DinoDragoZilla17 — Marvel Universe: Thor

#asgard #avengers #fanfiction #marvel #thor #universe #norsemythology
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Description Overview: Whilst many superheroes are exceptionally powerful individuals capable of impossible feats, only a tiny, tiny percentage of them can claim to be actual gods. The Mighty Thor Odindottir is part of this tiny percentage. Able to go toe-to-toe with the likes of the Hulk, Thor is one of Earth’s oldest defenders, and has left a significant impact on the planet’s modern history through being one of the founding members of the Avengers. Though even the Asgardians themselves do not know if they are responsible for the creation of our universe or of where they actually came from, there is no denying that Thor possesses awe-inspiring powers that are truly worthy of a goddess of thunder.  

History: Born to Odin Borrson and Frigga Fjorgynndottir, respectively the king and queen of the gods of the divine realm of Asgard, Thor had lofty expectations of kingship placed on her from a young age. Trained by the war god Tyr himself, the thunderer surpassed all expectations and soon overtook her master in terms of ability, becoming known as the mightiest of Asgard’s warriors. When she came of age, Thor chose to use her skill for good, using Asgard’s magical Bifröst bridge to travel to the Nine Realms, a group of planets that the gods of Asgard had taken interest in and had promised to protect. Earth, known to the Asgardians as Midgard, was one of the Nine Realms, and it was this Realm that (besides Asgard) Thor grew to love the most. She battled many foes on this humble little planet, from invaders from other realms like the giants of Jotunheim and Muspelheim to unfortunate mortal enemies that lasted but a few seconds against the goddess of thunder, such as the sadistic berserker Harald Jaekelsson. Thor grew to be enchanted with Earth and its myriad cultures and peoples, and when not warring with gods and monsters she often just drifted around the world, helping villagers with their chores and even showing off her powers to entertain children. Thor grew to love the people of Earth and their quaint way of life, and spent almost as much time on Midgard as she did on Asgard. Unfortunately for Thor, her time visiting Earth would eventually come to a dramatic end with the arrival of the monstrous creature known as the Mangog. The beast tore through the armies of the Nine Realms as if they were tissue paper, with even Thor being unable to stop the monster when it arrived on Earth. It would be Odin who finally managed to defeat the Mangog, imprisoning the beast beneath the Earth’s surface, but it came at a cost: Odin had been left significantly weakened by the ordeal, and was forced to flee back to Asgard in order to recuperate. With various enemies of the gods from across the Nine Realms making their way to Asgard to take advantage of Odin’s weakened state, Thor and the other Asgardians had little choice but to head back home and protect their own realm from the invaders. Though Thor took to protecting her home with nary a complaint, she did grow to miss Midgard and its wonders, a feeling that grew and grew inside her as the worst of her enemies were slain and the task of protecting Asgard became more and more monotonous and dull. Even Thor’s fellow Asgardians began to irritate her. Still, she knew that she could not shirk her responsibilities as Asgard’s princess and its most powerful protector, and thus she kept fighting to protect her realm for the next few hundred years. 

As time went on, the threats against Asgard became weaker and weaker as the enemies of the gods were slain or gave up and retreated, but Odin’s paranoia did not subside one bit. The king of the gods demanded that Asgard’s defenders, including Thor, continued to keep their watch, and his daughter was growing to be rather sick of it. The princess still wished to return to Earth after all this time, and was starting to worry that Odin keeping Asgard’s warriors within their home realm could potentially endanger the rest of the Nine Realms if threats that mortals were unable to handle were to arrive. Eventually, Thor would be informed of one such threat by the Bifröst’s guardian Heimdall: the mighty supercriminal known as Graviton. Refusing to stand by when her beloved Midgard was under threat, Thor secretly left Asgard with Heimdall’s help via the Bifröst and arrived on Earth shortly after the villain went on the rampage. She fought against Talbot alongside several other superheroes, becoming a founding member of the Avengers as a result. Apart from some early disagreements with her teammates due to Thor’s initial lack of discomfort with killing, the thunderer got along with her new allies phenomenally well, though this came at the cost of her relationship with Odin. The king of Asgard was displeased with Thor spending so much time on Earth and demanded she return home, at one point even threatening to prevent her from using the Bifröst if she did not come back (though Thor’s friends and loved ones in Asgard protested so much to this that Odin was forced to back down). Despite her father’s threats, Thor stood her ground, and continued to defend Earth and the other Nine Realms for years to come. 

