DarthMalice66 — 'For Josephine I fall..' by-nc-nd [NSFW]
Published: 2009-03-26 18:44:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 249; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description                                          “...For Josephine I fall!”
                                         -”HMS Pinafore”

“...Never told you what happened to your sister.” the dark woman said as she glared down at Eris, who was hanging onto the side of the cliff for dear life.
“He told me that you killed her, you bitch!” Eris snapped back, still defient that she had been beaten. Below her lay a river, which would afford her fall some protection but she was already exausted and badly wounded.
“Well he lied!” The woman said.
Eris’ eyes welled up with tears, as she heard the woman who was facing her reveal that she, herself was Eris’ lost sister. None of it seemed possible. Josephine was dead; Eris had attended her funeral. She had been told that Josephine, her oldest sister, had been killed by her boyfriend. Yet here she was, supposedly, standing before her. Eris could do nothing but shake her head, “That’s not possible! You’re lying!” Eris’ voice was mixed with pain, anger and despair at the realiztion that yet another horrible reality had been kept from her.
“Look deep within yourself, Eris- you know it’s true!” the woman claiming to be Eris’ sister said. “Join me, and together we can take control of this corporation and do whatever we want.”
Eris shook her head, still in shock at the events that had just transpired, “Never! I’ll never join you!”
“If you will not join me, then I will destroy you!” With that, the woman swung her foot forward and connected with Eris’ head, sending her falling backwards into the river.
“NO!” A shrill scream came from Nakita, who rushed up to thecliff just in time to see Eris fall. She pointed the sawed-off shot gun at the woman and fired it twice, but the woman hurried out of the way before any of the pelets could do her any damage. Tears streamed down Nakita’s fair pale face as she walked up to the edge of the cliff, and dropped to her knees looking down into the swiftly moving river into which Eris had been swallowed up. She turned back to look at her other companions, including Sarah, the third oldest of Eris’ siblings. The two women looked down into the water, hoping for any sign of the one they cared for so much, but there was none. Eris was gone.

That had been nearly eight months earlier. Eris now stood on the balcony of an old abandoned hotel in the slums of Los Angelos. Her green eyes narrowed as she watched the street below her. Men walked here and there, sometimes accompanied by women, sometimes not. However, Eris wasn’t paying the least bit of attention to what was going on in the streets below her. Nor was she paying attention to what Nakita’s brother was saying behind her. Eris had been spending a lot of time alone lately. Ever since the incident with her supposed sister, Eris had been trying to figure out how it could be possible that Josephine was alive. Even Nakita hadn’t been able to turn Eris’ thoughts from anything else. It just didn’t seem possible that her sister could still be alive, never mind that she was working for the enemy.
“Eris!” A feminine voice shouted up from the hotel lobby. Eris turned her head and raised an eyebrow. The voice was clearly Nakita’s, which is really the only reason she turned at all. She walked out of the room and into the hall-way to look over the railing at Nakita. Eris’ wife’s red hair was cut short, and had a dramatic curve over her right eye. Her clothes had become much less designer brand and much darker since Eris had disapeared almost six months earlier. From each of her hip hung  a long three pronged sais, “Eris, will you please come down?” Nakita asked with a tone of caring in her voice. “We need to figure out how we’re going to get into this place. Cédrick has some ideas and I think we should hear them out.”
Eris said nothing in return, as she walked down the hall to the staircase. She desended the staircase, her heels making  loud clicks as they hit each stair. Eris reached the bottom and turned towards the man standing in the lobby. Eris’ clothes were completely different from her wife’s. While Nakita was wearing nearly all black, Eris was wearing the same brown duster that she’d worn since she’d left home at seventeen. Her brown boots were worn but still in excellent condition, given what they’d been through. Her pants were also a worn, dusty brown. Her brown shirt was unbuttoned, allowing her white muscle shirt to show. Strapped to each of her thighs was a pistol, and behind her, two Ghurkah Knives were hung on a belt. These were Eris’ weapons of choice.
“Now that we’re all here, Scarlet and I have found a weakness in the main facility’s artificial intellegence unit.” Cédrick said, “Appearently they missed something in the programming. Scarlet’s still working on how to exploit it exactly, but that looks like our only way to get in. I don’t know how else to do it. It looks like they’ve locked us out.”
Eris said nothing as she listened, “What about a counter unit?” The group looked at her strangely, “Like an artificial intellegence unit of our own that could block out theirs.”
Scarlet spun in her computer chair. “It’s possible, I suppose.”
