danny-anny — GG | Blooming... Friendship?

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Bluey was getting used to realizing a lot of things worked differently than what he was used to, and for the most part they were things he could either ignore or was quick to understand. One thing that always caught him off guard, though, was how everyone looked.

There weren't species, per say. It was all one big group of the same creature. There were some exceptions but they were rare, and in the end they looked nearly identical to everyone else. To him, they all seemed like horribly clustered hybrids, but others looked like something more closer to what he recognized before.For all he knew, it was one massive race that overpopulated this forsaken planet. Or chunk of land floating in space, he had no clue.

They all spoke to one another in the same language, had similar mannerisms, stuck to one another just like the rest of them. It made him feel like the one time he went past Kalensdale and into a small town full of welters- they all just stared while he'd tried to fit in with them or at least not bother them too much.

He never went there again.

Bluey felt out of place all over again, somewhere he didn't belong, finding nothing that made him gain a sense of 'maybe I could fit in, somehow.'

He was not against judging all these people, much like how he was absolutely sure they judged him, with how he spoke to himself in his native language, something that always made heads turn, or his little mannerisms that no one else had that probably seemed uncanny because it was close to how they greeted, or moved like as they spoke, but it wasn't the same. Well, let them see what he saw, he spitefully thought to himself.

That afternoon he was particularly stingy at how different things looked, his temper a little on edge as he frowned to himself and sought out a corner in the recreation room patients relaxed in, so he could simply have some quiet time before he was bothered again.

His gaze was fixated on a spot by a window, currently empty and far enough away from everyone else. Not noticing his surroundings, he gasped as he suddenly felt something poke his side, something big. He clutched his abdomen and stepped away, snarling. Right next to him was a massive hand, with no arm to follow it, only a winding tail that connected to a folk facing away from him.

Oh, not this guy again.

He'd already gawked at them before, then simply marched off when his insult was unheard. This was what really got to him- who had a hand on their tail? Why did it have to be so huge? Did it hurt, were they born with it, was it some failed experiment? Was it why they were here in this hospital?

He didn't want to see it. Bluey scoffed and bared his teeth.


He started walking away again- until he suddenly couldn't. The hand seemed to follow him, then out of nowhere grabbing him like a doll and not letting go.

"What the-" Bluey gasped. "Hey! Let me go!" He pushed against the firm hold but nothing gave way.

He heard laughter behind him, and a few kits were standing there, watching the scene. His face burned with humiliation, which only made him angrier. What was even worse was it seemed the folk connected to the tail had no idea what was going on.

Bluey banged his fist against the massive hand, lashing his tail. "I said let me go, freak! Don't ignore me!"

The long tail twitched then swayed to one side sending Bluey along with it, and finally the folk seemed to realize their tail was dragging heavier than usual. They turned and their expression changed from innocently curious to one of shocked surprise. Immediately they let go of Bluey, who shook himself off.

"What the hell, what's wrong with you?" He stomped over to the folk, looming over them as they slowly stood up, their wide eyes blinking and glimmering. "You think that's funny, or you thought I'd laugh along? I'm not a damn comedian. I don't want anything to do with your freak mutations." Bluey glowered at the folk, who tilted their head slightly, seeming sadder by the second. "Yeah, I know you can't understand me, I don't care. Like I'll feel bad about that- no one here cares about me standing out, why should I care about you? Just leave me alone."

He started to turn away but was stopped by the long tail curling around, blocking his path. "Hey-" He scowled at the folk as they waved frantically with their little hands, and he dragged out a long sigh before crossing his arms and watching.

The folk blinked as if in thought, then pointed to their ear as they shook their head. Bluey twitched an eye. What, they couldn't hear? "Right, that doesn't change anything." He said dryly. "You're not from Rien anyway." That was... uncomfortable to say. His expression softened and he flicked his ears back. Bluey tried to leave one more time, stepping over the tail, but was stopped one more time by a piece of paper shoved at him.

"Stop bothering me!" He snapped, shoving the paper back at the folk. They seemed determined to let him have it, pressing it against his chest and looking up at him with those big eyes, and he groaned, rolling his head back. Snatching the paper, he saw what was on it. It was what he guessed a name, since it was one word written all the way across in bright red pen. He glanced tiredly at the folk, then tried to read the word.

"G̶͇̾ḯ̵̻ạ̷̐c̷͎̈o̶̤̽ḿ̸̥o̵̖͑.̸̢̉." He butchered the name, knowing it couldn't even be heard by the folk, but they still seemed like they understood he tried saying it.

They smiled up at him, then handed him the red pen.

Bluey simply stared at it before scowling and grabbing it. Flipping the paper over, he scribbled a bad attempt at drawing a hand flipping its middle finger, then handed the paper and pen back to Giacomo. "There, nice to meet you. Don't bother me again." He walked away without giving them another glance, and thankfully he wasn't bothered anymore.


For the rest of that day and part of the next, he didn't see Giacomo again. Bluey hoped they got the message and never messed with him again, but unfortunately that didn't seem to be the case.

He was doing what he usually did- nothing. Bluey sat by a window, staring outside, his mind a haze. He would take a nap but he'd never do that anywhere but in his own room, he didn't trust a single soul in this place to not do something while he slept.

And even while resting awake, he was bothered.

He heard footsteps get close and he didn't think to turn and see who it was, hoping they'd just pass by, but when they stopped near him he turned his head slightly and made a disgusted expression. His eyes drooped tiredly.

It was Giacomo.

"I told you to leave me alone." Bluey sighed, turning away again. His ear twitched when he heard movement, and he glanced down to see Giacomo had sat nearby, smiling sweetly at him before getting to work on a little craft they had- making some bracelet or necklace with colorful beads. Bluey watched for a minute or so as they seemed unbothered just being nearby, and he shrugged, deciding not to say anything as he looked outside again. As long as they weren't messing with him he honestly didn't care what Giacomo did.

Eventually, the peace was broken as a finger poked his tail.

Bluey jolted and curled it up against himself, quickly looking down with a scowl. "Don't touch me."

Giacomo, unaware of being an annoyance, simply smiled and came close, holding out their finished bracelet. It looked pretty nice.

"Cool." He sat up a little to get comfortable and paused when Giacomo kept holding it out. "What, I said it's cool." He gave a thumbs up and nodded, giving a fake smile. "It's cooool. Keep doing other things now."

Giacomo lit up at seeing Bluey smile, even though it was fake, then held out the bracelet, trying to put it into Bluey's hands. He could only watch as the folk set it on his lap instead, tilting their head with their own happy smile.

"... This is for me?" Bluey pointed to himself, and Giacomo nodded, then sheepishly looked away, tapping a foot against the floor.


Suddenly conflicted, Bluey's expression fell from its usual annoyance to something more neutral. He hummed under his breath, picking up the bracelet and looking at it more closely, feeling the beads with a thumb as he sifted through them along the string. Sighing, he let it loop around his hand and then fall onto his wrist, a little too big but only sliding down a bit to fit snugly.

"Thanks." He tried to remember the sign he'd been taught for 'thank you', but decided to just smile at Giacomo, a more genuine one this time.

Giacomo smiled back, beaming.


The following day, when Bluey was done with lessons and heading to his usual spot, Giacomo spotted him and waved hello.

Instead of ignoring them like any other folk, Bluey waved back, the beads on his bracelet rattling slightly.


tiny steps but :'D getting somewhere

featuring hy-de 's Giacomo yayy

1585 words



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TheStarsofPines [2023-05-11 22:54:41 +0000 UTC]

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