DayDayDraws — APH: Guatemala OC

Published: 2014-10-08 15:48:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 5979; Favourites: 57; Downloads: 1
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Country Information
 Country Name: Republic of Guatemala {República de Guatemala}

 Capital: Guatemala City
 National Age: 193 years from Spain, 191 years from Mexican Empire & 429 years from Alvarado Conquest
 Birthday: September 15th, 1821
 Languages: Spanish & Other Mayan dialects
 Religion: Roman Catholic, Protestant, Syriac Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox & Indigenous Mayan Faiths
  Motto: "El País de la Eterna Primavera" {The Land of the Eternal Spring}

Human Information
  Human Name: Iztali Samuel Castell Corral
  Age: 23-24 {by appearance}
 Weight: 159 {72 kg}
  Height: 5'7' {170.18}


Iztali is a young man with a lot on his mind. He's generally very mature and calm towards his superiors and people he doesn't know. He can come off as aloof and distant sometimes but that couldn't be farther from the truth. In reality, when you really get to know this Chapine, you discover quite a few things about him. For example, Iztali is quite the friendly social butterfly. He enjoys beautiful things and feels there should always be some color added to your life. He's very confident and proud of himself (talents, heritage, looks, etc.), philanthropic and did I mention he's insanely creative and flamboyant? His artistic flair combined with fashion leaves behind a beautiful combination.

But surprisingly, Iztali is also a man that enjoy a bit of solitude every now and then. He's studiouswell-mannered, respectful and very intelligent, like seriously. He's known to be honest, patient and wise beyond his years, sometimes acting a bit like an old man. He takes his responsibilities and obligations very seriously and doesn't like slacking off on them. Iztali can be very tolerant with people and he doesn't like to judge them since everyone goes through a lot circumstances. But know if you anger him greatly, he will not be so forgiving. He's not prone to violence but if duty calls, Iztali will answer.

Of course despite this, Iztali will always be excitable when it comes to the things he loves. He's very dramatic, likes acting cool and can act like a prima donna sometimes too. Though deep inside, he's actually quite sensitive and very empathetic. Still, he cares about his siblings and close friends a lot so don't underestimate him too much upon first introductions. You'll always see a smile on his face as he prefers to be happy about life.

There's a stereotype that Guatemalans are the shorter versions of Mexicans and it seriously pisses Iztali off when he hears it since he is NOT a mexcian in any way, shape or form!!!

Iztali might seem lanky but he's a very lean and well-built young man. He's actually tall, coming around five eight which is taller then the average Guatemalan male (Spanish Revolution and Decimation of Natives interrupted the Mayan Blood Flow). His body may not look toned or muscular but Iztali is very strong. His skin is a mayan olive skin tone that has him totally not worried when he goes to the beach (he doesn't burn). His nose is straight, his brown eyes are a narrowed almond shape and his forehead is very flat (no thanks to Mama Maya) which he hides beneath his fringes. Speaking of hair, Iztali's hair is very straight and very inky black. It used to be long but he had it cut when he went through an identity crisis. Still, he maintains his soft hair in a silky fashionable appearance.

Point is you'll never catch Iztali without a splash of color or ever having a bad hair day.

Guatemala is a country in Central America that borders Mexico, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador. Its slightly smaller then Tennessee and has a total of 423,042 square miles (108,890 sq km). Its a very mountainous country with lots of small deserts, sand dune patches and plenty of hilly valleys. Its got three distinct regions though; the volcanic highlands, the lowlands and the coastal plains south of the mountains.

About 60 percent of the population live in the mountains and coastal regions. The rest remain clustered together in the Petén department. It makes seeing as all the major cities are located in the highlands and Pacific coast regions; which makes Petén look sparsely populated. Still, Guatemala is known to have a higher population density then any other Latin American country.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guatemal…
Source: Cultures of the World: Guatemala by Sheehan and Koh

In a nutshell...