“You did Artificial Intellegence when you were at MIT, so I’m sure you can program one now,” Eris said. “How hard would it be?”
Scarlet bit on the end of a pen while she thought. “It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. It’s just Bianary Code. I’ll work on it.”
Eris nodded and walked out of the room followed by her sister. “Eris, what’s wrong?” Sarah asked when she got into another room.
Eris shook her head, “Do you remember Josephine?”
Sarah nodded, “Yes. She had lived such a hard life, it was almost poetic the way she went.”
“What do you remember about her?” Eris asked.
“Just that she was beautiful, and happy. Dispite how awful our house was, she always tried to make our lives better one way or another. I thought when she started dating that rich guy that everything was going to be fine.” Eris just nodded. Sarah continued, “I just cann’t believe she’s gone.”
“Do you think she is?” Eris asked.
“I don’t know. I guess I always keep up hope that she’s alive.” Sarah said, “Why, what are you saying?”
Eris took a couple steps forward, “I don’t think she’s dead.”
“How do you know?”
“The woman who beat me back in Vegas- she’s Josephine.” Eris said, “I know it’s true. Everything makes sense.”
“What?” Sarah’s voice was full of disbelief and shock. “What do you mean she’s alive?”
“When Josephine left I remember Kayla telling me that she’d gone off with some rich guy. Apperently that rich guy was Cédrick. According to Cédrick, Josephine volunteered for some testing for adreniline enhancers or something. Well, he said that they actually pumped her full of an anger enhancer, and then drove her crazy.” Eris’ eyes met Sarah’s, “Sarah, Josephine is alive.”
Sarah stood in silence for a moment, “Even if she is, she’s completely evil and twisted now. She’s not the Josephine we remember.”
Eris shook her head, “No, I can’t belive that. There has to be a way to bring her back. I have to believe that the good Josephine is still in there! I can’t believe that they could have driven it from her fully.”
“Don’t try, Eris,” Cédrick said, walking slowly into the room, followed by Nakita, “Josephine is nothing but pure hate and anger now. There’s nothing left.”
Eris glared at him, “I have to try. I owe her that much.”
“When I lost her, I tried to get her back,” Cédrick said, shaking his head, “but there’s nothing that can bring her back.”
“You’re not her sister. Blood’s thicker than water.” Eris said.
“I don’t want anything to happen to you!” Nakita exclaimed. “Please be careful.”
“I’ll be fine.” Eris said, “Trust me, I’ve survived worse than they can do to me.”
Nakita’s face showed nothing but worry, she moved some of her hair out of her face, the curve hanging just above her eye dropped down below her eye. She walked over to Eris and put her arms around her waist. “Just be careful ok? They caught you once.”
“I have to try.” Eris’ voice showed rare emotion.
With a soft kiss to Nakita, and an ‘I love you’, Eris left the abandoned hotel and headed out into the night. She was certain she’d find some guards who could bring her into the compound where she was sure to find Josephine. The night was quiet, as if the once busy city had been deserted; however with the implementation of Martial Law people had been required to stay in their homes.
Eris’ eyes shifted back and forth as she walked further into the city. She knew she was being watched, which is what she wanted. She wanted to get captured, a strange thought given the fact that Nakita and the rest of the group had all just risked everything to save her, a few months before. This time, however, she had an advantage; she was the one who was hunting the corporation not the other way around.
Nakita’s father’s genetic corporation had gone down the drain since Eris and her companions had begun their underground war against it. It had started with the Boston facility, and then the entire corporation had fallen like dominoes after. Now they had two facilities left, this one in Los Angelos and another underground facility in Japan. Nakita’s father’s obsession with cloning Eris had led to his downfall, and now the subject of his obession was going to find him. And kill him.
Eris walked up to a road block. She held her hands open so that the guards would see that she did not pose a threat. One of the guards walked up to her. “Freeze! What do you want?”
“I am surrendering.” Eris said, “My name is Eris Quinn.”
The guard’s tone changed to that of surpise and shock rather than his standard dutiful tone. “Radio base, and tell them Project Eris has come into our custody.” He turned back to Eris. “Weapons?” Eris pulled out the two Ghurkah knives and handed them to him handles first. The guard took them and escourted her to the guard shack where she would await the transport that would take her back to the main facility.

Nakita couldn’t stop staring out the window, wondering if Eris would be coming back. Sarah walked up behind her and said, “She’ll be fine, you know.”
Nakita only nodded.
“She will. She knows what she’s doing.” Sarah said, “If she could survive our home as a child she can survive this.”
“That bitch going off by herself probably blew our whole chance!” Damien said.
