demonofnothing — Touching [NSFW]
#black #blackrabbit #bones #danson #gnome #gnomes #jenkins #rabbit #ringmaster #smurf #smurfette #smurfs #white #whiterabbit #ringmasterdanson #dansonwhite #bonesjenkins
Published: 2017-09-11 01:26:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 619; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description He knew none of his family understood his fixation on the ex-ringmaster or as to why he wanted to keep the criminal mastermind around him.  The older gnome certainly didn't hide the fact he was weary of him, but that still didn't stop the much younger gnome from pursuing the uncatchable White Rabbit.  It was the high of the chase after all, something much more addictive than drugs, and the emotional rush he gave him was the true blissful pleasure he loved.  From the moment he first laid eyes on the notorious Ringmaster Danson White, he just knew they were going to be inseparable whether the White Rabbit liked it or not.  The White Rabbit had started it after all—well actually no, the younger gnome had started it, when he noticed the former ringmaster's bone structure wasn't correct anatomically speaking.  He had the bones of a female, and he confirmed this when he sorta forced himself on the little ex-ringmaster—and he meant it in an innocent gesture not sexually, or at least at the time he didn't mean for it to be sexual.  But of course he got the rightly beating he deserved, and it was that beating that had made him fall in love with the much older gnome, wrong bones or not.  In his entire existence no one had ever touched him like that.  A slap on the wrists maybe, a gentle touch of the shoulder, but never a full fledge beating to the point he could feel his very bones cracking.  That was the first time in his life that he ever felt alive, and he wanted feeling that again.  To feel all that pain, the pleasure of it all, even simple touches that weren't painful at all.  He longed for this touch.  Craves for it.  This is why he clung to the ex-ringmaster after all.  The reasoning as to why he squeezed him into a tight embrace, and never wanted to let go no matter how much he was scratched or bitten.  His entire existence no one had ever given him attention, no one even made the attempt to make him feel as if he was amongst the living.  He was treated like a ghost that couldn't be seen or heard, until they needed something from him, and he was more than happy to oblige to it because it meant an interaction with someone other than himself.  Otherwise he constantly felt like a hollow shell, an animated corpse that followed the others like a mindless zombie, but the moment the White Rabbit's fists had met his face that first day, he felt alive and very much wanted to keep that going.  He had requested to his grandmother, Ebony, that she'd find a way to keep that Rabbit with him when he had to have to go live in the graveyard, and sure enough she did it.  Now he just had to sweeten enough of a deal with the ex-ringmaster to get him to stay with him forever, without the means of magic, and all would be well....but to convince the Rabbit was no easy feat because he wasn't just convincing one gnome, but three personalities.  With his multiple personality disorder, it made it nearly impossible to convince any of them that he was worthy of any of their love.  None of them were being convinced and he knew his age was the biggest factor, and it was infuriating that the Rabbit couldn't push passed that, but he would convince him and he would do it, even if it killed him.  He wanted this broken, tragic soul and nobody else.  No one and nothing was going to stop him from catching the Rabbit and keeping him indefinitely.

"I will break that hand of yours if you can't bloody well keep it to yourself." The Englishman's voice broke him from his thoughts, and he found himself retracting his hand away from the Rabbit's white hair.

"Sorry, your hair is just really soft." Bones retorted as he eyed the older gnome lying next to him on the bed.  He was on his stomach, dressed in only his striped yellow and blue circus tights and white undershirt, while engrossed with some book he found lying around the house.  Bones didn't understand why the Rabbit read any of the books when all did was get halfway through it, before chucking it out an open window, which is what the older gnome just did.

"Your parents really do need to get better romance novels, all of those are just so irksome." The former ringmaster sighed, flopping against the bed.

"Can't you throw it onto the floor and not out the win—wait you're reading romance novels?" Bones asked, arching a brow.

"Tragic isn't it?" The Englishman scoffed, rolling onto his back, and covered his eyes dramatically, "Never thought I'd live to see the day I would be so bored that I am having to read such smut but dear me, they are all so terribly boring, if not predictable.  And the way they talk, is oh so irksome too."