Thor still serves as an Avenger and as a protector of the Nine Realms even today, and (owing to her father realising the error of his ways after the end of the vicious conflict known as the War of the Realms and subsequently stepping down as ruler of Asgard) has managed to repair her relationship with Odin. Though offered the role of queen of Asgard after her father stepped down, Thor felt that she could do more by continuing to serve as a warrior and superhero across the Nine Realms than as a leader, and with her access to the Bifröst no longer constantly under threat she often makes visits to the realms outside of Midgard to battle warlords and conquerors there too (though she of course always comes back to Earth or Asgard eventually). Currently, Thor is in Alfheim, the land of the light elves, and is battling against the vicious former Marauder Hrinmeer the Flame and his forces. Hrinmeer has proven to be of little threat to the god of thunder, and she is expected to make a victorious return to one of her two homes any time soon. 

Powers, abilities and weaknesses: Those who bare witness to the almighty power of Thor are left with little doubt that she truly is a goddess. Firstly, even without her armour Thor is just as durable as the Hulk, if not more so. With her skin able to shrug off blows that would cripple even other superheroes, the thunderer’s enchanted clothing augments her already impressive durability to the point where she has survived multi-story buildings falling on top of her more than once. Though some of Thor’s more magically-inclined enemies have created enchanted weapons capable of piercing the thunder goddess’ hide and armour, they’re rarely able to properly use them on account of the thunderer’s great strength: Thor is capable of tossing around small aircraft and trucks if she wishes to, putting her almost on par with the Hulk (at least when he’s not suitably pissed off) in strength as well as durability. The goddess of thunder’s ability to generate lightning also makes her a dangerous enemy, especially when faced in close combat. Thor usually uses this power to shoot powerful lightning bolts from her body, electrocuting and often igniting any opponent foolish enough to get close and throwing them a great distance away to allow Thor a chance at a second wind. Of course, this ability becomes more of a hindrance than a help when one is expected to deal with their enemies non-lethally, and it is here that the most versatile and iconic piece of Thor’s arsenal comes in: the enchanted hammer Mjolnir. Mjolnir’s history is almost as interesting as its wielder: forged using mystical uru metal harvested from a dying star by the dwarves Eitri and Brokk, the hammer was gifted to Thor when she came of age to protect Asgard and defend the Nine Realms, and since then it has not left her side. Though the hammer’s main purpose is to absorb Thor’s lightning (granting her greater control over it and allowing her to deliver devastating lightning-based attacks, such as electrical shockwaves and electrified hammer throws), this is not the only thing it can do. When Thor throws Mjolnir, she is able to control the direction and speed at which it travels, using the hammer to take out large groups at enemies at once. Though Thor usually keeps Mjolnir moving at non-lethal speeds, the hammer’s power should not be underestimated: at its maximum velocity it can punch through solid concrete. Thor doesn’t even need to retrieve the hammer herself, as all she needs to do is hold out her palm and Mjolnir will return to her hand. Mjolnir also grants Thor the power of flight: by rapidly spinning the hammer above her head, the goddess of thunder can take to the skies, and when at maximum speed she can move faster than the speed of sound (fittingly generating a thunderous sonic boom as a result). Finally, Mjolnir grants Thor another form of transport: access to the Bifröst. Using this magical bridge, Thor can almost instantly travel anywhere in the Nine Realms, from Mjolnir’s birthplace in the searing forges of Nidavellir to the foggy, frozen wastes of Niflheim. Using the Bifröst, Thor can quickly head to anywhere in the Nine Realms where she is needed, and has even used this ability to get allies to a safe location when they are wounded and to retreat when an enemy is too powerful. Overall, Thor is easily one of the most powerful members of the Avengers and one of the most powerful heroes of both Earth and Asgard, and can do devastating damage against any supercriminals and warlords who dare attack the Nine Realms. 

