Disneyponyfan — Have you Seen this Bakugan? Transcript

#drago #transcripts #bakugan #dragobakugan #mylittleponymakeyourmark
Published: 2023-10-26 04:29:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 5670; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description Now someone has dragonnapped Drago. The team and Sam must find him fast.

Sam: [snoring] Oh, no... The butter's gone... Grandma, don't worry, I-I'll make you a cake...
[muffled poof]
Sam: Wha... W-What are you doing, Drago? I thought I said no dragonfire without supervision. Huh...
Sam: Oops. Forgot to finish that. I'm surprised you didn't eat it. [gasps] Drago? Drago, where are you?! [gasps] Drago’s blankie! Where are you, little buddy?! Up here?! No! In here?! No! Drago, where are you?! [echoing]
[theme song]
Sam: [through megaphone] Mei!
Mei Lee: Huh?
Sam: [through megaphone] Pegatrix! Pegasus!
Pegatrix: [groans]
Pegasus: [gasps]
Sam: [through megaphone, singing soulfully] Calina! Wake up!
Calina: Okay!
Sam: Look!
Calina: Oooh! Love the new glow-up, blankie! That dragon has great style.
Mei Lee: Sam, what is going on?
Sam: I was fast asleep and had this bad feeling that something was wrong! And then, it was! Drago is missing!
Pegasus: What?!
Pegatrix: No!
Calina: [gasps]
Mei Lee: Missing?! Are you sure?!
Sam: Yeah!
Calina: Maybe he's hiding?
Sam: I already looked everywhere in the station, and nothing. So I came straight here. I thought maybe he was with one of you.
Mei Lee: Sorry, Sam.
Pegasus: First, the lantern, and now Drago? Why do things keep going missing around here?
Sam: I don't know! But we need to find him A.S.A.P.P.! As Soon As Possible! Look everywhere! Under your beds! Above the clouds! The moon! [through megaphone] Just find that Bakugan!
Mei Lee: Where are ya?
Pegatrix: Come out, Drago!
Calina: Drago!
Pegasus: Hello?
[door opens]
Calina: [gasps]
[door closes]
Calina: Nothing in the closet!
Sam: Drago! Where are you!
Pegatrix: [whispering] Could Drago even fit in that box of cereal?
Pegasus: Uh, Sam? Not trying to backseat-investigate here, but why don't we retrace your steps first? What do you remember seeing when you woke up?
Sam: [gasps]
[muffled poof]
Sam: There was this flash of light!
Pegasus: Flash of light? That's unusual.
Sam: I know! Ugh. Do you think Drago's okay?
Mei Lee: Of course. I'm sure he's still just playing hide-and-seek.
Sam: I feel like the worst dad in the world right now.
Pegatrix: Really, you're the only dad in the world, so...
Sam: That makes it even worse!
Pegasus: Can you think of any other reason why Drago would disappear?
Sam: What if he was unhappy? Oh, no! What if he decided to run away?! I've always tried my best to take care of my little buddy and make him happy. I keep a watchful eye on him, going above and beyond to make sure he's safe. I protect him the way I protect the all of everyone and critters in Dallas Texas, as if they were my own family. And now... this.
Pegasus: But look at all these other places Drago loves. You know, I think Mei was onto something. He's definitely hiding somewhere familiar.
Sam: Drago does love hide-and-seek. And honestly, he is way too good at it. I can do this! I can find my little guy! Okay! Sam is back on duty! I'm the best dad in the world!
Calina: [whispering] The only dad in the world.
Sam: And I can't sit around and mope when there's work to do! You're right! He couldn't have gone far! [grunts]
[door opens]
Rainbow Sparkle: [sighs] I feel kind of bad for Sam, but... [inhales] Gave me a little chase all the way here, didn't you?
Drago: [babbling]
Rainbow Saprkle: But now you're caught! Huh?! [evil laughter] ...Ha...