“Damien, will you lay off her!?” Nakita snapped, turning around, “You’ve been nothing but an ass to her since you met her. I love her, and not you so get the fuck over it!” It was more Nakita’s emotions talking than her actual self. Damien had been her friend since she was a young girl, but it was true that Damien and Eris had never gotten along, and this comment that he’d made just seemed like another part of the disagreement.
Damien stormed off and leaned up against the wall as another blonde stepped forward. “I still find it hard to believe that Josephine is even alive, never mind that it is this bitch. I mean, I haven’t seen Josephine in forever.”
“Kayla, we have to keep hope.” Sarah said, “I mean, haven’t you ever wondered about the truth?”
Kayla sat quiet for a moment before answering, “I guess, but I can’t help thinking that there is no turning her back from what she’s become.”
Nakita had been quiet since she snapped at Damien, “If there’s anyone who can turn her back it’s Eris. I believe in her, and so should you.”
Kayla nodded slightly as Nakita turned back to staring out the window into the darkened city. The hours were creaping on, and there was still no sign of Eris.

A small silver car pulled up with some men in black uniforms in it. They got out and walked up to the guard shack where Eris was being kept temporarally. Whether the men holding her knew that she could have eliminated them all by now, or not she didn’t know. She heard them talking outside before two of the men in black walked in and put steel hand cuffs around her wrists. Eris put up no resistance as they led her to the car and placed her in the back seat. After some paperwork had been signed the car began driving back into the base. Eris sat with her eyes closed as the car drove around in random directions in an attempt to disorient her. Finally the car came to a stop and the men got out.
“Let’s go, out.” One of the men said to Eris.
Eris slid out of the car and moved with the armed escourt into the building which was lit brightly. Eris squinted at first as she was led in until her eyes adjusted to the intensity of the lights. Her ears picked up almost everything her eyes couldn’t. She could hear people talking, but it was the sound of clicking heals that intruiged her more than anything. As her eyes began to blur themselves back into focus Eris could see a woman walking towards her. Her black and grey clothes were blurry, as was her curly hair. As the woman faded into focus Eris could see that it was her sister now known as Lady Dúrchel.
Dúrchel was wearing her usual grey coat, which was held together by buckles in the sleeves and back. She wore a black shirt which crossed in the front and was held together by an intricut belt system which also held her two katana swords. Her pants were baggy, and the bottoms were held together by buckles as well. On her feet were a set of black boots with heals about the same height as Eris’. Her hair was wild and unkept and had a random streak of grey in it.
“This is the woman that surrendered to us.” The leader of the guards said, “I believe there may be more of them out there who pose a threat to this facility.”
“Excelent work, Captain.” Dúrchel said, her voice was raspy, “Send out a search party and bring her companions to me.”
“Yes Lady Dúrchel.” The Captain said and turned with his guards and left.
“So,” Dúrchel said as the guards left, “why did you come back?”
“I believe that you are not as evil as you think you are.” Eris said, “I know you are my sister.”
“You have accepted the truth.” Dúrchel said.
“I have accepted that you were once my oldest sister Josephine and that...” Eris said.
“That name no longer has any meaning for me!” Dúrchel said pointing the handle of one Eris’ knives at her.
“It is the name of your true self, the one that everyone knows you and loves you by!” Eris exclaimed.
“It’s too late for me.” Dúrchel said turning away.
“Cédrick told me what happened.” Eris said, “That you volunteered for testing. I know that what Father did to us was aweful. Trust me I know better than any of us what he was capable of.” Her tone was firm, but understanding, “But he can’t hurt us anymore.”
Dúrchel pulled out one of Eris’ knives, “Extreamly fine weapons. Your training is more than complete.”
“You couldn’t kill me before and I don’t believe you’ll destroy me now.” Eris said defiently, “I can see the good in you. I know the Josephine I grew up with is still there! Let go of all this hate. There are good people out there, including your sisters.”
“It is too late for me.” Dúrchel turned as a door opened and more guards came out, “Mister Adell will be most pleased to hear of your progress after the last time you were our guest. He is your superior now.”
Eris stared at her sister, “Then Josephine is really gone.” She lowered her head and turned to be led to the elevator that would take her into the lower levels of the compound.
Dúrchel turned back and leaned on the railing looking out. She still had both of Eris’ knives in her hands. Her face was covered in thought, but thought of what, no one would have been able to tell. After several moments she stood up and turned, walking in the direction the guards had led Eris.

Morning had broken and Nakita had not moved from the window she’d moved out of. Sarah walked up behind her, “She’s fine you know.”
