dieingcity — Hetalocked chpt 1

Published: 2012-02-26 22:33:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 10911; Favourites: 228; Downloads: 12
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Description Chapter 1
Joy Ride

Downtown London was a busy place always, it didn't matter the weather or the time of year, the streets were filled with buggies, horses and sellers of wares.
Mister Kirkland had business south of town and decided to make it an outing, they, his two wards matthew Williams and Alfred Jones, walked as was Mister Kirkland's preferred method of getting about. He always felt it was the best for ones health.
Once they reached the office of a particular Lawyer that Kirkland needed to see he turned to Mister Williams and Mister Jones.
  "Right then, this business of mine may take some time, I wont bore you with details, and I don't need your assistance in this particular matter. "He then handed them each a folded paper. "Here are some items that we are running low on, see if you two can manage them before I am finished here, and we will meet up by the flower shop at noon." he said giving them the specifics.

Though partly cloudy on this particular day the streets of london always seemed to hold some sort of dampness to them, Williams some times tended to be, reluctant on outings if bad weather were coming on, but being as it seemed fine enough and all three were being allowed to come with Mister Kirkland, Williams took this as a golden opportunity and hoped for the best.
He sighed however when he handed them the lists folded neatly, "Certainly Mister Kirkland, though I do not see why the blackmailing of one client is cause for visiting this particular lawyer unless, said lawyer is the blackmail-er in which case I do not fret about your well being but doubt your reasons for not informing us sooner, unless i am wrong…what do you think Mister Jones, did I miss anything dear brother?"

Mister Jones smirked a little and nodded. "Precisely, I don't see the need for secrecy unless you intend on the discreet issues between said lawyer and the mistress who tends to have a liking for the opera."

Mister Kirkland looked at the two and had to hold back a smirk, they were getting better and better at this, if he truly wanted to keep something from them he would have to try harder.
"I believe that you have both just shown me the very reason as to why you are not being invited in, your perceptiveness, genius as it is, you both still do not seem to posses the capacity of tact nor subtlety in your dialogue, which would earn you a cuff if you were to be so bold with this particular client, trust that I am saving you both embarrassment by sending you at other tasks," he staid adjusting his cufflinks.

"you make a valid argument toward my brother Mister Kirkland, but I dare say I have more tact than he, however do have a good visit with the upright lawyer and if you are not at the appointed flower shop in time you can then expect us to begin a man-hunt for you." Mister Williams stated dully to show his distaste for going on manhunts when in reality he was itching for the opportunity to show up old man Kirkland and rescue him.

Alfred frowned at his brother but said nothing at the remark made. Mister Kirkland didn't hide the smirk this time. "My heart is now at ease to hear that, thank you Mister Williams." the young men still had so much to learn, but were quite good at keeping him on his toes already. still he liked to encourage them along the way…without seeming to discourage. He gave them a nod then turned to enter the lawyers office.

Alfred sighed a little and rubbed at the back of his head. "Really Mister Williams, could you be any more enthusiastic?" still holding the list given to him he started to unfold it and sighed. "Oh seems the usual items, how dull."

"What do you mean enthusiastic, I thought I was doing rather well to keep calm about it, surly I wasn't giving away anything," he frowned looking a bit ruffled and hearing his brother speak up on the list he unfolded his own, "oh bother rotten luck this, why can't we ever be sent for more entertaining items, and ones that don't lead a person all over town."

Alfred peeked over to look at his brothers list and then frowned. "Hey wait a tick, our lists are identical," he then slowly started to smile. "Its a contest, to see whom can get the items faster and the best quality" he smirked and tucked the list into his pocket. "Maybe this will be more intriguing."

"Oh no, don't say things like that, now I'll never be able to think strait with that kind of irritation I'll just be wanting to keep an eye on you to be sure I'm ahead, you are so rude some times Jones!" Mattie complained and even went so far as to tap his foot once in an effort to not stomp his foot and be a brat about it. Kirkland was horrid some times he thought, and chose things on purpose to get his goat.

