DisneyFan-01 — Faith of the Heart-Pt 4-Ch 15
#disney #faithoftheheart #johnsilver #disneytangled #donaldduck #jiminycricket #josecarioca #mickeymouse #treasureplanet #chipanddalerescuerangers #ludwigvondrake #panchitopistoles #goofygoof #marinaseadrift #disneyfanfiction #geniealaddin #disneyfrozen
Published: 2018-11-07 15:21:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 12898; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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Description Faith of the Heart
Part 4: Chapter 15

Written by DisneyFan-01
HTML Coding by Shadow20X6

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Hans carried Anna to the couch by the fireplace and wrapped her up in her cape.  Jiminy hunkered down behind a jug full of water next to the mantle and listened in as Anna explained, "Elsa struck me with her power."

"But you said she would never hurt you," said Hans.  

Anna shook her head weakly, "I was wrong."  She looked deeply into his handsome eyes longing for his warmth and love as she told him, "She froze my heart.  I will freeze into solid ice if it is not removed.  Only an act of true love can save me."

Hans' brow lifted, "A true love's kiss."

"Yes," Anna was out of breath as she grew a small smile.

Hans placed one hand on her shoulder and the other on her chin.  As the two of them were slowly leaning closer to each other, Hans could feel Anna's cold skin seeping through his gloves.  However, things got even colder as Anna's lips puckered up and Hans pulled back before their lips could even touch.  

"Oh, Anna," he spoke with a sly grin and a cold stare.  "If only there was someone out there who loved you."

Jiminy's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as his tiny heart leaped to his throat.

"What?" he whispered.

Hans stood over Anna looking down at her as she stared at him confused.  

"What?" she asked.  "But. . . y-you said you did!"

Hans harrumphed and removed his right glove, "As thirteenth in line in my own kingdom, I knew I'd have to marry into the throne somewhere."

Anna shivered, "Wh-what are you talking about?!"

Hans licked his fingers and pinched out the candle next to the couch, "As heir to the thone, Elsa was preferable, of course, but no one was getting anywhere with her.  She's such an isolated loner, not wanting to be in touch with anyone around her.  But you. . . You were so desperate to find love.  You were willing to marry me, just like that!"  He walked over to the table where Jiminy was hiding and picked up the jug of water.  Jiminy quickly leaped behind the pair of teacups remaining on the table as Hans walked over to the fireplace.  He looked at Anna with the same sly grin and shrugged, "I just figured after you and I were married, I would just stage a little accident for Elsa and that would move me up to the throne in an instant."

As he poured the water over the fire dousing the light and heat out, Anna gasped and collapsed to the floor.  She begged, "Hans!  No!  Please!"

Hans continued, "But then she doomed herself by showing everyone what a monster she was by freezing the whole kingdom.  You were so dumb enough to go after and leave me in charge to take care of the kingdom.  Now this happens to you.  All there is left is to kill Elsa and bring back summer.  After that. . . the throne is mine."

Anna weakly pushed herself up to glare at the man she thought she loved but made a fool out of her.  She gritted her teeth, "You are no match for Elsa!"

Hans knelt down to her and placed a hand on her cold chin, "No, Anna.  You. . . are no match for Elsa."  After Anna yanked her face out of his touch, he stood up and started putting his glove back on, "I, on the other hand. . . am the hero who's going to save Arendelle from destruction."

Jiminy stayed hunkered down as he quickly took out his radar and started pushing a few buttons.  Once he had the communication unit on, he whispered, "Boys!  Marina!  Captain!  This is Jiminy!  Quick!  Get to th--"

Suddenly a large gloved hand snatched Jiminy causing him to drop his radar along with his hat.  As he looked like prey in the coils of a snake from the waist down, Jiminy looked face to face with Hans.

Hans grinned, "And by the way, Mr. Cricket, there will be no more use of you and your friends. . . along with your--" he paused to snicker at the thought, "--superior technology."

When Anna saw the tiny being in Hans grip, she gasped, "What the--"

Jiminy frowned and pointed at Hans, "You can't do this!  My friends will stop you at all costs!"

"Your friends?" Hans cocked a brow.  "You seem to forget one thing, Mr. Cricket. . . . no one else in this kingdom knows about this but myself. . . Anna, who will perish in a matter of time. . . and you."  He looked down at the floor spotting the tiny radar.  He simply stepped on it until he heard it crunch and even twisted his foot to smash it into even smaller pieces.  He then glared at Jiminy in his grip, "A simple accident for your. . . radar device.  Perhaps I can do the same to you.  After all, insects accidentally get stepped on every day."

"Hans!  No!" Anna grabbed his leg.  "Don't kill him!"

Hans kicked himself out of her weak grip as he walked over to the table on the opposite side of the couch.  He picked up a crystal decanter half full of brandy.

"What are you doing!?" Jiminy's heart was palpatating.

Hans walked back over to the fireplace.  He pulled the crystal stopper off the decanter with his teeth and and started pouring the brandy on the extinguished logs.  Once it was empty, he took the stopper out of his mouth and said, "Since you seem to care so much about each other even though you seem to be perfect strangers, perhaps the two of you would like to suffer alone."  He immedietely shoved Jiminy into the decanter and plugged the stopper in tightly.  

Jiminy looked at Hans through the prism glass, "Let me out of this!  You can't do this!"  But his little voice was so muffled under the glass that he could barely be heard.

Hans smirked at the cricket in the bottle, "Once I put an end to this winter, I can always return to this room with everyone else to mourn for poor Princess Anna.  If you're still alive by that time, I can always come up with a little accident that can happen to you.  I wouldn't want a mere insect telling everyone about this."

"If I'm still alive?" Jiminy whispered.