Now he didn't know if he was joking or not, so the younger gnome laid beside him, and asked, "What makes you not like them so much?"

"For starters if they have a virgin and whoever else with them is going at it, the first thing that says is 'Oooh you're so tight' well no duh!  What do they expect her to be? Looser than the Grand Canyon?  Or them saying 'You like that?' Well if they very well didn't then they'd have flipping said so!  Or the oh so famous 'oh please! More! Harder!' bull crap they keep uttering every other sentence and page. It's more like oh please shut the hell up and just have sex quietly if your going to say all that stupid nonsense." The white haired gnome shook his head, "I know it sound and seems so silly, but it dear circus tents it bothers me!"

"Then why not read something else?" Bones asked, propping himself up on his elbows to look down at the Ringmaster, "I'm sure there's a less irksome book lying around somewhere?"

"If you find it let me know!  All your father has is romance novels," The Rabbit sighed heavily, "I refuse read children's literature, and I certainly am not going to through spell books."

"Well, we could always do something else," Bones started and scooted, ever so slightly, closer to the Englishman until their hips were almost touching, "I mean if you'd like to fancy the idea of doing something a little more fun."

"I'm not going to engage in any physical activities with you, get that through your incredibly thick skull now," the Rabbit growled, as he folded his arms across his chest.  The two remained in silence for quite some time, before Bones decided to get personal again.

"What was your first time like?"

"My first time doing what?  I've done a lot first times things," The older gnome sighed, staring at the ceiling with a fixated irritation.

Bones tried to chose his words carefully, so he wouldn't have the Rabbit storm out of the room on him again, "What I mean is what was it like when performing certain—erm acts.  If you catch my meaning."

The Rabbit laughed, "Considering all acts I do and did in my circus were death defying, I can assure you, first time or not, they always left room for butterflies in the stomach, because a simple mistake or a slip up in any way would not only put you at risk, your partner, or even the entire performance, and you only got one second to correct it or it was over. "

"I meant having sex for the first time." Bones blurted out, before covering his mouth, and mortifiedly shut his eyes tight.  He really needed to learn to get his mouth and burning curiosity in check. He reopened his eyes when he heard the former ringmaster let out a chuckle.

"Oh, well I suppose that makes more sense...well it's much like what I told you about my circus performances.  It was just as terrifying if not more so, but I suppose everyone's first time is.  I remember it as if it had happened yesterday.  I can remember every touch, every word, every sound as clear as day,"  Danson half heartedly laughed.

Bones almost cracked a smile, and was about to ask the former ringmaster another question, but Danson continued on, staring at the ceiling, as if transfixed on the memory, and though a smile remained on his face, his words were haunting, "I remember that vile feeling, that bitter, burning bile in the back of my throat.  I can still smell that heavy whiskey on his breath...I didn't like what was going on, but I couldn't stop him and no one in their right or wrong mind would ever dream of stopping him if he wanted to do something, no matter how terrible and ill moral the act was.  As long as he didn't have his sights on them, then to hell with whoever the poor soul he was fixated on.  It was always like that and it would remain like that for many years.  You know, it didn't very take much for him to hold me down, all he had to use was his knees really to pin my arms down or just use a single arm.  He was oh so much bigger than me in more ways than just muscles or height.  He was a monster, and as a monster he preyed on those he saw to be the weakest or those who would become his obsession.....I can still hear those exact words he told me," the Rabbit let out a little laugh as if the whole thing were just some sick, twisted joke,  "'Everything is going to be okay, you just need to relax.  If you don't relax, it'll just hurt more.  You have to trust me with this, and let me do what I need to do, and if I tell you to do something, then just do it.  It will benefit us both, Sunny.  Don't cry, it's alright, I'm here.  This will hurt for a bit, but I promise it won't hurt for long, and you'll love it, just as much as I do.  I'm only doing this to show you just how much I love you.'  Now if that wasn't the biggest lie I've ever been told, than I don't know what is.  I just kept thinking what I did wrong to deserve it!  I could take all the beatings in the world without as much as a flinch, but this.  This was something I dreaded to endure, and I knew after the first time, it would not be the last.    It never was....and. I figured it out one day, as to why it kept happening to me.  It was all because I was cursed to look like her. If I hadn't inherited her looks, it may not have happened....it may never have happened."  The Rabbit was crying now, and Bones didn't know if he should comfort him in his hysteric state or let him settle it himself.  Instead he found himself asking aloud,

