Deaku — Team Possible: Old School

Published: 2009-12-16 06:55:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 2924; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 9
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Description From the same universe as Drago and the rest of Shego’s organization here’s the senior members of Team Possible, or “Team Possible: Old School” as Ron has dubbed them.

Team Possible has become a private security company; as Kim got older the authorities/government got a little concerned since what Kim was doing was technically vigilantism and they really couldn’t keep turning a blind eye to it no matter how good a job she was doing. But after some discussion and getting the proper permits/authorization Kim made Team Possible into an official private security company.
Besides providing protection from the usual super-villains Team Possible also provides security systems (created by Wade of course), training personnel on how to deal with super-villains, self-defense classes, gives lectures, etc.
Not that Kim has stopped her hero work though, she continues helping people whenever they need her unique brand of help.

Now some info about the members you see here, starting from the left.
Wade Load: Wade’s still ‘mission control’ for Team Possible; taking care of tech related problems that pop up, outfitting the team with gadgets, sorting through the requests for help, and figuring out the best and fastest way to get the team where they need to be. Wade even occasionally goes on missions himself if a more hands-on need of his skills pops up.
Besides acting as ‘mission control’ Wade designs security systems that are used all over the world, his systems are considered to be among the best and are known to be very effective against super-villains. Wade has even released other inventions to the general public; though it generally just minor things since he doesn’t want villains to get their hands on his more advanced tech.
Overall Wade hasn’t changed too much over the years; but he’s found that he actually enjoys the outdoors so he doesn’t spend so much time indoors anymore, he’s moved on to an actual lab now anyway. Wade’s even happily married now with a family. Wade’s daughter, while very smart, is still too young to take part in Team Possible’s activities, though she’s showing signs of following in ‘Aunt’ Kim’s footsteps rather than becoming a tech like her dad.

Bonnie Rockwaller: Yeah, I know… Bonnie part of Team Possible?! How’d that happen?! That’s a bit of a story.
After high school Bonnie went into college and became a business major; her and Brick were still together, Brick having gotten in by way of a football scholarship of course, and everything was going great. But then something unexpected happened, Bonnie found out she was pregnant. Brick didn't have the best reaction to say the least; he basically freaked out and ran off, leaving Bonnie by herself.
Bonnie wasn't sure what to do. Most of her family was giving her grief; her father just wouldn’t stop going on and on what a disappointment it was that Bonnie allowed such a thing to happen and what a disappointment she now was to him, her sisters’ heckling got much worse. Her mother wasn’t so bad, she actually seemed to be excited to be having a grandchild and wanted to support Bonnie. Despite her mother’s support Bonnie didn’t stay, she decided she wasn’t going to take all the crap her father and sisters were giving her. Bonnie wasn’t sure what to do, any friends Bonnie could think of had already gone their own ways (mostly off to college). But just as it seemed to Bonnie that she was out of options Kim came along; she had heard what had happened and wanted to offer Bonnie her support if she would accept it. Bonnie’s first answer was that she wasn’t going to take that kind of charity, especially from Kim. However Kim quickly came up with an alternative; Kim was at the time setting up Team Possible as a private security company and could some help with the business side of things, and since Bonnie was a business major maybe she could help. After some thought Bonnie figured it was a pretty good deal and accepted, taking charge of the business side of things for Team Possible.
Since then Bonnie and Kim have come to terms over things that have happened in the past and have become great friends, though they still make snarky comments back and forth to each other it’s all in fun these days and more often start laughing about it afterwards.
While Bonnie does go on missions occasionally, her main work is handling the business side of things for Team Possible, PR work, setting up events (charities, special appearances, lectures, etc), and helping Wade when he wants to patent an invention and get it out to the public. In fact in business matters Bonnie is more the boss than Kim is; when Bonnie cracks the whip they all better start jumping. But don't think that just because Bonnie mostly handles the business stuff that she can’t take care of herself, many have found out how wrong that sort of thinking is the hard way. In fact Bonnie has a high-kick move that has proven to be a one-hit KO on many of the people she's used it on, and it's been at least headache inducing in all the rest.
To those that have known her a long time Bonnie’s personality has softened considerably, at least privately, in business matters she’s as driven and strong-willed as she ever was. She doesn’t even mind all the weirdness she’s exposed to now, in fact she has actually come to enjoy some of it.
Bonnie loves her daughter dearly and tends to spoil her, though she tends to spoils the others’ kids too, and she is on good terms with her mother; Bonnie never has made-up with, or forgiven, her father or sisters though.

