dark-kunoichi92 — My Top 10 LEAST Favorite MLP Episodes

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Published: 2018-01-11 15:47:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 5046; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 2
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Description 10. Every Little Thing She Does:  I've mentioned before that I'm not a big Starlight Glimmer fan, and while I don't exactly "hate" her, it's episodes like this that make me feel very divisive towards her.  The thing that made Starlight such a menacing villain in season 5 is played up for laughs here, and it's kind of disturbing when you really think about it.  I'm sorry, but Starlight brainwashing ponies to do her bidding should NEVER be treated like a cute quirk!  It's not funny, it just makes her more unlikable!    

9. Ponyville Confidential:  My God, is this episode stupid!  Not only is the plot incredibly cliche, but it just shows how uptight and overly sensitive everyone in Ponyville is.  I understand that the writers wanted to do a "gossip is wrong" episode for MLP, but they did it in such a sugarcoated and half-assed way, I feel like the message got lost in the lazy writing.  The gossip articles the CMC wrote weren't even that mean!  I mean, come on... Princess Celestia Loves Cake??  Pinkie Pie is an Out-of-Control Party Animal???  How is that even considered gossip?!  Also, how the hell did a little girl like Diamond Tiara get such a huge news printing office all to herself?!  I mean, I know it's a cartoon, but that's just unrealistic even by MLP standards!

8. Buckball Season:  And here's an episode where we get to see Rainbow Dash and Applejack act like complete jerks to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.  You'd think that Rainbow and AJ would learn not to be so overly competitive after Fall Weather Friends, but NOPE, not in this episode!

7. 28 Pranks Later:  I think this review perfectly sums up how I feel about this episode - www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6B5nx…

6. Hearts and Hooves Day:  I've talked about this episode before in my "Top 10 Most Hated Pairings" and "Top 10 Pairings I Hate But Everyone Else Likes" lists, and I just want to say: I am NOT a fan of "love potion" or "love spell" plots at all!  To me, they just feel like a G-rated way of saying "Date rape is funny!"  Twilight was also very irresponsible in this episode.  Seriously Twilight, why would you give 3 little girls the recipe to a magical potion that you KNOW might have disastrous consequences?!  You're supposed to be the smart pony!  Also, the mushy-wushy baby talk between Big Mac and Cheerilee while they were under that love spell was absolutely cringeworthy, and not in a good way (seriously, what couple even talks that?!).  Don't get me wrong, I love Cheerilee, and think she's a very underrated character, but she deserved a much better episode than this!  I also don't appreciate the rabid FlutterMac fans that came after Cheerilee since this episode aired (which is weird, seeing how FlutterMac had ZERO development in the first place), but that's another story.

5. A Bird in the Hoof:  What even was this episode?!  I mean, you've got Fluttershy stealing a pet from Princess Celestia, which is very selfish and out of character for her, followed by tons of unnecessary gross-out humor!  I'm fine with gross-out humor if it's done well, but gross-out humor was never really MLP's forte.  Not to mention the low-key, but very disturbing instances of animal abuse.    

4. Filli Vanilli/Scare Master:  You're probably wondering why I have these two episodes tied for the #4 spot.  Well, the answer is simple: THEY BOTH SHIT ALL OVER FLUTTERSHY'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!  Fluttershy may be my favorite pony, but even I'm not above criticizing her character, especially in episodes like these.  Whether you love her or hate her, Fluttershy has had some amazing character development from season 3 onward, but during seasons 4 and 5, there were a few small...hiccups.  Case in point: Filli Vanilli and The Scare Master.

Let's start with Filli Vanilli.  This episode starts off with Fluttershy singing to her animal friends while the other Mane 5 come out of nowhere, act like they've never heard her sing before, then suggest that she'd sing in Rarity's acapella group (that we've never seen or heard of up until this episode), but Fluttershy declines due to stage fright.  Now, this is bullshit, because we've seen Fluttershy sing plenty of times in front of her friends, and in front of large crowds.  So why the hell would she have stage fright all of a sudden?!  Also, that scene where Fluttershy shakes her ass in the window while Big Mac stares and starts sweating made me VERY uncomfortable (seriously guys, stop making memes of that, you're only making Bronies look worse ).

Then there's The Scare Master, which is even more insulting to Fluttershy's character, because it dumbs her down back to the pony that was afraid of her own shadow.  Seriously, this pony stood up to a manticore, a cockatrice, a fully grown dragon, and even became best friends with the God of Chaos himself!  But here...she's afraid of eating taffy and bobbing for apples?!  That's something I'd expect from season 1 Fluttershy, and maybe season 2 Fluttershy, but NOT season 5 Fluttershy!  
3. May the Best Pet Win:  Oh, goody!  Another episode that has Rainbow Dash act like a complete jerk!   The animal abuse in Bird in the Hoof was bad enough, but this episode takes the animal abuse all the way up to 11.  Rainbow Dash is sad, because she's the only one in her circle friends that doesn't have a pet, but when Fluttershy tries to help her choose a pet, she forces the poor animals to go through dangerous obstacles in order to determine which pet is right for her.  Now, I know that competition is Rainbow Dash's passion, and of course she wouldn't know animals as well as Fluttershy does, but it's so frustrating to see Rainbow Dash act so extreme and irrational to the point where she almost gets a bunch of animals killed!  Just like with Starlight Glimmer, I'm very indifferent to Rainbow Dash, and it's episodes like this that make her so low on my list of favorite characters. 