"How old were you?"

"Twenty." The Englishman answered after a moment, "Still a smurfling, and forced into the role of an adult smurf."

"Why didn't anyone help you?" Bones asked shocked.

"Because if the monster wasn't sinking his teeth into you, then you very well weren't going to to get his attention if he was sinking his teeth into another.  That's like saving a dead mouse from a bird of prey while it's eating.  Do you really want to save the lost cause or wouldn't you rather save your own hide?" Danson shook his head bitterly, "They all got what they deserved in the end.  I made them all suffer, but him....I ensured he would suffer the worst of it all.  In the end, I got what I wanted, but because I slayed the Jabberwocky, I've only caused my problems for myself."

Bones gasped, "Jab—wait isn't that your fa—"

"I've said too much already." The Rabbit said miserably as he turned his back to Bones, "Can we just forget we even had this conversation?"

Bones opened his mouth to say something else, but instead he just moved closer to Danson and pulled him into an embrace.  He pretended not to hear the hitch in Danson's breathing, and instead held him closer and said, "I don't like romance novels either because they aren't very realistic.  The ladies get into bed too easily with those horny bastards.  They just throw themselves at the guys like a two dollar hooker.  Now if they wrote a romance novel like the two of us, I believe that would be a hit."

"Romance novel about—" the Rabbit  breathily scoffed, "Boy, that would be a comedic tragedy from start to finish."

"But would be enjoyable.  Never a dull page!  Just think about it!  Handsomely young mafia's reject grandkid and a dashingly attractive former ringmaster create a bond through an interpret dance known as a fist to the face that blossoms a sensual, unbreakable loving bond between them!  Here they will endure wild goose chases, awkward family ties, and a long range of hitmen and angst to fill the Atlantic Ocean." Bones laughed and was happy to hear the Rabbit finish it.

"Find out if your reject mafia boy gets that dirty old ringmaster to fall for his charms, or if he just gets another interpret dance known as the kick to the face!  Tea cups and flying monkeys will soar this spring!  Coming to a store near you!"

The two laughed about it for a few minutes before quieting down.  The Rabbit was the first to speak, "You are such a bonehead, you know that?"

"Oh I know, and it's only you who makes me so." He chuckled, as he tightened his embrace around the Englishman, "You're so tiny, I just want to cuddle you all day."

"If you had your way, we'd be doing a lot more than cuddling." The Rabbit huffed, as he loosened the younger gnomes arms a bit, so he could turn around, "and don't think I don't know otherwise."

"Well I won't deny it," Bones said, fighting his hardest not to wrap his arms around the Rabbit's waist just just kept then wrapped around his abdomen.  Instead he concentrated on staring into the Rabbit's beautiful two-toned eyes, "but I'm more than willing to wait for you to see things my way.  After all, you are a dashingly, attractive little devil.  And I'm sorry if I keep touching you...it's just...I feel like this isn't real."

"Well it very much is real," The ex-ringmaster stated, "if you care to explain yourself you may, though I already assume I know."

"Since you shared something, it's only fair I do the same." Bones countered, and took one of Danson's gloved hands in his to lace his fingers with.  Surprisingly enough, the older gnome let him do it, and remained quiet.  He just stared into Bones golden orbs with such a somber look that Bones had to look away.