Hans walked over to the window.  A blast of freezing wind circled the room as he opened it and set the decanter on the icy sill.  He told him, "I remember as a child one of my brothers liked to collect bugs like you and end up burning them under a magnifying lens.  I was always intrigued at how slowly they suffered.  Now I can see what insects look like after being left out in the cold for too long."

"No!  No!!" Jiminy begged as Hans closed the window and the curtains.

"Hans!" Anna tried so hard to stand, but she collapsed back to the floor.  "Please!  Stop this!"

But the prince coldly paid no attention to her suffering.  

For that, Anna glared at him, "You won't get away with this!"

Hans opened the door and looked down at her.  With a dark smirk, he replied, "Oh, I already have."  He stepped out to the hall and shut the door.

When Anna heard the sound of a key turning and clicking the lock, she gasped and tried dragging herself to the door.  Once she reached it, she tried so hard to open it, but it was no good.  She tried pounding a fist so someone could hear her, but before she had the chance, a surge of cold ran through her veins causing her to collapse.  More streaks of her strawberry blonde hair suddenly turned white as she shivered to the floor.  She curled up trying to keep warm, but it did nothing.  She was slowing freezing from the inside out and now the room was getting colder by the second.

"Capitan," Panchito waved.

"We were just on our way to see you," said José.  

Silver had his tray of teas and coffee as he approached the two, "What's going on?"

"Something has happened to Princesa Anna," José answered.  "Something's wrong with her.  She's cold to the touch and her hair is turning white."

"She seems as weak as a newborn," said Panchito.  

Silver tightened his hold on the tray briefly, "Ye're right.  Something's wrong.  All of the guests are saying it's getting colder, even by the fire places and heat sticks.  Where be the Dignitaries?"

José jerked a thumb behind him, "They just left the library.  They're heading for the counsel chamber."

Through the halls, Marina, Genie, and Olaf were on their way to the Great Hall to find Prince Hans and Princess Anna.  It was at that time, when Marina heard a small beep coming from her radar.  As she reached in her pocket, she heard Jiminy's voice saying, "Boys!  Marina!  Captain!  This is Jiminy!  Quick!  Get to the--"

Marina turned on the radar on, but there was nothing on the screen.  She pressed a button, "Jiminy?  Are you there?"

But there was no response.


Still no response.

"Hmm. . . strange," she cocked a brow.  

"Marina!  Genie!  There you are!" Rapunzel called out.  She, Eugene, and Von Drake came down the hall to meet up with them.

"Where've you two been?"  said Eugene.

"Ja!" Von Drake ran his hands up and down his arms to keep warm.  "Genie, everyone needs new sweaters right aways!  It's getting colder in there!  Even by the fires and heat sticks!"

"Oh, you've noticed it too?!" Genie mimicked Von Drake's moves.

"Where's Prince Hans?" asked Marina.  "Has he returned?"

"Hans?" Rapunzel answered.  "I think he went to the library.  At least that's where the Dignitaries went after Hans returned with. . . . whoa!"  She stopped when she noticed the certain little snowman standing behind Marina and Genie.  

Genie and Marina stepped aside as Olaf waved at them, "Hi there!  I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!"

Van Drake shook his head, "Ah nuts!  Now I'm goin crazy with ze cold!  I'm seeing walking talking snowmen!!"

"No you're not, Uncle Luddy," Marina smiled.  "He's as real as you and me!  Elsa made him back in the mountains."

Rapunzel came closer and went to her knees to get a closer look at Olaf.  She grew a smile, "This is absolutely incredible!  Wow!  They're never going to believe this back home!"

"I'll say," Eugene bent over to look at him.

"And you are. . ." asked Olaf.

"My name's Rapunzel, Princess of Corona.  This is my husband, Eugene."

"Hi, Princess Rapunzel and Eugene!  It's nice to meet you!"

"This is absolutely amazing!" Von Drake circled Olaf pressing as many buttons as possible on his own radar.  "It's the scientific marvel to end all scientific marvels!  An actual walking, talking, living snowman!  Made entirely out of snow, stones, and sticks and a carrot nose!  And yet he is an actual lifeform!  It is ab-solu-telly impossible!  And yet here he stands before me!  How is it done?!  It must be more of that magical stuff!  Oh!  If only I studied more of the scientifical ways of magic!  This would make more sense!  How do you speak, litte Snowy Man?  Do you have vocal cords?  Can you feel it if I poke you?  How are you able to move your stick fingers?"

"Uncle Luddy!  Calm down!" Marina exclaimed.  

Olaf giggled, "He talks funny."

Von Drake finally stopped circling him and took in a deep breath, "You're right, mein leibling.  I just can't get over this!  This is absolutely beyond anything I can explain!"

"Same here!" said Genie.  "And I'm the expert with magic."

Marina said, "Perhaps we can get more acquainted a little later.  You said that Hans might be in the library, Rapunzel?"

"I think so," Rapunzel stood up.

"Then that's where Anna would go," said Marina.  

"Princess Anna's back?" asked Eugene.

"Yes, and she's in danger right now," Marina answered.  "I just hope she got to Hans in time."  She handed the book of 'Winnie the Pooh' to Von Drake, "Take this, Uncle Luddy.  Keep it safe.  Genie, I think you should go back to the Great Hall and continue making sweaters.  Maybe if you add more heat to yourself in your potbelly stove, it'll help everyone in there."

"Oh, yeah!  Why didn't I think of that?" Genie hit himself in the forehead.

"Wait!  Where are you going?" asked Von Drake.

"To the library with Olaf," Marina answered.  "We've got to see if everything's okay now with Anna."

"Hmm, extraño," said Panchito after pressing the response button on his radar.  "A minute ago, Jiminy is trying to reach us, and stops in the middle of a sentence.  Now I can't reach him.  Just static."

"I hope everything's okay," said José.

The Duke of Weselton was pacing back and forth rubbing his hands up and down his arms.  "It's getting colder and colder by the minute!" he said to the other Dignitaries in the counsel chambers.  "If we don't do something we will all freeze to death!"

