Dapuffster — PKMN Fantasy High App: Calvin and Cynthia

#anthro #bunny #fantasy #furry #group #high #highschool #pkmn #pokemon #rabbit #rp #school #cinderace
Published: 2022-05-22 20:16:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 10795; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 2
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Description New character for PKMN Fantasy High!

High School Student



-- Calvin Hobbes


-- Male

*Pokémon Species 

– Cinderace


-- 18


-- April 15th


-- 5’7


-- 130 lbs


-- Calvin is an Ambivert who massively excels in acting and is at his most comfortable when doing so. He’s really great at playing all sorts of roles and can do it all without a moment of doubt in himself. However, when it comes to being just himself, he can feel a little introverted and awkward when talking with others. His nervousness can sometimes cause him to suffer weird quirks that only serve to make him even more embarrassed and flustered than he was before. However, this doesn’t mean he’s negative or anything! He can be a happy young lad, and when he has fun, he really has fun! He can even be a bit of a goofball sometimes, it’s just that his weird quirks will get in the way, and he’s pretty aware of those quirks being present.

Above all things, however, his twin sister is his saving grace. They get along together like best friends and care very much for one another. Because of their similar appearances, they’ll often swap places with one another for various reasons. His acting skills make it possible for him to replicate his sister very well, while his sister uses her outgoing personality to try and fix up any embarrassing situations that her brother gets himself into. Both siblings know each other very well and can basically become the other sibling whenever they decide they want to.

Calvin, as great as he is about being amazing at acting and theater, doesn’t like to actually talk about it much or showcase his skills to others. He often likes to partake in niche hobbies and will only really interact with you if you share those niche activities or he finds you comforting enough to hang out with.


-- Theater Kid


-- Born at the same time as his sister, both Calvin and his Twin Sister, Cassidy, grew up together partaking in a lot of the same activities and enjoying one another’s company. They were treated equally by their parents, so there never was any jealousy between the two. Maybe there was a little bit arguing here and there, but not much to write home about. As they grew up and reached middle school, they grew up to look very similar to one another. Their hair grew out the same, they had the same eye color and freckles, they sounded the same, and they were even the same height! The only real differences they had were how they stylized their fur and clothing, so one day they decided it would be a fun little experiment to go to school pretending to be the other… and surprisingly it worked! After their success, they started to swap more and more frequently, taking advantage of it by doing things such as taking tests for one another or avoiding situations that one didn’t want to be in. Regardless, the two were completely in sync and it carried into high school once they graduated and started to attend Fantasy High.

It was at Fantasy High where Calvin decided to pick up acting as a serious hobby. While his sister was also pretty talented in acting like her brother, she decided to rather spend her time becoming an artist. Because of all the times he mimicked his sister’s voice, as well as his androgynous look, Calvin was able to play just about any male or female role in theater, which led to really big success for him… maybe a little bit too much success. He became popular amongst the students and would receive far more attention than he could actually handle. This caused him to shy away and try to downplay his success as much as he could. These are also times he would swap with his sister so he could be left alone peacefully for the day while his sister pretended to be him and helped him through his issues.

After many role reversals, his sister started to get concerned for him and asked if he should reduce the amount of time that he spends acting, as it seems it was causing him more stress than good. She insisted that he should find a different club to invest his time into so he doesn’t get too lonely without his acting. Perhaps… there was a different way he could act! Yes, there was the DnD club, a place where you could make a character and play as them. Maybe he would like that. Since Cassidy just happened to be an artist, she volunteered to design him a character that he could use for the club.


- Finger Football (American)
- Finger Skateboard
- Sharing Memes
- Acting
- Swapping places with his sister
- Eating Carrots (This is why he gets nicknamed Carrot a lot)

Favorite Class

-- English

Family's Wealth

-- Average

Extras/Fun Facts 

- Calvin has trained his voice to sound exactly like his sister, Cassidy

- He has the exact same height, eye color, and facial features as his sister, making it very easy to disguise himself as her.

- The twins wear both a fire and heart charm on their waists, this represents their bond as twins and will always wear it.

- Calvin’s fur is a bit more scruffy and unkempt compared to Cassidy, and one of his ears is flopped, however, he can make it straighten out if he tries hard enough, which he does when he’s pretending to be his sister.

- Under certain circumstances, he may make minor mistakes when swapped such as not keeping his ear flopped or wearing the wrong shoes. He also sneaks into the men’s bathroom dressed like Cassidy and hopes no one sees him do that.

- Whenever Calvin gets nervous, he has numerous quirks that can cause him to become the center of unwanted attention. One of those quirks being that whenever he gets a little too excited/happy, he’ll start rapidly tapping his foot loudly on the ground, like a dog wagging its tail, except it’s the rabbit form of that.  

- Calvin has no problem dressing up as a woman for a play or for whenever he is pretending to be his sister, but he becomes an absolute mess whenever someone catches him being his sister or asks him to put on feminine clothing outside of theater.

- His name “Calvin Hobbes” is a reference to the American Comic book strip, Calvin and Hobbes. Hobbes also sounds similar to Hopps, which is another reference to Judy Hopps, a rabbit character in Zootopia.