"My entire life I was shut up into a single room to myself.  I spent years in there with little to no contact with others.  Yes there would be the occasionally come in to speak with me, but that was short and none of them really wanted anything to do with me.  I never had a physical connection with anyone.  Touch is important for a child's growth otherwise it can cause lifelong emotional disturbances, as you've clearly seen in my behaviors, I don't have the boundaries I need to understand how to interact with touching.  I'm afraid of touching even though I long to be touched, it's a conflicting battle.  It's like wanting love yet absolutely terrified of the idea of having it.  I want it and I don't want it.  You were the first gnome I've had to live with a prolonged period of time.  When Ebony put me in that room with you, she knew what she was doing.  She knew I'd get attached to you...and I'm sorry that I have, but you....you make me feel things, Danson, things I've never felt before.  It's all so new and-and-and I'm sorry yet not sorry it is you.  I don't know...it's so very conflicting."  He squeezed the Rabbit's hand as he fought to find the right words to say as he was sure he sounded like he was uttering nonsense, but before he could utter another word, the Rabbit spoke first,

"You've had a no touching experience your whole life...do you mean to tell me you've never even been kissed before?"

Bones shook his head, glancing away and he was ashamed to admit it, as he answered, "No, not even when Jamie and Daffy would drag me along to their stupid parti—"

He was silenced by something being pressed against his mouth.  It took him several seconds to register that it was the former ringmaster kissing him.  He didn't know how to react to the sudden encounter, hell, he didn't even know how to kiss and just when he thought he'd attempt to kiss back, the Rabbit pulled away with a giggle, "Now you can't say I never gave you anything—then again I did just take your lip virginity."

It took another moment for Bones to realize he wasn't talking to Danson anymore.  This was the second personality of Danson's, the one who wouldn't give a name and would pretend to be Danson if she so chose to.  He knew this personality was a she, because it was what she preferred to be, and often complained of being "stuck" in a male's body.  She was more bubbly in nature than Danson, always giddy and a giggler in even the most dire of conversations.  She was the seducer after all, the one who had no issues touching if it meant she would gain something from it.  After what Danson had shared with him, it was no wonder such a personality was created.  His personality would retreat if it meant having to deal with unwanted sexual appeasement that he was not able to do himself.  That meant Danson thought in his vulnerable state he would be preyed upon by Bones.  It was a saddening thought, but also a bit of an improvement.  It meant he wasn't angry like he always tended to get, and the third personality known as the Ringmaster would come forth and beat the living hell out off him.  This was a bit of a bittersweet moment, but he knew he had a long way to go before he could convince any of these personalities that he wanted them as a whole, but that didn't mean he was going to go against Danson's wishes either.  Bones had so much to prove to him, and he wanted to show him that he wasn't one to just take advantage of an opportunity.  He wanted the permission and blessing of the original personality before he would do anything reckless.  He knew the first personality was the most important one to please so he resisted the temptation of making a move on the nameless second personality.

"Here I thought first kisses were suppose to be romantic." Bones chuckled, pretending not to notice the switch in personalities.

"Not always," The mysterious one answered with a giggle, "sometimes catching them off guard is better, the reactions are nice too.  Wouldn't you agree?"

"Well you definitely caught me off guard," Bones swallowed, and pulled the smaller smurf closer to him to get a better hold, "Now, why don't we take a nap?  I think we've deserved that much, don't you?"

"Well, I could think something so much more fun for us to do," the former ringmaster flirted, brushing one hand against Bones face.  He felt his face heating up, but he carefully caught the hand, gave it a gentle kiss before returning it down with his other hand.

"Okay, if you want to cuddle before going to sleep that's fine." Bones said, pretending not to catch the Black Rabbit's meaning.  She pouted a little at this, and it made his heart melt, but he stay strong and resisted the urge to say anything else.

"Fine we can cuddle." She mused, and laid her head against his chest, and let out a faint giggle, "Your heart is hammering in your chest, you keep that up and you'll have a heart attack."