2. The Mysterious Mare Do-Well:  This episode is very infamous among the MLP fandom, and for good reason.  It starts out with Rainbow Dash making a complete ass of herself (again) by performing all these "heroic deeds" just for the sake of being famous.  It's one thing to be heroic and help people, but to be so stuck-up and obnoxious about it is just...grating!  The other Mane 5 are no better in this episode, because instead of talking things out with Rainbow, they decide to "teach her a lesson" by upstaging her under the guise of the "Mysterious Mare Do-Well", which just makes them come off as spiteful and totally hypocritical.

1. All Bottled Up:  Trixie, what happened to you?  You used to be so funny and likable!  Now, you're just a lazy, spoiled, nagging pain in the ass.  I may not like Starlight Glimmer all that much, but she had every right to be angry at Trixie in this episode.  Starlight helped Trixie perfect her magic, and how does Trixie repay her?  By being a bitch and treating her friend like a pack mule!  This is one of those rare occasions where Starlight is completely in the right, yet she's treated like the bad guy for calling Trixie out on her bullshit in the end.  WHAT WAS EVEN THE MESSAGE HERE?!  That it's okay to have toxic friendships as long as the toxic friend says "sorry"?!  Yeah, I'm not buying it.  


Honest Apple -  
You know Applejack, there's a big difference between being honest with Rarity and being a straight up bitch about it.  I expected better from you, since you're usually the most mature and level-headed of the Mane Six. 

Putting Your Hoof Down -  
I do appreciate the message this episode was trying to send, but the execution could've been a WHOLE lot better.  First, everyone in the beginning of the episode (besides Pinkie Pie and Rarity) act like complete jerks to Fluttershy for absolutely NO REASON, then we get very disturbing moments of Angel abusing Fluttershy in her own home, and then we're treated to an even more disturbing scene of Fluttershy screaming at Pinkie and Rarity until they cry!  What's even more troubling about this episode, is that Fluttershy doesn't take full responsibility for her actions.  Sure, we see her feel remorse shortly after snapping at Pinkie and Rarity, but the climax of this episode tries so hard to make you believe that Iron Will somehow brainwashed Fluttershy, when that wasn't really the case at all.  I mean, it's not like Iron Will told her to say all those nasty things to her friends. 

What About Discord? -  Whoa, what's this?  A Discord episode that I actually hate?  Well, it's not that hard to see why, since the plot for this episode was lame and confusing as all hell.  I know that making sense isn't really Discord's thing, but this was just....ugh!

The Crystal Empire -  I'll admit, the first half of this 2-parter was not so bad, but the second half was a huge letdown for me, and King Sombra was a boring, pathetic villain.

Magical Mystery Cure -  Now, I don't hate this episode nearly as much as I used to, back when it first aired, but it's still pretty boring and lackluster to me.  I mean, you have a plot that's almost an exact rehash of The Return of Harmony, in which 5 of the Mane Six get stripped of their talents/elements by some kind of dangerous force and Twilight's the only one not affected by it.  Then you have that True, True Friend song, which they constantly hammer into your skull throughout the entire episode (though I kind of liked Celestia's reprise of it).

Original blank meme belongs to: munktransformerlover.deviantar…
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Comments: 19

TheGreatGuy2000 [2022-03-30 20:51:13 +0000 UTC]

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dark-kunoichi92 In reply to TheGreatGuy2000 [2022-03-30 22:26:06 +0000 UTC]

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1992andbeyond [2021-12-05 18:43:34 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FireMaster92 [2019-05-02 01:58:11 +0000 UTC]

If you thought Starlight’s action in Every Little Thing She Does was bad enough, try A Road To Friendship. Trust me, when I saw that episode, it was The Final Straw for me on Starlight and I now consider her to be worse than Jar Jar Binks, Jared Shaprio, and even Rose Tico and Holdo combined. 

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gryffonmanic [2018-01-22 00:06:20 +0000 UTC]

as an ex-fan, I say you have valid points here

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dark-kunoichi92 In reply to gryffonmanic [2018-01-22 00:51:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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Toonsgirl27 [2018-01-21 21:25:06 +0000 UTC]

Lord help me, I watched Ponyville Confidential. I thought everybody was WAY too hard on the girls. Also, why they are angry at them? They should be angry at Diamond Tiara (she's the one who came up with the stories, not the CMC) or Cherilee for letting the irresponsible kids being in charge. Like you said, the stories weren't even that mean-it's not like they wrote a story about a pony getting drunk or a pony committing adultery. I wanted to punch Big Mac and AJ for yelling at the CMC.  So they wrote that AJ is superstitious-so what? At least they didn't write a story about her being a drunkard. 
Not to mention that there was no sane adult around to comfort the girls and help them make things right (and yell at Ponyville for being nasty toward the CMC). 