 Pre-Colonial Guatemala - 

The first traces of humans in Guatemala was said to be dated 1200 BC. When the Classic Period (250 to 900 AD) of Mesoamerica came around, the Mayan civilization was at its peak. Many cities and temples were built as the Mayan influence spread south and eastward. The Mayan culture was considered the most dominate of any indigenous tribe in Guatemala as its reach in the land was extensive. But when the the Post-Classic era (900 - 1500 AD) came, the Mayan civilization fell apart due to a series of bad droughts, overpopulation and lack of rainfall. Many cities from the outer reaches were abandoned. The Mayans still had regional kingdoms that preserved the Mayan culture but it would never equal what once had been.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guatemal…

 Conquering Guatemala 

Starting from 1519, many expeditions where led into Guatemala. The disease the Europeans brought wiped out a vast number of Mayans, leaving little to become slaves. Hernán Cortés, who had led the Spanish conquest of Mexico, granted permission to Captain Gonzalo de Alvarado and his brother, Pedro de Alvarado, to conquer the rest of the land. Alvarado first began to pit the rivaling Mayan tribes against each other before going against them himself. It wasn't long before the weakened Mayans were defeated and Guatemala soon became a Spanish dominion.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guatemal…

 Colonial Guatemala -

Guatemala was chosen to become a Captainacy General of Spain and a part of New Spain. Despite its shiny new name, the last four capital cities it tried to establish all ended up getting demolished by native risings, mudslides and earthquakes. Its current capital Antiqua still suffers earthquakes but remains standing proudly. The natives were treated rather harshly for practicing their culture but much of it has survived by going under ground, some even becoming a mish and mash of Christianity and Maya. But despite all that, the region of Guatemala was large and considered an important state under the control of the Viceroy of New Spain until the time of its independence.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guatemal…
Source: latinamericanhistory.about.com…


On September 15, 1821, the Captaincy-general of Guatemala declared its independence from Spain without bloodshed that Latin America faced. It had to act fast though since the other Central American countries declared their own independence and began to form their governments. A Central American convention declared Central America officially independent on July 1, 1823 and formed the United Provinces of Central America, a federation that included Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. Unfortunately there was much dessention and it took Honduran General Francisco Morazan to really hold them all together until his defeat and death by the hands of guerilla former army officier Rafael Carrera. Under his conservative rule, Guatemala formally declared itself a sovereign republic in 1847.


 Modern Guatemala 

Like many latin american nations, Guatemala went through a series of dictator ships and coups. The biggest dictator being the U.S. United Fruit Company which held a lot of influence during the early 20th century. The government practically bowed down to it, using most of its power to please foreign investors. Eventually the country went through a democratic period called "The Ten Years of Spring" which was military respect of the law at its finest. Free speech and open political activity were allowed to all. The government took this chance to reform itself and eventually the first Guatemala president was informed. But like always, good things never last (not when UFCo was in the way).  After that the Civil War happened and it lasted from 1960 to 1996, it caused many indigenous to die as many battles took place near their homes. Guatemala was soon hit by a the 1976 earthquake that left it devastated and Hurricane Mitch left much damage in its wake, leaving the country weakened. Today, the civil war is over and Guatemala has recovered slowly from the hurricane wreckage, allowing tourism and its free market doors to open.


Foreign Relations
 United States -

The United States established diplomatic relations with Guatemala in 1849 following its independence from Spain and the later dissolution of a federation of Central American states. What else can be said except that Guatemala relies on the US heavily? Financial wise. Though Guatemala doesn't mind having America as an ally, any involvement within the country is usually met with a lot of criticism. Mostly since Guatemala is still miffed because the US refuses to grant Guatemalan citizens TPS (despite it being a BIG portion of the foreign policy for US) and any military involvement, which is also what it wants most. Though they are friendly towards each other in public and use each other (America more so), Guatemala tends to complain and grumble when America's back is turn. 

Source: centralamericanpolitics.blogsp…

 Mexico - 

Though these two countries once shared the common Mayan ancestor, they could not be further apart from each other. They officially established diplomatic relations in 1838 after Guatemala's dissolution of the Mexican Empire. Their border disputes were so bad that their diplomatic relations got affected and the two countries almost went to war in 1958. Thankfully nothing horrible happened and the two were able to re-establish their relations which has been stable until this day.


 Canada -

Guatemala and Canada are considered very friendly towards each other as they work together on many issues. They work well with each other and support each other. Guatemala very much appreciates all the trading and help it receives, especially allowing the Guatemalan citizens to work overseas helps the economic growth.


 Honduras - 

Honduras and Guatemala have always had great relations, their interactions stemming and beginning from the Mayan Empire days. Despite a few border skirmishes, the two countries share positive diplomatic and trade relations, with Guatemala unusually optimistic towards its view of Honduras. The two still work very much close together to combat issues that arise within their region.