"What can I say?  You just have this effect on me." Bones said as he laid back into a more comfortable position.  He wrapped an arm around the Black Rabbit and let her wrap her arms around his waist, and prayed she didn't try to fool around with him.  He wasn't sure just how strong he was to resist this second personality, but to his luck, she just kept her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"I love you." Bones found himself saying aloud, before mentally kicking him to shut up.  The former ringmaster just smiled and and snuggled closer to him.

"I love you too, but you know as well as I, it isn't me you have to convince to loving you.   Good luck with the other two, they are rather stubborn.  You already know, I'm not too picky on who I want to love."  She smiled.

"I–I know, but I do love all of you." Bones sighed, closing his eyes.

"We'll see if we all love you." The Black Rabbit smirked.

After a few minutes, the two drifted off to sleep.
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Comments: 17

Zikore [2017-11-12 15:54:09 +0000 UTC]

Crikey. Those confessionals. x.x

Though on the up side those two sound like they made a good emotional connection.

Bones would just get a head rush from fighting wouldn't he? X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

demonofnothing In reply to Zikore [2017-11-13 14:19:17 +0000 UTC]


A slight one XD

Oh god yes he would.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

IZZY-CHAN13 [2017-09-11 19:08:11 +0000 UTC]

Darn it; you lured me in .. I like it, a lot (the juxtaposition of "casual" conversation and terrible memories)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

demonofnothing In reply to IZZY-CHAN13 [2017-09-12 01:35:11 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

IZZY-CHAN13 In reply to demonofnothing [2017-09-12 16:22:15 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LeoFan85 [2017-09-11 04:48:25 +0000 UTC]

Is Jabberwocky Stabby's true name?  And oh my god, what kind of a twisted monster would molest a TWO YEAR OLD CHILD?!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

demonofnothing In reply to LeoFan85 [2017-09-11 11:21:58 +0000 UTC]

It's part of his real name. Technically he was more like ten (not that's any better). And Stabby's never really been in a right mind set even in his past self,

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LeoFan85 In reply to demonofnothing [2017-09-11 16:56:10 +0000 UTC]

It's still disgusting beyond comparison.  I'll probably start using Jabberwocky instead of Stabby from now on.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

demonofnothing In reply to LeoFan85 [2017-09-11 19:13:47 +0000 UTC]

Yeah Jabberwocky for past, Stabby for present.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LeoFan85 In reply to demonofnothing [2017-09-12 04:38:15 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kiananuva12 [2017-09-11 02:28:09 +0000 UTC]


Also, I am just imagining that half those romance novels are from when Amore was still the 'hopeless romantic' and not his current 'cynical love-is-a-lie' self >w> He probably forgot he had half of them too XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

demonofnothing In reply to kiananuva12 [2017-09-11 11:20:47 +0000 UTC]

that and Gruesome is a hopeless romantic himself and always will be xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kiananuva12 In reply to demonofnothing [2017-09-12 01:21:36 +0000 UTC]

Awwww, cutie pootie~ 

Also, just realized too...Bones and Mo do have a slight similarity in that both felt like 'nothing' before they met someone that made them actually feel wanted. Not so much the same level but they definitely had the same 'feel like a ghost' thing going on before.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

demonofnothing In reply to kiananuva12 [2017-09-12 01:34:55 +0000 UTC]

Bones and Mo have something in common they could talk about, but the damn boy won't even talk to Mo. -3- Bones needs to stop being a dipshit and try to get to know Mo.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kiananuva12 In reply to demonofnothing [2017-09-12 01:37:21 +0000 UTC]

Give him time, he'll come around sooner or later uwu Not like Mo is going anywhere anytime soon either XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jyggumaril [2017-09-11 02:23:17 +0000 UTC]

Damn.... Someone got knocked the hell out. Man.... Bones.... What the hell... I swear you should keep writing these.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

demonofnothing In reply to Jyggumaril [2017-09-11 11:20:02 +0000 UTC]

X3 hoping to have some more done soon

👍: 0 ⏩: 0