Daizua123 — Rebuild of Godzilla Episode 1.10

#daikaiju #endgame #godzilla #gojira #kaiju #monster #rebuild #rodan
Published: 2021-04-01 22:53:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 19352; Favourites: 108; Downloads: 2
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Description Rebuild of Godzilla
The Endgame

Episode 10

-While on vacation, Masato, Natsumi, Chiba, and Mayu must put aside their differences to stop terrorists controlling Kaiju.


Opening: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts7_En…



    A week has passed since the Mechagodzilla attack.  There have not been any alien sightings since, but the Global Defense Force has doubled patrols to keep an extra watch out for any new threats, alien or Kaiju.  To catch a breather from constant trouble, Masato and Natsumi have decided to spend the weekend at the Bonin Islands together.  After getting tickets, they manage to get on the plane, which takes them to the Bonin Islands.  Masato reads a book while Natsumi looks down at the sea, getting a glimpse at some of the Japanese islands.

Natsumi: Hey Masato, thanks for making me take a break.  I really needed one.
Masato: No problem.  I kind of needed one too.  There haven't been any recent sightings at the Bonins, so we should be fine there once we arrive.
Natsumi: I hope so.
Masato: I brought our Godzilla tracking equipment, just in case.

    They eventually arrive.  Masato and Natsumi unpack.  Masato is the first to emerge from the house and walk to the beach, wearing nice blue swimming trunks.  He stretches his arms and yawns, ready to have a nice, relaxing day.  Natsumi then appears, wearing a cute pink bikini.  Masato takes notice of her and briefly gazes at her gorgeous body.

Natsumi: Eyes up here.
Masato: Oh, sorry.

    Masato and Natsumi lay on the beach to get a nice tan.  As they relax, Masato notices something big moving in the distance, almost like a sail.  He disregards it, as it could just be a big cruise ship.  They put on their sunglasses when they hear two familiar voices nearby.  They see Chiba and Mayu.  Chiba is in shorts and a black tanktop, while Mayu is wearing a white one-piece bikini.

Chiba: Ishimaru, Fujiwara!
Masato: Chiba, Mayu?  What are you two doing here?
Mayu: We're on vacation too.
Chiba: Plus our own little business here in the Bonins.
Natsumi: What kind of business?
Chiba: Glad you two asked.  Follow us.

    Reluctantly, Masato and Natsumi accompany Chiba and Mayu to their place.  Inside are two other people and a bunch of computers and Kaiju merchandise.  Masato and Natsumi were stunned; Chiba had been busy.  They looked at the photos that were taken of Kaiju.  Some they had already encountered, others they didn't recognize.  Natsumi noticed three particular Kaiju photos.  One was like a giant lobster, another was similar to a giant pterosaur, and the third was like a mix of fish and dinosaur.  She wasn't sure which Kaiju these were.

Chiba: Welcome to my environment, homies.  RealEffingMonsters.com!  RFM for short.  This is Taichi and Molly, they help run the sight.
Taichi: Yo.
Molly: Hi.
Natsumi: What is this?
Masato: Wait, this is that conspiracy group trying to prove the truth of the Kaiju to the world.
Chiba: Been running this since high school.  Gotta have dreams, bro.
Mayu: Chiba and I search for rumored Kaiju sightings and try to show the world what it could mean.
Molly: Chiba, we got some brand new GINO footage!
Chiba: Post it, baby!  Go go go!
Masato: What the hell is GINO?
Chiba: Godzilla In Name Only.  He was sighted in New Guinea.

    They examine the footage as the group works to post it on the site.  Masato takes a closer look at the Kaiju in the footage.  It's almost identical to Godzilla, but something feels off about it.

Mayu: All of the American experts claim that it's Godzilla, but we think otherwise.
Masato: No, this isn't Godzilla.  This is something else.
Natsumi: How do you know?
Masato: Godzilla walks upright and is massive.  This one is a little smaller, and it moves horizontally, like a dinosaur.  It's leaner too, much leaner.
Taichi: Uh oh... Uh, Chiba?  Bad news, we just got scooped!  The video's already up on GFM.
Natsumi: Dude, chill.
Masato: GFM?
Chiba: GiantEffingMonsters.com.  Monster-Samurai, the guy's our main competition on conspiracy stuff.  "Effing" was my F-ing idea and he stole it!  He's been linking to my site and thieving hits forever.
Masato: Well, that's nice, but we should get back at the beach.

