Demonic-Mutt — The Life of W.D. Gaster

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Published: 2015-12-16 00:54:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 2109; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description It was the day that King Asgore assigned me to be the royal scientist. It was that day I met her, the most beautiful monster I had ever laid eyes on.

I was to extract a soul from a human that had fallen down to Undetale. By the king's order all human that enter Undertale was to be killed on sight and soul to be extract. I made haste to extract the human's soul before it disappeared. I had yet notice the monster who sat next to the dead human girl, little thing that human was.

When the soul was extracted some royal guard quickly took it and headed off to the kind. I finally looked up from the human to see the most stunning monster I had ever seen. She had dark gray smooth skin and long smoke like hair. Though she had only a mouth on her face she still looked amazingly gorgeous.

I look at her mouth and notice she was frowning down at the dead child, almost of she was mourning its death.

"Why are you sad?" I asked without a thought.

She jerked her head up and face me, even without eye I knew she was looking right at me.

"This child is dead, why should I not be sad?" She seemed confused by my own question, though I was more confused by hers.

"This child is a human. We are at war." I stated as if all monster should know these facts.

She turned her face sadly back at the child. "Does it mean we should be happy for killing someone's child, human or not?"

I opened my mouth to speak but slowly shut it. I had no answer to her question because she had made sense. Why did we have to kill innocent children?


It wasn't long over that day I had met her against in Snowdin. I had left my lab to get some food and Snowdin had the best place for food called, Grillby's. The owner was an older flame monster who was kind to everyone. His wife had passed away but he was happy with him and his son Grillby, which the place was named after.

I walked in and sat on the usual spot at the counter.

"Gaster, its good to see you." The older flame, though without a mouth, smiled at me as he cleaned some glasses. "Will you be having the usual?" He asked knowing that I only come in for same thing every time.

"Yes, cheeseburger and fries." I nodded to him.

"Come right up." He said before slipping into the back to prepare my meal.

"Oh you like the cheeseburger and fries too?" A voice from a couple of seat down spoke to me.

I turned to see it was the woman from before. I noticed her was eating a cheeseburger and fries but she also had a ketchup bottle next to her though none on her food.

"Yes I don't. It has a very interesting taste to it. I heard it also a favorite among humans."

"Oh? You like human food?" I could tell there was some harshness to her tone even though she kept smiling.

I knew she what she was thinking, that just because of what I do that I don't like humans. I never hated humans in a whole, just the one who have done up wrong. My work was for the science and never because I thought badly of humans.

"I do. In fact I enjoy learning much about humans." I stated back at her with some attitude.

My statement must have peeked her interest because she sat up straighter.

"What do you learn about?" She asked curiously.

I was hesitate to answer the question because of how I learn about humans. I've digested humans to see the inside of them and to know how their body may function. Though I did not want to tell her any of that because of how touchy she was the last time we met. So instead I went on to tell her about some books I had found that I believe may be their history.

As my order finally come to me and smoke monster picker up her things and moved to the seat next to me.

"I'm Tuthu." She smiled at me as she held out her hand.

I took her hand and shook it politely then I began to eat my food.

"You don't eat with ketchup?" She asked curious.

I turned to respond but before I could I saw her chug the ketchup bottle. I was stunned and confused, had she thought it was a beverage?

"You drink ketchup?" I questioned her as she put the bottle down.

"Yea, should I not?" She asked before eating some fries.

I was going to response with yes but shut my mouth. I remember what she said last time about should it be alright to kill a child. I instead chuckled out a no and continue to eat.

We sat there long after our meals talking about humans, our live styles, and how boring it was in Undertale. It was the first time in my life I stay more than an hour at Grillby's, I had stayed for six hours. Though as soon as I noticed to the time I apologized to Tuthu and told her I had work I needed to go to.

"Can I see you again?" She asked as I opened the door to leave. I turned to face her and noticed her face was a lighter color which I knew was a blush for her.

I smiled at her. "Of course." I too wanted to see her again.


We had been talking every time I went to Grillby's. We still had so much to talk about and I felt so wonderful whenever I was around her. I soon realized I was falling in love with her. Though at first I was clumsy on expressing my feelings I finally managed to ask her out. We dated for a few months before I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. It was hard to ask her to marry me because I was always busy with work and barely seen her if I did at all. I felt like we were drifting apart and I almost gave up on marrying her.

Until on night when I had finally left work she was outside the lab waiting for me. She said that she convinced the owner to keep Grillby's open for me. I knew right then and there that I wasn't turning back and got on my knee and asked her to marry me without another thought. She cried, even without tears, and she said yes.

She moved to Hotland with me and we even tried to start a family. We soon found out she was unable to conceive but that never brought her spirits down. She talked about adopting a child, even suggesting a human child. I never said anything against her idea because I thought it would be nice to someday be at peace with humans that we may even adopt a child of our own.

"When we should have two!" Tuthu said happily

"Two?" I asked having no idea what she was talking about.

"Children!" She chuckled as she sat next to me in the couch. "Maybe a boy and girl." She smiled thinking about how nice having children will be.

"What if we can't get a boy and a girl?"

"We can whatever gender as long as we have two." Sh nodded, agree with herself.

"I want to make sure our children are never alone so if we get two they will have each other just in case something happens to us." I looked at her in shocked and confusion. What was she thinking would happen to us that we would leave our children alone.

"Oh don't give me that look! I meant if we died of old age." She chuckled as she pushed me playfully.

I sighed in relief and turned to say something to her. I stopped before I could speak when I saw the look on her face, that look like she knew something but didn't want me to know. She had this look before but I never questioned it because I was sure she would never tell me but I still worried that she knew something was going to happen.

Her face quickly change back to smiling. "I even thought of names! Sans and Papyrus." She said proudly.

I chuckled at the names. "Sans and Papyrus?"

"They're names like you." She smiled at me. I felt over joyed knowing she want to name our children with similar names as mine.

"Sans and Papyrus, I like it." I smiled at her. Her face light up bright as she excitedly kissed me.

"I love you so much Gaster." She leaned her forehead against mine.

"I love you too, Tuthu"


I thought life was great and happy until the day the next human came.

"Gaster!" I heard shouting as a worked in my lab. I looked up to see one of the royal guards rushing toward me.

"A human had been spotted!" I shot my head up.

"Where at?" I asked as I began to leave the lab. If I could get this human alive we may be able to prevent more blood shed.

"They're heading to Snowdin but Gaster wait! It has already killed three monsters!" I flinched. The human was killing, why?

I still decided to head to Snowdin but I wanted to call Tuthu first to let her know to stay home.

"Hello?" Tuthu said through the phone.

"Tuthu I need you to stay at home. There is a human heading to Snowdin." I spoke as walked toward Snowdin.

"Oh, I'm at Grillby's right now." My heart stopped. Tuthu was in Snowdin and in danger.

"Tuthu find somewhere to hide I'm on my way!" I yelled as I began to run as fast I possible could.

When I finally made it to Snowdin I was horrified. Monster laid dead everywhere, blood stained the snow.

I rushed to Grillby's, I had to find Tuthu, I had to know she was alright. As I entered the store I was {word i don't know}, I saw dead bodies everywhere. I rushed into the back to see if Tuthu. I didn't not see Tuthu instead I saw Grillby crying over a pile of ash.

"Grillby what happened?" I bent down next to the boy.

"The human... he poured.... water over dad!" He cried out.

I laid a hand on his for some comfort. "I know this is a terrible time but Grillby I need to know where is Tuthu?"

Grillby sniffled. "The human was going to put me out when she threw a ketchup bottle at him. They ran out the door." He pointed to the back door.

I quickly ran out the door, Tuthu was in danger. My heart was racing, fear was creeping up. Where was she?

I finally found her but I was to late. I saw the human hover over my dead wife's body. He almost seemed proud of what he did to her.

"YOU!" I shouted angrily at the human. He quickly turned to me but it was to late for him. I used a weapon I was never going to use, Gaster Blaster. My eyes glowed as I watched the human die slowly and painfully. Right before he died I ripped his soul out in the most painful manner. I contained the soul and then drop down to my knees, the anger rush out of me as sadness quickly took its place. I lost the love of my life, my own happiness in this sad miserable world.

I held on to Tuthu's dead body until the guards finally arrived to see what had happened.


I spent all my time in the lab after Tuthu's death. I didn't go out for anything, the king had people come bring me food because I never left but I barely ever ate.

I was focus on trying to see if I could bring Tuthu back from the dead. I kept her soul in her body, frozen, to see if I could bring it back. I knew monsters' souls didn't last long after death but I was more determined than ever to make it stay in this world, to bring it back to life.

I had spent months testing, researching, failing. Finally I went to the king and ask his permission to use one of the human's dead body. I didn't need their soul just the body and he was confused at first but did not question as he agreed.

I took the first human's body back to my lab and began my idea. I was going to put Tuthu's soul into the human body, maybe just maybe the human body would react better than a monster's. I took several weeks before I had finally got a break through. I had to be quick though, if the soul was out for to long it would be gone, forever. I work as quick as I had ever as I transferred Tuthu's soul into the human child's body. The same body in which I met Tuthu for the first time.

At first nothing happened and I thought all was lost until the body screamed out. I back away from the body as it began to move and scream. The human body began to change into blackness. The body became a black smoke of some sort with white glowing eyes, I assumed it was just the mixture of human and monster. When it finally stopped screaming it looked up to me.

"What am I?" She looked at me as black tears streamed down her face.

I began to run test to see what was wrong, why was she not acting like Tuthu. Then I noticed the soul, it changed to black. All monsters' souls are white and human usually came in varies of color but never had I seen a black soul before. I knew that I had not brought Tuthu back but instead made a hybrid of sorts.

At first I was angry with the creature, I even almost killed it out of anger, but Kind Asgore told me this could help us. So he order me to experiment on the hybrid and see what I could learn. I began to do as he said but my experiments were not nice, and I made sure they hurt as much as they could without killing it.

After a year I still had nothing, I wasn't sure I would. What I did with Tuthu soul could not be reacted. I started to slip into a deep depression thinking I would never be happy again.

One day, for some reason, I went for a walk to Waterfall. I use to go there with Tuthu to listen to the flowers and look at the glowing rocks that looked like stars. I walked to our usual spot when I noticed a flower that I had not seen before. I touched the flower to activate it to see what message was on it.

"Hello Sans, Papyrus!" I knew that voice insistently, it was Tuthu. "If you can hear this message it means mommy isn't here but Daddy will still be there for you. I may not be alive or be your biological mother but I want the both of you to know that I still love you know matter what! And I know someday you two will grow up to be wonderful people. Oh, I have to go now your father is call me hehe. Be good for daddy and take care of each other, love you all very much. Goodbye....Gaster."

I had feel to my knees before I knew what was going on. Tear rushed down my face as I slightly cried. I stayed there just listening to the message over and over again. When had she left this message and why? I kept asking myself these questions as I finally walked back to the lab. I was going to see if I could figure out if she knew what was going to happen but then I stopped. She mentioned Sans and Papyrus...our children. We didn't have these children but she seemed to believe they would definitely hear that message.

I made the decision right then and there that our children will hear that message. I began to research on how make life. I read through some human books as well of monster books. I wanted to know if creating live with a mother was even possible.

After several weeks later I made a break through but I needed something. I went to the king once again and asked for two of the humans' bodies. He was hesitate of giving them to me because of what happened last time but assure him I wasn't bring the dead to life but bring new life to the world. He finally agreed, not sure our of curiously or pity but nonetheless I had the bodies I needed.

I strapped one of the human's body to the table. I didn't want to waste them both at once so I needed to test one first. I then extracted part of my soul carefully and put it quickly into the machine. I wasn't sure what effect taking part of my soul would have but I felt fine. I began to run the machine waiting for it to charge. I read in a human book that they use electric power to bring life. So I charged the machine as high as I could before releasing it into the body. I must over use to much of the core's power because the who Undertale went dark with no electric.

I looked over at the body to see if maybe it work and I notice I had fried the body so badly that the skin, muscle, and organs were a melted mush on the floor. I cursed myself loudly as I slammed the table. Suddenly the skeleton on the body shot up and began to look around. I couldn't believe it. It had worked, it was alive!

The skeleton began to shake, out of nervousness or fear I wasn't sure. I put a hand on it shoulder.

"Its okay you're alright." I assumed the small child.

"Uh who..." The skeleton began to speak but wasn't sure what to say.

"I'm Gaster, your father." I pointed to myself. "You are Sans, Sans the Skeleton." I smiled as I pointed to him.

Also that day the hybrid creature escaped and I never saw it again.


It took several years before I could bring Sans' little brother Papyrus into the world. The main reason because I was in trouble with the core shutting down and I had to repair it. I had to use a little less energy but the same results came out. Sans was excited to finally get to see his brother, he even baby him every second he could. Eventually I took them to the flower so they both could hear their mother's message.

They asked questions that I answered discreetly, I didn't want either of them to know who they once were. No one but me and the king knew about how and where Sans and Papyrus came from and it was for the best.

After several months of showing the boys Tuthu I began to think about how she knew she wasn't going to be around. I then remember when she said that the boy would need each.... that we both would be gone. This thought loomed over me as I began to go through all of her old stuff. I had found nothing and almost gave up completely until one day.

"Dad, how does the world restart?" Sans looked up at me very seriously.

I was confused by the question, world restarting? What was the kid getting this from. "What do you mean Sans?"

"Mom wrote in this book saying one day the world is going to restart." Sans pulled out a journal.

I quickly took the journal and began to reading through it as if it was last thing I would ever read. Sans was right, Tuthu mention that a human would someday come and pick one of three paths; pacifist, neutral, or genocide. It mention that the determination keeps the human alive and the world would restart again. The journal never mention where the restart would take place or why. Why would Tuthu write this? How would she even know about any of this?

Sans stared at me still waiting on a answer. "Why do I need to keep an eye on Papyrus?" I looked at him confused. He then pointed to the journal. "She wrote that I should keep an eye on him until its time."

I flipped through the journal and saw what he meant. It said: Sans will need to watch over Papyrus but when the day the human comes he needs to let Papyrus stand alone. Why must Papyrus stand alone? Shouldn't Sans be with his brother in case something happens? And why am I not mention anywhere throughout the journal.

"Dad who it the man who speak with hands?" Sans asked another weird question. I looked through the journal and saw where it mentions the man who speaks with hands. It mentioned the man who came from the other world. But none of it made sense, hands, another world, what was Tuthu saying?

Then something dawned on me, what if Tuthu could travel through the planes? I read it in a sci fi human book about dimensions and time travel but could Tuthu have done that? How? I decided to find out the answers. I hauled myself in my lab as I read through the journal and wrote down theories. So after I plotted out a idea for a machine that could help me travel through the planes. Part of me was just curious but another part was thinking maybe I could restart what had happened to Tuthu. I began to work days in and days out. I had missed most of Sans' and Papyrus' childhood building the damn machine but after years I finally got it done.

I was hooking up the machine to try to turn it on when Sans came down to check up on me.

"Hey Dad, Papyrus wants to know if you want to make some puzzles with us." Sans asked me without really looking at me.

I knew Sans was beginning to resent me for never being around. He never mind taking care of his little brother but he hated that I was never round like I should have been. Papyrus being the cute naive little boy still loved me with all his heart but Sans only loved me for Papyrus. It hurt to know this and I tried to explain this to him I was doing this for them but he never liked my reasons.

"I can't right now Sans. I about have this completed." I continued to work on the machine.

"Can't you take like a ten minute break? For Papyrus" He asked as he shoved his hands into his hoodie's pockets.

"I'm really close Sans, how about another time."

"SERIOUSLY!?" Sans yelled at me, making me stop in my tracks. Me and Sans have argued before be he has never yelled at me before. I looked over to him and was about to speak when I noticed that expression in his face, it was the say that Tuthu gave that one time. The face that knew something was going to happen.

"Sans..... You know something don't you?" I finally asked the question I wanted to ask Tuthu so many times.

Sans would look at me. "Please dad this one time will you just hang out with me and Papyrus?" I could see the sadness in his expression.

He never told me what he knew but I did go with him to make some puzzles with my sons. Little did I know that would be the last time we would be together as a family and I knew Sans knew that.

Later that evening I turned the machine on and walked through the portal. That day W.D Gaster left the existence of that world forever.
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Comments: 26

PeinMartyn [2016-02-08 20:56:28 +0000 UTC]

When I was reading, I was imagining that when he took out part of his soul, parts of his body disappeared and so I was thinking that that was the reason he had holes in his hands... My theory of your theories in a story XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Demonic-Mutt In reply to PeinMartyn [2016-02-08 21:23:56 +0000 UTC]

That's the idea I had in a way. Its more he exacted part of his soul through his hands instead of directly through his chest (because that may kill him if done wrong)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PeinMartyn In reply to Demonic-Mutt [2016-02-08 21:25:34 +0000 UTC]

Indeed X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Demonic-Mutt In reply to PeinMartyn [2016-02-08 22:07:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

256NatLiz [2015-12-16 04:13:06 +0000 UTC]

It has some interesting theories in it. Including the skelebros' origin.
Very nice.
But yes, lots of grammar mistakes.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Demonic-Mutt In reply to 256NatLiz [2015-12-16 04:39:17 +0000 UTC]

Yea I kind of figure that them being the only skeletons that maybe they came from the dead humans, who knows  

XD yea I started to notice some grammar mistakes as well just so lazy to fix =3= I will fix them tomorrow...maybe >.>

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

256NatLiz In reply to Demonic-Mutt [2015-12-16 04:56:54 +0000 UTC]

XD Maybe.

Well, there is an actual theory that Sans used to be a human.
And if he is and Papyrus isn't, then it supports my theory that the bros aren't bros by blood, but see each other as a brother cause that's how close they are to each other.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Demonic-Mutt In reply to 256NatLiz [2015-12-16 05:38:48 +0000 UTC]

If it was more realistic I would say by their bone structures they really don't seem similar at all and they could very well not be related by 'blood' but since its no way realistic its hard to tell lol.

I'm heard seen the theory that Sans was a human, which in my opinion doesn't make sense. I know my theory say he was a human but mine is more the body he uses was once human no him directly. But I'm not sure why people think Sans was once human but not Papyrus O.o 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

256NatLiz In reply to Demonic-Mutt [2015-12-16 06:03:33 +0000 UTC]

Well, that may be. But humans who are blood related can be completely different structure-wise: just means they got different genes from their parents.
In either case, we can only truly rely on what they say to and about each other, and what others say about them.

Yeah, I don't really get why people seem to overlook the fact that, if the bros are blood-related and Sans was once human, then Papyrus would then have been human too.
But yeah! Your theory touches on that one, but doesn't dive into it entirely, which is nice.

There's also a theory that Gaster's soul was split and it made them, which is something else you touched upon. I've only seen it one other place, though.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Demonic-Mutt In reply to 256NatLiz [2015-12-16 06:12:02 +0000 UTC]

True true, the only real way we would know if Toby himself said so.

Well I kind of figure if they are truly the only skeletons where did they come from? And human do have skeletons so why not come from a human? Also they never actually met any of the other humans they came before Frisk so it even more possible that their bodies were once the humans. Also you never actually see the dead body in the casks so some of them might not even have a body O.O Just a theory anyways lol

Well the only reason I see it as a thing it because if he 'created' them and the weren't birth somehow that they would need something to actually bring them to life. Seeing how souls plays a huge part in making a someone who they are I could only assume he would use a soul. And I doubt other would willing give some of their soul for the experiment I'm sure he used his own. Some scientist tend to use themselves in their experiments so why not Gaster.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

256NatLiz In reply to Demonic-Mutt [2015-12-16 06:18:51 +0000 UTC]


XD Oh my goodness, the talks people have had with roleplaying Papyrusses and the comics about humans having skeletons in them... Too precious! XD
O_O Oh. My goodness. What if that's why the game doesn't let you look in the coffins? Cause there're no dead bodies in them! Or if they're all deformed and whatnot because of experiments that Gaster had performed on them!

This is very true.
That's actually the basic premise of the movie 9, and how the stitchpunks were able to be alive.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Demonic-Mutt In reply to 256NatLiz [2015-12-16 06:31:39 +0000 UTC]

I love the comic of Papyrus and Sans seeing Halloween decorations of skeletons lol priceless XD

That's what I thought as well. They don't let you get to them because they are empty! O.O

Yup so it makes sense in that regard but them again maybe they were birth somehow and never even created the world may never know. But that's the fun part is not knowing and making up your own theories :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

256NatLiz In reply to Demonic-Mutt [2015-12-16 06:54:07 +0000 UTC]

Haven't seen that one! Where can- pleasedon'ttellmeit'sontumblr.


Yup! That's one of the great things about Undertale: just enough to have theories, but not enough to solve them.
Though, I wonder what Game Theorists are gonna do for it (cause you know they're bound to do a theory on it!).

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Demonic-Mutt In reply to 256NatLiz [2015-12-16 07:16:52 +0000 UTC]

I'm not sure where I saw it at lol I look up fanart everywhere so it could have literally been anywhere or everywhere. If i find it I will link it to you.

They may do multiple times of theories and see which one everyone like and what not. I love to see all the different theories out there, it make it more fun even after the game if over :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

256NatLiz In reply to Demonic-Mutt [2015-12-20 04:20:58 +0000 UTC]


They might. Actually, if this hype continues I wouldn't be at all surprised.
Cause, while this game isn't as story-theory-heavy as FNaF, it does have its fair share of detail theories: Undyne's eye, Mettaton's origins, what Sans is, etc.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Demonic-Mutt In reply to 256NatLiz [2015-12-20 04:54:53 +0000 UTC]

I think where is doesn't really talk about the past give many people theory ideas of what happened before Frisk. With FNaF they talked about some things in the past but never explained anything lol XD I also think the creators do that on purpose for our amusement.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

256NatLiz In reply to Demonic-Mutt [2015-12-20 05:41:59 +0000 UTC]

XD True.
Also like FNaF, there are stories and hints as to what happened in the past.
But that's pretty much where the similarities end. Except that there are characters in it that fans attach themselves to.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Demonic-Mutt In reply to 256NatLiz [2015-12-20 05:48:54 +0000 UTC]

Very true lol. But I like how Undertale has a who future to explore were FNaF exhausted its in #3 :/ Which is another reason why I think its going to last a while longer than FNaF did lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

256NatLiz In reply to Demonic-Mutt [2015-12-20 06:17:23 +0000 UTC]

Quite possibly.
FNaF hype lasted about a year and a half. Undertale's lasted... almost 2 months now? And people keep finding more things to talk about, explore, and draw about.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Demonic-Mutt In reply to 256NatLiz [2015-12-20 06:28:35 +0000 UTC]

I think despite Undertale being a short little pixel game, its going to last quite a while in the fandom world. FNaF stay around a long time because of sequels, without sequels I think it would have died off a lot sooner.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

256NatLiz In reply to Demonic-Mutt [2015-12-21 01:43:11 +0000 UTC]

It would've also not had such a deep story to it, either.

I think so, too. Hopefully at least until this sudden Star Wars craze blows over.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Demonic-Mutt In reply to 256NatLiz [2015-12-21 02:02:10 +0000 UTC]

I think once the Star Wars come out of theaters is will be done and over, so give it about a month and Star Wars will be another phase =-= I was never into Star Wars but my mom and older brother totally in love with Star Wars. I prefer Undertale

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

256NatLiz In reply to Demonic-Mutt [2015-12-22 02:56:20 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, so do I.
Most of my college friends are big Star Wars fans, though.

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Demonic-Mutt In reply to 256NatLiz [2015-12-22 03:31:36 +0000 UTC]

Undertale all the way lol

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256NatLiz In reply to Demonic-Mutt [2015-12-22 12:10:19 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, man!

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Demonic-Mutt In reply to 256NatLiz [2015-12-22 21:35:23 +0000 UTC]

Its good to see people out there who like the same things as me :3

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