However, as mighty as Thor is, even a goddess can have shortcomings. Most notably, Thor has often struggled with enchanted objects and other forms of magic. As stated before, a variety of enchanted Thor-killing weapons (from swords capable of slicing through her skin to spectral spears that can simply phase through her body to her vital organs) have been created over the years, and some of them have come dangerously close to being successful. These weapons can easily tear through Thor’s defences and sometimes even negate or ignore her power, and when most of your enemies have some level of expertise when it comes to magic this represents a rather severe weakness. Fortunately for Thor, there are other Asgardians (and other Avengers) who are much more knowledgeable on magic than she is, and have helped her disable such enchantments in the past. Additionally, Thor is just not very well-suited to more stealth-based missions: whilst invaluable to her team in more traditional combat, the inherently flashy nature of Thor’s powers and weapons and the boisterous personality of their user makes it rather difficult for Thor to actually be sneaky and lay low. As a result, she often sits out these missions. Nevertheless, Thor is still an incredibly powerful entity, and the huge amount of enemies she’s faced can certainly attest to how difficult the goddess of thunder is to kill. 

Personality: If you were to join the Avengers, it’s safe to say that Thor would probably be the first of them you’d notice and the first to greet you. Boisterous and exuberant, Thor almost always seems in a good mood, and of all the Avengers she is easily the friendliest and most personable. Next to Iron Man she is the Avenger most likely to snark and joke around (she apparently picked up the habit from the Norse) and loves a good fight, greatly enjoying matching her great strength with a worthy opponent’s and often gleefully and impulsively jumping into battle. Thor is also fond of food: the goddess of thunder’s appetite is just as legendary as the woman herself, and NYC’s restaurants both love her and hate her for ordering entire banquets of food for her to devour. Her capacity to hold her liqueur is equally as impressive, and on bar crawls Thor has been known to drink more than the rest of the group drank in an entire month and yet still somehow be more sober than her fellow crawlers. It certainly helps that, as a goddess, Thor suffers no adverse side effects from alcohol and has such an unusual metabolism that she doesn’t seem to gain even an ounce of weight for all the food she consumes. Thor’s merry disposition only seems to become merrier when exploring Earth: she is just as fascinated with Midgard’s culture now as she was hundreds of years ago, and has a tendency to get distracted whilst on missions with the Avengers due to her insistence on investigating her surroundings. Though her teammates find even this aspect of her personality incredibly endearing nowadays, they did not always think so highly of Thor. In the past, she was the Avenger most comfortable with killing due to being taught that slaying her enemies was the best option since her training under Tyr, and her antiquated, Shakespearean way of speaking made it difficult to communicate with her. Fortunately, after some conversations with Captain America and learning to become more attuned to Earth’s culture, Thor now strictly refuses to kill her opponents (albeit this has distanced her even further from her fellow Asgardians) and now speaks in a way that’s much closer to modern humans, though she still enjoys throwing in a thee or a thy every now and then. Overall, Thor’s friendly and joyful personality and sheer power has made her one of the Avengers’ most beloved members. 

Relationships: It’s safe to say that Thor gets along incredibly well with basically every member of the Avengers, though as always there are some she is closer to than others. Her most notable friendships within the team are with the Hulk (with whom she often banters and competes with for number of enemies beaten on missions) and Captain America (Thor respects Cap for her nobility and status as a fellow warrior whilst Stevie views Thor as a good friend and even had a bit of a crush on the goddess of thunder before she found out Thor was married). Thor’s honorary auncle Loki is also on the team as a Reserve member, and whilst they can infuriate Thor to no end she still views them as family and is grateful for all the help Loki has given her over the years. Loki isn’t the only Asgardian Thor retains good relations with: as well as her best friend Heimdall and loving mother Frigga, Thor is very close to her wife Sif. Even when operating in different realms, the two make sure to frequently keep contact with each other and are very supportive of each other and their wishes (Sif actually frequently attempted to encourage Thor to leave for Midgard long before Heimdall detected the Gravitonium meteorite purely because she wanted her beloved wife to be happy). Though Thor is friendly and cheerful around pretty much everyone, it is Sif who she is most affectionate towards. Whilst Thor’s relationship with Odin has been much rockier than the rest of her Asgardian family and friends in the past, the two have been able to reconcile in recent years due to Odin realising the error of his ways after the War of the Realms, and whilst they are still somewhat awkward around each other the two gods are now on much better terms and are well on their way to regaining the loving relationship they had before Odin’s battle against the Mangog. 

