DemonikWolfe — Miss Mckenna 1

Published: 2020-04-10 21:45:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 1177; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 21
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Miss McKenna


The garage lights hummed and got brighter as someone entered walking towards the single vehicle in the single parking space. The lone female pulled out sunglasses and put them on just as her phone made several beeping tones. She held the phone out in front of her and scoffed at the screen. "What does he want?", questioned Miranda McKenna. She pressed her thumb to the home button and the phone unlocked and answered the call. She pressed the speaker button and changed her voice from irritated to a melodic tone, "Hello Doctor, what can I do for you?"

An accented man’s voice answered, "Miss McKenna, have you heard from my wife in the last few days? She seems to be missing, along with her friend Liz. Her phone is not pinging and no one has seen either of them since there yoga class on Wednesday."

Miranda's eyebrows peaked and she responded, "No sir, I have not seen either of them since last week in your office. I hope nothing is wrong."

Ethan's english accent was not thick or overpowering, but gave his tone a pleasant sound, "Damn her! She took a ring of my keys from the safe that go to all the warehouse sites. I need you to check at each site and see if anyone has entered and tampered with anything."

Miranda thought about what the doctor’s wife could do with master keys to these secret properties, "She has the master keys to all the sites? What if she enters one of them? This could be very bad."

Ethan's tone became angry, "Don't lecture me Miranda! There is no way for her to know the locations of the warehouses. It is just a bunch of keys and they mean nothing without voice or retinal scan access. You worry too much. I just don't need her drawing unwanted attention from the media or authorities. If she went and crashed her car or something, that would be one thing i could deal with. However, this is unlike her and she has someone else with her. That makes me worry. I need you to check in at all the sites and ensure everything is fine. The automated systems should be working normally and from the status on my mainframe reporting app everything is fine. Just go do your monthly checks early."

"Of course, doctor, as you wish. I will report on each site as i visit them", she rolled her eyes and made a fake smile as she spoke.

"Oh, and Miranda, you know I see you making those faces right?" came the response from the phone’s speaker.

Miranda clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, "But of course sir, and I know how you love your omnipresence and power." She looked up at the CCTV cameras around the garage. She knew there were more than these everywhere, including in her vehicle, some so tiny you would never notice them. She smiled and brought the phone closer to her face, "and you know you love it." She pressed the hang up button.

Miranda got in the car and used the voice control to tell the computer system to unlock and open the garage door. It immediately responded with a double tone and the large door behind the car started to roll up.

"Please give me a report on any usual activity at all Bravo Sites and plot me a route to visit each one in the most efficient and timely manner."

The male computer voice responded, "Yes Miss McKenna. Report being generated and route being sent to your navigation control. Would you like the report to be displayed on your screen?"

Miranda replied, "Yes, display and prioritize activity starting from Wednesday morning through today. Read any access alerts out loud."

"Thank you, Miss McKenna. Report has been generated and is now displayed on your screen. No access alerts during that time period. 12 subjects being processed, 4 new since Wednesday. No further information related to that query." the robotic voice had a hint of an Australian accent.

"Wait, 12 subjects? That is not right. The report states 7 subjects. Why the discrepancy?", she was getting confused. The system was the best in the world and never wrong.

The robotic voice came back, "Numbers are valid. Reporting based on system over-ride command from Admin user: ED1 on Wednesday at 1421."

"She furrowed her brow, "That cannot be right, from where was the over-ride logged?"

The immediate response was, "Mainframe control room at Bravo Site 3. Authenticated via remote link from cloud server X-1000 AI controller. Error detected in feed from reports database. Command being repurposed, please stand-by."

Miranda put the car in reverse and backed out of the garage into the empty warehouse lot, shifted into drive and hit the gas causing gravel to be thrown from under the spinning tires, "Well crap, I don't like the sound of that. Looks like I am going straight to site 3."

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