DeadFantasyFreak — Walk On

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Published: 2020-03-13 05:59:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 1240; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 2
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Description Could have come out better... But certainly isn't as bad as I feared it may be. These Dissidia models are just so much fun to use.

Credits: Sticklove

All character content is the copyright of Square Enix
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Comments: 36

XSamuraiEdgeX [2020-03-19 15:17:43 +0000 UTC]

look, it's Cloud!  

omg, it's Squall!  

*looks at Lightning* oh hey...  

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to XSamuraiEdgeX [2020-03-19 16:50:19 +0000 UTC]

lol. I'm really not a fan of Lightning -- not after the sequels, anyway. But this pic had her in my head, so I went with it.

Gameplay-wise, she's fun and I enjoy using her in fights. Character-wise...bleh. She's aggravating, bland, and just totally....whatever.

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XSamuraiEdgeX In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-19 18:14:56 +0000 UTC]

i don't like her cuz she has pink hair but yeah, bland characters aren't my thing too. they'd be just a bore to look at. there's a difference between calm and being a downright brick wall.

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to XSamuraiEdgeX [2020-03-19 18:35:53 +0000 UTC]


She does the same kind of things Squall does: working alone, silent-type, doesn't want to be bothered by people or bother others... But yet, she gets every excuse in the book while Squall is considered an "asshole". Lightning physically and verbally abused her companions in the first game, and everyone loves her; Squall said things to try and get them to back off, but when they needed him he was always there.

It's bullshit. 

Plus, Lightning's story stopped making sense after the first game. She got the treatment she got because Toriyama, specifically, was playing favorites. She is basically Squall and Cloud combined, with breasts.

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XSamuraiEdgeX In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-21 13:45:06 +0000 UTC]

so basically Lightning and Squall are the same except that Squall beats her in other departments as in not take out his anger on people who were never the cause of his problems in the first place. i don't mind bitchy characters. i really don't. in fact, there are some i happen to like. but there's only so much bitchiness one can handle, yes?

just like how i find cocky characters quite appealing just as long as their arrogance doesn't reach cringy levels.

when it comes to negative traits like these, some of them can actually make the character look good as long as they're carefully written. whilst some other characters, because of said traits, can be quite vomit-inducing to look at. it depends.

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to XSamuraiEdgeX [2020-03-21 18:27:30 +0000 UTC]

That's the way I see it, yeah. I don't mean to sound sexist... But I honestly believe it is because Lightning is a female. If she was another male character, people would just label her "emo", like Squall and Cloud, and hate on her for being such. But you alter the appearance to give them tits, and suddenly you have a strong, female character. It doesn't matter how abusive she is to those around her, and how she practically ignores her sister in every installment in the trilogy... (she'll say that literally every quest she goes on is for Serah. But anytime she physically meets up with her, she only talks AT Serah, not to her.) Lightning and her companions were literally in a life or death situation -- and she leaves them to fend for themselves. She didn't come back because she wanted to; she came back, literally, because the route she had taken to get away from them physically led back to where they were.

In XIII-2, she actually gets her ass handed to her and is incapacitated the entire game. When she finally meets up with Serah, she has less to say about how much she misses her and instead talks about the mission at hand -- and when Serah simply expresses desire to see her again and when, Lightning dismisses it with a cryptic answer.

Then, come LR, Serah is suddenly her entire world and nothing else matters. Every other character is struggling with some heavy burden, most of which pertain to Serah, and Lightning is going around 'saving" them all from a pain they never even had to bear and only exists because of XIII-2. It's like with KHIII: they made every character weak and disabled, in some way, so Sora and Lightning could run around playing hero all on their own. The only difference is that, with KH, that makes sense as Sora has always been the protagonist of the franchise and it was always said HE would be the one to save them all. XIII couldn't decide whom its protagonist was: the first game, it was all six characters; the second game, it was Serah. Only with LR, was Lightning truly the main protagonist, and yet that's the game where they decide "we should just forget everything that happened and give Lightning this heroic role" just so the fate of the world can, coincidentally, rest on her shoulders and she can take the credit. Lest we forget: all six saved two worlds in the first game, and Serah saved the timeline from collapsing.

But sure, Lightning's efforts are all that matters.

But I digress... She has three games where she never changes; she always sounds bored out of her mind and is reluctant to take on ANY of her missions throughout the trilogy. The sequels just ruined her though, to be fair. By the end of the first game, she was tolerable and I actually liked her a little bit; that's why all of my pics featuring Lightning only ever have her XIII appearance. But the sequels come along and squander her character completely -- as well as making all of the others wholly incompetent (further alluding to how they played favorites with Lightning). She went from being someone whom refused to allow herself to be manipulated and only walked the path she wanted, to someone whose whole mentality is her task at hand; that's going from "I control my fate. I do what I want, how I want, and when I want." to "Oh... This is what I'm supposed to do? This is my fate? Okay, sure. I'll do that." It's a complete fucking 360 and it's a slap in the face to the character. Her original morals were gone and replaced with this...whatever it was -- it was Lightning's face slapped on some Mary-Sue OC whom can't do anything wrong and is given absurd power just because. 

What. the actual. fuck? Yet, this character is popular with people... Okay. And here I thought everyone hated Mary-Sues. Guess not. LR just made her a laughingstock: dressing her in slutty clothing, and other attire that makes no sense, essentially making her the epitome of some guy's wet dream and whatnot. I can't take her seriously after the third game -- and XIII-2 was already pushing it.

Squall went through hell as well. But hey...let's just ignore that; Cloud and Lightning went through so much more. Cloud maybe -- he did lose a lot, yeah, and his brain is all fucked up. But Lightning? No. That girl caused her OWN problems and then decides to blame the world for the shit she caused to happen. Yet we're supposed to believe she was once kindhearted when she never once implied that? No. I'll need proof of this claim, please. She pretty much ignored her own sister until she was forced to acknowledge her -- and then suddenly she's like "Serah. I love you so much." 

Bitch, please.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XSamuraiEdgeX In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-21 21:57:33 +0000 UTC]

"That's the way I see it, yeah. I don't mean to sound sexist... But I honestly believe it is because Lightning is a female.....". that's actually what i had on mind but i refused to acknowledge it. tho that's really true. a male emo character? nah... *add a pair of titties* wE wUv YoU!!! as much as i respect other people's opinions, the fact that gender is involved is downright revolting. in fact, some female characters are actually rejected simply over their gender. females usually get hated on over traits that would otherwise look appealing on males. could the fans get anymore disgusting??

"When she finally meets up with Serah, she has less to say about how much she misses her and instead talks about the mission at hand...." aw why so serious, L? a small hug for your sister won't waste your precious ass time! to be frank, i'd be quite disheartened if my own family member gave more fucks about the mission than little ol' me. i mean, i understand there's such thing as priorities. but a small 'i missed you but we're gonna catch up after the mission, m'kay?' won't kill anyone.

"It's like with KHIII: they made every character weak and disabled, in some way, so Sora and Lightning could run around playing hero all on their own....." i have always hated this sort of thing. it irked me how the other secondary characters were rendered inferior in favor of making the MC the strongest motherfucker of them all. even good MCs still shine even when the supportive characters get in the same spotlight with them. but this Gary Stu stunt isn't just unnecessary but cheap and cliche. heck, i've seen MCs who are even less interesting than the others but still remain loveable.

"But I digress... She has three games where she never changes; she always sounds bored out of her mind and is reluctant to take on ANY of her missions throughout the trilogy....." so whatever itsy-pitsy character 'development' she's gone through was stomped upon by traits that made her even worse XD as if shitting on other characters to make her look good isn't bad enough which is, like i said, cheap like a trinket at a 2 dollar store. so instead of ruining the others to make this one jackass come on top, how about you give them some blasted development and not a Mary Sue with out-of-nowhere powers up her ass? it just proves the clear incompetence in character writing.

"What. the actual. fuck? Yet, this character is popular with people... Okay. And here I thought everyone hated Mary-Sues. Guess not..." you don't know what the fans want these days. they complain and whine over how this character is too darn perfect, then all of a sudden, they're head over heels over what they used to bitch about. especially if they're fanboys horny for some titty fuck. as much as i hated to say this but... can't fight the truth.

"No. That girl caused her OWN problems and then decides to blame the world for the shit she caused to happen...." like i said, i don't mind bitchiness as long as it remains harmless. but this sort of childish behavior makes me raise my eyebrow in disbelief. not to mention her contradictory attitude with how she showed 'love' and 'kindness' out of the blue is nothing but bullshit. at least Cloud doesn't actually snap at anyone because of his own mistakes and keeps to himself so he wouldn't burden anyone. in fact, all what has happened to him is all the more reason he grew more protective.

"Bitch, please." LOL!

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to XSamuraiEdgeX [2020-03-21 23:23:10 +0000 UTC]

Like I said, I didn't want to say it... Maybe I'm wrong, but that's just how it seems. I am more than willing to bet that if Lightning was a male, she would not be as popular because then it would have "already been seen before". They even specifically said to "make her something of a female Cloud" when designing her -- no lie. Those were Toriyama's words -- and then the guy proceeded to develop a cringe-inducing crush on her with video evidence to support this. She is his waifu. That is the only reason she got the treatment she got. 

