DinoHunter2 β€” WOTM2: Monster Endings

#endings #wotm2 #warofthemonsters2
Published: 2016-12-31 14:51:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 24179; Favourites: 227; Downloads: 83
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With the unruly masses quelled at last, DESPIRA began her campaign of total global domination. Her kind populated every corner of the Earth, blotting out the sun and gnawing away at the cities and forests until nothing remained. The world would bow to her as she had always dreamed, and it would be her undoing. Centuries later there would be nothing left to subjugate, and her kind too would wither into a long, drawn out extinction...

When the dust settled, the armies of both planets had been destroyed. Only the ultimate life-form, the synthetic warrior ULTRA-V, had stood the test of time. He would wander the Earth for thousands of years more, a lonely sentinel and testament to a long gone intellect. Eventually even his seemingly limitless power would dry up and his reactor would shut down for good, leaving his towering figure as the last thing standing on a cold, dead world.

Frightful though she was, KAW was not a creature without mercy. She would allow some of her enemies, the creeping crawling horrors that had once been called insects, to survive. They would do the work of wiping out humanity for her and then populate the Earth with their kind, creating a nuclear buffet that would last her a lifetime. In time she would roost, lay eggs, and die, but her offspring would feast on their descendants for ages.

Unbelievable though it was, the enormous mind of MEDULLA still retained its former self. When the great Monster War was over, she sought a way to return herself to her former state. Human scientists were able to decipher her pleas and worked with her to devise a process that could transfer her consciousness into a recently deceased body. The operation was a rousing success... and Medulla was promptly sentenced to life in prison for crimes against humanity.

For KARKAROS, the Monster War was only the first course. Armies, countries, and species fell to his boundless hunger in the following months, and not even the bones of his enemies remained. He devoured everything in his way, animate or inanimate, and cared not for the bulging of his stomach or the counterattacks of man. Since there was nothing on Earth that could cease his feeding frenzy, he simply ate until he burst. In a stroke of dumb luck, the human race had been spared after all.

Finally free of man's clutches and all his radioactive enemies, the mighty ape CONGAR ran wild and free. He was drawn to the warmer climates he knew before captivity and forsook the concrete jungles of mankind, claiming the lush rainforests of South America as his new home. There he would reign supreme for all the rest of his days, undisturbed and undisputed. The humans had learned the hard way not to bother him... from that day forward, he would always be King.

As the last opponent fell, TOGERA roared to the heavens and declared herself Queen of the Monsters. The Earth was hers now, but the world she longed so desperately for was still no more. With a heavy heart she returned to the frigid depths of the sea, intending to sleep for as many millennia as it would take to see her kind return. Perhaps she would return one day, when the conditions were right and the age of man was over.

Spreading the black veil of death wherever he went, EL SEGADOR turned the planet into a barren, radioactive wasteland. Giant insects would eventually take man's place and fight for control of the Earth, but none would ever become mighty enough to dethrone the black death. He would endure for thousands of years more, feeding on the carnage of their war and growing ever stronger. His time would come, but not at the hand of any enemy.

As the last of the mutations fell, VIMOOR slipped quietly into the ether. His mission of vengeance had been completed, and now the thousands of souls making up his being could disperse and find peace in eternity. Mankind had made many grave mistakes in the years leading up to his formation, and he had seen to it himself that they paid for them. Now the conflict was over and his souls could rest, hopeful that future generations would never tinker with such forces again.

Crumbling mountains and flattening cities, AGAMO vented his furious rage and rampaged across the world. No man-made weapon could ever stop him, and invaders and mutations perished alike beneath his stone fist. When his fury finally subsided, he returned to his island home and slept forever. The fiery grimace on his face had been reversed, and now two new heads, Magmo and Cerebulon, joined him as trophies.

Even after Cerebulon's death, the War raged on for many years. Enemies of all kinds came and went, rising to power and fading away, but when the dust finally settled two decades later, only DENEDRAH remained. There was nothing in the world or the stars she could not weather, and when all was said and done, there was peace. All the Earth fell quiet, and she roamed the Earth in tranquility for an eon.