    Just as Masato and Natsumi prepare to leave, they hear an explosion and gunshots, along with the sound of people screaming.  Masato gestures the others to stay put so he can go out to see what's happening.  Suddenly, he stops dead in his tracks and puts his hands up.  As he slowly backs away, some men in uniforms enter the house, one of whom is pointing a gun at Masato.  The others get up calmly and put their hands up as well.

Red Bamboo General: Tie their hands and take them outside.



    Masato and company are bound and escorted outside.  They are put alongside other captured tourists and villagers.  Natsumi looks at one of them and gasps upon recognizing the symbol on his uniform.  Masato turns to her in concern.

Masato: Natsumi, you look like you've seen a ghost.
Natsumi: This is the Red Bamboo.  I've fought these guys before.  They're eco-terrorists obsessed with restoring the world's natural balance.
Red Bamboo General: My friends, today you have the privilege of witnessing the end of humanity and the beginning of the Kaiju.  The mass extinction we feared has already begun, and humanity is the cause, the infection.  But like all living organisms, this planet has unleashed a fever to fight this infection... it's original and rightful rulers, the Kaiju.  Join us as they reclaim their world.  Eyes forward, pay attention.

    The terrorist leader activates a device that lets out a sonar ping, repeating every few seconds.  The sound is placed on large speakers and can be heard for miles around.  Suddenly, three Kaiju emerge.  A giant lobster crawls out slowly, snatching buildings with its massive claws.  Then the creature from the footage appears.  It bears a shocking resemblance to Godzilla, but is more horizontal, has a squarish head, triangular shaped spines, and its arms are longer, allowing for an almost crawling movement.  It spews out a beam attack similar to Godzilla's atomic breath, but it's green instead of blue.  Finally, an aquatic dinosaur that almost resembles the prehistoric Spinosaurus appears and roars out violently.  It opens a sail on its tail and begins thrashing it around, causing hurricane winds.

Chiba: You're out of your goddamn mind!
Red Bamboo General.  This is God's work.
Chiba: Kiss my ass.
Red Bamboo General: Very well.  Let me make you an example of what happens when humanity fails to see the truth.

    As he prepares to shoot Chiba, Masato jumps forward to ram the General, saving Chiba.  Natsumi then uses a knife she stowed to cut her bonds, then knock a guard out, take his gun, and shoot another.  She cuts the others loose.  Masato grabs a grenade and throws it at the general, but he escapes.  Men start shooting at them, shocking the hostages.

Masato: Ishimaru to GDF, we have a code red.  Three Kaiju at once at the Bonin Islands, and Red Bamboo have taken hostages.  We request backup and evacuation plans ASAP!
Keiko: Coming your way.  What are the Kaiju?
Masato: Two Cat 2's and a Cat 3.  The lobster is Ebirah, and the red dinosaur is Titanosaurus.  As for the one that looks like Godzilla, we're calling it Zilla.  Over and out.
Mayu: You know your Kaiju.
Chiba: Zilla?
Masato: I'm not using GINO.
Chiba: Fair enough.
Masato: Alright, we need to get these hostages away from the Red Bamboo and to a safer place for extraction, and fast.
Chiba: Since when are you bossing us around?
Masato: Since no one else has a fucking plan!


    Working together, Masato, Natsumi, Chiba, and Mayu fight off the terrorists and rescue as many hostages as they can.  One fires a rocket, and Masato shoves a child out of the way in time, saving him from the blast.  The child reunites with his parents and is escorted to safety.  They notice the Kaiju are getting closer.  Masato's scanner then goes off.  They see a blue light in the ocean.  A burst of atomic fire hits Titanosaurus in the chest, sending him flying into Ebirah.  Zilla looks out and sees Godzilla emerge from the ocean.

Mayu: It's Godzilla!
Chiba: What's he doing here?
Natsumi: The signal the terrorists used to call the Kaiju.  Godzilla must have heard it too.

