Tribe explore collab with phenaroo and Hlaorith ! I did the bg, Verum and Ashiok's colors, Phen added Terra and Split, and Hlao added Ashiok's lines~
Import: Verum 23115
Activity Journal: Verum Activity Tracker
Relevant Bonuses:
- Dominant
- Atlas, Carrot Candle, Crafted Lantern, Heart Candle
- Raven Totem , Deer Totem , Beaver, Chicken, Raccoon, Reindeer
- Creature Whisperer, Elemental Sight
Tribe Benefits:
- Exploring Specialist II
- Outdoor Enthusiast III
Faction: Knowledge Seeker
Item Application:
Collab: Yes
Tribemates: Terra 56582 , Split 58533
Tokotna Bonuses and Monthly Limits: DarkHeartSeer's Bonuses & Monthly Limits
Activity Code:
Import: Terra 56582
Activity Journal: Terra Activity Tracker
Relevant Bonuses:
- Dominant
- Atlas, Carrot Candle, Crafted Lantern, Firefly Lantern, Firework Candle, Gourd Lantern, Heart Candle, Holiday Lantern
- Summer Hunt Totem , Beaver, Chicken, Elemental, Raccoon
- Creature Whisperer, Elemental Expansion, Tailor, Wise
Tribe Benefits:
- Exploring Specialist II
- Outdoor Enthusiast III
Faction: Knowledge Seeker
Item Application:
Collab: Yes
Tribemates: Verum 23115 , Ashiok 47510
Tokotna Bonuses and Monthly Limits: phenaroo's Bonuses & Monthly Limits
Activity Code:
Import: Split 58533
Activity Journal: Split Activity Tracker
Relevant Bonuses:
- Atlas, Carrot Candle, Crafted Lantern, Firework Candle, Gourd Lantern, Heart Candle, Holiday Lantern
- Summer Hunt Totem , Beaver, Chicken, Reindeer
- Creature Whisperer, Popular, Wise
Tribe Benefits:
- Exploring Specialist II
- Outdoor Enthusiast III
Faction: Knowledge Seeker
Item Application:
Collab: Yes
Tribemates: Verum 23115 , Ashiok 47510
Tokotna Bonuses and Monthly Limits: phenaroo's Bonuses & Monthly Limits
Activity Code:
Import: Ashiok 47510
Activity Journal: Ashiok Activity Tracker
Relevant Bonuses:
- Crafted Lantern
- Deer Totem
Tribe Benefits:
- Exploring Specialist II
- Outdoor Enthusiast III
Faction: Knowledge Seeker
Item Application:
Collab: Yes
Tribemates: Terra 56582 , Split 58533
Tokotna Bonuses and Monthly Limits: Hlaorith's Bonuses & Monthly Limits
Activity Code: