Deadward-Kenway — Sanitarium part 2
Published: 2019-07-16 15:07:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 269; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description “Is he breathing?”

“Yes. Slow but steady. Essentially a coma.”

“Continue observation. If he wakes, contact me immediately.”

“Understood sir.”

My eyes opened, and my first thought was a bad one. Caught again. Then pain. Everything was red, the walls crawling. Crawling? They were shifting. I was strapped down, struggling to break free. Faces. Voices.I could hear them. All around. I couldn’t recognize them either. I had to get out. But where was I? I couldn’t remember what happened. I just had to escape. I had to get out before anything else happened. I started pulling as hard as I could, screaming.

“He’s awake. Pass the message on to the Master.”

“Right away.”

Voices. Just in the distance. Or were they nearby? Hell, I couldn’t even tell if they were real or not. They just kinda melded in to everything else. Suddenly a face appeared. He looked kinda scruffy, his handlebar stache looking like it could poke an eye out. He didn’t seem scared so much as worried. I was in too much pain to focus on him, until he grabbed my face and held it still. For a skinny guy he was strong.

“Alimar. Please stop screaming. I apologize for being late, but Dee is here now.”

The accent was… terrifying. It wasn’t english or any american accent I’d ever heard. It wasn’t quite spanish, though his facial features seemed to indicate that. I still hurt, but all I could do was look at him and grow… even more confused.

“Yes. Good. Very good. Confusion is better than screaming. Your voice is very painful, you know.”

I continued struggling at my bonds. The table was cold. Like steel. I was on a steel slab…again. Able to think straight, I started looking around the room. He had called me by name, so either this was vr or I was actually here. I saw a window high up, with a couple of… scientists? They had the works. Dark glasses, white lab coats. Clipboards.I was being observed. I pulled again, and Dee’s eyes widened.

“Oh yes! I apologize. I forgot that leather bonds are uncomfortable. Let me help.”

He started working at them. My first thought was to deck him as soon as I was free. I would have too, if the Docs hadn’t started screaming at him to stop.

“Mr. Baer! We have told you time and time again not to release the subject without supervision.”

“You are in the window are you not?” He looked up at them, continuing to release me. “Is supervising not what you are doing right now? Mr. Alimar is very uncomfortable.”

They looked at each other, then back down to their clipboards. And they both seemed to give up, one of them telling his partner to hurry down here. My vision had started to return, but my head still pounded as I sat up, rubbing my wrists. Dee backed away, looking towards the door. I followed his gaze, looking through the plexiglas covering. People were rushing past, doctors and professional looking people. I couldn’t get much of an idea of what was going on from in the room, so only got glimpses. Until something stopped in front of the door, looking in. I had thought it was a person at first, but could think of nothing else afterwards. It was wearing a mask. The mask itself was simply a square, with two pointed ears at the very top. It’s eyes were empty holes, which made things worse. There was nothing behind them at all. As if the space behind the plastic was hollow. The mouth didn’t feel any better, simply a line of jagged teeth. I figured I was hallucinating again, until Dee poked me in the side.

“I would advise not making eye contact. The Guards can be… aggressive. I should know. That was a specification.”

That got my attention. “Specification? Are you saying you made that thing?” I looked back towards the window, to see the scientist from observation opening the door and stepping in.

“Yes. I also gave them the horror cliche of disappearing when you are not paying attention. I apologize. I thought it would be funny. I was wrong. I apologize.”

“Mr. Baer, you were told how annoying your apologizing was, were you not? If it continues in the presence of the subject, your meals will be reduced again, understood?”

“Yes sir, I have been told. I apolo-” The coat looked at Dee, who immediately hung his head. “Yes sir. Apologies and thank yous are too be kept at a minimum in the presence of Alimar”

“Very good.” The man walked over to me and I hurried to free my ankles. “Hold on, Alimar. I’m not here to hurt you. What do you remember? Let’s start there.”

I didn’t stop, eyeing him in silence as I continued. The man sighed, gesturing to Dee, who spoke up. “It is okay, Alimar. You are Sick. That is why you were brought to a secret facility where you can be observed. Like a rat in a maze.”

The coat eyed him again. Lots of eyes in this room right now. “Yes. Although I wouldn’t have worded it quite like that. After your battle with General Whitman, you began suffering from… Psychosis. We’re still attempting to diagnose it fully but from what you had told us it usually resulted in migraines, blurred vision, and hallucinations. You even stated that you had at one point ‘seen into the past’. When we tried to keep you for observation you went into a blind rage, screaming about how Morningstar could not hold you.”

I felt a sudden stab of pain, the memories coming back. I could see what was happening. A couple of scientists, motioning to me. A blur of motion. Blood red. A body. Two three four. Guards rushing out. A voice. My voice. Screaming in pain and rage. Holy crap.