With a ravenous shriek, PREYTOR cut down the last of her opponents and descended on humanity. All it had taken was one simple act, one misguided moment of curiosity, to turn the whole world upside down. Now she was the giant, and the humans were the scurrying insects beneath her feet. She would gorge herself until her dying breath and leave a ruined world for her children to devour. They and others like them would inherit the Earth, and mammals would never hold power again.

With victory firmly in his grasp, RAPTROS took to the skies and burned the remainders of man's armies. Their civilization had come a long way since his time, but they would not be allowed to prosper for much longer. He would drag their world kicking and screaming back into the bronze age, and terrorize their villages like his ancestors before him. Their species would outlast him in the end, but to no avail... there were many more where he came from, waiting beneath the Earth to have their day.

As long as ADNIA held power, the Monster War would never need end. The petty squabbles and dying screams were of great amusement to her, and so she would keep the conflict alive for another century before growing bored. With the enslaved remnants of mankind at her command, she built a massive temple to display the stone remains of her former playthings and slowly went insane. The humans would recover in her absence and begin anew.

Though the War of the Monsters had ended, one beast still remained to torment ULFRIC. It gnawed away at his soul, stealing more and more control each time it crossed over, threatening to consume everything he held dear. The human race could no longer hear his pleas for help, and his mind would not survive the transformation. For the sake of his dignity and the humans he still cared for, he cast himself into the sea and was never seen again.

An uneasy silence spread across the Earth as the great Monster War ended and MELKEOR disappeared from sight. Scientists and soldiers hunted for months, scouring every inland body of water on the map and draining the lake he once called home. No trace was ever found, and so the beast was declared dead and the search officially ended. The claim that he was still hiding somewhere in the ocean persisted for years, backed up only by blurry photographs and fishermen's tales.

Fighting his way through the mutant hordes, ZORGULON constructed his tachyon beacon and called in the remaining forces of Planet X. They wrenched the Earth from the human's cold, dead hands and terraformed it completely, killing off the previous tenants and declaring it their new capitol world. Zorgulon stood as their new leader, having taken the throne from Cerebulon by fair rights, and lead them into a new, prosperous era of intergalactic colonialism.

With the meddlesome monsters and alien invaders out of the picture, MORCOGG began his gluttonous feast on the people of Earth. For centuries they had butchered his brothers and sisters, stuffing and pickling and frying like barbarians. Now it was his turn, and the pompous, minuscule apes that had once ruled the planet would perish in as many horrible, painful ways as his vengeful, fungal brain could imagine.

It would take several long years, but VALTOTH would eventually succeed in his ruthless plan. Black clouds of destruction would blot out the sun and blanket the Earth in snow from pole to pole. It would be an ice age without end, weeding out much of the plant and animal life of the past and regressing man into an age of darkness. Only one being would thrive in that frigid Hell, and nothing would ever challenge his rule.

Breaking through the rubble and creeping into the light, RACHNON emerged from the ruins of Cerebulon's lair and saw a world ripe for the taking. He had always been confined before, locked up in a cramped, plastic prison, but now he could stretch his legs as far as he liked. The other monsters were swiftly cocooned and then devoured, and spiderweb stretched across the Earth. Mankind's civilization was over, and the golden age of the arachnid had begun.

Try as they might, the humans could never stand up to the might of MAGMO. He had survived everything they had thrown at him and more, beating back the invaders and mutations and melting his enemy Agamo into molten slag. With nothing left to stand in his way, he pummeled man's cities into the ground and scorched the remains. His rampage would change the face of the Earth forever, changing it back into a harsh, volcanic wasteland as it had been at the dawn of creation.

After the War was over, COLOSSUS went into a state of confusion. It had been programmed to seek enemies its size and destroy them, but now there were none. It wandered the Earth in search of a worthy opponent, mindlessly destroying cities and armies in its desperate pursuit. The nations of the world would work together and disable it, regaining control and putting it into storage. Maybe its services would be needed again some day.

