Draw inspired by the song called "Segundo Plato" by Voz Veis (… I included part of the lyrics I remembered on that moment
Oh! Sorry, I forgot:
Lyrics on spanish:
Juro que esta noche cortaré todas las riendas que dominan en mi alma la tristeza, pasa que me canso y que me aburro de ser en esta historia el agregado más absurdo. Búscate a otro Idiota que te baje las estrellas, que se abraze a tus promesas, que te quiera, que te aplauda lo que sea, consigue a un animal que ni siquiera se de cuenta que es el Segundo plato en esta mesa.
English Translation:
I swear that tonight I'll break all the links that dominate the sadness on my soul, happens that I get tired, I get bored of being the most absurd character on this history. Get yourself another Idiot who give you the stars, who believe in your promises, an idiot to love you, an idiot to clap you or whatever, get yourself an animal who don't even realize that He is the second one.
Made by GualitoSandra , 2014