Fantasy Character


-- Cynthia


-- Female

*Pokémon Species 

-- Cinderace


– Anthro


-- 22


-- 5’7


-- 134 lbs


-- Cynthia is essentially the best of both Calvin and Cassidy built into one. She has the level-headedness of Cassidy while having the acting talents of Calvin. Despite her looking gentle and sweet with her Princess attire, that is not her original form. She grew up as a thief and still likes to find and steal things for herself. However, she only wishes to steal from those who don’t deserve what they have and gives it to those who need it most. She can be a bit mischievous, too, using her powers and abilities to mess and confuse others, as that is her primary way of combat rather than actually dealing any sort of physical damage. Although she prefers to dress up as the Princess from the Royal Family that she envied, she does like to change her outfit from time to time to something more regular and athletic. So don’t let her charming looks fool you! She’s going to find a way to mess with your head if you get in her way, and maybe even literally!


-- (Despite this being Calvin’s official character, this application was written by Cassidy, as she was the one who gave the character to Calvin to apply with for the DnD Club).

There once was a magical Kingdom that was ruled by a Royal family, amongst them was a very beautiful princess. Cynthia was not that Princess. Cynthia, was a young scorbunny who lived on the outskirts of the Kingdom, she lived in a poor family and was seen more as a thief. She would often steal food just to survive, to have something to eat in order to get to the next day. It was a pretty rough life, but because they lived by this wealthy Kingdom, there was always something worth stealing. She was told by her family to never go too deep into the Kingdom because she would get caught. However, upon exploring the Kingdom, she found that the deeper she went, the more valuable their possessions got. There seemed to be some very special and magical items that lay beyond just stealing the food, so she sought out for it regardless to see if there was something worth getting.

One night, she found her way to the rooftop of what appeared to be a museum of sorts, there were a lot of items in there. She pressed her face up against the window in awe to see all the stuff that was in there. I wonder what it all did!!!


Down came the Scorbunny through the broken glass that could no longer support her weight. Of course, this caused the guards to come rushing in, panicking, she picked the nearest item and fled. The item she grabbed was a paintbrush. Using her tiny body, she squeezed into one of the vents and narrowly escaped the guards. She was in a sticky situation now. How was she going to escape now??? They’re everywhere looking for her, and all she managed to grab was this stupid paint brush!!! She could’ve gotten something more valuable, like gold or something, but nope, a paint brush. It probably belonged to some artist, I guess that could be valuable… Upon inspecting it further, however, Cynthia soon realized that this was no ordinary paint brush. The paint on the tip started to change, it was almost like she could select whatever color she wanted with her mind. What was on her mind, however, was getting the heck out of there unseen. Because of this, the paintbrush tip turned invisible. Curious, she touched her finger with it, and her finger went invisible. Shocked by this, she proceeded to paint herself over until she herself was completely invisible! She then did the same with the paintbrush itself. Now that nobody could see her, she could walk right by the guards and get back to her home.

Having finally reached home, she tested her powers more and realized just how reality changing she could make things become! She was able to paint food for her whole family to eat, improved the look of their home to become more royal, and even painted herself a new outfit that she could wear like a Princess! It was everything she had ever wanted, eventually, she used it to create a kingdom of her own. Having fully evolved into a Cinderace by then, she wanted to use the power of this Magic Paintbrush to change and better the world.


– Mage: While Cynthia has no magical powers herself, she wields the magic paintbrush, which allows her to bring paintings to life. This can be used to do various things, some of which include creating minions or fireballs to attack the enemy, or changing the appearance of herself and others. She can magically paint a new outfit on top of an ally or herself. This allows her to put on the fitting attire for the right situation (can’t always be walking around in a big dress, after all!). She can also paint the air a certain color in order to alter the feelings of those around her. Red makes those around her angry, blue makes them feel sorrow, yellow makes them happy, etc. She’ll use these abilities to disorient those who get in her way, making it very difficult to capture her if that is what you’re planning on doing.


-- Magic PaintBrush

Her brush allows her to basically paint over something currently existing. It’s more or less an illusion, but it all feels and looks very real. She can easily freak someone out by painting a new head or something on top of them, however, if they have any magic themselves, they can easily remove it. Additionally, submerging in water will cause the paint to go away, so that will also break the illusion, making her ultimately useless in water (fitting for a Fire Type).


-- Stealing
- Painting (duh)
- Dressing up herself and others
- Decorating

Extras/Fun Facts 

-- Cynthia’s collar and broach have the same symbols that the twins have on their charms.

- Cassidy designed Cynthia with her own ideals in mind, but also a bit of Calvin’s. She figured that he would be comfortable playing a character like this, since he already pretends to be her frequently.

- Winry sewed together the outfit she wears, it’s one of the few things she takes pride in.

- Her outfit takes inspiration from both Sylveon’s Pokemon Unite costume as well as Female Wyatt’s dress.

- Although she primarily wears a dress, she can easily change her outfit to be something more fitting for the situation.

- The fireballs that she can summon are similar to the ones that Gigantamax Cinderace can produce, but to a much smaller scale.

- She will likely be re-made into a Gigantamax Cinderace once she gets her hands on the Gigantamax crystal.

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