Drago: [laughs]
Rainbow Sparkle: Hey, give me a break. I'm still working on the evil laugh. Okay. So far, my well of junk to hide us worked. Check! Now, all I have to do is sneak you out of the Rocket Room somehow and then bring you to Mirabel.
Drago: [purring]
Rainbow Sparkle: Ah! She'll be so proud of me and so powerful, she'll... she'll finally give me my personality profile! It's all I've ever wanted, Drago! That's why I have to do this.
Drago: [babbling]
Rainbow Sparkle: You're a really good listener, you know that? I'm usually the quiet, listening one.
Drago: [babbling]
Rainbow Sparkle: Honestly, I don't get what all those kids are fussing about. You're a total breeze to take care of.
Drago: [growling]
Rainbow Sparkle: [gasps] Right...?
Drago: [growling]
Sam: All right, team! We got a job to do! Let's start at Drago's favorite places – the community garden, Hair Melody...
Pegasus: I've got Hair Melody!
Pegatrix: And I'll supervise! There's way too many styling products that could get compromised if my brother goes digging around. I mean... I know Hair Melody like the back of my hoof! Ugh. I really need a polish from Jazzi.
Mei Lee: I'll check the garden!
Calina: Hmm, I don't know... I think we should just follow our gut feelings on where to go next.
Pegasus: But if we don't create a plan of action, we'll get confused.
Calina: But if we over-plan, then Drago could be right under our noses, and we wouldn't even know! Like... [gasps] Is he under my nose right now?! No, he is not. But he could've been! See what I mean?
Pegatrix: Ooh, that is a good point.
Pegasus: Is it, though?
Mei Lee: What am I supposed to do? Should I still search the garden?
Sam: Oh, no! It's nearly Drago's nap time! If he doesn't get his nap, he gets cranky! And if he gets cranky, he gets mischievous! And if he gets mischievous... We need to start the search now!
Mei Lee: Don't forget! We can do anything if we do it togeth—!
Sam: [through megaphone] Split up!
Pegasus: Drago!
Mei Lee: [groans]
Pegasus: Not here.
Pegatrix: Oh! [grunts]
Pegasus: Not here.
Pegatrix: [groans]
Pegasus: Not here!
Pegatrix: [yelps]
Pegasus: What is all this stuff anyway?
Pegatrix: [gasps] It's called makeup, bro!
Pegasus: Well, the only thing we have to "make up" for is lost time. So hop to it!
Pegatrix: Ugh! [grumbling]
Calina: Drago! Oh, Drago! Where are you!
Mei Lee: Please be more delicate with the plants! They have feelings, too! I'm so sorry! She doesn't know any better!
[door opens]
Sam: Are you here? No, but guess I found you, Pearl. Here? Nope, that's Sid. Here? Doug the bunny? Good day, sir.
Rainbow Sparkle: [evil laughter] Okay, I just need to get you out of here while the coast is clear.
Drago: [growling]
Rainbow Sparkle: Come with me, little dragon... Whoa! Whoa there!
[fire roaring]
Rainbow Sparkle: [screams]
Drago: [babbling]
Rainbow Sparkle: Think on your hands!
Drago: [babbling]
Rainbow Sparkle: [goofy voice] My name is Mr. Spoon! And I'm—
Rainbow Sparkle: —Ouch! A prickly cactus! Owww! [goofy voice] And I'm a wobbly shelf named... Shelfie! Take a picture—
Rainbow Sparkle: Oh!
Rainbow Sparkle: It'll last longer...!
Drago: [babbling]
Rainbow Sparkle: I can do this! I have to! Aah!
[doors open]
Sam: Any luck?!
Pegasus: No. Nothing so far.
Calina: But I did find... a perfectly good, super-old, broken-down tram car that I have big plans for!
[door closes]
Rainbow Sparkle: Phew!
Calina: Sooooo there's that.
Sam: He ran away, didn't he? I failed myself as a dad. And worst of all, failed Drago.
Pegasus: Wait. I think I've connected some dots on a clue. It was under our noses the whole time. Look!
Calina: I knew it!
Sam: Blanket? What do you mean?