Thor has faced many enemies over her thousands of years of existence, from god-eating monsters to common crooks, but her most persistent modern opponent is easily Amora the Enchantress. Though Amora loves power above all else, she has made no secret of her attraction to the thunder goddess and frequently attempts to woo her even whilst fighting with the Avengers. Thor, by virtue of already being happily married and having little patience for Amora’s cruelty and vanity, has not reciprocated her advances. 

Though Thor is just as beloved and celebrated around the world as her fellow Avengers (and of course is far, far more famous and well-respected than her comrades in the rest of the Nine Realms), her status as a Norse goddess has led to a few strange and oftentimes problematic interpretations of her by certain members of the general public. Most people, owing to the fact that they do not accept Norse mythology as reality, simply believe Thor to merely be a slightly loopy super soldier wielding stolen technology or a particularly advanced alien mistaken by the Norse as a god. Though Thor doesn’t mind the latter interpretation too much and is rather annoyed by the former, she is actuallt much more uncomfortable with being worshipped nowadays. The presence of Thor and other Asgardians on Earth has led to a very small but not insignificant increase in the number of Norse paganists, and whilst Thor understands that most of them are perfectly nice people she really doesn’t see herself as superior to humanity and therefore does not really like the thought of being revered. It also doesn’t help that Jakob Nystrom and Petra Larsen, a pair of Norwegian HYDRA operatives who had taken to worshipping the goddess of thunder, were some of the first modern Norse paganists Thor encountered, and whilst Nystrom and Larsen represent a tiny minority when it comes to their faith the experience has only soured Thor on the prospect of being worshipped even further. Nevertheless, whether you believe that Thor truly is a goddess or not, her arrival is usually a sign that you’re in safe hands. 


References: Thor’s original costume in this ‘fic, Thor’s classic comics costume, Ultimate Thor, Thor’s costume from the original MCU Thor film, Thor Girl, Viking armour and “Viking warpaint”, Elsa from Frozen and my own imagination

Thor belongs to Marvel
If you couldn’t guess from the lovely Candis Cayne being listed amongst my references for this work, Thor is supposed to be a transgender woman here, and like with Spider-Man I tried to be as discrete as possible about it in her entry. It’s based on discoveries of the graves of possible transgender Vikings and of course inspired by Jane Foster becoming Thor in the comics for a bit (though whether or not Miss Foster herself will show up for the party I don’t know just yet). I decided to make Thor a little more myth-accurate here (hence the red hair and stuff) but I’m still willing to take some liberties. The term auncle is a rarely-used gender-neutral term for the equivalent of an aunt or uncle used by the LGBTQ+ community, it was the only such term I could find and my take on Loki is gonna be genderfluid (and Odin’s blood sibling rather than his adopted child, as they were in Norse mythology) so I thought it was the best thing to use. B suggested swapping Thor’s usual helmet for a tiara and N helped a little in the writing of this entry. Fittingly, I ended up watching Thor: Love and Thunder on one of the days I was working on this entry…and it was shit, so I would not recommend any of you guys do the same lmao. 

UPDATE: As time’s gone on I grew unhappy with my original Thor design (I really didn’t like how her face came out and I felt it was just way too cluttered) so I’ve swapped it out for a brand new one! I think I’ll be making other changes to previous entries in this ‘fic as time goes on as well, not just design changes but story ones too. I know I’ve stayed away from “retcons” (tbh this isn’t really a retcon lmao) in my past fanfics but I was just unhappy with the direction this thing was going so decided to do something about it. I also chose to lose Candis Cayne as a reference, no disrespect intended to Miss Cayne but for the most part I think I want to move away from using celebrities as references unless they portrayed a specific version of the character. I’m super pleased with the new design, I think it may just be my favourite design in this ‘fic so far and I hope you guys like it too! It even actually has Mjolnir this time lmao. I did unfortunately only find out after drawing this that Viking warpaint may not be a real thing so whoops lmao, hopefully it’s not too bad. You can still see the original Thor design in my sta.sh: sta.sh/02ieijf4lbq

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