No longer needing to defend itself, KINETICLOPS dispersed into the power grid and spread across the globe. It absorbed every station in sight and created a worldwide blackout, threatening to deprive humanity of all future technology. To prevent a literal dark age, a plan was devised to trick Kineticlops into entering a dummy battery. Temporarily trapped inside, it was jettisoned deep into space, left to torment some other world while the Earth recovered.

With the last of the monsters slain, AMPHIBIOS continued his primordial war on mankind. Reports of strange animal sightings and invasive plants would trickle in between coverage of his rampage, leading to the realization that something greater loomed on the horizon. The alien energy had given nature the power to fight back, and now she was reclaiming what was hers. A new era of mutation was about to begin, and mankind would not survive it.

Troublesome though it was, the War of the Monsters proved to be very lucrative for KYUMA. It turned out to be only one of many conflicts raging across the stars, and where there was conflict, there was always opportunity. The cunning bounty hunter stoked the fires of war between neighboring planets and sold his former enemies to the highest bidders, amassing unprecedented riches for himself... at the cost of the rest of the galaxy's well being.

After the great War ended, TEIDON continued her search for her offspring. Whole cities crumbled as she tore away their streets and foundations in pursuit of the precious, 250 million year old eggs. Eventually she would find them, already hatched and grown deep beneath the Earth's crust, and never again need to enter the world of man. She and her children would be content to live in the hollows, instead, hunting the molemen of Lemuria to extinction as one big, happy, nuclear family.

With her opposition buried and the world soaked in radioactive food, VEGON II flourished in a nuclear eden of her own design. The crawling, back-boned creatures of the old Earth faded into history, and new, chlorophyll-rich lifeforms rose from the ground. The age of the plant had finally begun, and man would never again halt their progress. Perhaps the animal kingdom might have another chance in the next 60 million years...

Though all hope for the invasion had been lost, the aliens were determined not to leave Earth empty handed. With the last of their fleet they managed to recapture XORVUS, locking him in his capsule and bringing him back to Planet X. They toiled for years, trying to reprogram his brain and turn him into a proper weapon of war, but in the end it proved to be a fatal mistake. The Scourge of Planet X broke free again, and this time it would doom its creators once and for all.

Once the monsters and aliens were all taken care of, ROBO-47 turned his attention back to the elimination of America's enemies. According to what was left of his programming, that was every nation on Earth, including America. He would go on an unstoppable worldwide rampage, single-handedly annihilating armies and raising international tensions. Eventually he would rust and fall apart, but not before starting an all-out thermonuclear war.

Uninhibited by the bickering of the surface beasts, RABDIS began to feed on the Earth in peace, swallowing huge swaths of land and filtering out the organic nutrients. Trenches longer than rivers would stretch across the planet, and her movement would reshape the face of every continent. The remnants of humanity would learn to coexist with her, mining precious metal in her wake and worshipping her as a god.

As the aliens slunk back into their shadowy home, the Lemurians emerged from theirs. With their trusty war-beast CRAGOTH, they decimated mankind's remaining cities and armies and paved the way for a hostile takeover of their own. The surviving monsters all fell into their control, outfitted with mind control devices and cybernetic weapons, and became members of their invincible army. The hideous surface dwellers would never trouble them again.

Bellowing to the infinite stars above, DUALAG reigned supreme. He had conquered the peoples of the alternate realm, and now two feeble realities trembled at his feet. He would rule them with an iron fist for thousands of years, enslaving all humanity and forcing them to wage wars on other dimensions in his name. Countless more worlds would fall to their might, expanding his empire across space and time.

With the alien invaders thwarted for good, the radioactive fuel that'd brought SLOGG to life was now in limited supply. His hunger would drive him to the ends of the Earth, sucking down every last drop he could find and growing ever stronger for it. At the zenith of his power it would run out, leaving him with only pollution and nuclear waste to feed on. It would not sustain him for long, but the humans would inherit a clean new Earth in his wake.

Story © Chris Eye, 2016.