Pegasus: Notice in these pictures that Drago is never without his blankie?
Sam: What are you saying?
Pegasus: So, if he's not with it, it's not by choice. Somebody has taken Drago! He's been... dragon-napped!
Calina: [gasps]
Sam: Dragon-napped?!
Calina: [faints] Oh...!
Sam: Nobody dragon-naps my dragon before he's napped! Or after! Or at all! I need all hands on deck!
Pegasus: I'll scan the sky with a Drone and zero in on anything that looks suspicious!
Sam: Good, good. Drago does tend to leave a mark wherever he goes. Next?
Mei Lee: Calina and I will be the on-the-ground! I'll use my bike!
Calina: And I'll use my eyes! To look for stuff! Also, I have magic powers.
Sam: Pegatrix, whatcha got?
Pegatrix: I can cover Dallas Texas the best way I know how – a social media blast! The fans have eyes everywhere!
Sam: And I will rally my squad of animal deputies! It's go time!
Sam: Now, I mean! Go! Please?
Pegatrix: I'll start on that post!
Mei Lee: Gotcha!
Calina: Aye-aye!
Pegasus: Oh! Oh, yeah! Okay!
Drago: [snoring]
Rainbow Sparkle: Finally tired you out with that puppet improv show but— [gasps] Hide-and-seek, right? Two can play that game! Here, Drago!
Rainbow Sparkle: I see. So you somehow rigged this whole place with traps in two seconds. Cool, cool. Totally cool. It's not like I'm trying to hunt a genius Bakugan with wild powers or anything.
[buzzing, clanking]
Drago: [laughing]
Rainbow Sparkle: Oh, I don't like the sound of that.
[exciting music]
Pegasus: Aha! Dragon prints!
Pegasus: Huh. But these ones look fresh. Oh, uh, freshly wrong! Sorry!
Mei Lee: Hey! Hey, you guys! Have you seen—
Mei Lee: Oh! Whoa-whoa-whoa! Calina!
Calina: Whoops! Sorry! I just recycled this dragon lure device. Look!
[cymbals crashing]
[horn honking]
Calina: Pretty cool, right? Everything a dragon loves in one place!
[instruments overlapping]
Pegatrix: Finally! I've composed the perfect post for Drago! It tugs at your heart, your mind, your soul! Fans, you ready?
Sadie: Hooray!
Pegatrix: Okay! We all post... now!
[phones chime]
Pegatrix: Uh, what's happening? Why aren't we getting any views?
Sally: It looks like something else is pulling viewers away from our post.
[instruments overlapping]
[hearts popping]
Pegatrix: [sighs] That is spectacular. Well, I hope Sam is gaining ground. He's always so much calmer, steadier, and focused than all of us.
Sam: [gasping, grunting, muttering] Print already! Print!
[printer humming]
[bird chirps]
Sam: Pearl, I'm gonna need you on poster duty!
Pearl: [barks]
Sam: Do you think I made enough?
Pearl: [pants, barks]
Sam: You're right, we need more! Any questions?
[animals chittering]
Sam: Yes, Kurt, search the cinema! And the old defense factory, Ken! Okay, team, let's get out there! Move, move, move! [blows whistle]
[bird chirps]
Sam: I know I'm being a little intense right now!
[bird chirps]
Sam: Yes, and emotional. I'm going through a lot of feelings. If I can't protect Drago, how am I supposed to protect the whole city of Dallas? How can I protect anybody or anything?
[bird chirps]
Sam: You're right. We can do this. And no doubt my friends are on it.
[phone rings]
Mei Lee: So, quick update... We are not on it! We keep getting in each other's way, and I hate to break it to you, but this ain't working!
Sam: Copy that. No more Mr. Nice Guy. I'm gonna find that bakugan and the thief that took him at any cost!
[dramatic music]
Calina: It's time for... [gravelly] Operation Glitterbomb.
Pegatrix: If you've seen...Calina, the noise? If you've seen Drago— Ah! Pegasus! Fly a little higher! If you've seen a dragon...!