Mr. Jones then stopped. "Or..it could be a test to see if we can work together in choosing items and not be in competition, you know how he usually is put out when we fight, would not doing this proliferate that" he then frowned and held out a finger to his mouth. "Or could it be he is finally becoming senile and wrote two identical list and did not recognize he had done so.....or he did it on purpose to see if we would be able to noticed the identical nature of the two lists by communicating....or" Alfred was now in the moment over analyzing things trying to figure out Mister Kirkland's true motives, which sometimes made Alfred go into a tizzy.

Sighing and not wishing to waist any more time grabbed his brothers wrist and began to drag him through the streets to there first stop, "I say lets just do it together- if at one point we differ on the place to pick up said item we can split off, but this seems most logical and fair, beyond that it will save us from going mad all over london."

Mister Jones could not argue with that and let himself be pulled by his brother a bit then stopped pulling him back as he was about to cross the street just as a horseless carriage chugged out of nowhere past them. Arthurs eyes were glued to it for a long moment.
"Did you see that Matthew?" he said and smiled a little. where do you think its heading?"

"see what? that noisy smoking gas chamber that has a mind of its on ,and looks like its being run on sorcery? Yes, I believe it blotted out the sun and ruined my view, why do you find something that appears to be missing a pulling device like a horse, all that wonderful, it smells ghastly too."
Mattie really did not care for the machine, poisons and chemicals, those were his passions, but to fly was never one of them.

"Come on let us give chase!" he said ignoring what the other had said and pulled on his arm. "Only those of a certain disposition have these sorts of vehicles, it could be of great interest" he said and pulled harder. "Don't you find it at least the smallest bit fascinating, I mean by which how it runes and propels itself?..its a mystery really!"

"A little maybe but not enough to be drug all over and come back sooty, smelly, dusty and oily… besides what about our list? Mister Kirkland won't like it one jot if we haven't fetched the items here," he whined really not interested and actually if he were honest would own to being frightened greatly by the fast paced horseless or rather headless machine.

"Well then maybe that is why we both have the same list....you can go about and get everything...while I go and inspect something of more importance" he said and flipped up the collar of his coat jacket. "You have fun going shopping for the old man...I am finally going to track down one of those contraptions and find out how it works" he said and started forward.

"Hold on now!" Williams didn't like the tone Jones was taking and glared a bit, trying to pull him back, "you can't leave it all to me!- and I wont' let you go off by yourself you may never come back, so that being settled- i'm coming along, but we will only look at that death trap for a few moments then pick up the supplies."

Alfred smiled a little looking back at Matthew. "Oh but of course, I only want a closer look, you must admit its fascinating, come on then" he said and then started racing toward the direction of the motor propelled carriage.

It was simple enough to follow since it was quite loud and the trail of pluming pungent exhaust was easy to detect even if you were not keen on spotting clues. before long Alfred found the contraption parked outside an officials building and Alfred strolled up to the now vacant machine and started to quickly circle it taking in all that he could visually. "Amazing...simply amazing, you see how the wheels from the back differ from those on the front, and the cranking mechanism I can only assume as the starter, is positioned here."

"Yes, yes all very fascinating, now that you've seen it and deduced its workings lets be on our way shall we? I think the fumes have given me a frightful headache," Mattie sniveled in a mutter and rubbed at the bridge of his nose and then at the temples of his head. He was more worried and paranoid of some how invoking Arthur's wrath upon them for failing to purchase and meet up in time.

Alfred was not listening to Matthew and then looked under the carriage as if to see something of interest then without even a moments hesitation he easily opened the door and swung himself inside sitting in the drivers seat and started to poke and inspect around the steering mechanisms.
"Really Williams, you should take a look at this, its got a steel frame that seems to hold the carriage together, but what would usually be the joints that connect the carriage to the horse there appears an odd sort of vertical bar, its so much more simple than I first imagined!!"

"What are you doing get out of that speed demon at once, you could die from lack of air," Williams said in haste, knowing logically that was not possible but was to disturbed to think clearly and stepped on the ledge of the vehicle and tried to lean in and pull his brother out without having to actually be fully inside the vehicle itself.
As Williams pulled on Alfred his hand happened to be holding onto the started and the carriage suddenly popped to life and started to chug and pull away with Alfred inside. He was none too upset nor surprised and made sure he held onto Williams as the motor vehicle started on its way, though he wasn't sure how to stop it so just held onto the steering device with one hand.
"Climb in Williams I don't want you falling out and cracking your head!..besides I think I need two hands for steering this properly..it will take me a bit to figure out how to stop it!"