Silver rolled his eyes with a sigh and told Panchito and José, "Come along, lads.  Let's leave these men to their coffees and whining."

The Duke frowned, "No matter how hot you serve this brew, Captain Silver, it's not working!"

"Your Grace," said the Irish Dignitary.  "It's not his fault.  Please sit down."

As the Duke groaned, Silver shook his head and wanted to say more to him, but decided to just let it go.  He reached for the door, but right before he, Panchito, and José could step out, Hans stepped into the room with a distressed look on his face.

"Yer Highness!" Silver blinked.

"Prince Hans?" the French Dignitary stood up.

All of the others came up to the Prince who looked like he was about to collapse.  Tears were filling his eyes, but he looked like he was trying his hardest to fight them and keep them from falling.  He weakly stepped forward and placed a hand on Silver's metal shoulder for support.

Silver grabbed his arm to hold him up, "Sire!  What happened?"

Hans tried to speak straight through but he couldn't.  He placed his other hand on his heart and said, "Princess Anna is. . . dead."

All of the men in the room gasped.  The Duke took Hans by the arm and led him to the head chair of the conference table.  Silver, Panchito, José stayed near the door as Hans sat down.

"What happened to her?" asked the Duke.

Hans tightened his grip on the arms of the chair as he spoke with so much tension, "She was killed. . . by Queen Elsa."

All of the men gasped again.  Panchito and José felt so devistated that both of them took a step back trying to fight their own tears.  Silver gazed down to the floor as his breathing slowed.

The Duke even put a hand on his heart as he shuddered, "Killed. . . by. . . her own sister."  He cringed as his fist tightened over his chest.

"No. . ." José shook his head.  "It just can't be.  It must be a mistake."

"But. . . at least. . ." Hans looked like he was about to break down, ". . . at least we got to say our wedding vows together. . . . before she. . . died in my arms."  Finally, his head collapsed in his hand as tears were falling from his eyes.

The Duke and the other Dignitaries were fighting their own tears and heart aches.  

Panchito blinked as he held back his tears before he looked at José and said, "Jiminy."  He pulled out his radar, and prepared to contact Jiminy.

"Please, Señors," Hans turned his head to face them.  "Please don't contact Mr. Cricket just yet.  He promised me to stay and watch over my beloved Anna.  I've. . . never seen anyone do anything so kind. . . and so beautiful.  He stood next Anna's dead body and started. . . singing to her.  It was such a beautiful dirge. . . I just couldn't stay in the room any longer.  I just. . . think we should leave Mr. Cricket alone for awhile."  He wiped away his tears and sniffled, "You should know. . . Señors. . . Captain. . . how lucky you are to have a friend like him.  For a little cricket. . . he has such a big heart."

Panchito slowly lowered the radar when Hans mentioned Jiminy singing a dirge.  He nodded and put the radar away when Hans finished.

The Duke tensed up and gave out a sigh, "For someone to be so heartless to do this to their own sister. . . . then there is no doubt about it."  He frowned and looked at the other Dignitaries, "Queen Elsa is a monster. . . and we are all in grave danger.  Princess Anna tried to talk her into returning and stopping this winter. . . and now this has happened.  The Queen can, at anytime, do the same thing to others.  We must put an end to this once and for all."

The Spanish Dignitary said, "Prince Hans. . . . Arendelle now looks to you."

Hans slowly looked up to the Dignitaries.  He wiped away the remainder of his tears from his face before he stood and said, "With a heavy heart. . . I charge Queen Elsa of Arendelle with treason and sentence her. . . . to death."

The Duke and other Dignitaries took in deep breaths, but before any of them could let it out, they were all startled from a sudden noise.  They all turned to find Silver's metal tray spinning before it laid flat on the floor.  Before anyone could scold Silver for the sudden startle, they realized that he along with Panchito and José were already gone.

Silver hustled his way down the hall with Panchito and José staying at his side.  He asked them, "Which way is it to the dungeons?"

"Follow me, Capitan!" Panchito rushed ahead of him.

José stayed at Silver's side, "What are we doing?"

"The right t'ing to do, Joe," Silver answered.  "A jailbreak."

"Bueno," Panchito smiled.  "I'm not breaking my promise for Mickey.  I'm not letting anything happen Elsa no matter what."

"Sim!" said José.  "Elsa could not have killed her sister.  It had to have been an accident."

Silver glanced out a window they were passing by and noticed that the wind was picking up.  Frost was seeping its way through the sills and spreading across the walls.

"Make haste, lads."

Jiminy tried for the past few minutes jumping up and down hitting the stopper of the decanter, but it was far too tight.  He tried bouncing on the sides hoping to knock the decanter over, but frost was building up around the glass causing it to freeze upon the sill.  It was a matter of a minute when the jumping around was using up far too much oxygen left in the glass prison.

The lack of oxygen started to take effect on Jiminy.  His head started spinning and his vision was getting blurry.  Most of all, it was getting colder by the second.  He started losing feeling in his body as he slowly fell to his knees.  He slowed down his breathing hoping to preserve as much air as he could, but the more the vision blurred, the more he realized that there was no hope for him.  No one knew what was going on nor did they know where he was.  

He laid on the bottom shivering like the tail of a rattlesnake.  With the last of his might, he reached into the inside of his coat and wrapped his fingers around the golden badge given to him by the Blue Fairy.  He ran his thumb across it feeling the letters reading 'Official Conscience' as a tear was filling up his eye.

"F-F-Forgive me, M-Milady," he whispered weakly.  "I. . . have f-f-failed you as a c-c-conscience."

His tear fell to the glass bottom and instantly turned to ice.

"Oh, stop twitching, ya big nag!" Donald pulled on the reins of the horse.

The horse pulled and pulled back trying to get the reins out of Donald and Goofy's grip.  