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Seiya-Meteorite [2018-01-20 02:05:23 +0000 UTC]

I used to like Trixie but then when they paired her up with Starlight, there went my interest (and it's like all the Mane Six mostly nowadays, particularly Rainbow, AJ and I'll say Twilight, act like jerks nowadays to each other).

I could kinda understand Fluttershy screaming like that, she was being treated like shit all day and just snapped because of that, but yeah...

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MJNSEIFER [2018-01-15 22:20:52 +0000 UTC]

For "Filli Vanilli", I think the thing with Fluttershy's singing is explained by the idea that the songs in the show aren't always "real", in that they are mostly just for us, and the rules of the show don't apply to them.  It is a copout answer, but one that often happens with shows that are musicals, in that the song isn't really happening, but it is a metaphor for the character's feelings or an alternative way to portray the storyline, but we're not supposed to take these scenes as 100% real or accurate to the characters involved - a character known for being a bad singer in a show, for example, is often seen singing beautifully during the musical moments, because the fact that this character is a bad singer is irrelevant to the scene, and the show is just giving the audience a song.  This happens, in a sense, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders - they sing badly if the storyline requires them to, but when they are just singing an "episode song" (that is isn't them attempting to sing on stage) they have good singing voices.

This, I think, is the explanation of Fluttershy, the storyline focuses on her shyness, so the story plays with the more believable idea of her having stage fright, because she is literally performing in front of ponies this time, in the previous episodes where she sang, she did not do this - they were simply songs for the episode, that are not meant to be taken as "real" (which, I will admit, breaks its own rule at times, as some of these songs are jokingly acknowledged by the characters, but that is simply a joke).  For those scenes, the singing is mostly for us, and the characters themselves may not be consciously aware of it - it is simply a way of telling the story.  I know it's a copout answer, but this is just how musical shows are.  It's two different rules for "episode songs" (when characters randomly burst into song) and "storyline songs" (where the character is actually singing as part of the storyline)  I know I need better names, but that's all I can think of.

Also, Big Mac was looking nervous because he was scared of being found out wasn't he?  He saw Fluttershy moving along to the music, and thought that people wold see her and realise that she was the one singing, didn't he?  I mean, I'll have to rewatch, but that seems more likely.

I respect your opinions of these episodes, and won't force you to like them, I just felt the need to explain "Filli Vanilli", but I am not going to force you to like it, because I respect your opinion, I just felt that those things warranted an explanation.

👍: 2 ⏩: 1

dark-kunoichi92 In reply to MJNSEIFER [2018-01-15 22:49:31 +0000 UTC]

Okay, thanks.

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DangerMouseFan1981 [2018-01-12 19:07:40 +0000 UTC]

Personally, I think MLP should've ended after Season 4.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Seiya-Meteorite In reply to DangerMouseFan1981 [2018-01-19 23:31:55 +0000 UTC]

You and me both.

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TVnGames [2018-01-12 07:42:06 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I agreed with a lot of this!

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ChikoritaLuv [2018-01-11 16:39:11 +0000 UTC]

This is why I prefer Sofia the First to MLP:FiM. Although neither shows are perfect, Sofia has less cringeworthy and mean-spirited moments. Plus, the creators of MLP are fully aware of the brony community and are constantly trying to please them (which can sometimes be a good thing but not always), whereas Sofia just tries to tell a coherent story without sucking up to its audience.

I also like the way Sofia handles reforming villains a LOT more than the way MLP does it. Take Cedric, for example. It took him 4 seasons to fully reform, and you could see his character development over time. Discord, however, was reformed in one episode because Fluttershy basically forced him to.

Also, did you see 's theory about how MLP technically ripped off Sofia by randomly making Twilight a princess around the same time that Sofia came out?

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dark-kunoichi92 In reply to ChikoritaLuv [2018-01-11 16:50:41 +0000 UTC]

I agree with most of what you said, but I wouldn't exactly say that Fluttershy "forced" Discord to reform.  Remember towards the end of the episode, when Fluttershy was angry with Discord, he said "You think I care if I lose the first friend I ever had?!", and then realizes his mistake on his own.

Also, Twilight was going to cast a reformation spell on Discord, so if anyone was going to force Discord into changing, it would've been Twilight.

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

ChikoritaLuv In reply to dark-kunoichi92 [2018-01-11 17:42:10 +0000 UTC]

That's true, but then again, Fluttershy never actually did anything really nice to Discord besides putting up with his chaos and letting him do whatever he wanted.

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CBCAnime [2018-01-11 16:33:05 +0000 UTC]

Very nice list

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dark-kunoichi92 In reply to CBCAnime [2018-01-11 16:45:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.   

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CBCAnime In reply to dark-kunoichi92 [2018-01-11 17:30:25 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! 

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