causes exhaustion and grogginess in her, but thankfully, she rests up very well and rather self-indulgently – at least as much as she can - before and after all O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s just to be safe and make sure that she is calm and collected before, during and after an important examination.

Abi’s crushes are totally unknown. Way too shy to say even to good friends about her feelings for any possible boy that she is interested in. Deep down, she is hopelessly romantic. Valentines is a very important day in the yearly calendar for her, but she never receives anything. At times, its possible to tell if she likes someone, because she becomes even more awkward than usual around them, and could even turn out to be hateful or spiteful towards them, fearful that they take up her time when she should be studying.

She keeps an unusual little familiar, Pardalis, an Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone Elegans), which is roughly 30cm in length and 15cm in width, with characteristic radial star-shaped patterns on each of its naturally raised scutes. (The hexagonal scales on its shell.) A general grazer, Pardalis likes nothing better than to munch on grasses and succulents like cooked prickly pear, hay, cabbage, tomato and cucumber. She has been known to eat bones and cuttlebone for calcium to grow big and strong and regularly can be found toddling down halls on its own, as if it owned the building, much to the dismay of the faculty, who view it as an irritancy. Regularly kicked or stepped on or tripped over, Pardalis requires much polishing and loving attention, but then again, so does every familiar in some way or another.

During the attack on Hogwarts, Abi, being the classroom mouse, had run off on her own again to hide during the attack and the murders. She was never to get away with survival lightly, because during a few ensuing minutes when her emotions over-rode her need to live, she attempted to save a few already half-dead students, just as she met with a blast, and was caught in it. She is now blind in one eye, and it is tinged a slight turquoise green compared to her good eye, which is still blue. Before this though, she let off stray blasts of her own – and toppled a statue, killing two people. In the ruckus, she still cannot recall who they were, or of what alignment. She hardly ever mentions it, it isn’t something she enjoys dwelling upon.

After a short while, she simply disappeared from everyone’s radar for a short time, going off traveling on her own through the outskirts of the land, hitch-hiking or on foot, to get her mind off of the horrors she had been left in that night, and almost all of her old school-mates weren’t aware whether she was alive or dead. She has also attempted to train herself as much as possible during this time in the use of her magic. Despite any and all of her strengths, even the older, more experienced Abigail still brings forth many problems with her use of magic, tending only to burst magic randomly at times, during perhaps stressful encounters or during moments of high emotion, but also with a surprisingly large, excessive force.

After her mother died, there was a substantially large bank account left for her. Abi has yet to find this out, having never been addressed on the subject. If an owl has been sent, the message appears to be lost in transition. During her travels, she got in contact with her best friend, Tay again, and was invited to work at the Orphanage. Being one in general herself, she felt compelled to turn up there, to help.

In many ways, she seems to even feel more for the side of the Death Eaters than for that of those who are coming off worse in it all – the children. As she tells stories or helps the orphan’s study things, or show them pictures, her eyes are always completely distant. She sits with an orphan on her lap reading, but it is as if she is not fully ‘all there’, so to speak. Ignoring any feeling of being connected with or caring for the orphan’s emotionally despite Abi virtually being an orphan herself, Tayana has basically become the connection point between the two. If Tay becomes upset if something happens to the orphans, then Abi, meeker more-so than Tayana at times, suddenly becomes a lion. It is because of this that some suspicions grow that she feels more than a simple friendship with Tayana, though this is something even Abi has to notice, and would probably be mortified/embarrassed if it were to be mentioned.

Her distancing herself from the orphans leaves room to perhaps be at odds with her oldest and best Hogwarts school friend Tay at times, sometimes her allegiance seems to drift a little as she talks despite all that happens, but whatever loyalty she holds to the Slavic girl will always be there, despite even her own best wishes. Feelings, fears or nightmares even of the night of the attack still sometimes haunt her, inwardly at times, she feels that she was forgotten, left for dead, and her trust in many of her past student friends who still live has waned.

She has collected rare and sometimes ancient or forbidden books and information – results from the war, and though it is never shown truly to anyone, there always feels like there may be a slightly dangerous side to the young woman, a side that perhaps, if she were to allow it, would not be affected at all in the taking of a life, and if pushed beyond reason, perhaps she just could attempt it. Guarding Tay at times, a little smothering in ways, she is ferocious in her territorial nature with the young woman, becoming noticeably agitated if she feels someone is acting suspicious around Tayana or the orphans.
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Comments: 7

Silvercresent11 [2008-01-13 17:52:06 +0000 UTC]

This looks great! ^_^ Keep it up!

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

sss131313 In reply to Silvercresent11 [2021-02-07 03:43:14 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

daaku-no-tenshi In reply to Silvercresent11 [2008-01-15 14:47:42 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! ^^
- Stephen-san

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

sss131313 In reply to daaku-no-tenshi [2021-02-07 03:43:27 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Silvercresent11 In reply to daaku-no-tenshi [2008-01-17 04:59:35 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SnakeMorte [2007-07-05 20:20:56 +0000 UTC]

YOU ROCK! you are really good at drawing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

daaku-no-tenshi In reply to SnakeMorte [2007-07-13 18:55:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much. ^_^
- Stephen-san

👍: 0 ⏩: 0