Nakita nodded, “I know.”
“She’s a very resourceful girl” Sarah said, again reasuring Eris’ fiancé of Eris’ safety.
Again Nakita nodded.
“We’ve got something!” Cédrick said as he rushed into the room.
Nakita and Sarah rushed back into the room where Scarlet sat infront of a computer. Scarlet looked exausted and stressed. She picked up a cup of coffee and sipped out of it as she began fantically typing again.
“What have you got?” Sarah asked.
“Well between Kayla, Cédrick and I we’ve been able to hack into their systems and I’ve placed a basic artificial intellegence unit in the system so it’ll be easier for you guys to get in. I’ll be able to control it from here.” Scarlet said, “If you go in via the west side, here, I should be able to deactivate the door.”
“So what are we waiting for?!” Nakita exclaimed, “Let’s go.”
Cédrick looked at the croud gathered in the hotel loby, “You heard the woman, suit up!”
The group began gathering their equiptment together as they prepared to take down the last gentic facility in the United States. This was probably going to be the hardest fight they’d had so far, but they were ready! The question on everyone’s mind was; what happened to Eris?

Eris, accompanied by Dúrchel, exited the elevator into a dark room with a long table. Along each wall was a metal balcony, from which commanders could watch and listen to the plans of their superiors. At the end of the room, up some steps was a large chair, behind which was a large moniter. A large man sat in the chair. His eyes were cold, and a scar ran accross his cheek, a scar that Eris had given him. Dúrchel walked up and handed the two Ghurkah Knives to him before walking back behind Eris who was slowly walking up the stairs.
“Welcome back.” Lucas Aeden said.
“I’m not here for a courtesy call.” Eris said defiently.
“And here I was thinking you missed me.” Aeden said.
Eris raised her eyebrow unimpressed.
“It matters not. We have you now and you know there’s no escape.” Aeden said, “Your friends will be found shortly and that will put an end to your little insurection won’t it?”
“You underestimate them.” Eris said, “We’re far more cunning than you think.”
“Why have you come back?” Aeden asked already knowning the answer, “I take it you know by know who Lady Dúrchel really is.”
“I may have an idea or two.” Eris replied coldly.
“By now you must know your sister can not be turned from our service.” Aeden said.
“You seem so sure of yourself.” Eris said.
Before Aeden could reply a beep came from over the intercom, “Sir, I’m sorry to inturrupt, but our base has been comprimised.”
Aeden glared at Eris, “Send out the troops, do not let them in!” He turned back to Eris, “Would you like to see your ill-fated attack?” He punched in a few numbers and the image of Nakita, Damien, Cédrick, Sarah, and Kayla moving in, “They won’t last long. Watch.” He typed in a few more things and the door infront of them shut and locked. He began to smile until the door flew open again.
Eris smiled, “Computers are so unpredictable.” She figured that Scarlet had either hacked their computer system and/or created the artificial intellegence unit.
The two of them watched the team move in as the corporation continued to try and stall them and Scarlet’s artificial intellegence unit slowly took over more and more of the computer systems.
Aeden began to look a bit distressed as he tapped the arm of his chair, “Where are the troops?”
“They’ve been stopped on sub level ten.” The voice replied, “The elevator’s not responding.” a moment passed, “None of the elevators are responding.”
Aeden glared at Eris, “You think you’re so clever don’t you. I know you won’t be able to act so calm for long. The Anger Enhancers we fit you with will take effect soon.”
Eris didn’t move. She’d managed to restrain herself from it so far, and she wasn’t going to give into it now, “You’re wrong. You think you have put a leash on my by enhcaning my anger, but you have failed.”
“Have I?” Aeden asked, “Let’s remove your wrist binds and see just how much control you have over it.”
Dúrchel unhooked Eris’ handcuffs. Eris stood silently without moving, watching her friends move in almost unchallenged. Her knives were sitting on a small table next to Aeden, it would have been nothing for her to reach over and take them, but she slid her hands into her pockets and slowly walked forward, watching things take place on the large screan.
Dúrchel watched Eris. Eris’ calmness was becoming annoying to her, and was beginning to tickle her anger. Her hand began to gently set on the hilt of her sword. Eris paid it little mind as she watched her friends continue into the facility. Dúrchel continued to fidgit, her anger beginning to take the better of her.
There was a long awkward silence as Eris stood watching her friends move across the moniter that was keeping track of their movements. Aeden raised his eyebrow, “Well it would appear that the anger enhancers didn’t work. Perhaps we will have to try someone else. Perhaps Sarah, or...” He paused, watching the anger grow on Eris’ face as he began to target her loved ones, “..Nakita. Yes I’ve always wanted to try it on her, and thanks to you she’d make a wonderful killer.”