I'm not making this up. Yeah, she has some redeeming qualities; I'll admit it: she's strong, independent, and doesn't take bullshit from anyone. But that is overshadowed by how boring she is and was clearly designed to be more flashy than anything. If any protagonist had no good excuse for their behavior, it was Lightning: she shunned her own sister, her only surviving relative -- and then feels justified in physically and verbally abusing her companions as a result. "I'm mad at myself, and the world, so I'm going to take it out on you." Yeah, becoming a L'Cie was not her fault. But five other people -- and in fact, many more, "suffered" the same event. So it wasn't like she was alone in it. Maybe if we had seen some actual sisterly love in the past, and how much of a struggle she faced after her parents died, I might be able to feel for her. But we only get 13 days worth of backstory, and it only takes place literally over that time-span before the first game's events play out -- and she is not really any different than she is during the events of the story. So no, you can't convince me she has a troubled past. Squall went through far worse than Lightning did.

You can always play the games, or watch some clips on Youtube to see for yourself. I, personally, only find the first game to be relevant; the sequels are trash and even Japan didn't like them much. This is what happens when you expand on a storyline that did not need an expansion. Granted, yeah...VII didn't need one either. Both were just blatant attempts to milk the shit out of a popular and fairly popular storyline (FFXIII was more popular in Japan than in the West). 

There's this thing called "Final Fantasy XIII Episode-Zero" that supposedly delves further into the characters' past. But it really doesn't. If I recall, it only takes place within those aforementioned 13 days but reveals events the game doesn't. So you're still not going to get any indication of Lightning's prior struggles. So I don't know where people got this bullshit concept of "she was once really nice", when all we know is that she and Serah used to be close but drifted apart after their parents died and Lightning spent more time at work. 

Yeah... She clearly cared.

In LR, she "had her emotions suppressed" (which should be SO effective, by the way...) and yet...she can still feel them, as she demonstrates later. Making that little plot-point completely pointless.

But that wasn't enough -- oh no! Then, in Dissidia NT, you have Lightning saying things like "If you don't work as a team, you're nothing." It's like "Bitch! You did that in ONE GAME! Out of three! You have no room to talk about teamwork!" Fuck SE for painting characters in a better light than they actually present. That's almost as bad as saying Cloud is an EX-SOLDIER when he never even MADE SOLDIER.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XSamuraiEdgeX In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-25 12:33:03 +0000 UTC]

trust me. i know. a few days ago, i fooled around online for a bit to see into this whole ruckus with the pink-haired bimbo. and i've stumbled across this weird ass content about how her developer - a grown ass man at that - has been having the hots for his fictional babe like a 12yr old. its okay to be proud of a character you developed yourself, but to literally pop a boner for them is borderline obsessive.

and apparently there're haters for her just as much as her fans. mostly because she's "shoved down everyone's throat" and became the new face of SE so she appears where everyone least wants her. she's also hated for the same reasons you mentioned if not for how horrible her series are. so i'll say she's a 50/50 character.

"This is what happens when you expand on a storyline that did not need an expansion." like what happened with KH and it's useless ass sequels? i dunno how SE does that, but they hand out games like candy and drugs that they forget about the main storylines and most importantly: games that people ACTUALLY want, as they're busy shitting out weird content out their asses that nobody asked for. i don't even know where the hell they get the time and budget to squeeze out all that. but it's definitely the reason for why it took them bloody 10 years to make KH3, something we've been actually waiting for, only to be like "wtf?" can they disappoint us any further?

i think the developers must have noticed how much negativity Lightning has received so they kept switching her personalities that you can't even tell she's the same person anymore. so now you have a family-hating chick with serious bipolar issues. seriously, i've never seen developers who rewrite a character like that a gazillion times each and every time it's featured. all for their desperate attempts to satisfy the fans while, in fact, they're just making it worse.

at least Cloud actually gained his popularity over time and wasn't actually made to be popular. he wasn't forced on anyone wherever he appears and his acceptance by the majority just came naturally. but Lightning is a proof for how thirsty for popularity SE is.

something must be seriously wrong with that company if they really go that far just to make one damn character acceptable by fans. if the way their indecisive writing, constant switching and how their pathetic plans for popularity keep backfiring was anything to go by. ultimately making SE my second least favourite company, after Bandai. shittiest game company in the galaxy.

