darrthjo16 — An Ever Expanding Bishop finale ( MCU version ) [NSFW]
#forcefeeding #weightgain #marvelwomen #weightgaingirl #gassygirl #weightgainfat #yelenabelova #janefosterthor #katebishophawkeye #slobbification #slobweightgain #marvelweightgain #slobweightgaingirl #yelenabelovablackwidow
Published: 2022-01-03 23:23:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 25859; Favourites: 61; Downloads: 0
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Description ⚠️ No warnings for this part just make sure you read it all right down to the comments ⚠️

“ I … “ suddenly the sound of Kate’s fat gut gurgled as it pleaded for more food . “ Never mind I’ll tell you later now let’s get something for you to eat my overgrown piggy “ said Yelena patting Kate on her rounded head . “ Sounds like a plan “ Kate said nervously slapping her gut to make it jiggle which eased the awkwardness between the two women . Yelena walked into the kitchen to cook up something to please the hunger of Kate’s growing gut . “ Kate … Kate come heree “ said a flirtatious voice , Kate followed the voice mindlessly into the bathroom to once again see her slob self .

The last time Kate saw her future slob self she was huge and disgusting . However something changed “ Kate you’ve changed yourself look at me “ said the future Kate as her gut rapidly deflated into a set of abs and her beauty came back . “ It seems that your secret admirer wants to take care of you “ said the future Kate brushing her clean hair . “ What do you mean “ asked Kate confused by the whole situation but scratching her hairy sweaty crotch . “ You see Yelena wants to feed you until your unable to move and then she wants to start a family with you and her “ said the future Kate .

“ There is two choices either you reject Yelena and you live a happy healthy life or you accept Yelena and become a unhealthy pig under her control “ said future Kate . Kate looked at herself and thought which choice she’d pick either to become a fat slob or to go back to her old thin healthy body and live out her days on her own . “ I’m sorry me but I’m sticking with Yelena she makes me feel like well me and stands up for me “ said Kate hearing Yelena call from the kitchen “ wrong answer Kate … “ said the future Kate before fading away .

Kate then looked at herself seeing the huge jiggly pot belly that rested down to her thighs . Her fat face made her look like a human chipmunk and her BO had gotten considerably worse as no she could even see her sweat dripping off her overgrown armpit hair . Kate then rubbed her belly and moaned “ I can’t hold it back any longer “ she said as she waddled as fast as she could out of the bathroom to Yelena. Kate quickly used her fat arms to embrace Yelena where blushed a bright red “ Yelena please keep feeding me I love being fat and smelly and gross “ shouted Kate as her belly jiggled around in happiness .

“ Kate I love you and I want to keep feeding you until the day that I die “ screamed Yelena feeing relieved that her secret was no more . “ Yelena I love you to “ said Kate as the two shared a long kiss through Kate’s sweaty lips . “ Come on my love it’s feeding time “ said Yelena helping Kate to sit down . “ NO she can’t do this I’m not going to be fat again “ said future Kate banging on the bathroom mirror before starting to tear up “ please somebody do something “ she begged as she repeated to bang on the mirror . “ Please ! “ said future Kate as she punched the mirror one last time but she felt strange … She looked at her fist to see it went through the mirror but it started to turn a black goo . “ What is happening to me “ she screamed as the black goo spread across her body . As the final parts of her human from were took over the mirror broke allowing the black goo Kate to escape into Kate’s apartment .

A few hours later , “ Yelena that was urrp amazing “ said a heavily stuffed Kate laying down in her bed next to Yelena . After the massive stuffing that Kate has just received the two women headed off to bed , Yelena just went to help sooth any pains of her 500lb girlfriend . “ Don’t worry Kate I’ll be here to help “ said Yelena before going off the light as the two snuggled together . Yelena awoke as she heard the sound off something scratching, she ventured off into the apartment to see what it was . “ I swear to God if you are a raccoon you are going in my soup “ said Yelena seeing loads of claw marks on the floor “ what in the fuck … “

Suddenly Yelena heard a window smash she immediately turned around to see a massive claw made up of black goo . It’s claws looked as if they were made of metal as they drew closer to Yelena before grabbing her “ Kate HELP ! “ screamed Yelena before being taken to the roof of the building by the claw . Kate rolled out of bed to see the end of the claw drag itself across the windows “ I’m coming Yelena “ shouted Kate getting her suit out . “ urgh come in “ said Kate trying to pull the leggings up but they wouldn’t move past her huge thighs . She luckily managed to pull them up over her growing ass to fit her lower body which made them look like tight panties .

Kate then got her purple shirt out , she managed to pull it over her huge tits which made the shirt look like a bra . However her huge gut just hanged out bare “ no time need to save Yelena “ said Kate grabbing her now and waddling to the window ledge . She then stepped onto a support beam from where the building was being renovated. As she did the large metal pole let out a large creak “ oh come in I’m not that fat “ said Kate before jumping onto a ladder only for her belly to smash against it making her feel sick . She then tried to pull herself up but her hands became wet with sweat “ nows not a good time “ Kate yelled before slipping off the ladder onto a old mans balcony “ hey missy if you want to be a hero you should really watch what you eat “ said the old man watching the out of breath Kate get up “ thanks for the advice “ shouted Kate  .

“ This just in folks local overweight teen girl identified as Kate Bishop is attempting to save another woman from a giant goo claw ..sheesh this is a downgrade from Thanos .. this is J Jona Jameson from the daily bungal “ . Many people moved onto the streets and recorded what was happening plus seeing a huge gut jiggling around from a young woman . “ Why are there so many people don’t they know that there is danger “ said Kate wheezing up a small staircase . Finally Kate made it up to the roof of the building seeing Yelena grasped in a claw “ who are you ? “ shouted / wheezed Kate aiming her bow at the claw .