"Oh my lord!! stop this thing now brother!!" William screeched and toppled into the carriage and fell upon the floor where he remained covering his face and tugging on Jones pant trouser, "please for heavens sake don't kill us all! were going to fast slow us down please slow us down- or I may vomit!"

"My god man pull yourself together!" he said and started steering the thing...people were jumping out of the way as the machine steadily chugged and he tried mashing several buttons, knobs and such to see if he could slow it down or make it stop, though he wasn't too much in a hurry to do so.
"Look its very difficult to figure this thing out while its in motion and with you on the floor about to wet your trousers!" he said frowning and then tried pulling at the steering device to avoid hitting a fruit cart.

"Well its very hard not to wet my trousers with you steering this thing Jones!!" Williams shouted and wouldn't budge from the floor of the vehicle, for at least here he didn't have to see the world rushing by at a mad rate, or see his life flashing before his eyes. Had he been of a calmer mind the possibility of figuring out how to stop it on his own might have been there, but he was far from calm.

The carriage finally came to a screeching halt but was followed by a crash, as what stopped the carriage was a wagon puling manure. It was more of a terrible thunk than a crash, Alfred looked around as people started to gather about them and of those drawing around were actually the police officers. He was about to be worried but then seeing the familiar face of the inspector among them felt relived. Alfred and Matthew both had met the good Inspector on several occasions with their guardian Kirkland, during some of his more elaborate cases.

"Williams you can get off the floor now we stopped and it seems the police and the inspector were worried about our safety as they appear to be coming about us."

He did not answer, no, in-fact williams didn't even emerge and remained on the floor looking petrified and in a state of shock. His mind then repeated what Jones said and some where in with in him a little voice said he aught to be worried.
"I-i don't think they are caring about our safety so much Jones as it is that you stole a motor car."

Alfred frowned, "Don't be silly, I did not steal anything, this was merely an accident I am sure the inspector will understand when I explain things..come on..lets get out I am disliking the smell of the fumes mixed with the manure," he said and opened the door and reached over to try and pull his brother out of the carriage.

"No I think I prefer to asphyxiate myself on the fumes than be confronted by the triage of bobbies and Lestrade, please let me be," Williams said in a pitiful whimper as he was drug out of the horseless carriage and pulled up on his feet which were shaking terribly, causing him to in quite an ungentlemanly manner cling to his brother for support.

Alfred seemed unable to read the mood of the situation at all feeling that this was easy to explain and of no real consequence. He raised a hand to greet the police and the Inspector Lestrade. "Good morning Inspector, well if this isn't perfect timing....we are going to need a bit of help getting this carriage back to the proper-

"Look what a mess you've made Mister Jones I aught to have you marched right down to scotland yard and throw the book at you!" the elderly gentlemen began his rant he had been letting it build in his mind and was now fully infuriated with the youths of london and there infernal disrespect for private property. Lestrade had quite enough dealings with the know it all Kirkland. He was quite familiar with his troublesome lads and so his prejudice and past experience left him no room for sympathy and understanding.

"Calm down Inspector....." Alfred said waving both hands in front of him. "This was clearly a case of investigation, granted I had no idea that this contraption had no alternate form of breaks, or I promise you it would not have gotten this far" he said feeling he had the situation under control.

"You stole a motor car! How can that be having things under-control and besides that you broke the law! and now owe at least 10,000 pounds for the motor car and damage to the manure truck! crazy lad! now pay up or its a night in the old chokey for you both!"

At this Mattie was instantly more alert and stood to his full hight, "Sir I was not a party to this, and was kidnaped and held hostage in that death trap!"

Alfred was slightly stunned at the accusation and was about to try and explain things more slower, recalling that Mister Kirkland would always say that it was hard for the inspector to understand the most simplest of logic, when he heard Matthew sound of beside him.
"W-why you little traitor! Mister Williams is the one that knocked my hand in the first place, I was only investigating the machines capacity" he said now turning to look at the inspector with more concern. "And I told you before it wasn't stealing the circumstances were beyond my control and I don't have £10,000 pounds on me!"
At this one of the police that had been flanking the inspectors side grabbed Alfred's arm and snapped cuffs on him the other officer doing the same to Mister Williams. It was obvious to them of what the Inspectors next orders would be.

