DeliriousDenail — The Birth [NSFW]
Published: 2012-03-03 05:58:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 55999; Favourites: 351; Downloads: 43
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Description It was early still when she woke. She looked to the clock cursing the earliness of the hour and sat up in frustration. Nothing she did made her comfotable and it just seemed to get worse as the night dragged on. She looked next to her lover, who was happily snoring, snuggled deep within the blankets and envied him. How was it that he could sleep so soundly throughout the night? With a sigh she pushed herself up from the bed, doing her best not to wake the man beside her. It was a difficult chore, however. Her belly was heavy and large with child, thus movement was rather..clumsy. She managed though, giving her self a mental victory cheer before exiting the bedroom. She walked through the dark halls, unconsciously rubbing her bump. She was due any day now and found herself becoming vey anxious. Contractions rippled across her abdomen but she had been having Braxton-Hicks contractions so she wasn't too paniced, though she was ever alert for 'the real deal'.

She stopped in the hallway to check the bedroom of her first born. He was fast asleep, sprawled in his web of blankets and stuffed animals. She smiled softly remebering how excited he was to be a big brother and hoped to God he stayed that way once the baby was born. She shut his door and quitely made her way into the kitchen. She took out a carton of ice cream from the freezer and grabbed a spoon, desiding she would snack and watch some TV before returning to bed.

An hour or so passed and the contractions seemed to be getting stronger. She was growing more uncomfortable, the pain from her contractions coming closer and closer together. She rubbed her belly tenderly, whispering to her unborn child, "Just what are you doing in there?" She didn't want to wake her lover yet, believing that this was just false labour. However, as she moved to push herself up off the couch she felt a warm trickle run down her thighs. She gasped at the sudden wetness, "Shit." No doubts anymore. This was the real thing. She quickly gathered the icecream and shoved it into the freezer and rushed pass the sink hopefully throwing the spoon in. Excitement fueled her and she waddled quickly to her bedroom. She flipped on the lightswitch, too overwhelmed to be nice and shouted to her lover as she crossed the floor, "Babe! Babe! My water just broke!" She reached the end of the bed and flopped upon it, pulling the wet sleeping pants off and tossing them to the floor.

He rolled over, cringing against the sudden brightness, "Wha?" Was all he could manage, his body fighting against wakefulness. She shook him gently, her face grimacing ever so slightly against the now, harder contractions. "C'mon, Babe, wake up. We have to get to the hospital." "Mmm.." He murmered, rolling against her hands and snuggling deeper into the blankets. She sat on the bed for a moment in disbelief before her lover relieved her. "Wait, what?" He cried, now suddenly wide awake, his voice filled with panic. He bolted upright. "The hospital?" He looked at his wife and then to the way she was cradling her swollen stomach. He placed his hand gingerly upon her belly and met her gazed with wide eyes, "We're having a baby?" She smiled through another contraction and nodded her head. Strange how fast they were coming now. The time and pain was hastening between contractions and she found her self holding her breath against them. She exhaled, remembering the way to breathe.

