DimensionLord1 — Shu-Tan Male 2 [🤖]

#ai #artificialintelligence #asian #dimension #fantasy #fantasyart #fantasyartwork #human #malecharacter #warrior #aiartwork #highmora
Published: 2024-04-30 03:42:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 1022; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 1
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Description ⭐Universe: Dimension ⭐

The Shu-Tan are a race of humans hailing from the lands of High Mora on the world of Vir.

Far to the East across oceans lies the lands of High Mora. The land is cast and shrouded in mystery, home to the dragon worshipping Shu-Tan and the draconic Drathnight. The land itself is extremely beautiful and comprised of high peaks and snow-capped mountains, tropical jungles, bamboo forests, deserts, and much more, leading to one of the richest collection of ecosystems on Vir. The vast lands are home to all manner of  exotic creatures and animals, and has a long storied history of both dragons and the immortal undying Yathuka.

The exact details are unknown and seemingly lost to history but long ago the Shu-Tan came into contact with the Yathuka whom they would come to refer to as the Elder Spirits. These yathuka hailing from the realm of Naetra Yaer had come to Vir during the time of primordial Vir, seeking to test themselves in battle against the elementals that ruled at the time. While most eventually returned to Naetra Yaer, some remained on Vir scattering across the many lands. A large number chose to dwell in the lands of High Mora. The Yathuka taught the Shu-Tan the ways of war, and influenced their culture and even their architecture, weapons, armor, and more. The yathuka were cruel and undying, leading to many of the Shu-Tan enslaved and made subservient.

Eventually however the Shu-Tan rose up against the Yathuka lead by a growing militaristic dragon cult known as the Entarra. These Entarra were dedicated to the dragon goddess Thaladesh and with the aid of dragons, came to make war with the yathuka and eventually drive them out. During or after their war, Thaladesh herself made her presence known and with her breath—baptized a number of the Shu-Tan in fire. This baptism in the dragon's divine flame lead to those touched being blessed in the dragon's likeness, created the draconic race known as the Drathnight.

High Moran culture is shared by both the Shu-Tan and Drathnight, and is extremely militaristic with a focus on war and combat—influenced by their early contact with the yathuka and the subsequent war. They are extremely skilled in martial arts with most Shu-Tan trained to kill with their fists in addition to weapons. To other nations and races the Shu-Tan are regarded as cruel warmongers and dragon cultists, but more positively as exotic and artistic. And rightfully so on all counts. The Shu-Tan additionally practice slavery, and a large number of the population of high mora is made up of slaves of all races native and foreign—often the captures of war, those abducted bought and sold, or those without honor or worth such as criminals. Massive slave camps exist throughout the lands, where they are subjected to harsh lives in service to the whole of society, working until they eventually die of old age or outgrow their usefulness to be executed or fed to dragons. The buying and selling of slaves among citizens is permitted and many also partake in the practice, keeping slaves as personal servants or for whatever they are needed for. Though despite how seemingly cruel and evil the practice is, it is regulated ensuring the majority of slaves are from conquest, criminals, those legally bought and sold, or those born as slaves. Illegal slave trading is alive and well however, with kidnappings being common in certain areas usually the result of bandits who would be slaves themselves, if they were to be caught.

Shu-Tan while cruel at times are also honorable, with warriors honoring challenges as well as their word. Many going by or following a code of honor. They are also a very artistic people, known for great works of art and exceptionally beautiful architecture, the latter taken from the yathuka and has since evolved due to the added influence of dragons.

A central part of High Moran culture is dragon worship revolving around Thaladesh, a dragon goddess regarded as a creator deity. Additionally the Shu-Tan have various other draconic gods and one of which is actually a demon lord of the Black Cluster's wartorn Hate Scar, the once-dragon Erribor. Dragons themselves, both intelligent and beast are revered as children of Thaladesh. Sentient and intelligent dragons are commonly found presiding over shrines and churches of the dragon goddess, where they offer wisdom and direction to worshippers. The more beast-like variety are often raised as beasts of war and treasured companions, with High Morans using them as winged mounts to traverse the high peaks and mountains of their homeland.

The Shu-Tan themselves have a distinct appearance resembling real world Asians and are just as diverse. While many Shu-Tan were made Drathnight long ago, the purely human Shu-Tan have also seemingly developed unique traits akin to dragons. The most notable draconic trait are fiery orange or red eyes, which may or may not be solid in color and glowing.

Another of the main races of Vir, and one of the various human races. Wanted to incorporate an Asian aesthetic into ⭐Universe: Dimension ⭐, and wanted to make it unique. So had the style originating from the Yathuka (a little info about Yathuka can be found here ) and adopted by the Shu-Tan, leading to the Asian aesthetic. Also High Mora is much like a sort of blending of style and aesthetic of the many real world Asian cultures and peoples—Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, etc. Shu-Tan were actually created long after the idea of drathnight to fit into the whole blessed and evolved human origin for drathnight. These guys and gals are identical culturally to drathnight due to technically being the same race. Shu-Tan being the human natives and drathnight those blessed by dragon fire or descended from those blessed. Will get around to showcasing and going more in-depth into drathnight sometime.
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