Kim Possible: Kim’s still driven to do her best, help people in need and make the world a safer place for her family, friends and everyone else. While she does still go on missions like she has been doing since she was a teen Kim and her friends have found other ways that they can help people through their company, Kim’s very happy with how things have turned out.
Kim hasn’t lost a step over the years; in fact she’s better than she’s ever been, her skills have only improved over time and she’s considered one of the best in the world at what she does. Her intelligence, skills, natural ability and experience make her very hard to beat and let her easily overcome pretty much anything.
Kim’s basic gear hasn’t changed too much over the years; she still has access to all the same gadgets that she’s used since high school, though they are much-improved versions. Kim’s outfit here is actually a suit specially made by Wade that works like her daughter Dawn’s suit [link] , rather I should say that Dawn’s suit works like Kim’s since Dawn’s is actually just a variation of Kim’s suit, it’s just that Kim had hers made to look more like normal clothes. However one new piece of gear that Kim now carries (and you can see her wearing here) when she’s expecting serious trouble is what Wade has dubbed the ‘Battle Gauntlet’. It has a built in Kimmunicator and grapple line and can also charge up with energy to allow Kim to deliver an electrically charged strike or increase the concussive force of her punch, its other ability is to create an energy shield shaped like an old medieval-style shield.

Ron and Yori Stoppable: Some time after high school Ron received an invitation from Master Sensei to return to Yamanouchi and continue the training that he started on his first visit to the ninja school, it didn’t take much thought before Ron accepted. Ron felt that it was time to step up his game; after all the time he had been helping Kim she had been continuing to improve while Ron felt that he was still just a bumbling sidekick, despite Kim telling him wasn’t just her sidekick and that he had been improving as well. Ron set off to Yamanouchi determined to improve himself until he felt he could stand alongside Kim as an equal.
Ron took to his training with a seriousness he didn’t have before, surprising his instructors with his determination and how easily he learned what they were teaching him. It was during his stay at Yamanouchi Ron finally realized how Yori felt about him and he realized he felt the same way about her. Ron completed his training in an amazingly short time and returned home with new confidence and Yori alongside of him.
Personality-wise Ron hasn’t changed too much; he’s still the same jokester and fun-loving guy he’s always been, but when it’s time to get serious everyone knows they can depend on Ron. Yori’s kind, understanding and has seemingly infinite patience, she’s also developed a rather wry sense of humor. Together they are a nearly unbeatable pair.
As for their outfits, one day Ron just decided that wearing black all the time was just too boring and thought they should change, Yori was amused and went with it figuring it was one of those ‘American’ things and actually doesn’t mind a little variation on their outfits herself. So now they have different outfits in all different colors and even a few different styles.

Joss Possible: Joss just couldn’t resist following in her cousin’s footsteps and joining Team Possible, adding her own style to the team. In fact Joss filled in Ron’s spot as Kim’s main partner while he was off at Yamanouchi, and even filled in for Kim herself while she was pregnant with Dawn and for a while after.
Joss is a very optimistic and confident person, she goes out on every mission with the opinion that they’re Team Possible and they can accomplish anything. She’s very proud of her abilities both physical and intellectual, to the point that she even very rarely uses any of the gadgets that the rest of the team often use, instead preferring to rely completely on her natural abilities. She also likes to play up the naïve farm girl routine so that her opponents will underestimate her; many have been very surprised when they suddenly find themselves outmatched by Joss both intellectually and physically.
Joss is also an amazing pilot in pretty much any kind of vehicle; if it’s a machine that can drive over the ground, fly through the air, or move through the water it seems Joss can expertly pilot it.
If Josses outfit looks a bit familiar here it the same as I drew her in in this pic [link] that I drew with an older Joss and ‘s Agni, just with a coat and a hat thrown in. Guess that version of Joss is just stuck in my head thanks to Festum’s art, thanks a lot man… heh

And if you want to check out the opposite of this team of Shego’s organization that pic is right here [link]
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Comments: 11

oldsoldier2 [2009-12-24 00:51:17 +0000 UTC]

Have you a name or title for this 'universe' of yours?