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Comments: 31

Calab2007 [2021-07-31 07:38:06 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 0

Yuytftyu [2021-06-15 11:43:42 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Yuytftyu In reply to Yuytftyu [2021-06-15 11:48:28 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Brachiosaurusbot9009 [2020-05-20 08:59:30 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

thatoneguy342 [2019-10-10 23:55:16 +0000 UTC]

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DinoHunter2 In reply to thatoneguy342 [2019-10-11 05:05:40 +0000 UTC]

Ha, you never know! That could probably be a whole story unto itself!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

thatoneguy342 In reply to DinoHunter2 [2019-10-27 04:21:23 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Evodolka [2018-12-10 16:42:38 +0000 UTC]

wish there was a remake of war f the monsters
would be fun to see especially if they added new stuff

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 0

Baranguirus [2017-04-19 13:45:17 +0000 UTC]

I just wondered, seeing how ROBO-47's second skin is Soviet and its third skin is German, would he be under the control of those nations, or would the storiline change slightly depending on the skin?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DinoHunter2 In reply to Baranguirus [2017-04-19 14:49:05 +0000 UTC]

It's just aesthetic, having a different storyline for every skin would be way too much work.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

ToonHolt [2017-04-07 20:49:35 +0000 UTC]

You should become a game designer with this kind of creativity.Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DinoHunter2 In reply to ToonHolt [2017-04-07 22:21:30 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Doesn't seem to be in the cards, but I would have loved to!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

ToonHolt In reply to DinoHunter2 [2017-04-07 22:24:44 +0000 UTC]

Why not, you basically have the mind of a true gamer

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DinoHunter2 In reply to ToonHolt [2017-04-07 22:28:30 +0000 UTC]

I studied 3D animation and game design in college, but I just never got the hang of it.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

ToonHolt In reply to DinoHunter2 [2017-04-07 22:32:39 +0000 UTC]

You my friend, have a gift for it. You just need to push yourself a little harder to get use to it, ya know what i mean?Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Kaijukid23 [2017-03-17 06:39:23 +0000 UTC]

where is the rest of the full body designs?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DinoHunter2 In reply to Kaijukid23 [2017-03-17 15:44:53 +0000 UTC]

The WOTM Ten:Β 

Everyone Else:Β 

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Kaijukid23 In reply to DinoHunter2 [2017-03-19 10:52:24 +0000 UTC]


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Multiomniversal124 [2017-02-03 19:24:28 +0000 UTC]

Nice endings.

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llorigene [2017-01-19 22:04:03 +0000 UTC]

honestly for karkaros , i wouldve swapped out the orca skin for a sperm whale skin to refrence moby dick.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DinoHunter2 In reply to llorigene [2017-01-20 06:20:29 +0000 UTC]

The thought crossed my mind! The orca just felt like a slightly more fitting reference for a Hollywood-based game, as an homage to the Dino de Laurentiis film (...and because Street Sharks, admittedly ).

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 1

llorigene In reply to DinoHunter2 [2017-01-20 21:33:14 +0000 UTC]

i can agree with what you said, i just think the sperm whale would be betterΒ 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

paconidas [2017-01-15 14:51:00 +0000 UTC]

ItΒ΄s Ok if I make a stroy about the ending of Medulla?Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DinoHunter2 In reply to paconidas [2017-01-15 15:04:28 +0000 UTC]

Sure, sounds like fun.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

RenDragonClaw [2017-01-01 10:50:52 +0000 UTC]

A worthy send off for each and every one of them. I particularly like the little nods to other monster and scifi/horror staples within their endings.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Nibaha [2017-01-01 02:06:04 +0000 UTC]

Well damn, this was a awesome read.
i enjoyed it.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

BurgerKingGhidorah [2016-12-31 17:11:32 +0000 UTC]

Oustanding! Out of all of them, I love Medulla's almost comical ending. Love how developed this has all become!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Wolfbane-Kiryu [2016-12-31 16:28:03 +0000 UTC]

Sweet Christmas

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

DarkWithinLight2017 [2016-12-31 16:16:46 +0000 UTC]


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MechanicOrga [2016-12-31 15:06:10 +0000 UTC]

Sweet baby Jesus

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TyrantReptile In reply to MechanicOrga [2016-12-31 16:27:17 +0000 UTC]

I second that. Β Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0