That was all it took to set Eris off. She grabbed her Ghurkah’s off the table before Aeden had a chance to even realize they were gone, however Dúrchel was right in time with her and before Eris could swing the knives to connect with Aeden, her swords were right there to block them. The two women stood, glaring eye to eye with eachother for several moments. Aeden smiled, seeing that he had finally bated the two sisters into a fight.
Eris openned her arms pushing Dúrchel’s blades to the side before kicking her in the center of the chest and knocking her backwards. The two stood staring at eachother for a moment. Eris’ mind was swimming with emotions. She was fighting her anger enhancers, and the implants that emitted more adreneline than a normal person would normaly under normal circumstances. She didn’t want to fight her sister, she didn’t want to give Aeden the sadisfaction of knowing that he’d angered her into a fight.
Dúrchel swung her swords at Eris, who caught them both with one blade and pushed them aside while swinging with the other one, which caused Dúrchel to lean back to avoid it connecting with her face. Durchel freed one of her blades and lunched at Eris, who kicked the blade out of the way and rotated her knife blade in her hand so that it laid back against forearm. She followed her kick with a swing, which again Dúrchel had to lean back to dodge. Eris finished the combination off with a kick to the center of Dúrchel’s chest, which sent her falling down the stairs. Eris stood at the top of them, watching her sister gather herself up.
Dúrchel walked up the stairs and brought one of her swords up towards Eris’ mid-section, but Eris blocked it, and brought her Ghurkah knife towards the side of her sister’s arm, but her sister was able to block it. The two women broke apart once more as Dúrchel finished walking up the stairs.
Eris flipped the knives around in her hands as she circled with her sister, “Don’t do this! I know this isn’t really who you are. I can see the conflict in your eyes.”
“Conflict?” Dúrchel almost cackled out, “What conflict? The only conflict I see going on is you, and that will soon be over as you lay dead on the floor, or you’re on your knees infront of Mister Aeden.”
“Never.” Eris said, “I’ll never join you.”
“If you will not join us, then I will be more than happy to kill you.” Dúrchel said, swinging her sword at Eris.
Eris jumped backwards onto a chair and then back-flipped onto a cat-walk that was used by some of the smaller regional managers to listen in on the board meetings. Eris began to slowly walk along it, “I don’t believe that they’ve truely destroyed you. I know Josephine’s in there somewhere.”
“It is too late for me.” Dúrchel said, her tone beginning to calm.
“I won’t accept that, and I won’t join you in destroying those who I love and who love you.” Eris said, “And then you’ll be forced to kill me.”
“If that is what you desire.” Dúrchel said, “Then so be it.”
“You couldn’t kill me on the cliff and I don’t believe you can bring yourself to kill me now.” Eris said.
Dúrchel lept into the air, bounced off a chair and onto the cat-walk Eris was on, right infront of her, “Boy are you wrong!” She kicked Eris in the chin, which off-balanced her, and with another swing of her sword, caused her to fall backwards about eight feet onto the floor. Dúrchel walked down a set of metal stairs, her swords in her hands, one of which she flipped around so that the blade was actually against the back of her arm.
It was dark, as though someone had shut off the lights. Only a dim light lit the area below the cat-walk. Dúrchel moved slowly, ever-ready for an attack that could have come from anywhere. Her eyes shifted back and forth, watching all around her to see where Eris would come from next. After several moments Dúrchel, who was tired of waiting, desided to bate her younger sister into emerging, “You can not hide for ever, little sister.”
“I will not fight you.” Eris said from her hiding place.
“You are a persistant one,” Dúrchel said, “But that will soon be your downfall. Just surrender yourself to us. You know that it is the only way to save your friends.” She paused, “Especially that little wife of yours.” Dúrchel knew that bating her with threats to Nakita had worked once, “She would make a fine addition to our elite forces. If you can not be convinced to joining us, than perhaps she can.”
Eris spun out from her hiding place and kicked Dúrchel in the back before swining her knives at her. Dúrchel was able to recover quickly, but never fully. The speed and persision of Eris’ attacks kept Dúrchel on the defencive. To add to her confusion Dúrchel’s mind was going into overload. Eris’, on the other hand, was much more focused and concentrated. She was being driven by the anger enhancers that had been placed inside her, but the one step that they had missed with Eris had given her the advantage. Dúrchel’s mind began to race with a million things at once, while she tried to keep her concentration on the fight it’s self.
