Danerboots — Vigilantes Are Needed
Published: 2011-09-19 03:45:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 1799; Favourites: 44; Downloads: 0
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A couple of days ago, this article was posted by realitysquared communityops.deviantart.com/jo…

Let's break down this article shall we?  

When the deviantART Groups system launched in beta nearly two years ago we fully expected it to become home to a large variety of Groups centered around every subject possible and that is exactly what has happened and we are really encouraged to see so many embracing the Groups concept and coming together around these common topics to share their thoughts and works.

Yes, we see how great that has been. The freedom to make any group you wish. Well, as some of you may have seen, sometimes that is not the best thing. For example, groups hating black people or any other race, groups showcasing stolen art work, porn, etc, etc. Perhaps the Staff should look more into the groups being made.

Today we’d like to discuss a certain type of Group which often comes to our attention, and not always in a good way; the “vigilante” style Group.

I understand there are some “vigilante” style groups who do more harm than good. Continue.

For those who may not be familiar with these types of Groups, what we call a “vigilante” Group are those which are created and centered around gathering deviants together to encourage the reporting of rule breakers and members who may be in violation of one or more official policies.

Policies that you sometimes don’t uphold and cause more confusion within the community. But, continue.

While gathering together in order to promote following the rules is not a bad thing there are good and bad ways for these types of Groups to operate; We always appreciate the community spirit that drives people to report any activities or images that break the community policies or which may otherwise be unacceptable but we need this to be undertaken with respect and an understanding that not everyone in our community is as experienced and educated as others and some may simply be unaware of the rules.

Again, I understand where the Staff is coming from here. There are some members who are acting a fool and going above and beyond what is necessary to report art thieves such as leaving threatening comments or spamming the persons profile.  “I’ll kill you if you don’t stop posting shit that isn’t yours!” “ART THEIF! ART THEIF! ART THEIF!” “Reported!” “Enjoy your ban.” Those types of comments do not help.  The last two, since I know a lot of people who say that, those comments are useless. I know your heart is in the right place with that, but you have to think before you comment, not to help out the art thieves, but to help out yourself.  To protect yourself and your own account. You all are what this article is talking about. If you are going to be an art thief hunter, be one. Leave a comment explaining why they are being banned or reported. Like the article says, half the time, the people don’t know what they are doing is wrong, and your well thought out article could get them to take down their stolen things faster.

Don’t you think for a second I am making an excuse for the art thieves! I think there needs to be, not only an update on the rules, but a way to make people read it. Half the time, when I join a new site, I just ignore the rules, scroll down and join. Is that right? No. But if you want order and people to obey your rules, then you need to make your rules more known. For example, in one of my groups, in order to join, they have to find a secret word inside the rules to be able to join. If they try to join without that word, then they get denied.

Uh, I went off there, lets get back to the article yes? Sorry.

The best of these Groups promote education, awareness and discussion within the community; they know the proper reporting procedures and work for the benefit of the community and they are rarely the cause for any concern. These Groups work privately among themselves to identify the original artists whose works may have been redistributed without permission and contact them so that they can be aware of the situation and file a complaint if they wish.

There is a slight problem here and it falls on the Staff.  I know the reason why some of the vigilante groups are appearing more and more every day. The staff takes far too long to handle these types of problems. In fact, a person recently brought this too my attention. A poor artist from a different artsite has had her art stolen many a time. She has made a report, given the proof and after all this time, the artwork is still up and the theft is stealing more of her works every day.

AND sometimes contacting the original artist is impossible because the original artist is somewhere in Japan and doesn’t have a DeviantArt account.

How are we supposed to report people who steal Death Note, Hetalia, and other anime art since we are not the original artist? We try to show you proof, Tineye, google, screenshots of them admitting that they stole it and yet nothing.

Unfortunately not all of these Groups operate in this quiet and respectful manner and these are the Groups which cause us the greatest concern.

And it wouldn’t have to come to this if the Staff did what they are supposed to do.  These groups wouldn’t even be made if handling art theft is handled better.

The worst case scenario for these types of Groups is that they create and encourage aggressive behavior from other members. They create “walls of shame” or they produce “hit lists” of other members which they feel have broken one or more rules.

So because of a few people, the group has to suffer? Why does the entire town have to suffer for the village idiot? Its funny, I have seen a lot of lists and the offenders with there offending art work is still up.