Her lover fought against the cocoon of blankets, frantically trying to get free. She helped by pulling him loose as he stepped out of bed. She couldn't help but chuckle, "Babe, calm down we went through this before, remember?" He seemed to calm a bit and stopped to smile at his wife, "You're gorgeous you know that?" She blushed at the sudden comment and threw a pillow at him, "Oh, come on." He smirked, catching the pillow and tossing it back onto the bed. He began grabbing clothes from the dresser and was changing when another wave of pain hit her. She gasped at the strength of it, her hands tightly grasping the blankets around her. There was a fire growing in the small of her back and the pressure in her uterus was unbelievable. She groaned against the wave, unable to move. Her husband stopped and rushed before her. He kneeled down, becoming eye level with his wife, one hand gently cupping her face. He knew what was going on, but couldn't stop asking if she was alright. She exhaled once more and relaxed. Sighing greatly after the pain retreated. "Whoo, that was a big one." He stood, giving her a reasuring kiss before leaving the bedroom. "I'm going to wake the boy," He spoke softly, not wanting to leave her side, "Then we'll be off, alright, Hun?" She nodded through another contraction, unable to keep the small gasps of pain to herself.
As he hurried down the hall to wake their son she attempted to stand and change. The pain in her lower back seemed to scream as she did so. She used her dresser to lean against, rocking with the pain. She felt the baby within her retreat lower. The pressure on her cervix caused her to groan once more. She could hear her son's complaints down the hall and smiled. Soon she would be hearing the complaints of another. She opened her dresser drawers and pulled out a longer nightgown. Though she didn't want to dress so, she knew the hospital would have her changing anyway, so wearing something with less effort was good for her. She pulled off her shirt and put the long gown on. Standing was becoming very hard, so she continued rocking using her dresser to support her. Her husband rushed into the bedroom and grabbed the emergency bag she made a week before. She praised herself for thinking ahead. He stepped beside her wrapping his arms against her, "Come on, Babe," He gently coaxed, "Rest against me." She turned to do so a slight panic grasped her when didn't see her son. "Where's-?" She began to ask, but he quickly interrupted, "He's waiting in the living room," he assured her, "Everything's fine. Come on," he said once more, taking her arm and gently guiding her down the hall. She clenched her teeth and gripped her husband tighter as another contraction hit. "I cant, I can't" she panted, unable to walk any further. He stopped allowing her a moment, then urged her on, "All you need to do is get to the car. Can you do that Babe?"
She struggled to walk, knowing if she didn't make it she would be give birth at home. She made it to the living room, but could go no further. She cried out as the pressure down below grew. She could feel herself stretching as the baby moved further down her birth cannal. "No," she heard herself plead. This was happening too fast. She knew birthing a second child happened much faster than the first, but this was too much. She reached out for the arm of the couch, resiting the urge to bear down. "Honey you can't-" Her husband frantically began, but she quickly cut him short, "I can't make it to the car!" He guided her to the sofa and she fell upon it greatly. She breathed through the wave of pain, spreading her legs to welcome the new member of the family. She opened her eyes hearing her young son whisper frightfully, "What's wrong with Mommy?" She gazed to where he stood, his father kneeled before him, ushering words of comfort. "Mommy's ok, baby," She said a bit winded, "Just listen to Daddy, ok." He nodded fearfully at his mother before walking with his father back down the hall.
She felt the sweat already begining to form across her body and sighed. She listened as her husband murmured unundertsandable words to her little boy and the dialing of a phone. She pulled up her nightgown and tried to look between her thighs, but eas unable to due her swelled belly. She reached below and felt between her legs into her opening. She couldn't tell how far she was dialated, but guessing by the hard mass within her she could assume she was far along. She grunted aloud as another contraction hit. She pulled herself further upon the couch and grabbed the bottom of her thighs, spreading herself wider. An unbearable urge to push came and she went with it, bearing down. She panted, clenching her eyes against the pressure below. She called for her husband, who came running to her. His eyes were wide as he looked down upon her. "Uugh! "She grunted through the contraction, feeling her self stretch to acomodate the baby's head. She fell back upon the cushions, panting when the contraction stopped. "Can you see anything?" she breathed, looking to her husband. Seeing her fumble, he slid between her legs, offering her to rest them opon his shoulders. Nothing was visable yet, except the bulge of her vagina. He looked to his wife, taking his hand and resting it on her, "Can I?" He asked reverently. She nodded, scooting up more onto the couch, opening herself more for him. Gently he slid his fingers into her opening, rubbing the soft wetness of her. She moaned a bit as he went deeper, feeling for his child. As smile appeared on his face as his fingers found the hard mass within her. "I feel it," he whispered, awed by the touch.
She smiled with him then shifted again, feeling the urge to push comming. He steadied her legs as she grabbed her thighs from below. He watched as her vagina opened, becoming a small tear-drop shape. Though his wife was grunting and panting through her pain he couldn't help but feel elated. He was there when she birthed their first born, but he wasn't able to see much. Now he had a full view of the miracle taking place. Her vagaina bulged out as she muffled a scream, opening slightly more. Her rubbed her legs encouragingly. "Doing great, Babe, just breathe." She fell back against the couch again, the bulge of her vagina retreating slightly. She placed her hands upon her belly, rubbing it, panting. He glanced at her wearied face. "Relax, Hun. You're doing good. I called the ER. They should be hear any minute." He hoped this bit of information would help. He hated being unable to do anything about her pain. She smiled weakly and nodded, letting him know he was heard. "They better get here soon," She spoke, attempting make light of the situation.

Her face contorted however as another contraction hit her. "Uuughh-oohGooodd.." She breathed bearing down once more. He looked again her opening. The tear-drop shape becoming wider. She grunted as her vagina bulged, pushing her baby through the cannal. A tiny bit of hair could be seen now as she pushed harder. "I see the head!" He cried excitedly. He reached up and masaged the lips of her vagina, feeling the head of his child. "Oh! Oh!" His wife cried out as the head began to push it's way further out. "It burns!" She yelled, panting against the eruption of fire which grew in her groin. "Keep going!" Her husband yelled. "I can't!" she retorted, tears welling up in her eyes. The pain and pressure was unbearable. "Yes you can." he ordered, his voice becoming stern. He took her hand and brought it down between her legs. "Feel that?" She did. "Focus on that." She rubbed the soft head of hair and smiled through her tears. With new reslove she pushed harder, feelin a surge pass through her vagina as the amnoitic fluids gushed out. Her husbad retreated with a surprised yell, but quickly regained composure, once more rubbing softly against her stretching lips.

