Nature, in the midst of its many beauties and wonders, features daily struggles for survival. Wildlife endures many injustices of sickness, cruelty, and suffering. So do we The People. Often it is difficult to understand nature’s cruel paths but, it is even more difficult to witness fate in action be it in nature or on the nightly news.
We, as human beings, are susceptible to many natural disorders. Sadly, we differentiate ourselves from the animal kingdom with our ability to knowingly choose unjust behavior. Nature’s maladies take a devastating toll on us but, the cruelty we inflict upon each other in the name of race, religion, and property is much more devastating and far less understandable. Despite our intelligence and many technological advancements we have yet to learn how to live with each other fairly and peacefully.
This fox suffers from Sarcoptic Mange. Mites infect the skin of the fox causing severe itching and loss of fur. In a domestic dog the mange is easily treatable but, for the wild fox it is a death sentence. The horrible itching will cause lack of sleep and erratic behavior which inevitably makes him a weakened target for predators and dangerous run-ins with human beings. The loss of fur means the animal will inevitably fall victim to winter’s severe weather. Death is part of the cycle of life but, suffering is difficult to witness.
With simple care the fox could be spared but he cannot help himself. Fate has written a cruel ending to his story. Watching more news from Missouri, New York City, the Middle East, and too many other places it is my hope that we, The People, do not suffer the same scenario.
Photograph What You Feel
Doomed Fox
Nikon D800
Nikon 500mm f4 lens
ISO: 500
APT: f6.3