They may also mislead others by presenting themselves as being “official” by making official sounding statements or by threatening actions which could only be preformed if they functioned as a type of site moderator or administrator.

…So, that means even trying to talk to them politely could get you banned for “impersonating an admin.” Got that folks? Saying “Enjoy your ban” and “Hello, welcome to DA, I see you have art work in your gallery that doesn’t belong to you and that could get you removed from DA. It might be best if you take it down. I’d hate to see you get kicked off of DA.” Can get you kicked off of DA faster than the art thieves.

But many work by simply gathering people into an Internet lynch mob; posting screenshots of "evidence" as a call to arms, dispatching dozens of people to post FAQ links, threats of possible banning, announcements of “reported” and dozens of other similar comments which can quickly flood the profiles of the deviants targeted by these Groups.

I can see the problem with that. BUT! Please stop acting like the art thieves are innocent, delicate flowers. There are cases where they are doing it on purpose. They are stealing other peoples art work and selling it for a profit. I am sorry, I have no problem with people going after them. Not. At. All. They deserve it. They deserve to have people rain down on them.

I commented on the article (which never got answered) with this comment. And let me highlight this key thing I said.

”Do you have any idea how it feels to see people get praise and such on something you worked so hard for? And then when you report, it takes 3 to 4 months just to hear anything back?”

These type of art thieves know what they are doing and they deserve the shit they are getting and more. Some people make a living off their artwork. I had a friend who had to remove all of their beautiful poems because someone was stealing his and selling it as their own.
Sorry, its just how I feel. They deserve the shit they get.

Groups with one or more of these types of behaviors can create just as many problems as they attempt to solve and as far as our staff is concerned they are unwanted as they often do more harm than good and promote poor behavior and attitudes from their members.

Promote poor behavior eh? So do the blatant art thieves, deal with them before you go after the vigilantes eh? Doing your job. Might make your job easier. Oh and the hiring and firing or some staff members might help as well.

Just goes back to what I said before. If the staff did their job when it came to art thieves, these groups wouldn’t exist.

Groups which are found to have aggressive stances can be subject to immediate disbanding and deactivation without notice by deviantART staff. An “aggressive stance” can involve such things as posting “lists” of other deviants as “targets” or which “call out” to their members to “visit” other members in any sort of mob style action or which just simply appear to paint a target on other deviants while giving a sly wink that the Group does not condone any sort of harassment of other deviants.

Right, right. I see. How about going after the Groups that hold motivational posters and comic book scans. Seem to be more of those groups than these big bad vigilante groups.  Again, do your job and these groups wouldn’t exist.

Groups or other accounts which are also named, or which present themselves, in a fashion which could cause reasonable confusion between the Group and actual deviantART employees and staff members can also be immediately disbanded and closed without notice.

I might be wrong, but are you saying your own staff can’t tell the difference between a group made by regular members and yourselves? Correct me if I am wrong. I don’t have my glasses on.

We ask that if you operate or take part in such a vigilante oriented Group that you take a good look at your reasons for being a part of it and if those reasons include getting a thrill out of publicly accusing someone or shaming them because it makes you feel important or powerful then your participation is probably not for the benefit of the community at all.

HA. I think the art thieves need to be shamed off of DA personally for what they are doing to the community that upholds the rules.  Its so backwards here. Don’t be mean to the art thieves you guys. Let them steal your things and just wait for four months until we, the staff, do anything about it.

My reasons for joining anti theft groups.
• Helps me find art thieves.
• Educate people on the rules of DA.
• Help members in need since they can’t find help from the staff and advise them on what they should do and how to report.

We do of course appreciate all the community efforts at keeping deviantART a safe and respectful place and urge you all to continue to use the silent and anonymous reporting systems to bring community issues to the attention of our staff.

No you don’t.  If this was the case, than you would be cracking down harder on the thieves instead of a couple of idiots. Using the Silent and Anonymous reporting doesn’t work. It just doesn’t. I’m sorry.
I hate how this art community has turned out like this. I hate how the senior members have their heads so far stuck up there rears and go about insulting members who are confused at the ever changing (but never updating) rules of DA.

I hate how this place is becoming more of a photo bucket site for posting anime screenshots with not so funny captions.

I…I just hate it all really. But…I don’t want to leave DA. But things like this make me want to leave more and more.

Well, I hope I made any sense in this whole…article thing. I was in the moment. A little pissed off that DA is going after the wrong people. Couple of people thought I made a good argument, so, I said, why not make an article that is either going to get me banned because I insulted the staff. Hah.