"If you can't pay then its off with you both, take 'em down town lads, crack on- I have to inform the poor man who owned this here motor car of his losses."

Startled and infuriated WIlliams yelped, "This is all your fault Jones if you had of just let it go, but on no you had to get all worked up and see this stupid infernal machine!" Mattie shouted losing his temper and also trying to play a game. A harmless little game, called see if we can break way from the police an run home before caught again.

It was at that very moment both boys felt a heavy hand fall on their shoulders. "Inspector" Kirkland's voice said evenly and calmly to Lestrade. "What seems to be the trouble here? have my boys been causing trouble?"

"Ah Mister Kirkland- your lads have confiscated and wrecked a motor car and damaged this good mans manure cart, damages are at least £10,000 pounds- and they can't pay so off to the lock up with them for the night- unless you wish to pay there dues, absolutely reckless- its disgusting the disregard the youth of Great Britain have today."

Williams jumped and had a mix of relief and dread, Kirkland never did the expected but still Mattie felt a bit safer and smaller and almost wanted to hide but tried to act like a man and stood somberly.
Kirkland was trying to hide an extreme twitching in his eye, sometimes he wondered if it was ever a good idea to let the boys leave the house, he knew it was their innate sense of curiosity and penchant for adventure that was their most strong and defining point, but sometimes it was hard to rein that in to teach them proper.
"Just one night? I would think that by all rights they should be locked away for at least a week, I mean look at the damages, and the reckless behavior, surly one night is hardly a punishment at all" he said nodding is head.
Alfred suddenly felt terror strike through his heart and he looked up at Kirkland hoping to see him smiling or jesting, but the man looked dead serious.

"Well- because they were your lads, I felt one night was enough, but if you think they need longer I can stove them up for a few days to a week- possibly a fortnight if need be, unless ..." the inspector paused to chew his snuff and looked at Mister Kirkland with curiosity, "unless you have a better idea?" he wouldn't have asked but having worked with the consulting detective for this many years he did trust and enjoy some of the more creative means of criminal justice and punishment- especially when it came to dealing with the wild youths on the street- it seemed to be Mister Kirkland's forte.

"A-a-a fortnight??" Alfred said now almost looking to be in tears, this was all too awful for him. "But Fath-....I mean Mister Kirkland...it wasn't not intentional, it was a mistake, perhaps I did get carried away with my inspection, but I want not intent on stealing or destruction!"

Kirkland shook his head, "intent or not that is what you and Mister Williams have caused here." he said evenly then looked back to the inspector. "I thank you for the consideration, but I will have no special treatment of my boys...and by ways of more...creative ideas as you put it, I would not indulge myself in considering anything that I would not inflict on any other young ruffian."

"Mister Kirkland!" Williams finally spoke up, "I wish to contest my being involved in this matter, this accident occurred whilst I was in the process of prying mister Jones from said motor car, while it is true he became carried away and I am to blame for not pulling him away from it sooner, I feel that I only merit in that much of the damages done, that is all." williams said and folded his arms causing the inspector to look confused and irritated at this family matter.

Kirkland was quite a donkeys rear and the lads were just a bunch of trouble makers, "oh for the love of Good Queen Victoria! why can't your family keep out of mischief Kirkland?"

Kirkland hushed Matthew holding up one hand. "A guardians work is never done Mister Lestrade, as you well know, being a parent yourself" he said then tilted his head to one side. "I would normally take them home strait away for a good thrashing, but that is just too easy...mind you it will happen, but I am too put out to do as much now. So yes, Lestrade, take them away, lock them up and toss away the key that way I can at least get my shopping done and have a peaceful afternoon," he said and pulled out both folded papers from the boys pocket. "I will pick them up when I am good and ready for them." he said and turned starting to walk away.

"Mister Kirkland!!!!" Alfred cried out.

"Typical," Williams angrily glared at Mister Kirkland's back, why was it all his guardians seemed to enjoy leaving him like this, it was making it down right frustrated. Turning his face away to stare at the inspector he snapped, "well hurry it up man I don't' like to be kept out like this to be gawked at!" he had no patience at the moment to deal with stupid adults.