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Deaku In reply to oldsoldier2 [2009-12-24 09:46:46 +0000 UTC]

Another thought that I really should have posted with the last reply but it slipped my mind until a while after I posted the last reply (I hate it when that happens heh)

Anyway... I have also been thinking of calling this universe 'KP: New Generation' or 'KP: Legacy' since the stories will eventually be focusing on the kids more than the adults.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

oldsoldier2 In reply to Deaku [2009-12-24 13:56:13 +0000 UTC]

How about, "KP...Moving On." since that expression seems to have been used often enough to be remembered.

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Deaku In reply to oldsoldier2 [2009-12-25 01:07:26 +0000 UTC]

That could work too ^_^
I even went a looked up a song of that title that might kinda fit too, here's a link to the lyrics [link] . Took me a bit to find this one, quite a few songs with the title of 'Moving On'

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Deaku In reply to oldsoldier2 [2009-12-24 09:05:59 +0000 UTC]

Actually I have yet to come up with an official name for it; though sometimes I refer to it as 'Drago's Universe' since he was created first and everything else expanded out from that point.

The first story for this universe is going to be called "Shego: Her Own Path"; not sure I can get much of a universe name from that, 'The S:HOP Universe' sounds kinda weird heh

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oldsoldier2 [2009-12-17 01:40:26 +0000 UTC]

Interesting how you have Bonnie and Kim each doing the single mom thing.

I notice how Bonnie's experience was rather negative, with little family support. You don't mention it here but I suspect Kim's pregnancy was a more positive experience.

What about Bonnie's daughter, are there more details?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Deaku In reply to oldsoldier2 [2009-12-17 04:26:12 +0000 UTC]

I didn't originally plan to make both Kim and Bonnie single mothers when I started this whole thing; it just developed that way as I continued letting the world expand and gain more detail in my mind (it's kinda taken on a life of its own in my imagination now heh) and I just went along with it. I think it works out pretty well though and makes for an interesting story ^_^

Yeah when Kim found out she was pregnant her family was behind her all the way; her parents (and even her brothers) were there for her all they could and did anything they could to help, and Joss (like I said in the comment on this pic) even filled in for her on missions.
But Bonnie's experience wasn't completely negative, after she accepted Kim's offer she stayed with the Possibles for a while and Kim's family gave her all the support they could. It was actually a little overwheming to Bonnie at first since they were so different from her own family.

There will indeed be more info on Bonnie's daughter, the pic I'm working on right now is "Team Possible: New Generation" which will have the younger Team Possible members and more info about them.
The pic will include:
-Dawn: Kim's daughter of course
-Sunset: Bonnie's daughter
-Kioko: Ron & Yori's daughter
-Hana: Ron's adopted sister (side-note* while this AU splits of from the main timeline sometime during season three there were some paralel developments like the Stoppables adopting Hana)
-Alexander: Wade's tech-boy apprentice

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Skoshi8 [2009-12-16 18:07:28 +0000 UTC]

Great concept for a fanfic or two.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Deaku In reply to Skoshi8 [2009-12-16 23:21:04 +0000 UTC]

Thanks One of these days I'll get to writing those fanfics ^_^

And thanks for the fave

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Alexlayer [2009-12-16 07:15:31 +0000 UTC]

In the future... everyone is badass!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Deaku In reply to Alexlayer [2009-12-16 07:29:46 +0000 UTC]

I think that's some sort of time travel rule, everyone's future selves must be badass

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