She grunted repeatedly, unable to keep back the primal sounds as the baby's head popped out from her vagina. The stretch in her became worse as the shoulders forced her open more. She wailed, pushing harder, willing her baby to just come out. It was so hard! She bore down with all her might to pass the shoulders and was greatly releaved when her husband began to pull the baby from her. She felt the shoulders slide as he renched the baby about. She could do nothing but grip the couch cushions as he twisted the baby within her, guiding it through the cannal. She gasped suddenly as the shoulders were expelled with another gush of fluid. The rest of her child's body follwed quickly.
Her husband let loose a cry as he caught his baby, quickly wrapping the child in one of the household blankets they kept on the living room furniture. He studied the child in its naked glory, his cheeks hurting because he was smiling so much. "What is it?" His exhausted wife asked, nestled into the couch cushion. "A girl," he said, happily revealing the wailing child, "We have a little girl." He laid the baby upon her mother, using a part of the blanket to cover his wife, careful of the still attached umbilical cord. It wasn't long before they heard the timid cries of their son from down the hall. He stood leaving his wife to oogle over their baby as he hurried into his son's room. With all the excitement, he forgot about the poor boy. Thankfully, his son listened to his previous orders and stayed in his bedroom. He calmed the boy down, reasuring him with hugs and kisses and ushered him into the hallway. They walked quietly toward the living room, sirens echoing in the distance. The man smiled to himself. Better late than never he supposed. he tightened his grip on his son's hand and asked, "Would you like to see your baby sister?"
Comments: 22

SolGravionMegazord [2019-12-23 21:02:59 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

anaardeleana [2016-07-16 02:30:38 +0000 UTC]

I really liked this!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Vampireneko2 [2014-11-09 01:13:11 +0000 UTC]

Very good; realistic, but not vulgar.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

iced-ninja [2013-07-25 19:59:03 +0000 UTC]

I love this. You should totally write more.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MaleFemalePregnancy [2013-03-27 21:40:27 +0000 UTC]

wow great story

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kubuk13 [2013-01-01 11:51:20 +0000 UTC]

Very beautiful story of a miracle

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GoldenGirl954 [2012-12-12 14:08:04 +0000 UTC]

Wow that was very intense...ouch the details
Nice job

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Helen-The-Potato [2012-09-10 05:10:11 +0000 UTC]

have u experienced this b4 cuz its really realistic! luv it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MegMcGee06 [2012-03-04 21:00:54 +0000 UTC]

It's incredible! Amazing you didn't go overboard at all I loved it!! I hope you rite more!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeliriousDenail In reply to MegMcGee06 [2012-03-05 05:20:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. I'm actually in the process of writing an other one. Just be patient with me. I tend to procrastinate.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MegMcGee06 In reply to DeliriousDenail [2012-03-06 01:41:18 +0000 UTC]

Not a problem. I completely understand I'm the same way!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sanna2011 [2012-03-04 00:01:43 +0000 UTC]

I like the way you use the pain of childbirth in this story. I love it a lot.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeliriousDenail In reply to Sanna2011 [2012-03-04 16:37:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. I'm trying to be as realistic as I can.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sanna2011 In reply to DeliriousDenail [2012-03-05 00:11:43 +0000 UTC]

That okay. Have you read some of my childbirth stories? Some you will wondering 'what on earth is she trying to write here' and some will suprise you. I love writing childbirth stories.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeliriousDenail In reply to Sanna2011 [2012-03-05 05:14:18 +0000 UTC]

Actually I have read a few of your stories. Yeah, sometimes they can be a bit hard to understand, but they're still fun to read.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sanna2011 In reply to DeliriousDenail [2012-03-05 05:21:38 +0000 UTC]

The one you cn not understand abit, because they are write very late at night when i am very tried. That what happen what a story idea is burning into mind. I might be taking a small break from childbirth stories for a bit, and will pcik up later. I got one story that I will like to type up for everyone. The Preface is up now.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PharaohBec [2012-03-03 10:04:48 +0000 UTC]

Omg that was great! Not a lot of people put a lot of detail into birthing stories. There are many reasons for that (they may feel embarrassed, not have experienced it yet, etc) but I love the fact that you have been brave and added all of that in!

Keep up the great work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeliriousDenail In reply to PharaohBec [2012-03-03 16:42:21 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I've never been pregnant, so I based everything the mother felt off things I've read or heard pregnant people say.

I find it irksome when people are sloppy with writting or skip out details, so I figured I'd test my luck. Thanks for the bout of confidence!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PharaohBec In reply to DeliriousDenail [2012-03-03 21:48:37 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Multicoloredspirit [2012-03-03 06:23:58 +0000 UTC]

This is great!! Detail like this is what more birth stories need, and what a lot of people can't provide. It's just the right amount of detail, story, side comments, and feeling. I'd like to see more~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeliriousDenail In reply to Multicoloredspirit [2012-03-03 16:47:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! You're stories are good as well. I dislike no detail and it's always refreshing finding good authors.

I'm definately going to do more, however I'm a procrastinator and bound to spontansiety, so I'd welcome pactience.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Multicoloredspirit In reply to DeliriousDenail [2012-03-03 20:07:29 +0000 UTC]

I totally understand. If you need any ideas, my partner ~Bellyguy123 and I would be glad to help.

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