Source: --

 El Salvador - 

Though El Salvador and Guatemala are a part of the SICA, OAS, C4 and Northern Triangle trio, doesn't necessarily mean they are close. Yes they are friendly and respectful towards each other but don't expect them to get chummy buddy-buddy. Not even when the Mayan Empire was dominate and occupied itself for a period of time in the northern part of El Salvador did the two ever become solid friends.

Source: -- 

 Belize - 

Wow where do I begin with this one? Guatemala has always considered Belize as apart of its territory during the 1700s and even after Britain left Belize to its own devices and Spain tried controlling it, Guatemala still believed in its territorial claim. Tensions between the two countries have been present despite Guatemala officially recognizing Belize's status as a country. Its thanks to the UK for having made Belize a commonwealth that has allowed Beli to remain free from Guatemala's convinced political stance. Thankfully today, both countries are trying to agree on a plan to strengthen ties with one another. Hopefully this diffuses the tiff they have with each other.

More detailed info in the links.

Source: www.caribbeannewsnow.com/topst…

 Nicaragua -

They aren't as close as the others but mostly you could say Nicaragua respects Guatemala and vice versa. There are moments when Guatemala acts...well, Guatemalan and Nicaragua wishes he'd tone it down in public...especially if he's with Nica. Still, these two could hang out all day and still have a relatively good day.

Source: --

 Costa Rica -

Again, not too close but they interact well, are friendly enough and have great respect for each other. Though Guatemala would probably be a bit jealous that Costa Rica's lifestyle and economy is much easier then his.

Source: --

 Panama - 

Not close but their relations is positive and friendly. You won't see these two becoming enemies.

Source: --

 Taiwan - 

Since Guatemala maintains relations with Taiwan rather then China, the two are very friendly towards each other. Taiwan being the most enthusiastic, glad to have one friend China won't ever have. Although it is said that a Guatemalan President accepted bribery in exchange for recognizing Taiwan as a nation. Thankfully these accusations do not effect their positive relations.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_…

 Russia - 

Russia and Guatemala started their relations around 1945, starting off cordial and neutral. When the Cold War happened, their relations had to be momentarily "frozen" but after that they resumed without interruption. Guatemala considers Russia scary but okay and wishes to further relations.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guatemal…
Source: en.ria.ru/world/20100321/15826…


Unlike the US, Guatemala very much enjoys a close and positive relationship with Cuba. Guatemala and Cuba established bilateral relations in June 1902. That link broke on April 29, 1960 but were later resumed in January 1998. Both countries wish to further ties.

Source: www.caribbeannewsnow.com/topst…
Source: news.xinhuanet.com/english2010…

 Puerto Rico -

Guatemala is said that it wants to be the door that will allow Puerto Rico to trade more extensively in the region. Puerto Rico certainly doesn't object as Guatemala is very interested in investing its business on the island. Both countries are very friendly and positive relations towards each other.

Source: www.caribbeanbusinesspr.com/ne…


:: Headcanons: Guatemala ::Warning: You are not allowed to use these headcanons!! DO AND I WILL CUT YOU!!!!!

        ♦ Guate once went through an identity crisis that almost had him abandoning his Mayan Culture.
        ♦ He once had long long hair but now its maintained in a bob. He thinks its stylish.
        ♦ Guate's wardrobe is very colorful.
        ♦  His favorite color is green.
        ♦ Guate likes to write journals about his life. They are all written in the ancient Mayan writing.
        ♦ He can solve difficult mathematic equations in his head, including calculus, algebra and trigonometry.
        ♦ Guate enjoys making and wearing beautiful

Body Guide: TBA

Hair/Facial Feature Guide: TBA


Other Hetalia OCs from moi...

Curious for more? Then cautiously visit his ask account that he shares with the other Central Americans.



Guatemala OC (c) LKeiko
Art (c) LKeiko
Flag/Map (c) Google
Template Layout (c) kamillyanna
Hetalia (c) Himaruya Hidekaze

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Comments: 28

ShadySummer [2020-01-29 19:16:23 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DayDayDraws In reply to ShadySummer [2020-11-05 03:27:33 +0000 UTC]

Power to the Mayan ancestry ✊🏽

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

OMGPamSpoke [2018-03-31 23:35:25 +0000 UTC]

*adding him to husbando list*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DayDayDraws In reply to OMGPamSpoke [2018-07-02 00:42:54 +0000 UTC]

yess, girl e v e

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Avipopoki [2016-01-06 15:21:30 +0000 UTC]