"C'mon, Horsey!  It's okay!  We're just taking you back home where it's nice and warm!"

The horse whinnied and was out of their grip after it reared and bolted.

"HEY!  COME BACK HERE!!" Donald jumped up and down.

"Wull. . ." Goofy shrugged.  "Here we go again."

Donald kicked the snow before the two fo them started after the horse once again.  However, before either of them took a step, a new voice rose from over the next hill.


Donald and Goofy glanced at each other for a second and decided without words to follow this voice.  As they were coming over the hill, they heard an animal grunting and snorting.  They reached the top of the hill and saw a large reindeer shoving a young man with his antlers.

"Hey!  Look out!" Donald ran down the hill.  The young man was thrown off the reindeer when Donald yanked off his Usanka hat and waved it in front of the reindeer.  "Shoo!  Shoo!  Cut that out!!"

"No!  No!  Stop!" the young man told him.  "It's okay.  He wasn't attacking me."

Goofy came to the young man and helped him up, "Are you sure?  It sure looked like it."

The young man stood and brushed off all the snow that covered his fur-lined tunic and dark blue undershirt.  He ran his mittened hand through his shaggy blonde hair and said, "Thanks, but it really wasn't an attack.  Sven's just trying to get me to go back to Arendelle."

Donald put his Usanka hat back on and frowned, "Wait a minute.  You're the one that nearly ran me over a while ago."

The young man looked at the two of them for a few seconds and cracked a smile, "Oh yeah.  I recognize you two now.  Sorry about that. . . again."  He held a hand to Goofy, "The name's Kristoff.  Kristoff Bjorgman."

Goofy shook hands with him, "Nice to meet you, Kristoff.  You can call me Goofy.  And he's Donald."

The reindeer, Sven, was sniffing Donald's face.  Donald waved him away, "Hey!  Cut it out, ya big moose!"

Sven moaned and shoved Donald nearly knocking him over.  The large reindeer kept on shoving him until he was next to Kristoff and Goofy and he was shoving all three of them back.

"Sven!  SVEN!!  STOP IT!!  NO!!"  

When Sven finally stopped, he snorted at his blonde friend.

"No!" said Kristoff.  "We're not going back!  She's with her true love now."

The reindeer scoffed and cocked a brow at him.

"Who's with her true love?" asked Goofy.

"Princess Anna," Kristoff sighed.

Donald blinked, "You were with the princess?"  He turned and looked down at the kingdom just below the mountain, "You brought her home?"

"Yes," Kristoff answered with disappointment in his tone.  "And she safe now with Prince Hans."

"Wull, gee, Kristoff," Goofy smiled.  "That was very nice of ya to--"

He was cut off at mid-sentence when both his and Donald's radars started beeping loudly.  Sven shook his head fiercely from the annoying sound and grunted at Donald and Goofy as they took the radars out of their pockets.

"Sorry about that," said Goofy as he turned his radar on.

"Donald!  Goofy!  Get back to the palace now!!"

"Mickey!" Donald gasped when he and Goofy saw their friend's face on the radar.  

The picture was fuzzy and the sound was fading, but Mickey was frantic as he shouted to them, "Quick!  You've . . . get back there and stop Prin. . . ans!"

Donald frowned and shook his radar, "What?  We can't hear you clearly, Mickey!"

"What was that you said?" asked Goofy.

"Leota warned us!  Beware th. . . rozen heart!  It's Prince . . . ans!!  He's the one she warned us about!  He's trying to kill Anna and Els. . . claim the throne!"

Kristoff gasped, "What?!  What's going on!?  Who's voice is that?"

Goofy asked, "We didn't get that last part, Mickey.  Could you repeat that?"

Mickey huffed and yelled, "Prince Hans!  You've got to stop him!  GO!!  NOW!!"

"Hans?" Donald cocked a brow.  "But Mickey--"

Then the radar screen went blank.

"Ah, phooey!!" Donald pressed a few buttons and shook it again.  "Now what?"

"Ah, shucks!"  Goofy frowned as he gave up and put the radar back in his pocket.  

"Wait!" Kristoff grabbed Goofy's wrist.  "What's this about Hans killing Anna?  How can that be?"

"That can't be," said Donald.  "Prince Hans is a nice guy and he's been helping everyone in the kingdom.  He wouldn't do--"  He stopped when a gust of wind picked up.  When the four of them saw that it was coming from Arendelle, they all looked back and saw a thick cloud forming around the castle and swelling its way throughout the kingdom.

"Anna!" Kristoff gasped.  "Sven!  C'mon!"  He quickly hopped on the reindeer's back and asked, "You two coming with us?"

"You bet we are!" Donald put his radar away.  "Something's not right and we're getting to the bottom of this right now!"

Kristoff reached down and helped Donald climb aboard Sven's back behind him and Goofy climbed behind him.

Kristoff told them both, "Hold on tight!  We like to go fast.  Go, Sven!!"

Goofy nearly slipped off as Sven bolted down the hill heading back to the kingdom where the storm was growing.

Elsa looked out the window of her cell.  The storm was getting stronger and thicker over the fjord.  She kept pulling and pulling on the chains, but her shackles wouldn't budge no matter how hard she tried.  Frost was forming on them from the inside out the more she pulled, but her strength was useless against them.

"Guards.  Open the doors, por favor!"  a voice with a Spanish accent she did not recognize came up from behind the cell door.  

Elsa stopped pulling when she heard one of the guard answer, "I'm sorry, sir, but Prince Hans gave us orders not to open the door to anyone."

After a short pause, Elsa heard another voice with a bit of a Cockney accent say, "Very well.  If that's his orders, then that's his orders.  Well done to both of you."