Well, tell me. What do you think about this? I am open for discussion. Intelligent discussion of course. Do you think DA is going in the wrong direction with this? Do I make some valid points? Am I just a rambling lunatic? (probably.)

Just tell me your thoughts. From one member to another.  

One last thing. I'm Batman.

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Comments: 295

Politoed89 [2011-10-06 22:52:08 +0000 UTC]

Pretty much this.

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sabisaotome [2011-09-30 19:28:42 +0000 UTC]

I saw the title and I knew there would be some Batman. Somewhere, somehow, Batman.

And then you say are Batman.

I'm pleased greatly by this.

You had some valid points, my friend. I've had things stolen from me on dA. Actually, I have an emo kid drawing that was stolen and put on an advertising banner for quizrocket.com. Magically, this banner appeared on dA.

Since that time, I've reported a few people using the picture, and warned a few people selling their drawings of it as prints.

Staff was less than helpful. I can't blame them entirely; there are buttloads of people on this site, after all. Still, I'll never be able to take full credit for what's mine when it's already plastered all over the internet.

Seriously. Google images, "emo kid", first result. Little dude with a striped shirt and green bangs. Hole in his jeans, bare feet, etc.

I even have the pencil drawing in my gallery from way back when.


Well, whatever.

Anyway, this brings me to my main point; I will continue to seek and destroy, silently, ToS and COPPA violations, art theft and rulebreaking by using the pre-established report system.
Also, I'll attempt to educate users who may not understand what they are doing is theft. I have a couple of good kids on my watch list who were posting Photobucket-caliber stuff all over their galleries, and now they've taken that all down and are actually drawing and growing as artists.
We have a responsibility as users here to make the community what we want it to be. In my case, a place where views are disagreed but respected, a place where new talent can flourish without the pressure of acquiring pageviews and favorites overriding their desire to create for the sake of creation...and a place where artists can safely share their work without worrying about some upstart selling it behind their back.

Now, my last problem with your article...

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XaveNDaNirvana [2011-09-22 22:59:03 +0000 UTC]

One of my friends has just been banned not to long ago! I wonder if it is relative to this matter. And he was a good person too.

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LeviathanDemon [2011-09-21 03:47:53 +0000 UTC]

As someone studying law, vigilantism tends to only appear when the community feels that the law enforcement is not doing its job or is doing its job insufficiently. The same principle clearly applies here. And what does the staff do? Tell the groups to stop. I know dA's a huge site, but maybe if there were harsher punishments for art theft, there would be fewer art thieves and thus less of a need for vigilantism. Heck, I'm not even in a group, and I'm trying to find the logic in warning the VIGILANTES and NOT the thieves.

Saddest thing is, I've seen several of the polite vigilantes offer to volunteer, sort out through reports for staff. They don't seem interested in these offers, though. I don't fully understand why - they could just sort through reports that clearly have no basis, leave possibly-legit reports for the staff.

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Danerboots In reply to LeviathanDemon [2011-09-21 05:49:23 +0000 UTC]

Yes. These groups were created because the members didn't think the staff was doing shit.

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LeviathanDemon In reply to Danerboots [2011-09-21 05:57:29 +0000 UTC]

I know - and, considering I just spent the last few hours tracking down the artists one deviant stole from, it's hard to feel optimistic. Reading through these comments, I'm inclined to agree with one - if volunteers cannot be accepted and there's no budget for hiring, then artists who steal should be required to take a copyright test before being allowed to upload again.

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Danerboots In reply to LeviathanDemon [2011-09-21 05:59:24 +0000 UTC]

That would be a wonderful idea.

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MStarzky [2011-09-21 03:15:37 +0000 UTC]

I'm just sick of all the artistic nude photo's late are not artistic and belong on a porno site.

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Danerboots In reply to MStarzky [2011-09-21 05:48:36 +0000 UTC]

Yea that too.