“Yeah… I do remember that. It’s vague though… just bits and pieces.”

“See? We are not here to harm you, Mr. Alimar. We simply wish to assist you in healing. You have done great work and we wish to help it continue.”

I frowned, looking at the floor in thought. If what he said was true… I suppose it was concerning how it just kind of… happened one day. It seemed too convenient as well, as if a sudden plot device to make my life more interesting than it already was.

“So… the crow vision isn’t real? I was just hallucinating?”

The scientist nodded. “Of course. A hidden sight that allows one to see hidden glyphs or follow footsteps, see through walls? Ideas like that belong in video games.”

So Chelsea had been wrong. Didn’t mean Eagle vision wasn’t a thing… just meant that I wasn’t one of the chosen ones, apparently. Disappointing...  Couldn’t let it get me down. Pushing through was something I always had to do anyways. I swung my legs off the table and went to stand up, immediately collapsing. Dee caught me under the arms, hefting me back onto the table. I gave him a bit of a glare, but he just smiled.

“You have been asleep for awhile this time. You should wait before trying to walk or hurt people again. Are you hungry?”

Awhile? This time? “What are you saying? Have… Have I been in a coma? Woah… deja vu…”

“Yes!” He smiled wider. “This is the fourth time you’ve woken up and been cognizant! Most times you simply screech like an injured rabbit.”

“Can you call me something other than a rodent? I get you’re trying to help but it’s a little insulting.”

“Oh. I-” He looked to the doctor, then cleared his throat. “It is a habit. People are more instinct than they would prefer to admit at times. Would you like something to eat, Alimar?”

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. “Yeah… I guess I would. Prison slop is better than nothing I guess.”

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. “We would not ruin your diet with anything like that, Alimar. You are crucial to our work. If you would like, Dee can go retrieve anything you want from the dining hall.”

Anything I want, huh? They didn’t seem evil as of now, and Dee seemed more oblivious than anything else. Couldn’t hurt, I guess. “Yeah sure. Dee, go get me some Bacon and eggs. Fried, please.”

“Right away, Alimar! Fried Bacon and eggs.” He shoved past the doctor who shook his head.

“I don’t know why we keep him around. I personally feel he gets in the way more than he helps. It at least means using fewer tranquilizers.”

I had begun to ask who the tranqs were for, but was interrupted by an explosion from down the hall. A voice called out, like the intercom back at Abstergo, but I didn’t see any speakers it could be coming from. “Subject Firebrand is experiencing a negative reaction. All personnel are advised to remove themselves from quadrant 3 until further notice.”

“What the hell was that?” I tried standing again, only to be met by the doctor’s hand. It didn’t take much for him to shove me back down, which was a little discouraging. But if I had been asleep for this long, it only figured. I was weak. Deteriorating. I had to get back to moving soon.

“You are not the only one being seen to, here. Once you have recovered and appear to be in working condition, perhaps you will be allowed to observe the others as well.”

Others, huh? “Sounds good, I guess. Would be better than spending all of my time in this cramped cell.”

He didn’t respond to that, simply walking to the door and exiting. As soon as he left I tried standing again. Using the table for support, I was able to at least hold my self up, but I was shaky. My legs felt like jello, barely working like they were supposed to. I took a good look at myself and frowned. These weren’t the clothes I had been wearing. They were pure white, a silk shirt and pants with a pair of slippers. Meaning the rest of my gear was elsewhere. Damn. Lost my Duster again. I stumbled over to the door, jiggling the handle. To my surprise, it opened. I laughed, pushing it out and moving into the hall. He must have thought I would be to weak to try anything. Oversight on his part.

“Subject Crow has exited his unit. Guard units respond.”

Subject Crow? Wait… I looked down the hall to see two of the Guards from earlier walking quickly to my room. I slammed the door shut, stepping back into the room.

“It’s all good, guys! See? I’m not leaving. I’m staying right here in my cell! It’s all good.”

Apparently my stammering wasn’t convincing enough as the two hulks pushed through the door and grabbed my arms. I didn’t bother struggling until they squeezed. This wasn’t a matter of me just being out of shape. These things were strong, crushing my arms as they lifted, shoving me against a wall. I struggled, crying out.

“That hurts you assholes! Put me down! I was just taking a look, I swear!” I kicked at them, nailing one in the face. It’s head went straight back, slowly bending back to look at me. It just stared for a second, their grip growing tighter. Then it spoke. The voice was… robotic, but with a hint of humanity behind it. Like someone tried making Microsoft Sam into a real thing.

“If one could feel pain, that might have hurt. However, pain is unending when you work here. Have a nice day.” It pulled it’s free hand back, and I had a moment to whimper before my vision went black again. Sometimes I need to just stop and think before I act.
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