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Artwork, characters and story are copyrighted!
I assure you I don't know jack squat about Star Trek but my game master is planning a one shot/campaign revolving around the franchise so, of course I looked through the alien race options
Landed on a Grazerite, who was raised on Earth and therefore was never taught to think of having his horns in plain sight as impolite/indecent/inappropriate as they would within his species' society, but instead proudly presents his horns and goat-like ears without a second thought.
Haven't really settled on a name as of now (considering Jaresh-Asi, combined from some samples in the guidebook because I suck at names), but he's gonna be a fine young man and do his best to be of use to the rest of the crew.
Please consider commenting if you fave, I'd appreciate that~
Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry
Character + Artwork belong to me DemoniPoika