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randombanana1989 [2011-09-21 02:58:40 +0000 UTC]

I understand where you're coming from. But really, all that they're doing is asking vigilante groups to operate in a quiet and respectful manner. I don't see anything wrong with that. Being loud and rude does nothing except create chaos that people expect the Admins to clean up. I like to think of the whole system as something similar to a police investigation. First, something will happen that could be breaking the rules. Sometimes it's very obvious that is the case and gets taken care of quickly. Sometimes someone needs to gather evidence. The Admins do not have enough time to do this, so it falls in the hands of dA members. This is where vigilante groups often come in. A lot of the time it is hard to find enough good evidence to actually make it clear what happened. The Admins can't just run around banning people without good evidence, and if the artist isn't here on dA it makes it so much more complicated. There's also little to no way of proving that the person people are claiming to be the artist is, in fact, the real artist. They could have stolen it from some other website. By the time it gets to the dA court of law, just like in real court it could be weeks or months. And there still may not be enough evidence to ban them. And meanwhile, the Admins have to sift through 100+ other reports that were submitted on that deviation because of a loud vigilante group. That's my opinion on things. Sorry for the long comment!

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Danerboots In reply to randombanana1989 [2011-09-21 05:50:17 +0000 UTC]

There is nothing wrong with the quiet ones. But, because of this, the quiet ones are under fire too. The good reporters are being banned.

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randombanana1989 In reply to Danerboots [2011-09-22 00:57:45 +0000 UTC]

If they were good, quiet reporters that weren't doing anything else to get in trouble, then they wouldn't be banned

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Danerboots In reply to randombanana1989 [2011-09-22 01:02:29 +0000 UTC]

People who are just saying "Hey, this is against the rules" If the rule breaker thinks that is harassment, which most do, the quiet reporter just trying to help can get into trouble.

Either way, long story short...DA needs more staff. Thats it. No matter what I said. No matter if you agree or disparage with me. DA needs more staff.

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MissLunaRose [2011-09-21 01:07:07 +0000 UTC]

"I…I just hate it all really. But…I don’t want to leave DA. But things like this make me want to leave more and more."

I'm surprised to hear you say that. I know you might think differently now: once the article is up, there's no editing if you feel differently later.

You choose what you expose yourself to. You can pick whether the newest or the most popular deviations show up on the front page. Picking the former certainly makes dA seem like less of an oligopoly. You can ignore the art thief groups and such. I've only seen one instance of art theft in all my time here, and I stumbled on it completely by chance.

If you're really upset about the atmosphere you're getting, you can always choose to avoid things like that, stick with a small group of friends, and not involve yourself much in the giant part of the community.

I don't mean to text wall, but if you're feeling down about it all then maybe you can keep this in mind.

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Danerboots In reply to MissLunaRose [2011-09-21 01:14:57 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I keep running into art thieves every time I go to the front page. :I

You are right, you do choose what you expose yourself too, but it doesn't feel right to me to ignore people stealing artwork. Know what I mean?

I do like to help out. I like to report and uphold the rules, but it sucks that DA is barely helping us at all.

I don't mind the wall of text I like to hear other peoples opinion. I do like to have friendly debates every now and then. But, I do thank you for being kind and giving me advice

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MissLunaRose In reply to Danerboots [2011-09-21 12:21:13 +0000 UTC]

Of course; it is hard to ignore stuff like that. I'd be tempted to make myself a copy-and-paste form: "Hello, I'd like to report that the picture ____ [link] by :dev[art thief]: has been stolen from ______" or whatever one would say when reporting.

Maybe they need more administration. It seems like they don't solve many problems, so maybe they simply don't have enough people to solve them all.

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Danerboots In reply to MissLunaRose [2011-09-21 14:33:42 +0000 UTC]

Yes. They do need more staff. It would make this easy.

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MikahInk [2011-09-21 00:53:05 +0000 UTC]

Sure hope someone of the higher power will notice, but I have my doubt.

A HUGE doubt. -_-

Either way, your article is beautiful.

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Danerboots In reply to MikahInk [2011-09-21 00:56:46 +0000 UTC]

;.; Thanks for your kind words. I was just saying how I felt.

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MikahInk In reply to Danerboots [2011-09-22 21:15:59 +0000 UTC]

No problem. Sure hope that SOMETHING will change. :mad: Just not those that were trying to do right things...

I'm curious-why wouldn't that admin just realize that most of us are doing a right thing and are following the rules?

There are a lot of people who weren't.

God complex? -_-

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Danerboots In reply to MikahInk [2011-09-22 21:19:07 +0000 UTC]

Yea. Some seniors and some admins have a bit of that complex.

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MikahInk In reply to Danerboots [2011-09-22 22:05:27 +0000 UTC]

Yeahhhh, go figure. :/ Good luck to everyone!