Elsa heard two men thud to the ground and the sound of keys jingling.  The lock on the door clicked and when the door opened, she gasped at the sight of who stepped inside.  First, she recognized the large man with the mechanical arm as the same person she saw on a ship when she was first running across the fjord.  When she saw his mechanical arm and the light coming from his right eye, her heart jumped and was punching her chest.

"Who are--"

She stopped when she saw José and Panchito come around the large man.  All of a sudden, images of her childhood started filling her memories.

Silver raised his flesh hand to her, "Please, Yer Majesty.  Don't be afraid.  We're here to help you."

"Reina Elsa. . ." said Panchito.  "Mickey told you all about us when you were a child.  Don't you recognize us?"

"You are. . ." Elsa's eyes widened.  "Panchito of Mexico and José of Brazil."

"Sim!" José smiled as he tipped his Panama hat.  "It's so good to finally meet you.

Silver took the keys out of the lock and approached the chained Queen, "Your life is in danger, Yer Majesty.  We've got to get you outta here before it's too late."

Elsa took a step back, "But who are you?"

He bowed his head, "Captain John Silver, at yer service.  King Mickey made me a privateer under his name."

"Mickey," Elsa gasped.  "It wasn't a dream, was it?  I really did see him back in the mountains, didn't I?"

"There's no time to explain anyt'ing now, Yer Majesty," Silver reached for her shackles.

She hesitated, "No.  Don't come too close.  I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't hurt me," Silver smiled calmly to her.  "Nor I you."  He held the chains with his metal hands and gently pulled her closer.  He put the key into the right shackle and turned the lock.  Once the shackle collapsed, Elsa pulled her arm back and wiggled her fingers to get some feeling back into them.  After Silver unlocked the other shackle, Elsa took a few steps away from him and started rubbing her other wrist.

"Thank you, Captain," she told him.  "Please.  You must tell Prince Hans to take care of my si--"  

"Hurry!  She's dangerous!"

They heard Hans' voice down the dungeon hall.

Panchito quickly shut the door, "We're too late."

"What's going on?!" Elsa looked like she was going to panic.  "What's happened?!"

José told her, "Whatever has happened, we are sure that it was just an accident.  We know you would never mean it on purpose."

"What are you talking about?" Elsa shook her head.  

"No time," said Silver.  "If you want to get out of here, then get behind me right now."  He faced the window of the cell and pulled up the right leg of his pants revealing a small cannon attached to the back of his cyborg leg.  He switched his metal hand and attached it to the cannon.  He pulled down the trigger handle and the cannon started to hum to life.  "I said get behind me, Yer Majesty!"

Elsa didn't hesitate as she hurried behind Silver as he was taking aim at the wall with the window.  As the cannon was charging, the door was being banged on.  Panchito and José leaned all of their weight against it.

"Hurry, Capitan!" yelled Panchito.

Once the hum of the cannon was loud enough, Silver pulled down on the trigger handle.  The sound of thunder filled the whole castle sending a shockwave large enough down the dungeon that Hans and the guards were nearly thrown back.  In the cell, Elsa covered her head as bits of the ceiling were falling, but José quickly opened his umbrella over her to protect her from the falling stones.

Once the explosion was quiet and the dust was clearing, Silver turned to reveal a huge hole he made in the wall.

"Go, Yer Majesty!" he told her.  "Just get out and keep running as far as you can.  Go even further than you did the last time."

"That is my intention," said Elsa as she rushed by him and climbed through the large hole.  She paused and looked back, "Thank you so much.  You have my graditude."

Silver nodded, "Aye!  Go now!!"

Elsa turned and ran out the hole in the wall.  At the same time, four shoulders pounded against the door throwing Panchito to the floor and causing him to knock over José.  Prince Hans and three guards marched in and when they saw Elsa run out to the frozen fjord, Hans sneered at Silver.

He pointed at José and Panchito, "This is treason!  Guards!  Arrest them!"

Before the guards could grab Panchito and José, Silver pounded his flesh fist into the third guard's face, throwing him against the wall.

"Capitan!  Run!"  Panchito shouted.

"Don't worry about us!  Just go!" shouted José.  

Silver made no hesitations as he turned and climbed through the hole leading to the fjord.

"HALT!" Hans yelled.  "CAPTAIN SILVER!!"

But the cyborg disappeared into the thick wind.

Hans said to the guards, "I'm going after the Queen.  Take these two traitors back to the council chambers and make sure they stay there.  I will take care of them myself later."

In the Great Hall, Genie stood in the middle of the room warming himself up like a stove.  So many guests were gathering around him when room was running out near the fireplace and heat sticks.  

Von Drake rubbed his hands together, "You really are a kooky one, Genie.  After three days of acting like a child, you are now doing this with your magic.  If it is at all possible that you are able to stop this whole storm with your magic this whole time, then I'm going to get really hot under ze collar!"

"Trust me, Prof," Genie smiled.  "I really didn't think about it until now.  And believe me, if I really could stop this storm, I would in an instant."  He lowered his voice, "Maybe if I wasn't a free genie, then maybe I could do it with a snap of my fingers if someone wished it."

"Well, it's too late for that now," said Von Drake.  

"Something's not right," said Rapunzel.  "The wind's getting louder outside.  It was never this loud before."

Eugene looked up, "We've got even more problems.  Look."

They looked up and saw large amounts of frost building up on the ceiling.  It was spreading fast toward the walls.  Several men shouted for more firewood to be thrown into the fireplace.  It was done.  Everyone else in the room gathered around the nearest heat sticks and tried their hardest not to panic.

"Something's definitely not right," said Rapunzel.  She quickly stood up, "I'm going to check with the Dignitaries."

"Whoa!  Not so fast there!" Eugene went after her.  "You not going anywhere without me."  He put his arms around her and led her down the hall.  

"I just need to see what's delaying Prince Hans with Queen Elsa," Rapunzel pressed herself against him as they walked quickly.  "Something's wrong.  I feel it."