Eris just started beating Dúrchel’s blades from side to side before she was able to kick her in the chest and slice down, cutting her right wrist to the bone, causing her to drop her swords. Dúrchel lay on the ground breating hard, a look of pure terror on her face as she was sure that the final blow would come soon.
A loud laugh came from behind her as Aeden walked down the stairs to watch the two sisters even closer, “Good.” he said smiling evily, “We did make you more powerful. I’m pleased. Now end this conflict and take your sister’s place as my top warrior.”
Eris looked down at Dúrchel, who’s usual blood-shot eyes and crazed facial expresion  was beginning to fade. Eris turned from her sister and threw her knives, “Never. I’ll never join you in this corrupt corporation who is only interested in money.” Eris took a couple of steps forward, “You’ve failed, you bastard. Your obsession has become your defeat. You were so obsessed with catching me that you brought the downfall of your own corporation. You just didn’t count on one thing, you weren’t able to drive me crazy like you did Josephine.”
Aeden glared at her, his expression was one of pure frustration, “Fine.” He moved his hand and several guards rushed up and bound Eris with cables that were impossible for her to break on her own. Aeden glared at her, “We’ll see how you like being that defient after this.” He nodded his head and the guards dragged Eris away.  Dúrchel got up and walked over to Aeden holding her arm, “Go get that checked out.” His tone was one of complete distain for his top warrior. She scoweled and walked away.

“Get around that corner.” Kayla whispered to Sarah.
Sarah slowly snuck around the corner into the room with the large elevator which would take them down into the core of the facility. The Facility’s top level was the public one, the one where only light animal testing was done, it was below ground where all the secret, and horrible crimes took place.
“Cédrick!” Sarah shouted, putting her pistol away in the holster under her left arm.
Cédrick walked in and let his weapon hang from the sling which was wrapped around his body, “What’s up?”
“We need the access codes to activate the elevator.” Sarah replied.
Cédrick typed in a few numbers, but the screen beeped at him and a red image showed up blinking ‘Access Denied’, “Fuck.” Cédrick swore, “He changed the access codes so I can’t get in.”
Nakita strolled in behind the rest of the party, “What’s holding us up?” she sounded slightly annoyed.
“Access codes have been changed, I’ve been locked out.” Cédrick said.
Nakita brushed some hair out of her face before pressing the button on the radio she had attatched to her shoulder, “Scarlet, we’ve been locked out.”
“I know.” Scarlet said from the other end, “I’m working on it.”
“Just keep us posted.” Nakita said turning back to the rest of the group.
“So what now?” Damien asked.
“We wait.” Nakita replied simply.
Soon a hologram of a small japanese girl appeared, “Mamma, I’m working on re-routing the encryptions, which should allow Cédrick access with his old codes.”
Nakita smiled widely as she pressed the button on her radio, “Did you do this?”
Scarlet sat smiling brightly on the other side, “Thought you might like that.”
“You have way too much time on your hands.” Nakita said, her smile still wide as ever as she looked at the hologram of her adopted daughter.
“I’ll have you clear for only about three or four minutes, but it should be enough.” Scarlet said.
“All I have to do is uninstall the new encryption software, and downgrade them to their old opperating system.” the Japanese girl replied as if finishing Scarlet’s sentence.
“You’re such a good girl, Chiyo.” Nakita said adoringly.
Soon the computers dimmed a bit and then came back to full light, “There,” Chiyo’s hologram projection for the artificial intellegence unit that Scarlet had infiltrated their system with said, “I’ve been able to down grade their systems, but it’ll only hold for five minutes, ten at the most before they’re able to reinstall their system.”
“That’s enough.” Cédrick said as he punched in a five didgit access code. The screan turned green and the door the the elevator slid open, “That’s it, let’s go.”
The team rushed into the elevator, Nakita bringing up the rear. Chio’s hologram turned, “Mamma,” Nakita turned, “Save Eris-Sama.” Nakita smiled and rushed into the elevator. The Team was on their way into the heart of the enemy.

Eris had been dragged into a room that was absolutely pitch black. She’d been beaten, stripped and her arms hung above her. She now hung spread-eagle waiting to see what would happen next. A tear trickled down her cheek as she looked at her perdicament. She’d become so strong, so skilled and so aggressive so that she would never end up in situations like those she witnessed as a teenager, but yet here she was, hanging from the ceiling just like the poor girls her father had victimized so many years earlier. What made it worse was it looked as though she was going to suffer the same fate as her mother. This alone was enough to drive her mad, but there was nothing she could do as she hung, helpless in the darkened room.