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HFXmermaid [2011-09-20 23:36:48 +0000 UTC]

I think the part where you responded "I dont have my glasses on" means groups that talk to people as if they are DA staff or pose as staff and make certain threats of action that only a staff could make. (I have seen it a lot...) Some people even go as far as to make their username very close to the staff's username to confuse people.

I think you make one of the strongest points- that none of this would really happen at all if staff did a good job of getting rid of the theft/infringement. I understand that DA is swamped with a million uploads every day but when I joined 8 years ago there was still far more infringement then there should be (I consider a small amount will pop up because we can only do so much) when I see a staff jumping into some onsite drama, trolling a user (oh yes it happens) or defending some journal for days on end- I always think- couldn't that time be better spent removing infringement or dealing with HD cases? I made the suggestion they take on volunteers and simply have them sign a contract and or a NDA but apparently that can't be done according to r2.

Personally, I dont like these types of groups. I know that some DO work very hard to keep things civil but there are many that dont. But you're right, it's all symptoms of the real problem at hand. And if DA is to keep growing so expectationally they really need to start cracking out some better solutions imo.

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Hiliasin [2011-09-20 22:58:57 +0000 UTC]

So much boohoo-baw-fuss!
Thanks for reminding why I left the couple of vigilant groups I once was part of. Report and move on has worked for me, and the works are taken down within weeks or sooner without added drama. Maybe you're doing it wrong?

There's the blatant infringement, the idiots, and the ignorant. If I don't know which category someone belongs to I ask before I decide to report or explain. And wadda you know? They co-operate. If you end up arguing, yeah you're definitely doing it wrong.

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lizziecat1279 In reply to Hiliasin [2011-09-21 01:29:02 +0000 UTC]

You're also a premium member. That tends to speed up shit a lot

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Danerboots In reply to Hiliasin [2011-09-20 23:03:18 +0000 UTC]

WOW! Calm down baby!

How do you know I am doing it wrong? Hmm? Lets see. When I report, I have links to comments where they admitted it, tineye and google. Sometimes it doesn't work because DA is too swamped to get to the reports. Meaning they need more admins.

Not all the time does reporting work sweetness.

Please, don't assume you know how I report because of an angry article I wrote to vent. It makes you look like an idiot. ._.

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Hiliasin In reply to Danerboots [2011-09-20 23:16:46 +0000 UTC]

I said maybe to the first part.

But I do prefer education over drama.

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Danerboots In reply to Hiliasin [2011-09-20 23:21:11 +0000 UTC]

Too bad no one else does.

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IAmYouWorstNightmare [2011-09-20 22:41:05 +0000 UTC]

that is all that needs to be said right there.

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Danerboots In reply to IAmYouWorstNightmare [2011-09-20 22:46:34 +0000 UTC]


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IAmYouWorstNightmare In reply to Danerboots [2011-09-20 23:44:25 +0000 UTC]

now lets just see if the admins remove this

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Danerboots In reply to IAmYouWorstNightmare [2011-09-21 00:03:13 +0000 UTC]

Either that, or I will get banned for complaining. ._.

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IAmYouWorstNightmare In reply to Danerboots [2011-09-21 03:09:11 +0000 UTC]

lol i love how we started complaining and both help tickets i had up were done at once

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DarkNaraX [2011-09-20 22:09:12 +0000 UTC]

"Doing your job. Might make your job easier. "

so true

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Qu33n0fDaN1t3 [2011-09-20 22:03:28 +0000 UTC]

I simply ADORE this article!

Its just so sad that its come down to this, the people who are trying to right the wrongs are the ones that end up getting in trouble while those sneaky little thieves get (almost) "Special treatment" and never get the punishment they deserve. I've thought about plenty of times myself about leaving but I find it hard to, there are WAY too many RESPECTABLE artists that i admire for their hard work and complete honesty to ever leave.

If the people at DA would actually get off their asses and actually take action instead of getting after the people who TRY their damnest to make this place enjoyable for everyone and decent.

It just breaks my heart to see how far and low this site has become because of a bunch of rotten apples.


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AssClownFish [2011-09-20 21:31:56 +0000 UTC]

My problem is a simple one:

People break rules to tell others not to break rules.

When this stops, I think the problem won't be this drawn out. We are a self moderating community that depends on its users to report stuff that's in violation. But when you have as large a volume as dA does and you have as many people as we do. It's inevitable for it to get out of control.

