A horse with a bay roan coat and a dark mane and tail trots over a hill towards a forest of fir trees, beyond which, a single snow capped mountain rises into the overcast sky. In this scene of the American Wild West, a spring rain has just fallen and mists rise from the dark green grass which is dotted with small wildflowers. Here and there, a few spruce trees break up the rolling grasses. The animal, though seems intent on its goal. It is a if some quest draws this wild mustang towards the rocky peak.
For this equestrian artwork, I wanted to create a rolling landscape to place the horse in. I wound up changing the background and weather several times. Having a lot of thunderstorms around my house lately, though, I decided to go with a rainy mood. However, rather than it raining in the scene, I wanted it to look like the rain had just moved on, leaving everything steamy.
Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge ( )