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to XSamuraiEdgeX [2020-03-25 19:41:54 +0000 UTC]

Yeah... I couldn't find the video for the longest time, but I saved it after I did just so I could confirm it did indeed exist. There is, at the very least, a rumor going around that he is obsessed: allegedly, his former girlfriend got a restraining order after he actually had her dress-up as Lightning for...whatever reason. I don't really care to know the whole story there. Honestly, the character has been made into a joke by her own creator. So why people like her, is beyond me. I lost all respect for her -- and the sequels are only a small part of why.

LOL. Okay, fair point. KHI is constantly praised as the best, story-wise, while KHII seems to get the best praise gameplay-wise. I have recently started seeing comments saying how KHI was the most sensible in terms of story-telling. It just goes to show how messed up the story became, especially once they brought Organization XIII into the mix. I stopped playing for the story and only played KHIII to finish the saga. And, of course, the FF characters retained my interest; as well as Aqua, lol. But hey, they'll keep doing it because the die-hard fans of these franchises will buy up whatever the put out. Of course, that's not much in their favor since these are the same people whom will buy story content DLC, like ReMIND and the XV stuff, and then whine about games like Dissidia making you have to pay for additional content. It's like "WTF? You're fine buying story DLC but whine about buying DLC that's basically just costumes and weapons?" I swear, these fanbases are some of the dumbest out there.

lol. I'm inclined to agree. People say "Lightning is virtually a different person by the end of LR." But, in all honesty, the bitch hardly changes -- and all of her development is constantly hit with reset just to cram everything into the final game in the trilogy -- a trilogy that sold progressively worse, despite how much hate the first game got. That should have told them something, but they -- or at least Toriyama -- insisted on keeping Lightning at the front of everything. He literally sent a message saying "She must not be forgotten" around Christmas time a year or two after the first XIII game released, setting off the development of XIII-2. So yeah, the story only continued because he wanted it to, not because the fans did.

 But yeah, right after XIII released, Lightning was featured in endless promotional art for it and other games she appeared in, always being slapped on the cover and at the forefront so you couldn't miss her. They were, literally, shoving her down our throats -- on one hand, yeah, to promote FFXIII. But it came off more as a way of saying "We like this character and we don't care how you feel about her." Notice how Lightning is a total bitch in Duodecim, at least to Cosmos -- and the entire prologue has the other main five characters constantly praising her. Yet...people just ignore the blatant bias SE has for her. It seems to have died down lately, and they hardly acknowledge the sequels except through Lightning herself. But that doesn't change what happened. Yeah, Cloud is constantly advertised first, but his popularity is not debatable and FFVII still remains their best-selling title to-date. Much more people like Cloud than they like Lightning and I think it angered a lot of people that she, even temporarily, replaced him as the face of the franchise. Cloud was instantly popular with his debut; everyone loved him right away. Lightning was controversial, but SE didn't seem to care about her reception. So people whom didn't like her much didn't have the chance to let the character grow on them before SE just started plastering her onto everything. It was annoying to a lot of people, especially since XIII wasn't all that popular either.

Right? Some people still aren't buying it. But Lightning's fanbase is helped by how XIII released around the time video games were finally allowed in China -- so that was the first FF game they played. Now she's also selling cars in China and the model for Louie Vutton or whoever. Seriously? Look, I don't care if she is a female... But you cannot put a blatant tomboy, who's more male than female and has never shown any interest in dressing nice, put her in dresses and slutty clothing, and expect me to believe it's totally in-character for her just because she's a woman -- that doesn't work with me. She never once showed interest in that kind of thing throughout the first two games. But LR just threw all of that away to turn her into some bullshit, poppy "I'm beautiful and fabulous" character. The part where she flips her hair and roses fly out from around her was such a blatant attempt at this, that it was just ridiculous -- and another point in favor of how they made her into a laughingstock and insulted their own character.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XSamuraiEdgeX In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-28 23:13:19 +0000 UTC]

lol yes, i do remember you telling me about this one. if that's true then i don't know how the hell he kept his job. if you wanna fantasize about your characters, do it in your free time or something but don't involve work in it. and it's really unfathomable how SE obliges with his requests to keep his character in the spotlight to satisfy his juvenile obsession. it shows just how pathetic those guys are. then again, i don't want to judge in case i didn't know all the details.

despite the cheesy story-telling these series are known for, i think KH2 is the best out of all of it's sibling games. i never quite realized in what terms KH1 made sense though. that and the organization 13 added a nice touch. it gave off the awesome vibe of fighting off the classical disney villains alongside the Nobody Mafia! that's IMO tho..

mm to be frank, i would rather buy the story DLC cuz it sure as heck seems more useful than a bunch of weapons and a new flashy pair of pants. if i'm going to be spending money on DLC, which is very rare, might as well be worth it. even if i hate how they make us pay more money for a game we already bought.