However, posting hit lists, screencaps and lynch mobbing people who break rules is just as unnecessary. Break a rule by harassing a member, in order to make said member stop breaking rules. Logic?

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homestuckitis In reply to AssClownFish [2011-09-22 22:33:55 +0000 UTC]

Actullay, this does kind of make sense.

But you prooobably should have worded it in a different way.

Not as much as 'Break a rule by harassing a member, in order to make said member stop breaking rules.' And more like rule-breakers REMIND us to not break the rules, or show other naive users that you can't do this and so and so will happen.

I dunno, I guess the way you worded it was a bit off :T

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AssClownFish In reply to homestuckitis [2011-09-22 22:46:20 +0000 UTC]

See, all I was commenting on is the point at which it gets to breaking rules via harassment. When 40 people jump 1 person. I think that's a little extreme. And doesn't help encourage positive responses out of it. I just think that shooting a thief in the foot is a little extreme, and should be curbed and replaced with better methods. Maybe it came off another way. But I wasn't supporting art theft, or the admins for that matter at all. Just realistically. Vigilantism is going above the law. Which is why I think this article doesn't look good for their cause, despite how they seem to actually feel about it.

If you're doing it right to begin with, you have nothing to worry about. The author of this article hasn't been banned, thus obviously isn't breaking rules. But their article here seems to speak a different tone. Possibly because it's all raged up and full of "admins are taking away our everything again! And the seniors suck!"

I'm just butthurt though. Because I didn't lick any admin balls this morning.

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Nostrildarmus In reply to AssClownFish [2011-09-20 22:39:29 +0000 UTC]

It's simple, we kill the batman!

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WoodLily In reply to Nostrildarmus [2011-09-21 02:05:26 +0000 UTC]

That's good!

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ShadowMaker-241 In reply to Nostrildarmus [2011-09-21 00:32:30 +0000 UTC]

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Danerboots In reply to AssClownFish [2011-09-20 21:54:47 +0000 UTC]

So far, these lynch mobs are doing more than the admins are doing, sorry to say. Not saying its a good thing, but still.

I think this all wouldn't happen if DA handled it better.

And...well. There are some art thieves I don't care about. I under stand the accident thieves, but the purposeful ones get no sympathy from me. Scamming other members into thinking that the art is theirs and taken commissions. Recoloring over hard work. One case, this person stole art, and then said the original artist was the thief.

No sympathy. I am sorry.

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AssClownFish In reply to Danerboots [2011-09-20 22:06:40 +0000 UTC]

No they aren't. They're just making people learn what the block took means and stressing legitimate users off the site. Again, you say that some people steal art and then try to fuck over the original artists, that's just as "one of the village idiots" to the people who just go "look at what I found online lol cute!" Many people just don't understand that crediting does not mean you can use it. Motivational posters for example.

I think they should all be suspended and have their accounts purged myself, but I'm not going to unleash a harassment group to do it. Especially when harassment is just as bad as posting a copyright image, because nothing gets solved. The people will wait until you go away to repost it. I've seen it a million times.

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OmNomNomNomNomNomm In reply to AssClownFish [2011-09-21 13:22:07 +0000 UTC]

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WoodLily In reply to AssClownFish [2011-09-21 02:05:00 +0000 UTC]

That's what's happening to me at the moment. I worry about getting banned everyday fot something trivial or worse non-existant.. All becasue of art theives...

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AssClownFish In reply to WoodLily [2011-09-21 21:53:30 +0000 UTC]

Let's put it this way, if you were doing it right to begin with, you wouldn't have to worry about getting banned. It's not because of art thieves you get banned, but because of your own behavior. These groups need to take responsibility for being exactly what they're against.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WoodLily In reply to AssClownFish [2011-09-21 21:54:34 +0000 UTC]

And I was I would tell them that waht they were doing was illegal and can get them sued but they all blocked me.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AssClownFish In reply to WoodLily [2011-09-21 21:57:59 +0000 UTC]

dA encourages silent reporting. You don't actually have to tell them anything. So if you get banned, it's your own fault. Not theirs.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WoodLily In reply to AssClownFish [2011-09-22 00:56:14 +0000 UTC]

Well I haven't said it in a while and I'll never say it ever agian.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HFXmermaid In reply to AssClownFish [2011-09-20 23:38:54 +0000 UTC]

"They're just making people learn what the block took means and stressing legitimate users off the site."


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