    Godzilla makes landfall, roaring out loudly.  Zilla responds with his own roar, making Godzilla sneer at this pretender to the throne.  Zilla charges, evading the atomic breath, and leaps at his enemy.  What follows is a violent battle; Godzilla has the advantage of size and power, but Zilla is faster.  He latches onto Godzilla, biting at him.  The monster king grabs the mutant lizard and throws him.  As the dust clears, there is a hole in the ground.  When Godzilla looks down, a stream of green fire strikes him in the face.  It doesn't hurt him much, but it's enough to briefly disorient him.  Zilla lunges and bites his arm.  Godzilla tries to shake him off.  He unleashes a nuclear pulse, sending him flying away.  As he plants his foot down on his rival's chest, Godzilla roars in pain; Ebirah has recovered and has grabbed Godzilla on the tail.  The giant crustacean holds on as Godzilla swings him around.  He manages to throw him off, but a sonic beam strikes him in the head, sent by Titanosaurus.  Having disorented Godzilla further, he bites down on Godzilla's neck and throws the king to the beach.  Missiles then strike the three Kaiju as the Global Defense Force arrives.

Masato: About time!
Natsumi: Took you guys long enough!

    The GDF starts attacking Zilla, Ebirah, and Titanosaurus.  However, Red Bamboo forces then arrive and attack them.  Masato sees a radio tower with the Red Bamboo symbol on it, and he calls the armada.

Masato: Ishimaru to command, direct some of your fighters at that radio tower.  The Red Bamboo is using it to control the Kaiju!
Ryoji: We're on it, kid.  Fighter squad, concentrate your fire on the Red Bamboo control tower!

    Seeing the jets, the Red Bamboo general directs Zilla to guard the tower.  The creature starts destroying jets, snatching them in his jaws or swatting them out of the sky.

Ryoji: Damnit!  Get reinforcements!  We're taking this tuna-eating lizard down!
Keiko: Commander, Ishimaru, we have a bogey inbound for the Bonin Islands.  Speed would indicate that it's hostile and pissed.
Ryoji: Hustle it up, Ishimaru.  There may be another Kaiju coming, and fast.
Masato: Roger that.  Hustle it up, guys!  We're about to have company!


    A shriek cuts the air.  They hear aircraft exploding, and see the remains crashing to the sea or the islands.  A large shape swoops over them at neckbreak speed.  Then a new Kaiju descends rapidly, landing on a building.  It resembles a giant Pteranodon, but it has two crests instead of one, as well as a serrated beak and an armored underside.  The new creature roars out, spreading is huge wings.

Natsumi: I think I remember this one.  I can't recall its name though...
Masato: Rodan.  It appeared two years after the first Godzilla attack.
Mayu: What's it doing here?
Chiba: I'll bet its this Kaiju brawl, or even the terrorists' signal.  It clearly brought Big Bird here.
Masato: It's taking off!  EVERYBODY FIND SHELTER!!!

    Rodan takes off from the perch to attack.  It flies by so quickly that its winds tear apart the village effortlessly.  While Masato and company take shelter, others are not so lucky and are swept away.  Rodan grabs Zilla by the back of the head and pulls him away.  The lizard Kaiju attempts to break free, but the flying Kaiju then drops him and takes off, clapping his wings.  The clap unleashes a shockwave that stuns him.  Red Bamboo forces attempt to stop Rodan, who begins plucking them off one by one, like a bird hunting insects.  With the fleet gone, Rodan attacks Titanosaurus and Ebirah.  This allows Godzilla to recover and rejoin the fight, grappling with Ebirah, while Rodan pecks at Titanosaurus, emitting a sonic screech that visibly harms the dinosaur.  Godzilla tears off one of Ebirah's pincers, making the mammoth crustacean shriek in agony.  This distraction allows the GDF to resume destroying the radio tower.  As soon as it is destroyed, Zilla, Ebirah, and Titanosaurus are freed, and they stop attacking Godzilla and Rodan.

Red Bamboo General: No!  You will not rob destiny!

    In his plane, the general attempts to divebomb and attack the group, but Zilla catches it in his mouth, killing him instantly.  Meanwhile, Titanosaurus sets his eyes on the wounded Ebirah, then proceeds to tear into the giant lobster, devouring him alive.  Godzilla looks down at Rodan for a moment, then returns to the sea.  After a moment of silence, Rodan takes to the skies, following Godzilla.  The gang watches as Titanosaurus eats Ebirah.  Zilla gallops over, then warily approaches the feeding frenzy.  He sneaks a bite, prompting Titanosaurus to roar in his face.  Forced to back down, Zilla takes his catch and stands by to wait while Titanosaurus eats his fill.  Natsumi gags at the sight of a Kaiju eating another Kaiju.

Natsumi: They're EATING him?!?
Chiba: What's the matter, you never had lobster?
Natsumi: I happen to be a vegetarian.
Masato: Come on.  Let's get these people to another safe place.
Chiba: Good idea.  Then you can get back to hanging out with your girlfriend.
Masato & Natsumi: WE'RE NOT DATING!!!