like i said, it's quite miraculous how that guy is still fooling around and actually gets everyone to abide by his every whim. does he bribe them? or whips them like slaves to force them into doing as he says? it feels smells fishy, y'know. i mean, a company that just destroys it's own reputation for the sake of pleasing one of it's directors - and a shit one at that - is just not okay. you even said that the sequels that followed sold more so yeah, definitely goes in his favor. i imagine being like "excellent~" like Mr. Burns.

even when Cloud was the face of the series, he wasn't everywhere like the plague. and suppose he popped up then and there, he was hella acceptable by the majority simply because he didn't feel forced and also because he's ACTUALLY a good character. it seems that SE wanted to make a popular character like that all over again but, while doing so, they took the incredibly wrong approach. you have to let some things happen naturally. if you tried to force your way through, the results won't be the same.

that's the kinda bullshit that i can't even laugh at for being so unamusing. once again, they turned her into something she's not - from a warrior that doesn't care about looking into a mirror to a fashionable girly - just like they always did. as if saying being a tomboy is a bad thing. at least, if they wanted to make her look good (for once) do it in a way that suits her nature. but this is basically like putting a sword into the hand of a defenseless character to make it look badass. i used to do that with Kairi a long time ago back when i liked her but it didn't work for me. OOC in most time does more bad to the character than good.

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to XSamuraiEdgeX [2020-03-29 01:03:00 +0000 UTC]

Fair enough. Although, a lot would agree SE has been rather incompetent, for the most part, in recent years.

I just prefer all the story content be in the game at launch. At least with costumes and stuff, it's entirely optional; you don't need it but it's nice to have. With story DLC, you're inclined to buy it just so the game makes sense. I just don't agree with that, personally. They started doing this with FFXIII-2, and it's been a thing ever since. KHII and BBS are my favorite KH games. 1 was pretty straightforward, so I think that's why people like it so much -- and, of course, the whole "the first is always the best" notion. Plus, if you ask me, KHII had some worlds that were a letdown: Atlantica was a freakin' musical and the Lion King was just flat-out boring. I rarely return for the second trip when I play. I even enjoyed Halloweentown more in the first game than the second.

I'm all for a strong, kick-ass female character; hell, in fighting games and action movies, I'm always rooting for or playing as the female, lol. But this isn't the way to go about it. In the first game, she was a bitch, but she was still a bad-ass: she could fight, she was independent, and while not the best role-model, she still grew into a leader for her team and learned to work with and respect her companions. Hm... Doesn't that sound familiar? She was tolerable by the end of the first game and I actually found myself thinking "Okay, it was worth it. She's not so bad." ....And then, the sequels came and all I could do was face-palm... There is literally no rhyme or reason for what happens with Lightning and you cannot relate to a character whom goes through what she does. Personally, if I can't understand where they're coming from...I'm not likely to like them because I can't understand their struggle. And, I'm sorry, but making a character into a god "just because" is the biggest bullshit logic ever. At least have some substance to your story. The sequels were so glaringly different from the original that the only thing that even really made them "sequels" was the characters; the story was a mess and just fell apart horribly the longer it went on. The first game gets a lot of heat, but it was still the most coherent one of the three, in my opinion, and had the best ending; the ending to LR doesn't top it because it just felt forced after three games -- and, you know, being completely unnecessary doesn't help it either.

Leave it to SE to expand on stories that don't need it and then utterly destroy their own characters in the process. Plus, you know, shitting on everyone else in the storyline just so Lightning could play hero was also complete bullshit. But I've already mentioned that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

XSamuraiEdgeX In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-31 13:55:34 +0000 UTC]

SE is the only company i know that forces you to buy more DLC to completely understand the story. not the extras, as in spin-offs, but to actually progress FURTHER otherwise the plot will just remain lacking. they did that shit with KH3. from what i have heard, the endgame wasn't satisfactory so you'll have to actually "buy" it. it's one thing to raise money, another different thing to become so disgustingly greedy. apparently spending money on the game itself is not enough for them. splat a price tag on the key items that i can't finish the game without, why don't you?