Rainbow Sparkle: Good. They have their hands full. But I don't have all day. Oh, Drago! It's just some fun and games, right? I like fun. I think. I've never really had it. But how hard can it be? I see you... Now... where were we? [grunting]
[laser sounds]
Rainbow Sparkle: [grunting]
[silly string spraying]
Drago: [babbling]
Rainbow Sparkle: Still got it! Whoa!
Rainbow Sparkle: [spits] And still got my own clumsiness.
Drago: [babbling]
Rainbow Sparkle: [sighs]
[instruments overlapping]
Pegatrix: I said, can you keep the noise down for just a minute, Calina?!
Calina: What? I'm confused. Sunny, can you stop skating around me? It's making me dizzy.
Pegasus: Hey, sis! Stop that! You're stepping on those marks! They could be dragon prints!
Pegatrix: How am I supposed to know?!
Mei Lee: Stop fighting! This isn't helping!
Sam: [gravelly] Evil, I'm coming for you!
Pegasus: Uh, you three? What are they doing here?
Calina: It looks like Hitch is gearing up for... [gravelly] something epic.
[intense music]
Pegasus: And intense.
Pegatrix: And too, too much.
Sam: [gravelly] Go! Leave no stone unturned!
Calina: [gravelly] Told ya.
Mei Lee: We gotta find that Bakugan and fast!
Sam: [gravelly] Culprit, I will find you! And I will make you pay! With litter pickup duty! You'll regret the day you ever crossed Rescuer Sam!
Mei Lee: This is all wrong. By trying to find Drago each our own way, we've created more stress and fear. Friends, we need to remain calm and listen to each other. Unified, we can do anything, remember?
Calina: We have been kind of... [gibberish] ...all over the place.
Mei Lee: Exactly. Each of us may have a different approach, but there's got to be a way for us to get on the same track, right?
Calina: Hmm, the same track...
Mei Lee: We need a way for us all to search together.
Pegasus: And further.
Calina: But how?
Mei Lee: I don't know, but first things first, rein Hitch in!
Tootie: No, I swear! I was just eatin' cookies and chillin'!
Sam: With Drago?!
Tootie: No, with my mother! I love her so much!
Mei Lee: Sam!
Sam: Hey!
Tootie: [crying] Mommy!
Mei Lee: Listen, I know—
Sam: [gravelly] You know where Drago is?!
Mei Lee: No! But all of this commotion isn't helping! It might even scare him off! Now, think. Is there anything we're missing? Anything else Drago loves?
Sam: [sighs] I don't think so. I've thought of everything. And still no sign of him. I'm so worried.
Pegasus: We know.
Pegatrix: That's why we're here.
Calina: To help. And listen.
Sam: I just miss his little face. Him stealing my badge, eating snacks, dancing around when he hears music...
Pegatrix: Music... We completely forgot about music!
Rest of the team: Huh?
Pegatrix: I know how to find Drago!
Rainbow Sparkle: [grunts] Finally! I got you! And that means I'll get my personality profile! [squeals] Once I get it, I promise to bring you back. I've kind of grown to like you. But until then, to Mirabel we go!
Drago: [babbling]
You hear that sound?
Rainbow Sparkle: No! Oh, no, no, no!
The melody that's ringing out?
Sam: That's Drago's voice! How are you doing this?!
Pegatrix: It's the lullaby I wrote for him. A classic call-and-response song.
Mei Lee: Well, it's working!
Pegasus: Keep singing it!
You hear that sound?
Pegasus: Everyone, sing along! The personality magic is amplifying the sound!
[Mei Lee, Pegatrix and Pegasus]
Sam: I can hear him! He's... [gasps] He's at the Rocket Room!
[Mei Lee, Pegatrix and Pegasus]
A special tune that keeps you true...
Rainbow Sparkle: La-la-la! Listen to me instead! Oh, so pretty, right?! La-la-la!
[Mei Lee, Pegatrix and Pegasus]
And sing the song that makes you
Rainbow Sparkle: There we go!