Lestrade was stunned by this and nodded dumbly and turned to speak to his colleague when a voice William hadn't expected to hear tinkled like a silver bell from out of no where.

"ahh zee good inspector seems to be much to busy to deal wiss shildren- how about I take zem off your 'ands," the Blue eyes of Monsieur Francis Bonnefoy merrily sparkled as he casually passed over a roll of franks to the completely dumb founded inspector.

Alfred had felt he was about to cry he was so embarrassed and humiliated by what Kirkland had said and was residing himself in the fact that they were going to spend who knew how long in the down down cell when he looked up and now felt like crying tears of joy.
"M-Mister Bonnefoy?" he said never thinking he would be rescued by the compatriot of Mister Kirkland.
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Comments: 70

monkeylvr13 [2013-04-01 05:48:31 +0000 UTC]

very interesting! and cool!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to monkeylvr13 [2013-04-02 02:56:58 +0000 UTC]


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monkeylvr13 In reply to dieingcity [2013-04-03 18:26:10 +0000 UTC]


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Whispered-Revolution [2012-03-18 00:38:48 +0000 UTC]

I love this so much!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to Whispered-Revolution [2012-03-18 19:41:00 +0000 UTC]

thank you ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Whispered-Revolution In reply to dieingcity [2012-03-18 19:54:26 +0000 UTC]

No problem!

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dibstah [2012-03-04 04:21:12 +0000 UTC]

This is really well written

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to dibstah [2012-03-04 16:43:08 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much...i'm really glad you like it ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dibstah In reply to dieingcity [2012-03-04 20:09:03 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome ^^

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Teleway [2012-02-29 04:13:50 +0000 UTC]

I loved it~ I can't wait to read more!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to Teleway [2012-02-29 15:25:14 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much- chapter two has just been released ^^- the link is now on the authors comments of this page ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

The-Last-Dragon [2012-02-29 02:52:47 +0000 UTC]

AWESOME!!!! I can't wait to read more about these four!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to The-Last-Dragon [2012-02-29 15:25:53 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much- I'm so happy you really enjoyed it- chapter two has just been released, you can find the link on the authors comments of this

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-Last-Dragon In reply to dieingcity [2012-02-29 16:01:47 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Aminada [2012-02-28 21:54:23 +0000 UTC]

Love this And i love it how you put Inspector Lestrade from sherlock holmes to this

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to Aminada [2012-02-29 15:26:33 +0000 UTC]

hooray, I'm really glad you loved it.
I liked adding the good inspector to this- it was too fun not too
thank you again for enjoying this fiction ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mercury-Lamre [2012-02-28 01:17:32 +0000 UTC]




...I may have to turn these chapters into an actual doujin. :I I may have to.

That though my friend.

Was the best thing I have read in forever.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to Mercury-Lamre [2012-02-28 15:03:08 +0000 UTC]

i'm so glad you liked it that much *blushes*
and if you would like to turn this into a doujin
i'd love it!
thank you again for you wonderful comment...it thrills me to know you really liked this fiction so much ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

mabpanda [2012-02-27 17:56:50 +0000 UTC]

oh.......oh my goodness. you....you.....THANK YOU!!!
this is wonderful! i was hoping someone would do something like this! and you did!
wonderfully written! good job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to mabpanda [2012-02-27 19:18:30 +0000 UTC]

your very, very welcome- i'm really glad that you enjoyed it so much and thought it was wonderfully written, it is very kind and encouraging of you to say- thank you ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Gryffgirl [2012-02-27 13:01:29 +0000 UTC]

Alfred certainly is a curious young man! Great chapter and I love how France comes to the rescue!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to Gryffgirl [2012-02-27 14:56:20 +0000 UTC]

hooray! *throws flower petals over everything*
i'm really happy you enjoyed this first chapter...it has been quite some time
since I last put out a long fan fiction, and it made me a bit anxious ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dragora-kun [2012-02-27 11:31:23 +0000 UTC]

that is spectacular! I love the way you've written it! The behaviour of them and its just so perfect. Very good description, i really like the description of the 'headless carriage'. I can not wait to see more bonnefoy omg just that small sentence and already you can tell the personality your putting on him and i really look forward to see more of him. very funny and the dialogue is very good for that time so bravo!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to Dragora-kun [2012-02-27 14:57:20 +0000 UTC]

yeah hooray thank you so much *Squeals*
I was rather nervous about putting this up it has been ages since i put up a long fan fiction, and was worried