"the first is always the best" not necessarily true at all. sure some things are great the first time then come with lesser quality as the sequels go on. but 'always' is too inaccurate, y' know? some fandoms actually get better as more parts pop up later on when they had initially horrible prequels. just saying.

as much as gender matters less to me, it really pleases my heart to find strong female characters. in fact, i wish that both males and females were on equal grounds. but all you have as a trend is the stupid cliche where the male is the saver of the day while the female is just there to be the love interest that would need rescuing every now and then. the type of horseshit the world will never grow out of.

that's cheap. hella cheap. giving your character super saiyan powers for the shits and giggles while spitting at the others to make him/her appear on top. as if destroying her character development wasn't bad enough. seriously, what the hell were those guys thinking? is it all to satisfy their fanboy of a director? well, at least they're getting paid so why the fuck not.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeadFantasyFreak In reply to XSamuraiEdgeX [2020-03-31 17:26:25 +0000 UTC]

Right? They're also making the VII remake multi-part, which I am opposed to. Okay, so maybe it can't all fit on one or two discs... But they specifically said "each game will be the length of one game disc". So one has to wonder how much of that content is merely filler just to take up space? Plus, I'm sure each one will cost money, right? Two discs, okay. Three is pushing it, and four is just milking the fans for all they're worth. But you still have these die-hard fans defending it, saying "I will pay however much money I need to!" Priorities, right? How do people have all the money in the world to spend on games, but can't afford school or bills? What the actual fuck?

Okay, fair point. I guess it's more accurate to say "You always remember the first." -- be it good or bad. I have seen some good movie sequels for instance, but can't think of a game sequel I enjoyed, except maybe one. But regardless, I actually gave up on Kingdom Hearts at one point; didn't play the games for several years because they got tiring to me. I played BBS again and got back into the series shortly after, but KHIII is not really putting my expectations very high -- and I swear, I will riot if they remove Cloud and Squall from the series and replace them with Noctis and Lightning. Honestly though, I don't see how Noctis would work when Yozora is CLEARLY based on him. But I guess we'll see.

I'm all for it, really -- and I love when a girl kicks ass and takes names, so to speak, lol. Unfortunately, video games is/are a mostly male-dominated industry, both in the real world and in the fictional one; most gamers are male, I do believe, and....I guess that's the reason for male protagonists being so common; on top of guys being able to relate to them more, usually. I really don't mean to sound sexist and I hope I don't. I apologize if so.

Yeah, pretty much. I don't understand why they think it's necessary to make other characters look weak and useless just so others can play hero and do all the dirty work; all that comes to mind is simply SE playing favorites. They've been doing it for years. I understand having a mascot; all companies do -- at least for games. But let's look at it like this: Mario has had the same appearance and abilities since he first appeared -- good jumping ability and fireballs; and I suppose the whole mushroom thing, if you want to count that. Nintendo has not once felt the need to give him any other powers outside of that. With Final Fantasy, it's like Cloud is never strong enough in their minds. I swear, they're always coming up with new shit for him -- and THAT is what pisses me off about the character. Otherwise, I like him.  But he isn't a freakin' superhero. For some reason, SE feels the need to not only make their characters OP, but do so at the expense of other characters in the process -- and now even seem to be competing with themselves with each new release -- case-in-point, Lightning and Noctis. XIII DID start a new direction for the series, and not for the best. I don't mean to say anything bad about Noctis since I've never played XV... But my point is that they seem to care more about how "cool" and "flashy" their protagonists look than actually focusing on the story, which is what is REALLY important. I mean, just a nitpick... But I am sick of them constantly toning down Squall in every appearance he makes, coincidentally the same games Cloud and Lightning are seen in -- and those two remain untouched. Blatant favoritism. She isn't even the most popular FF female, even in Japan, but SE only seems to care about her. 

In fact, I really do wonder if maybe fans are exaggerating Cloud's abilities because I, for instance, do not recall ever seeing Cloud run at super-fast speed. Jump real high, yeah... But his running has always been pretty normal to me. I honestly don't know who's worse: SE, or the fans....

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XSamuraiEdgeX In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-31 18:15:51 +0000 UTC]

well that's sad. just when i thought that SE was going to finally kick into gear and do something good for the first time in nearly a decade, they have to go and ruin it just like total morons.

and SE being like "those buffoons will buy anything we sell!" *Plankton's voice*

because gaming is more life essential than education, gas and water! cuz, you know, priorities!

yeah i stopped being a fan of KH altogether and sometimes i think of selling it's games. i outgrew it i guess. i can't stop cringing at Donald's quacking like he got the flu or Goofy's 'ah-yuck' or all that talk about friendship and hearts. not because the games are tiring but because i couldn't stand anymore disney crap XD but i gotta admit, KH2 had the best gameplay in it's series.

even if they did remove those two, causing a big deal over it will do no good. even if fans went in a rage over such a decision, SE will just turn to them with a deaf ear. those guys do whatever they want, i tell you. they did something in Drakengard 3 which the fans have been complaining of from early prequels. and yet SE assholes went and added the same annoying feature in the latest sequel. shows how much they give a damn.

hold up, who?! it's a new guy? when i saw him on a google news thumbnail from my phone, i thought "what happened to Riku's eye?" but it's a lovechild of Noctis and Riku? interesting...