[Mei Lee, Pegatrix and Pegasus]
[fire roaring]
Rainbow Sparkle: Noooooo! [grunts]
[door opens]
Sam: Drago!
Rainbow Sparkle: [gasps]
Sam: Drago!
Drago: [laughs]
[clattering, splatting]
Sam: [grunting] Whoa! Ow-ow-ow! [slow-motion] Drago!
Mei Lee, Pegatrix and Calina: Awww!
Pegatrix: Also, ew.
Sam: Drago! You're okay! Never leave my sight again!
Calina: Love what you've done with the place, Drago. So unconventional. He's a visionary. A true style icon.
Mei Lee: I'm so glad we found you.
Sam: I would've gone to the ends of the world to make sure Drago was safe!
Calina: Wow, to the ends of the world? That sounds tiring.
Sam: Thanks for helping me, everyone. I'm sorry if I went a little... overboard.
Pegasus: Maybe just a little.
Pegatrix: But we totally understand. Drago's your best buddy.
Pegasus: And ours, too.
Sam: I promise this will never happen again.
Pegatrix: You really are the best dad in the world, you know that?
Calina: Technically, the only—
Rest of the team: Calina!
Calina: Just kidding! Ooh! I know a super-secret place in town to watch the sunset! Come on!
Sam: How does that sound, my little Drago?
Drago: [babbling]
Mei Lee: So what's this super-secret place?
Calina: Oh, it's the bridge!
Rest of team: [laugh]
Rainbow Sparkle: [sighs]
(back at the castle)
Rainbow Sparkle: It's not a dragon, but it is dragonfire. It'll have to do.
[menacing music]
Mirabel: Where is my dragon?
Rainbow Sparkle: I did everything I could to get Dra— I mean, your dragon, but this was all I could get.
Mirabel: It's been hundreds of years since I've last seen dragonfire. How beautiful it is.
[dramatic music]
[fire roaring]
Mirabel: [evil laughter] Yes! Yes! Power! [evil laughter] (magic dies down) More! I need more! Then I can finally finish what I started a century ago with King Leonardo and gain control over all magic the way rocketships were meant to! No more of this "unity" and "equality" stuff! The citizens of the world should fear and love their immortal rulers! And they will, because soon, I'll give them reason to.
Rainbow Sparkle: And you'll give me a personality profile?
Mirabel: That measly drop of dragonfire wasn't enough! And YOU won't be enough, Rainbow! Not until you can prove that you're actually useful and get! That! DRAGON! I'm coming for you, little Einsteins... Especially you, Mei Lee...
[door creaks]
Rainbow Sparkle: [sighs] For somebody made of fire, I've never met a heart so cold. [muffled sobbing]
Little Einsteins: [sighing]
Sam: It's so nice just soaking in the serenity and peace of a sunset.
Pegasus: What is that?
Tootie: [screams]
Sam: Oh, no! Operation Glitterbomb! I forgot! [whistles] Everybody, the search is off! Operation Glitterbomb is no more! We found him! Drago is safe!
Drago: [burps]
All: (cheering)
Lighting: What a relief!
Thunder: But what about these cool masks?
Sam: You can keep the masks.
Thunder: Yes!
Ken: [chirping]
Pegasus: Nothing can surprise me any more.
[horn honking]
Calina: Surprise!
[brakes screeching]
Mei Lee: Uh... what is that?
Calina: My brand-new, old, broken-down, good-for-nothing, retired tram car! Great find, huh?!
Calina: Trust. I got something super-cool up my hair. It's gonna be tram-a-licious! Tram-a-blammo! Tram-tastic!
Mei Lee, Sam and Pegatrix: [laugh]
Pegasus: Hey, and next time we're searching for something, you guys can get around in that.
Calina: That's just what I was thinking! Friends that stick together can never be separated!
Little Einsteins: [laugh]
Sam: [gasps] Drago?! Where are you?
Drago: [babbling] Vroooom!
Sam: [laughs] Aww...
Mei Lee: [giggles]
Little Einsteins: [laugh]
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