Pascal pressed himself closer to Rapunzel's neck under her scarf.  She smiled and told him, "Don't worry, Pascal.  We'll be back in the Great Hall in a few minutes."

"Wait for us!" a tiny voice came up.

The two of them turned to find Chip and Dale scurrying after them.  Eugene bent down and had them run up his arm.  Chip said, "We had a brief contact from Jiminy a moment ago and he got cut off."

"Yeah," said Dale.  "We've been trying to contact him for a while now, but he doesn't answer."

"He could be with the Captain," said Chip.

Rapunzel said, "Silver was last heading to the council chamber."

Down the hall leading to the library, Marina stopped in front of a window and looked outside.  The wind was getting stronger and thicker.  Frost was forming around the sill and starting to spread.

"Something's wrong," she frowned.

"Come on, Marina," Olaf tugged her arm.  "You said we're almost there."

"Yes," she nodded as she took him by his stick hand.  "It's that door right there."

The two of them walked quickly to the very door, but as soon as they reached it, Marina jiggled the door handle finding it locked.

"Locked?" she frowned.  She knocked on the door, "Prince Hans?  Princess Anna?  Are you in there?"

There was no immediate answer.  

Olaf reached up to the handle and jiggled it.  "That's strange," he said.  "Anna wouldn't lock someone out.  She said Elsa always locked people out, but she never did it herself."

"Something's very wrong," Marina knocked on the door again.  "Prince Hans?  Princess Anna?"

Finally, there was a weak response inside the library.

"Please. . . . help. . ."

"Anna!" Olaf whispered.  

"The key!  Who has the key?" Marina tried not to panic.  

"Ah!  Who needs a key?" Olaf smiled.  "When in doubt, just follow your nose."  He removed his carrot nose and stuck it into the keyhole.  After wiggling it around a few times, both he and Marina heard a click.

Marina grabbed the handle and pulled it down.  When the door cracked open, she cracked a smile.  "Heh.  And to think I used to hate carrots when I was a child."

Olaf chuckled and took the carrot out of the keyhole.  After he opened the door some more, both he and Marina gasped at what they saw inside.  It was freezing cold in the library and there was Princess Anna with her hair pure white lying on the floor in front of the door.

"Anna!" Olaf rushed over to her.

"Princess Anna!" Marina joined him to help her up.  She gasped again when she felt how cold Anna was to the touch.  "Oh my gosh!  What happened?!  Where's Hans?"

Anna looked up at the woman helping her and recognize her from the other day, "Marina Seadrift?  Uncle Mickey's friend?"  Before Marina could help her up, she stopped her and pointed at the curtain, "Your friend!  Mr. Cricket.  He's in danger!"


"Hurry!  Help him."

Marina rushed across the room and drew the curtain open, when she saw the decanter sitting on the sill outside and who was detained in it, she gasped and opened the window.  A blast of wind punched her in the face as she reached for the decanter.  Once it was in her grip, she shut the window and pulled the stopper out.  She gently tipped it over and had Jiminy slide out into her palm.

"Jiminy!  Jiminy!"

But the little conscience didn't respond.  He seemed lifeless.  Marina's heart jumped as she dropped the decanter shattering it.

"Oh God, no!  Jiminy.  Jiminy!  Don't do this to us!  You can't leave us like this!"  When there was still no response, tears were filling her eyes.  "Jiminy!  Please, don't die like this."  Her tears fell out of her eyes and dropped on Jiminy's head.  The warmth of her tears made him twitch.  She gasped, "He's alive!"

Jiminy's eyes slowly opened.  His vision was a little blurry, but he heard Marina's voice.  He spoke weakly, "Marina?"

"Jiminy!" she huffed hoping her breath would help warm him up.

He curled up and shivered for a moment.  After he blinked a few times and breathed in, he sat up, "Wh. . . what h-happened?"

It was right when the decanter crashed as Olaf rushed over to fireplace and threw in new pieces of wood, almost throwing in one of his arms along with it.  After reattaching his arm, he grabbed a match, struck it, and threw it in.  Luckily, the brandy that was earlier poured into the fireplace made the logs combust into flames.

"Olaf!" Anna gasped.

Marina saw the little snowman by the fire after Jiminy was awakened.  She also gasped, "Olaf!  Don't get to close!"

As the logs burned brightly, Olaf's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped in awe.

"Wooooowww!" he whispered.  

Anna tried to stand up, "Olaf!  Get away from there!!"

Jiminy opened his eyes some more and his vision started clearing, he stared at the little snowman by the fire.  He sat up and asked, "Marina. . . is that wh. . . what I think it is?"

Marina answered, "Yes.  That is Olaf.  You're not seeing things.  He's a real snowman."

"So this is heat!" Olaf reached his stick hands toward the flames.  "I love it!"  His twig hands got closer and closer to the flames until his right fingers caught fire.  He gasped and shook the flames away, "Eek!  Just don't touch it!"  He hurried back to Anna and helped her up.

Marina came to their side and grabbed Anna's cold arm to help her to her feet.  She and Olaf led her to the fireplace.  Anna sighed as she could feel the heat of the fire around her.  She looked at Jiminy in Marina's hands.

"Is he okay?" she asked.

Jiminy breathed in deeply when he started to feel warm, "I'll. . . I'll be alright.  Just. . . give me a minute."

"What happened?" Marina panted.  "Who did this?"

"Hans," Jiminy answered.  "It was Prince Hans."

"What?" Marina blinked.  

"Hans?" asked Olaf.  "But what happened to your true love's kiss?"

Anna spoke in disappointment, "I was wrong about him.  It wasn't true love after all.  He was just using me."

"He was using all of us," said Jiminy.  "He's been lying to us. . . since the very beginning.  All he was aiming to do was move himself. . . up in line and make himself king."

Anger boiled within Marina's stomach as she shivered.  Her left eye twitched, "Why that rim-rotten worm!  I'll tear his sideburns off his face!!"