I have a Belize OC and a Tumblr ask blog for her and wanted to draw the belize and Guatemala territoral dispute in 1999 with guatemala claiming 12,272 km and 12 islands of belize. And I want to represent This by a fight between Guatemala and Belize.
In the fight Guatemala cuts off half of Belize's hair then claims his new terrotory. Is it ok if I draw your representation of Guatemala? I will credit you fully

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DayDayDraws In reply to Avipopoki [2016-04-29 23:32:09 +0000 UTC]

This is super late, but go ahead. As long as you credit and I say yes, your golden. Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Avipopoki In reply to DayDayDraws [2016-04-30 14:49:45 +0000 UTC]

aha thank you <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ayaose-Xaoyu [2015-06-05 18:48:59 +0000 UTC]

I love your version of Guatemala ,like really. *v* Those sparkles  xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DayDayDraws In reply to Ayaose-Xaoyu [2015-06-10 03:54:29 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha! I try but really Iztali is too much sometimes. But its fun seeing what he's really about since the sparkles are just the surface lol


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MariaJose21 [2015-05-09 16:43:08 +0000 UTC]

I love it!! My home country!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DayDayDraws In reply to MariaJose21 [2015-05-11 04:08:48 +0000 UTC]


Guatemala needs more representation so its an honor that you love him ;;7;;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MariaJose21 In reply to DayDayDraws [2015-05-11 17:29:09 +0000 UTC]

Yep. It's my home country

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

durakoko-chan [2015-02-10 23:09:30 +0000 UTC]

me encanta, pero no te olvides que Guatemala habla tambien el idioma garifuna. Te lo dice una hija de de padre garifuna con madre mestiza nacidos en Guatemala

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DayDayDraws In reply to durakoko-chan [2015-05-11 04:11:36 +0000 UTC]

Your right and I suppose Guate can speak it though I've not specifically mentioned it. Thanks for the reminder VvV

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

X-I-L2048 [2014-10-18 09:17:54 +0000 UTC]

Awesome job! I've been wanting to see bios for your other OCs, and he seemed like a good place to start. XD I love how fab he is. UvU

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DayDayDraws In reply to X-I-L2048 [2014-10-18 15:00:02 +0000 UTC]

omg Thank you so much dear! Your words mean a lot, especially after weeks and weeks of deep researching.

lol, I think he's fab too; just be sure not to stroke his ego too much XDD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

X-I-L2048 In reply to DayDayDraws [2014-10-19 09:22:39 +0000 UTC]

Daww, you're welcome, hon.

I'll be sure to keep that in mind. ;D

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LadyShentra [2014-10-14 00:13:28 +0000 UTC]

OmG thanks you! I am from Guatemala and this is just awesome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DayDayDraws In reply to LadyShentra [2014-10-15 00:13:09 +0000 UTC]

Wow this is a huge compliment coming from you! I'm glad you like him Q7Q

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LadyShentra In reply to DayDayDraws [2014-10-16 02:20:05 +0000 UTC]

You are welcome!! The thing is that when I mention it on the unternet, people never know where it is... So I all ways feel well when somebody know about it :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DayDayDraws In reply to LadyShentra [2014-10-16 02:56:03 +0000 UTC]

omg I feel you gurl. Thankfully I have much respect for Central America so I love learning anything and everything about them.
If you see any inaccuracies, please let know okay? =3= )/ ~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LadyShentra In reply to DayDayDraws [2014-10-18 23:53:21 +0000 UTC]

Sure don't worry... :3 I hope you teach somepeople were is my cauntry and make them know as well how beatiful it is and it can be.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Quenixy [2014-10-10 18:08:40 +0000 UTC]

ASDFGHJKL he seems to be reallyyyy awesome

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DayDayDraws In reply to Quenixy [2014-10-10 20:07:48 +0000 UTC]

lol thank you deary~!

he's more dramatic then anything XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Cupcakequeen16 [2014-10-10 00:36:29 +0000 UTC]

Oh Iztali! Bringing sexy back since....well now. XD

Wonderful job on him!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DayDayDraws In reply to Cupcakequeen16 [2014-10-10 01:38:34 +0000 UTC]

Lmao, thanks dear! >3<

But remember not to compliment him too much, he will get a big head e v e

//bricked by Guate

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

melondramatics [2014-10-09 00:27:19 +0000 UTC]

god he's so fabulous i love him<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DayDayDraws In reply to melondramatics [2014-10-09 16:20:34 +0000 UTC]

lmao thanks Mel Q7Q

I love him too omg. He just shines so bright XD //slapped 

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