no, man. you were actually being realistic. in fact, i think the biggest reason for why they bother with making female characters at all was that they could appeal to male gamers who wanna jerk off to fictional titties. trust me, i hated myself when i said that but i'm helpless against reality. we're all are. that's why when i see women freaking out but the men being calm and collected, i think to myself that the reasons are pretty obvious and they are fucking saddening.

hehe i always told myself that SE always chooses beauty over brains. that's why you have all these pretty boys and girls in horrible outfits that they think are fashionable but do i get the plot? nope! i may not understand half of what's going when i play/watch one of their movies but i do know one thing: that dude has some really pretty eyes

pfft that's bullshit! if Cloud could run like a Road Runner - while he is in fact a Chocobo - then he should toss his Fenrir in the garbage. i dunno about the super speed thing but the high jump is true. he did it in Advent Children movie where he jumped to reach unfathomable heights, like damn, that guy doesn't miss leg day!

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to XSamuraiEdgeX [2020-03-31 19:07:15 +0000 UTC]

It wouldn't be so aggravating to me if they weren't still milking the shit out of FFVII 20 years later. The only thing more annoying than people eating it up is these idiots saying "We've been waiting 20 years for this remake!" It's like, "No... Remakes were not even a thing 20 years ago -- not for video games, anyway." Seriously, who turned on any game back in the 90s and instantly thought "I can't wait to see this game remade one day!"? No one has been waiting 20 damn years for a remake. The hype is, once again, exaggerated.

Yeah, I know they don't -- which is why I wonder why they even do polls? They don't listen to those either -- yet they do them nearly every year. There's no point; they're basically saying "What interests you the most?" then respond to the results with "Oh? Really? Well, we don't really care. We just wanted to know." Like you said, they'll do whatever they want, how they want, and when they want. The fans don't win -- but they seem to think they are. My bad: Final Fantasy VII fans win. But that's about all SE seems to care about. The rest of their fans might as well just not exist, in their minds. We practically don't.
lol. But yeah, it's a new character. His name is Yozora, and he is [allegedly] Sora's dark counterpart; his name apparently means "night sky" in Japanese. So, yeah...interesting... Also, his crew is clearly Versus XIII reimagined. Nomura is obsessed with getting that game back into the spotlight, one way or another. Just another tantrum, if you ask me.

Alright. Just checking. I suppose, on one hand, video games are pretty sexist -- Final Fantasy being no exception. The women are typically scantily clad with big boobs just to appeal to male gamers more. That's not even MY thing; I'm too focus on the story and game itself to really pay much attention, especially if there's action. But, at the same time, I never had respect for a woman whom does not respect herself.

Very true. Also, they seem pretty intent on making true pretty boys these days; they all look more feminine now. It's like, "Is that really a big thing in Japan?" How is this appealing to people? No one wants to see effeminate males; they don't have to be alpha-type either, but come on... There is a difference between men and women for a reason. Some lines should not be crossed.

LOL. True. Why would he need that bike in that case? But I can't say this to people because they'll stop talking to you over the dumbest things. I really think it's just another notion of major bias in Cloud's favor. It's like "Why? Why do you need him to be this OP superhero type character?" Is he not a bad-ass unless he's basically a god? I don't get it. I admit, that last bit comes from the people I RP with. It gets very awkward doing so with this group of VII RPers because all of them are unrealistically OP and my Squall just sits there trying to be "fair" and not get all "god-mode" during things. It's so tempting to leave because all it does is piss me off and make my feel inadequate in some way. 

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XSamuraiEdgeX In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-04-01 14:06:16 +0000 UTC]

i see the logic in your words XD if i didn't know any better, i'd theorize those so called 'Espers' can predict the future or something. but i think what they meant is that they have been waiting for something without even knowing it. when i see a good character with a really cool trait to it that i have never imagined before, i could be like "this is what i've been waiting for!" but did i see it coming? no! but on the other hand, unless the fans had the power to foresee an event a couple decades later, then it'll just remain an excuse to buy three or four CDs worth of the SAME game and SE is taking advantage of idiots like those.

and then SE whines about fans not liking their games. totally hypocritic if you ask me. it's like they only respond to fans who share the same interests like they're their goons or followers or something. could imagine those fans forming a cult group where they all wear dark ropes and masks who'll burn you on a stake if you dare go against the all mighty Square Enix XD sorry that's how i imagine it lol

ah you mean to say another Sora spawn! i dunno what the heck is wrong with that kid and his tendency to shit out people out of his heart or memories or whatever body part. i mean we have Roxas, his Nobody. and then Xion was born from... dunno, his memories? and then Ventus and probably Vanitas and *counts on fingers* did i mess someone?