"But. . ." Olaf stayed at Anna's side.  "We ran all the way here."

"Please, Olaf!" Anna begged her little friend.  "You'll melt if you stay here."

He frowned and walked around her, "I'm not leaving here until we find another act of true love to save you!"  He stubbornly sat down in her shadow and tried thinking hard while wiggling his snowball legs.  When nothing was coming to mind, he asked, "Do you happen to have any ideas?"

Anna slowly shook her head and answered, "I don't even know what love is.  I've spent more than half of my life asking for it behind locked doors never knowing why those doors would never open for me."

Jiminy ran his hands up and down his arms, "That was never your fault, Anna.  Your parents were just trying to hide Elsa's powers from the world.  They only felt that if they allowed you to go outside the palace, everyone would raise questions about your sister.  So, they kept both of you hidden away for a while.  They didn't mean any harm to come between the two of you or anyone else."

Anna nodded, "I kinda figured that out when Elsa ran away from the coronation.  I understand why they did it."

"If I may, Princess, there is something else you should understand," said Marina.  "There really is so much more to true love than just a kiss."

Anna turned her head and looked at her, "There is?"

"Of course," Marina answered.  "You see, I fell in love when I was around your age.  Robert. . . was so in love with me as I was with him that he wanted more than anything to give up his occupation of my father's personal bodyguard to become my own bodyguard.  He was willing to travel the whole uni-- I mean, the whole world with me as I would live my dream to become an explorer.  But then. . . after we were married. . . he gave his life to save my father when his ship was under attack.  From what I was told, Robert. . . wanted my father to live because he didn't want me to lose him.  If he had not, it would be possible that I would've lost both of them.  He felt that it was better for my father to live than both to die in battle.  He loved me so much that he sacrificed his life for my family."

"She's right," Olaf smiled.  "Love is. . . when you put someone else's needs before yours, like. . . y'know, how Kristoff brought you back here to Hans and left you forever."

Jiminy asked, "Kristoff?"

Marina explained, "The young man who helped them find Elsa."

Anna cocked a brow, "Kristoff. . . loves me?"

Olaf stood up and faced Anna in front of the fire, "Wow.  You really don't know anything about love."  As he was speaking, his face was starting to melt.  His nose was sliding down to his mouth, but he simply pushed it back in place.

"Olaf!" Marina heart jumped at the sight of the kindhearted snowman losing his shape.

"You're melting," Anna cried.

But the snowman smiled with soulful eyes, "Some people are worth melting for."

Jaws hung as hearts started pounding from such sweet words.

Marina placed a hand on her heart, "Oh, Olaf.  You are the sweetest person I've ever met."  She reached over and placed her hand on the apple of his cheek just as she did when she first met him.

He snuggled against her hand.  Marina smiled with a tear in her eye until Olaf's cheek started to slide into her palm.  When Olaf realized what was happening to him, he tried pushing his face back up, "This is getting awkward."

"Olaf, please!" Anna held his other stick hand.

"Right!" he nodded and moved away from the fire.

After Marina was shaking the melted snow off her hand, Jiminy took in deep breath and felt his strength slowly returning.  He turned his head, "Marina, Hans destroyed my radar.  We must warn the boys about him."

Marina spotted Jiminy's radar smashed to bits.  Next to it was his hat.  She reached over and pick it up for him, "I'll contact the boys.  You're going to stay here and keep warm with Anna."

"I'll be alright, Marina," he smiled.  "I was lucky I wasn't in that bottle any longer.  I was running out of air."

"And inches away to suffering from hypothermia," Marina frowned as she handed him his hat.  "You're alright when I say you're alright."

Jiminy frowned back as he yank his hat away, "Well, ex-CUSE me!  I had no idea you had a medical degree."

Anna was fighting herself to laugh.

Marina took out her radar and turned it on to communication.  

When Anna saw it turn on she asked, "Is this something that Uncle Mickey made?"

"In a way, yes," Marina answered.  "Our friend Ludwig Von Drake created them to help us on our journeys.  With them, we can talk to each other from distances.  If we-- when we get through this, we'll explain more to you."  She offered her a kind smile, but as Anna gave a weak smile in return, Marina's heart made a slight twinge.  For a brief second, she saw a certain beautiful, teenaged red head smiling at her.  She swallowed and quickly looked back to the radar.  She spoke into it, "Boys.  Captain.  Everyone please respond."

Before she could get an answer, the wind blasted the the window open.  The flames in the fireplace started to flicker as the wind circled the room.

"Don't worry!  I've got it!" Olaf hurried over to the window.  After he shut the left side, he struggled with the right window until something caught his eye.  "Wait a minute!"  He broke off an icicle and bit off the point.  Using it as a telescope, he looked out through the winds and gasped, "It's Kristoff and Sven!  They're coming back this way!  Oh!  And they've got a large duck and a tall dog with them."

Marina stood up, "That's Donald Duck and Goofy!"

Olaf chuckled, "He's name is Goofy?  That's a goofy name!"

Anna straightened herself up, "Kristoff is coming back?"

"Yeah!" Olaf answered as he looked back through his icicle telescope.  "He's moving really fast.  I guess I was wrong."  He looked over his shoulder, "I guess Kristoff doesn't love you enough to leave you behind."

Anna's cold hand grabbed Marina by the arm, "Please!  Help me up!"

"What?" Marina tried to stop her from standing, but she kept getting up.  "Princess Anna, you should rest here."

"Yes!" Olaf waddled over to them both.  "Stay here by the fire where it's warm."

Anna held his twig hand, "I need to get to Kristoff."


Anna answered by giving him a smile full of all the strength she had within herself.

"I see.  It's the one ray of hope left for her!" Marina smiled with her.