The door openned and Eris could see two shadows against the opposite wall, one was a shorter rounder figure, while the other was that of a taller more slender build person. The two stepped a bit closer as the lights came on low and the door shut behind them. Eris wished she would wipe the tear that had trickled down her cheek, but her hands were tied.
“Feeling a bit less rebelious?” Aeden asked as he walked infront of her. Eris didn’t reply, but hung in her helpless state as her eyes scanned down the plump man. Her eyes stopped as they came to his hand, where he had a bull-whip coiled. She tried to force it back but another tear rolled down her cheek. Aeden smiled, “Well, well, well, our cunning warrior does know how to feel. Come look, she’s crying.”
Dúrchel walked around infront of her sister and looked into Eris’ eyes for a moment before dropping them to the floor. Her arm was wrapped in white bandages and a bit of thread could be seen from underneath it. Her swords were in her belt and her arm was resting on it.
Aeden began to circle Eris, “You thought you had it all figured out didn’t you? You thought you could bring down the most powerful corporation in the world, didn’t you? Well you were wrong. You and your friends,” Aeden began with a smug smile, “You’re all going to die down here.” He walked behind Eris and uncoiled the whip, “And you, my dear, are going to be the first to fall!” With that he swung the whip the first time. It struck Eris’ back, leaving a long cut from her shoulder blade to the bottom of her ribbs. Eris cried out, but more out of anger and frustration than pain. Aeden brought the whip up again and swung it. Again it connected with Eris’ skin, leaving another slice in her back.
Aeden kept this up and soon Eris’ cries of anger and frustration became cries of pain and then whipmers as he continued to torture her. Soon he paused and Eris’ body hung limp for a moment before she wrapped her hands around the chains and pulled herself back up. She looked at Dúrchel who’s usual crazed expression had faded even more as she watched her sister get whipped to death. Aeden smiled evilly, “Now, young Eris. You will die.” With that he swung the whip again and Eris cried again.
“Josephine!” Eris screamed, “Help me!” Her cries were almost whimpers, “Josephine! Please!” Each stroke brought a new cry for help, “This is how your mother died!” Eris’ last attempt to reach her sister. She hoped that if she could make her sister realize just how bad this was, if she could make her angry enough at their father to see Aeden as him, that she would do something.
Aeden smiled wickedly as he continued to whip Eris. Her back was now a mat of blood and torn flesh. A small laugh escaped his lips as he continued to beat her.
Josephine moved behind Aeden, who didn’t pay much attention until she reached up and caught the tip of the whip in her hand. Aeden turned around, “What the fuck are you doing?!” He pulled on the whip as Josephine began to slowly walk forward, curling the whip around her hand as she walked, “Dúrchel, what are you doing?!” his tone began to get more frantic as Josephine closed the distance between them.
“My name isn’t Dúrchel you fucking aragant, sadistic prick!” Josephine snapped, “My name is Josephine Quinn, and you are going to die down here.” With that she pulled one of her swords and swung the blade accross Aeden’s throat. Blood began to poor out of his throat as his eyes widened. He knew he was dead, and so with the last strength he had, he pulled a small pocket pistol from the pocket of his coat pocket and fired it into Josephine’s gut. Josephine’s head and shoulders shot forward as the bullet ripped through her body. Aeden’s body fell to the ground and Josephine dropped her sword as she grabbed her wound. She slowly walked infront of her sister and looked her in the eyes.
“Josephine...” Eris mumbled as she raised her head to look at her sister.
The two of them stared at eachother for a briefe moment before Josephine untied Eris from where she was hanging. Eris managed to put on her pants and white muscle shirt over her wounds. Josephine began to breathe a bit heavier as the two of them staggered out of the room they were in.

Nakita slammed her sai’s through a man’s throat. The man gargled some blood before falling to the ground, “Chio!”
“Yes, Mamma?” The artificial intellegence unit said, fading into view.
“Find Eris-Samma.” Nakita said.
Within a moment or two the holographic child chirped back in, “Eris-Sama’s located in a room one floor below your current position. You should hurry, she’s scheduraled to be terminated.” The hologram sounded concerned.
“Let’s go!” Nakita screamed taking off for the nearest set of stairs.
“Nakita!” Sarah shouted rushing after her.
“Ah shit.” Cédrick swore running after his sister.