this gender oriented crap DISGUSTS me! fandom for boys? it's all guns and explosions. fandom for girls? flowers and rainbows everywhere. lemme tell you something: there's this anime that's basically shounin (as in for male audience) that's oriented on adventure and pirate life and whatnot. then Google News presented to me a GIRL COMIC version of the anime. and guess what i found? high school AU where the protagonist turned into a pretty boy who make the girls swoon. and instead of using his powers to beat up the bad guys, he uses them to... catch a girl's heart or something. and instead of being a leader of a gang, you're a leader of a blasted cookie club

i didn't hesitate to voice out how i felt in my comment sta.sh/21anod58qhge?edit=1

i don't mind a sexually appealing character - for males, it's the entire physique while it's only facials for females as i can't stand titties myself - but if they're gonna show off their package where it's the least needed then that's when it turns a bit gross. Dead Or Alive had this chick called Tina Armstrong. i almost considered her but she the way she saunters into the battlefield like she's gonna strip tease makes my eye twitch. and as for her "victory pose", hoho i wouldn't even go there! let's just say that the cringe was palpable. i admire a character who has confidence in their body but no need to be so flamboyant!

meh, i don't mind 'effeminate' men or 'manly' women. i actually wish these terms never even existed. but i actually have a thing for androgenous characters. not only do they spit at gender differences in the face, but they can actually look quite attractive in their own way. of course, i don't mind a FEW differences between both genders facially-wise in order to at least tell them apart. but breaking the rules had always been my forte.

i give no crap about the likes of those delusional mindsets. it's not like they harm me by believing what they want even if they get on my nerves a little, yeah. i've come across a couple pics on Pinterest where they edit two characters together and then be like "lOoK iTs CaNoN!" and what's even worrisome is that it's a pedophilic ship. when you try to point that out, they pull all sorts of bullshit excuses out their asses that clearly betray their ignorance "no he's 15 not 12 he's not a prepubescent" "it's not pedo if he's the one who tops!" and they use the poorest 'evidence' they could dig up that proves nothing but their despair for their OTP to be canon. i don't care if they wanna ship, it's their nativity that bothers me sometimes that i can't keep my mouth shut.

when crazy fans believe what they want, there's simply no talking them out of it. let them be in their little bubble of illusion. -2020

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RCDeschene [2020-03-14 06:48:23 +0000 UTC]

Are those the NT models?

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to RCDeschene [2020-03-14 15:26:52 +0000 UTC]


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RCDeschene In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-15 21:34:37 +0000 UTC]


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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to RCDeschene [2020-03-16 01:53:05 +0000 UTC]

They do look good, yeah.

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ShadowlesWOLF [2020-03-13 08:37:01 +0000 UTC]

Lightning looks like she's

wearing Kingdom Hearts 3

gear for some reason. Lol

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to ShadowlesWOLF [2020-03-13 17:49:06 +0000 UTC]

Lol. Don't know why... That's her outfit from the first FFXIII game.

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ShadowlesWOLF In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-13 19:32:50 +0000 UTC]

Oh really lol XD

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to ShadowlesWOLF [2020-03-13 21:24:05 +0000 UTC]

Lol. Yeah. Granted, in a black color scheme; the default is white.

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ShadowlesWOLF In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-14 03:24:38 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow yeah that's how

it's meant to be to me. lol

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to ShadowlesWOLF [2020-03-14 03:44:27 +0000 UTC]


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ShadowlesWOLF In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-15 00:29:49 +0000 UTC]

The White outfit that you

see on the cover of her

game is the outfit I'm use

to seeing is all. Lightning.

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to ShadowlesWOLF [2020-03-15 01:33:56 +0000 UTC]

Yup. That be it.

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ShadowlesWOLF In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-15 04:32:51 +0000 UTC]

Yeah and the blond hair.

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to ShadowlesWOLF [2020-03-15 05:12:52 +0000 UTC]

Blond...? It's pink. It always was.

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ShadowlesWOLF In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-15 09:15:29 +0000 UTC]

I mean pink!

Don't ask why I said blond hair.

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to ShadowlesWOLF [2020-03-15 16:40:29 +0000 UTC]


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ShadowlesWOLF In reply to DeadFantasyFreak [2020-03-18 04:59:13 +0000 UTC]

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NoobieCYPRESS [2020-03-13 06:35:29 +0000 UTC]

Epic scene, all on its own.

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DeadFantasyFreak In reply to NoobieCYPRESS [2020-03-13 06:38:59 +0000 UTC]


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