    When the operation is completed, the groups depart to find safer places to take time off.  They choose a beach in Niijima, Tokyo.  Chiba and Masato try surfing together, while Natsumi and Mayu bask in the sun, their tops untied so their entire backs can soak up all of the sun's warmth.  Natsumi sighs in absolute content.

Natsumi: Now THIS is a vacation.
Mayu: Hell yeah.  No Kaiju, no terrorists, no consipracy.
Natsumi: It I could get away like this more often I would.
Mayu: So where are the Kaiju now?
Natsumi: Godzilla is back in the sea, and so are Titanosaurus and Zilla.  We've lost Rodan though.  GDF survey teams are continuing to look for them.  They could be nice additions to Monster Island.

    They watch as Masato and Chiba continue to surf, until a big wave engulfs them both.  They pop up with their boards, prompting the girls to laugh.  All four of them are having a calm day, and they must make the most of it, because these peaceful days may not last long.


To be continued...


Ending: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qXXt_…


Next time on Rebuild of Godzilla: With the help of Konosuke Tadayoshi, the GDF tracks down Frankenstein's monster.


Previous Episode:  www.deviantart.com/daizua123/a…

Next Episode: www.deviantart.com/daizua123/a…


Godzilla (c) Toho Co., Ltd.
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Comments: 29

LukeJungZX05 [2022-06-15 03:07:13 +0000 UTC]

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LukeJungZX05 [2021-10-28 02:38:05 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

LukeJungZX05 [2021-06-04 08:06:44 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

JW-Gojifan [2021-04-08 19:08:28 +0000 UTC]

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Daizua123 In reply to JW-Gojifan [2021-04-09 00:52:04 +0000 UTC]

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kevinobill [2021-04-03 21:40:25 +0000 UTC]

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Daizua123 In reply to kevinobill [2021-04-03 21:47:24 +0000 UTC]

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rockinrocket67791 [2021-04-02 03:50:58 +0000 UTC]

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Daizua123 In reply to rockinrocket67791 [2021-04-02 04:19:08 +0000 UTC]

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kevinobill [2021-04-02 03:11:19 +0000 UTC]

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Daizua123 In reply to kevinobill [2021-04-02 03:13:32 +0000 UTC]

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kevinobill In reply to Daizua123 [2021-04-02 03:14:22 +0000 UTC]

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54godamora [2021-04-02 01:46:12 +0000 UTC]

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Daizua123 In reply to 54godamora [2021-04-02 01:47:56 +0000 UTC]

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54godamora In reply to Daizua123 [2021-04-02 01:49:57 +0000 UTC]

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Robowarrior1954 [2021-04-02 00:18:32 +0000 UTC]

I love Bayverse Transformers reference!😆

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Daizua123 In reply to Robowarrior1954 [2021-04-02 00:25:32 +0000 UTC]

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Robowarrior1954 In reply to Daizua123 [2021-04-02 00:29:55 +0000 UTC]

And you realize how I got my Profile name, Robowarrior. So who’s Monster Samurai? Sounds like a reference to Kaiju Samurai.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Daizua123 In reply to Robowarrior1954 [2021-04-02 00:31:18 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Robowarrior1954 In reply to Daizua123 [2021-04-02 00:53:50 +0000 UTC]

I think I’m gonna go re read your original series soon. And I’m also continuing my fan made Dajjiverse spin-off about my fictional counterpart soon if I had a chance. Because we all had a personal life you know.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sideswipe217 [2021-04-01 23:54:08 +0000 UTC]

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Daizua123 In reply to Sideswipe217 [2021-04-02 00:10:26 +0000 UTC]

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DINOTASIA123 [2021-04-01 23:35:00 +0000 UTC]

So the image here is a Singular Point reference?

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Daizua123 In reply to DINOTASIA123 [2021-04-02 00:10:23 +0000 UTC]

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ZettoTitan [2021-04-01 23:22:38 +0000 UTC]

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Daizua123 In reply to ZettoTitan [2021-04-02 00:10:18 +0000 UTC]

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alexempire19 [2021-04-01 23:03:54 +0000 UTC]

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Daizua123 In reply to alexempire19 [2021-04-01 23:04:26 +0000 UTC]

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alexempire19 In reply to Daizua123 [2021-04-01 23:05:52 +0000 UTC]

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