Olaf gasped, "OH!  I know why!"  He started hopping happily, "There's you're act of true love!  Right there!  Riding across the the fjords like a valiant, pungent reindeer king!"

Marina held up the radar, "I'll tell Donald and Goofy where you are.  We can stay indoors where it's warm for you and we can meet him half-way.  We can all meet at the front door at the right time."  

"That's perfect!" Anna's smile grew with excitement.

Marina pressed the communications button and spoke into it, "Donald.  Goofy.  Come in!"

Seconds later, Goofy's face appeared on the screen, "Marina!"  He was all wobbly as though he was on a ship.  "How's Anna?  We're on our way!  Wh-wh-whoa!!!"

"Goofy!" Marina watched as it looked like he had dropped his radar.

"Oh, give me that, ya clumsy oaf!!" Donald grabbed the radar from him.  His face came on screen, "Marina, where are you?  Is Anna with you?"

"Yes!  She's right here with me!" she briefly showed Anna to him.  

"Good!  Just keep her away from Hans!  He's been lying to us!  He's trying to--"

"We already know that, Don," Marina's brow tightened.  "He tried to leave Anna here to die, but we've found her."

"HE DID WHAT?!" a young man's voice came up on the radar.

"Kristoff!" Anna gasped with a smile.  "Kristoff, can you hear me?"

"Anna!" Kristoff's voice came back up.  "We're on our way!"

"Donald," said Marina.  "We'll meet you half way.  Olaf and I will lead Anna to the front gate and--"

"Marina!" Olaf pointed up to the ceiling.

She, Jiminy, and Anna looked up and saw frost building up around the corners of the room and spreading across the ceiling and down the wall.  Once the four of them saw ice forming spikes that were growing longer by the second, Olaf quickly took Anna's hand, "No time to chit chat anymore!  Hurry!"

Jiminy hopped up to Marina's shoulder, "C'mon!  We've gotta get outta here fast!"
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Comments: 22

geminidrake [2023-11-08 05:01:39 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

31imagination [2018-12-18 20:26:40 +0000 UTC]

nice. im curious have u seen danger mouse. though its not disney so they wouldnt be able to go there. thanks by the way 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

31imagination [2018-12-13 06:26:06 +0000 UTC]

OMG i love ur story. have they gone to duckburg yet. it would be weird if they met mad ducktor. please keep up the amazing work. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DisneyFan-01 In reply to 31imagination [2018-12-13 12:51:25 +0000 UTC]

To go to Duckburg, they have to go back home since it is right across the bay from the castle.  Don't worry, I'm having Uncle Scrooge make an appearance.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dragonfire92379 [2018-11-27 01:22:25 +0000 UTC]

I so wanted to see Hans hang for what he did in the whole movie. Marina and her friends have a treacherous scoundrel and jerk of a prince due for a hanging to stop in the next chapter. I hope he appears in Kingdom Hearts 3 and has his own Disney Villain boss battle with Sora, Donald and Goofy with Larxene and Master Xehanort using his villainy like a puppet on a string. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

straighteye [2018-11-22 11:06:19 +0000 UTC]

This excitement  is killing me. I hope the next chapter is coming soon.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Daniarts19 [2018-11-21 19:49:51 +0000 UTC]

Jonh will keep Elsa away from Hans!, he's a brave cyborg

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Disneyfan95 [2018-11-19 17:44:07 +0000 UTC]

So, Hans was working for Maleficent the whole time?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DisneyFan-01 In reply to Disneyfan95 [2018-11-19 20:17:26 +0000 UTC]

Nope.  She has no interest in him, the kingdom, or Anna and Elsa.  It's Anna and Elsa's ancestor she wants.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Daniarts19 [2018-11-17 23:23:52 +0000 UTC]

Jonh will keep Elsa away from Hans!, he's a brave cyborg

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DisneyEquestrian2012 [2018-11-12 15:27:30 +0000 UTC]

Another great chapter. Damn that Hans! He'll pay for this, I swear it!

To the next chapter!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

31imagination [2018-11-10 04:10:02 +0000 UTC]

well if u ever gte the chance u should its really cute. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

31imagination [2018-11-09 06:11:35 +0000 UTC]

i know ur not done with the frozen chapter but has the gang visited transylvania and count duckula

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DisneyFan-01 In reply to 31imagination [2018-11-09 10:49:10 +0000 UTC]

I've never even watched that show.  ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ColdShadow006 [2018-11-08 21:36:40 +0000 UTC]

I love Marina's name for Hans and what she plans to do to his side burns heheh. I also really liked the fact that Silver went to rescue Elsa, shows that behind the cybernetics there's a big heart for helping people. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DisneyFan-01 In reply to ColdShadow006 [2018-11-09 01:00:47 +0000 UTC]

I couldn't think of anything else to call him.  That was the first G-rated thing that came to mind.  LOL

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ColdShadow006 In reply to DisneyFan-01 [2018-11-09 06:28:14 +0000 UTC]

Well it fit hehehehe. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ChaosPhantom444 [2018-11-08 06:48:19 +0000 UTC]

I never saw Hans to be the bad guy the first time I saw Frozen.
Now he's even more evil with how he almost killed Jiminy.  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

John-the-Enforcer [2018-11-07 20:48:02 +0000 UTC]

Dang...good thing for the others to suspect Hans' treachery.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

whitelighter5 [2018-11-07 18:02:23 +0000 UTC]

Zoinks, you made it even more suspenseful. And yipe, how Hans tried to kill Jiminy of all the other characters in this adventure AND the words he said made my skin crawl.

Good thing Marina and the others arrived to help when they did.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ThomasAnime [2018-11-07 16:18:14 +0000 UTC]

So Hans' betrayal still occurs, and worse, he tried to kill Jiminy.

I'm glad Marina and her friends made it to them in time.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

gambitx18 [2018-11-07 15:58:14 +0000 UTC]

This is getting juicy.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0