"A mermaid took two abandoned children off of the beach - where wicked humans would surely snatch them up - and she took them to a building that floats on the sea. Every day and night she would get the adopted children food and would magically convert salt water to fresh water for them to drink. She would always drop by at least once a day to see how they were doing. She would always sit with them and would listen to whatever was on their mind, and she brought them things to do in between visits. One day, she will make the tough decision to let her matured children return to the human world, but until then she wants to keep them safe from humans that will brainwash them into doing immoral things or becoming immoral themselves. They may be two different species, but a mother's love knows no bounds."
A cheesy ending and a questionable story, but if you imagine humans killing mermays and the mermays being taught to fear humans, and a few mermays want peace between the two species, then the story makes sense.
Model Credit:
Sweet Mermaid - MijumaruNr1 ([MMD MOTME] Sweet Mermaid DOWNLOAD )
TDA Child KAITO - Skary66 (… )
Child Teto - atoswirl (… )
Accessory Credit:
Hideout by amiamy111 (… )
Stage Credit:
Beach by Hana ( password: south )
Pose Credit:
Hand pose by Floramy (… )
Effects Used:
Shader Hyper (MainSh)