The crowd followed Nakita down the stairs. They entered the next level as a group of men in black combat uniforms rushed around the corner. Nakita let her companions worry about cover-fire while she rushed forward and began slashing and stabbing with her Sai’s. Within a few moments all the approaching men were dead, and Nakita stood in the middle of them. Her pale skin lightly spattered with blood. There was a moment of silence until a gun shot could be heard from within one of the rooms. Nakita’s head shot around as she rushed in the direction of the sound followed by her companions. She was only worried with one thing at that particular moment, finding her wife.
It was down one hall-way and down another, one turn then another until they came accross two beaten, bloodied women staggering their way down the hall. They both looked like they’d been through three kinds of hell, and in truth they had. The taller one had blood leaking through the fingers she held tight to her side, while the back of the other’s shirt was completely soaked in blood. The shorter one looked up and gave a weak smile before dropping to her knees. The taller one fell with her and the two women laid on the floor, bleeding and exausted.
“ERIS!” Nakita shouted, her voice squeeking as she rushed over to her wife who was laying on the floor, passed out, “We need to get them to the surface, NOW!”
“Mamma,” Chio said, once again fading into view, “I have discovered something you might be interested in.”
“What’s that, dear?” Nakita asked as she scooped Eris’ body into her arms.
“The head of this corporation is dead.” Chio said plainly.
Nakita paused, “He’s what?”
“He’s dead,” Chio said, “Appearently, according the video records, the taller woman you’re carrying killed him before taking a bullet herself.”
Nakita smiled weakly at her holographic daughter, “You are mommy’s little girl! Now I need you to keep us safe while mommy gets Eris-Samma to safety.”
With the help of Scarlet, Scarlet’s artificial intellegence unit; Chio, and the rest of the team, Nakita was able to get Eris and Josephine to the safety of a hospital before Scarlet had the artificial intellegence unit blow the entire facility from the inside out.

Nearly a month went by before Eris was ready to return home. Josephine recovered shortly there after. The bullet had missed anything vital and had just caused a lot of muscle and tissue damage, but nothing terribally serous. The two sisters returned to the hotel the group was staying in and were welcome with open arms. Nakita didn’t let Eris go for nearly fifteen minutes and couldn’t stop telling her how much she loved her. Sarah and Kayla were relieved to see Eris safe and suprised to see Josephine at all. Cédrick welcomed Josephine back with open arms and was glad to have the woman he knew back in his life.
Shortly after the fall of the Los Angelos facility, the entire corporation went under as Japanese security forces raided and destroyed the last remaining facility. This left the group free to do what they wished. Eris, Nakita and their daughter Chio (the real one) went back to Boston and lived in Nakita’s parents’ old mansion where Eris and Nakita had first met. Nakita would later go on to run a regional office of a new company, while Eris continued her work as a part time bounty-hunter, part time parent.
Kayla moved back to Green Bay Wisconsin, but soon recived a phone call from an old friend offering her and her husband a job. This caused them to move to New York where her husband became the Vice President of the new company.
Scarlet went back to MIT and graduated at the top of her class with a Master’s Degree in artificial intellegence. Her creation of the “Chio” artificial intellegence unit would be her basis for all others she created.
Damien went off and returned to his normal life of walking the streets at night, wondering what would come next in his life, but that question was quickly answered when he, too recived a phone call from an old friend.
Sarah and her fiancé broke up shortly after her return and she went to live with Eris and Nakita for a bit before finding a place of her own in Boston. She would later go on to become Govenor of the state.
Last but certainly not least, Cédrick and Josephine were married roughly two years after the downfall of the Los Angelos facility. Cédrick formed a new soft-ware corporation and invited all his friends to come work for them. It was his company that everyone recived a phone call from. Josephine and Eris became partners in the Bounty-Hunting business, leaving Eris more time to be a mom.
For Eris this whole thing seemed too strange, she’d gone into this crusade with nothing. The clothes on her back and her love for Nakita, and had come out with everything; a wife, a daughter, a family, she’d regained a sister. Everything in her life was finally perfect, just the way it was always meant to be.
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Comments: 6

TheDauphine [2009-03-27 02:23:43 +0000 UTC]

Wonderfully written. The story really does flow nicely.
There is nothing I would correct or anything I would change, so great work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DarthMalice66 In reply to TheDauphine [2009-03-27 02:35:12 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheDauphine In reply to DarthMalice66 [2009-03-27 02:45:31 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DarthMalice66 In reply to TheDauphine [2009-03-27 15:46:30 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for adding all my stuff to your fav's and being such a dedicated reader! :-D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheDauphine In reply to DarthMalice66 [2009-03-28 03:32:33 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DarthMalice66 In reply to TheDauphine [2009-03-28 13:05:04 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0