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Dragora-kun In reply to dieingcity [2012-02-28 00:22:28 +0000 UTC]

no need to be at all. you've really thought this through and it worked very well. ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to Dragora-kun [2012-02-28 14:54:16 +0000 UTC]

aww thank you ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GimpedForLife [2012-02-27 11:11:27 +0000 UTC]


You have to do more of these!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to GimpedForLife [2012-02-27 14:58:02 +0000 UTC]

hooray *glomps you tight*
its so good to hear that you like it ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GimpedForLife In reply to dieingcity [2012-02-27 18:14:18 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ameriiko [2012-02-27 08:58:09 +0000 UTC]

........*died and went to heaven*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to Ameriiko [2012-02-27 14:58:34 +0000 UTC]

*feels giddy and giggles*
i'm so glad you liked it that much
I had been nervous about putting this out...so i'm so pleased with the wonderful responses ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ameriiko In reply to dieingcity [2012-02-27 15:37:29 +0000 UTC]

You should never be nervous silly! Everything you do is awesome and me and all your fans agree!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to Ameriiko [2012-02-27 19:20:13 +0000 UTC]

thank you ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

maki013 [2012-02-27 03:21:50 +0000 UTC]

this is AWESOME!! at first the speech manner suprised me a little but it's really cool to see the charaters talk in such a formal manner
i can't wait for what happens next!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to maki013 [2012-02-27 14:59:19 +0000 UTC]

yeah- thank you so much i'm really happy that you enjoyed it so much.
I will do my best to have the next chapter out quickly ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

maki013 In reply to dieingcity [2012-02-28 03:47:09 +0000 UTC]

Honestly I've been wanting to do something like this for a while but i could never really imagine the charaters as normal people( they are stuck in the image of countries) so this accually helped thanks
Weeeeee!!!!! I can't wait

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AlicePhantomhive1 [2012-02-27 02:32:11 +0000 UTC]

Must...have more....*watchs ep 2 of Sherlock season 1 to pass time*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to AlicePhantomhive1 [2012-02-27 15:00:25 +0000 UTC]

hooray i am so happy you liked this fiction so much...i had been nervous since its been a while for me to put out a proper fan fiction...I will do my best to put out the second part quickly.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AlicePhantomhive1 In reply to dieingcity [2012-02-29 02:19:06 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome! And please do!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to AlicePhantomhive1 [2012-02-29 15:20:05 +0000 UTC]

aww...- and second chapter is out now ;D- its actually a little short than the last chapter ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AlicePhantomhive1 In reply to dieingcity [2012-03-01 02:30:17 +0000 UTC]


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SapphireSky1992 [2012-02-27 01:42:23 +0000 UTC]

This is really good :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to SapphireSky1992 [2012-02-27 15:01:08 +0000 UTC]

oh thank you so much i'm really happy you think so- i had been nervous about putting this out, so i'm glad you like it and that it has been well received

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SapphireSky1992 In reply to dieingcity [2012-02-27 19:30:47 +0000 UTC]

No prob! Aww you shouldn't be, I mean this is really cool

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to SapphireSky1992 [2012-02-27 19:33:36 +0000 UTC]

thank you

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SapphireSky1992 In reply to dieingcity [2012-02-28 01:18:58 +0000 UTC]

no prob^^

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windalchemist001 [2012-02-27 00:23:42 +0000 UTC]

ugg england is so mean to poor alfred and matthew. well at least france came to save the day well kind of but yeah .... so yeah it all iggys fault!!!! oh and i can't wait till the next chapter ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dieingcity In reply to windalchemist001 [2012-02-27 00:27:05 +0000 UTC]

i'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter ^_^ i will try to get the second one up soon

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

windalchemist001 In reply to dieingcity [2012-02-27 00:28:11 +0000 UTC]

ok then i can't wait ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Raelover [2012-02-27 00:00:25 +0000 UTC]

ooh, i just love this to bits!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

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