“ Whoever you are give me back Yelena “ wheezed Kate as many people gathered on the streets outside the building . “ Oh you know who I am “ said a demonic voice suddenly the building started to shake and parts started to crumble . A black inky figure rose as the large claw retracted into its hand dropping Yelena on the floor . The inky figure started to turn into a female figure exactly like Kate just without the huge gut . “ It’s you but how ? “ said Kate aiming at the other her , “ you see I made a deal with someone to stop you getting any fatter and now I’m here to kill Yelena “ said the evil Kate as she swatted Yelena off the roof .

Kate then jumped off the roof and shot an arrow which tangled around a ladder . She managed to catch Yelena inches off the ground “ I’ve got you “ wheezed Kate swinging them into another apartment which was abandoned . “ Yelena I’m sorry the thing up their is me who’s trying to kill you for making me fat “ said Kate covering her face . “ Don’t worry we will kill it together and you looked so good saving me “ said Yelena giving her fat girlfriend a hug which could potentially be their last before they headed back up to the roof to face the evil Kate .

As the two women got onto the roof , the evil Kate turned around “ how did you survive that fall ? “ she asked seeing Yelena pull out a gun from her pocket . “ I have something you will never a person who loves me “ said Yelena before pulling the trigger . The bullet flew into evil Kate’s head but instead of killing her it made her bloat “ you’ll pay for that “ cried evil Kate morphing her hands into claws again as she took a swipe at Yelena swatting her against an air conditioner . Kate then sprung into action shooting an explosive arrow at her evil self making it bloat out once more “ Yelena we need to hurt it “ shouted Kate . “ No shit “ said Yelena getting back up “ no I meant we need to hurt it as it Bloats out maybe if we hurt it enough it will pop “ said Kate shooting another arrow making the evil Kate bloat out even more making her 200lbs .

Yelena quickly sprinted up to the evil Kate and punched her multiple times making her belly grow and grow . Kate then shot a fire arrow making the evil version of herself grow even more to 300lbs . “ Enough “ it shouted as it grabbed Kate and Yelena with its giant claws “ you don’t understand do you Kate all she wants is a fat woman to love and she didn’t like you for you at the start think of how many men you could have attracted with your healthy body “ said Evil Kate latching a tentacle of goo into Kate’s head making her go into her thoughts .

Kate awoke in a newly looking house with a baby crying . “ Where am I “ she asked walking closer to the sound of crying . She entered a kitchen where she saw herself feeding a baby with black hair “ that’s it eat up “ said the dream Kate feeding the baby . “ Wait is that me ? “ asked Kate looking at herself without a overhanging belly “ honey I’m home “ said a male voice walking through Kate and kissing the dream Kate . The evil Kate then appeared “ Kate this could be you , in this future your happily married to your husband and you get a baby girl “ said evil Kate pointing at the family at the table .

Kate then thought about her life if she wanted this perfect natural life of one with Yelena . “ You know what I make be a fat pathetic glutton but that doesn’t stop having  perfect life “ said Kate punching her evil self needing the dream . “ Kate ! “ screamed Yelena desperately trying to wake her up only for Kate to do so . Yelena then watched as the evil Kate began to bloat as her belly begin to take over her legs “ why can’t I move “ she screamed dropping Yelena and Kate to try and move her fat gut but only making her gassy and sweaty which caused evil Kate to revert back into goo

Yelena and Kate then walked up to the blob of black goo . “ I hope you enjoy being a fat pig “ said Kate said as she shot an explosive arrow into the belly button “ this isn’t the last of me ! “ screamed the goo as it exploded and turned to millions of pieces of ash . Kate and Yelena then hugged and shared a passionate kiss as the many people on the streets cheered for their victory  . “ Our unlikely fat hero Kate Bishop has defeated a pile of goo … geez these villains are starting to sound the same now , this has been J Jona Jamerson and catch me tonight as I talk about the spider menace .

“ Well I guess we did it “ said Yelena letting go off Kate . “ Yeah I guess we did “ replied Kate , suddenly the door to the roof was busted open as a number of men with guns surrounded the two women . “ Kate Bishop your coming with me “ said a woman with short black hair placing a pair of handcuffs on Kate . “ Wait why and who are you ? “ asked Kate seeing a man take Yelena away “ I’m Agent Hill and I’ve been told that I need to take you somewhere to talk about something “ said Agent Hill poking Kate’s belly before a helicopter landed .

Agent Hill pushed Kate inside as she got in as well as two other agents . “ Is this about my weight I’ll work it off I promise “ said Kate as the helicopter took off . “ Well yes but your weight is not the problem you see I’m setting up a team of overweight women to fight any otherworld threats like Thanos now that the Avengers are retired “ said Agent Hill opening a brief case “ the Fatvengers ? “

“ Dr Foster their is some weird activity on the radars “ said Darcy Lewis . Jane foster then stepped out the van with a cup of coffee in her hand “ I doubt it’s that weird I mean we’ve seen a Norse God “ she said walking to a weird crop circle “ um Jane you might not want to do that “ said Darcy . Suddenly a large rainbow coloured light came down and disappeared taking Jane Foster .
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Comments: 4

dememetea [2022-01-03 23:35:31 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

darrthjo16 In reply to dememetea [2022-01-03 23:37:53 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

dememetea In reply to darrthjo16 [2022-01-03 23:47:33 +0000 UTC]

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darrthjo16 In reply to dememetea [2022-01-03 23:47:55 +0000 UTC]

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