dj-Mara — Sergei + Bio, Story -- PSG Style w/BG by-nc-nd

Published: 2013-02-17 00:05:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 2344; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 0
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Description Finished commission, background included, from the facebook Kneesocks page
EDIT: She is now here as well.


Sergei Alfonse "Tank [and Choker]" Machiavelli is Earth's prodigal exorcist and fighter of demons, monsters & youkai, brought up from a long lineage. It is best to equate him and his now-deceased family as the Western Hemisphere equivalent to the Belmont family clan. One should note, though, that Sergei and his family, when the latter were alive, did not keep their services strictly to those in the West, but traversed the whole world together to bring their services to all those in need. Sergei, therefore, has had to bring his education with him on these trips, but he always proved to be the top achiever in all of his subjects.

Sergei has a supernatural touch of Heaven about him, and makes his vast Earthen weapon array holy so he can take out physically-manifested Ghosts and vengeful spirits in general, as well as demons and different monsters/youkai. But he is able to brandish special weapon attacks at more cost to his energy [energia] and life force. One launches from the vest and tank top on his upper half, and the other one, his ultimate weapon, emerges from below as a play on what Panty and Stocking can do, using his much-above-average member (for his age) and underwear to brandish a Howitzer barrel.

Here as you see him, Sergei is brandishing one of the two indestructible Crosses of Isteria in his right hand, and on his left hand is one of a pair of Holy Chakra Knuckle Blades. In holster is a wakizashi sword, a gun, a tanto and who knows what else exactly the straps and buckles are holding

The following is Sergei's bio, backstory and grand placement in the scheme of things, both pre- and post-PSG. PLEASE NOTE that this will include my personal, preliminary establishment and imagining of PSG Season Two based off what art and information there is now from official sources, which will lead into Sergei's current location and activity. Said info on Season Two will be subject to massive changes, assuming the creators move on with it. Refer to the pic version without the background to see the info for Sergei's appearance, his weapon and equipment listing, as well as the list of special abilities/attacks he has.

Bio & Backstory
[Note: Some cursing and adult language is present.]

Born with a sign from Heaven present, the Machiavelli family knew that they truly had a blessed and gifted child, upon whom they imparted the name Sergei. He grew up with a handful of friends. Sergei was physically trained (though he personally went further than others pushed him) and brought up in the ways of the Church, then taught how to put this towards his exorcist calling. But as he grew older, he absolutely DESPISED having to wait for investigations by The Church, which took weeks to do and were then followed by many more weeks of deliberation to determine if a haunting, demonic possession, etc. was real. Sergei was by nature an impatient person with regards to cases of this type, where PEOPLE WERE BEING TORMENTED, and so went in without permission to take care of the problems… and all this while he was a child up to and through his teenage years.

Needless to say, Sergei's instincts were dead-on, but he got in official trouble with the Church because of his rash actions. Though he was not barred from the Church and attending Mass, he did lose official sanctioning by them and would not be listed by them as someone to assist those in need. His parents fought this decision, but Sergei himself asked them to stop and instead publish a website about the family's prestige and include his own records of achievement. This and word-of-mouth was how he and his family truly became internationally known in this current day and age; however, for as long as the family has been around, all of Hell has wanted them dead because of the threat they posed. But because Sergei demonstrated power, agility and fortitude very rarely seen in people of his age, and freed many people from the torment of Hell's minions, this is why even Satan himself became very much concerned with young Sergei, wanting him dead at all costs…

Not long after Sergei turned 14, the elite-ranking demon known as Corset sent his two daughters Scanty and Kneesocks, both of them high-class commander demons, up to Earth where the Machiavelli family was now taking residence, which was within Daten City on the West Coast of the United States. Though night had fallen and lights were on in the household, Sergei heard the chuckles and laughter of the two demon sisters in his mind. They summoned forth an army of lesser demons to swarm the residence, kill the family, and then burn the house to the ground to cremate their remains. Sergei happened to sense the arrival of the two high-class commander demons right after they laughed, and tried to get his parents to listen to him. Unfortunately, they would not do so, and upon leaving them for his room and his long coat that held all of his necessary implements for his job, that was the last time he'd see them, alive or otherwise. He had only put on said coat when some of the lesser demons emerged and tried to get him. He dispensed holy water all around him to keep them at bay, and upon seeing the house becoming engulfed in flames upon going downstairs, he had no choice but to escape right then and there…

Sergei tripped on the steps and tumbled into the street, as a thick line of severe thunderstorms was now rolling into Daten. He landed incorrectly and cracked his left shoulder as well as that side's forearm, but stood up and went to the offensive anyway. The fire department could not get close because of the presence of the demons surrounding him, and nor could the police. As the terribly-imbalanced fight raged on, Reverend Garterbelt, whom only that day realized that Sergei and his family had been living in Daten City, arrived to the scene on foot after a taxi brought him as close as it could possibly get. He arrived in time to see the injuries being exploited and Sergei screaming in agony on the ground, unable to get up straight. As all of the demons, sans the sisters, drew in close to deliver the deathblows, the Reverend took action and jumped into the scene. He reached into the young man's coat and pulled out one of the two Crosses of Isteria, holding it up high.

"Young Sergei, Servant of God, hold strong!"

The presence of this most holy relic blessed the rain and made all of it holy water. This caused Scanty and Kneesocks, becoming nondescript such that no other colors but black could be seen on them when Sergei finally discerned their location and looked where they were, had no choice but to leave. The lesser demons fought on through the holy water even though it hurt them so. But, that was to be the least of their worries, as a shriek from Sergei, now on his knees, would lead to everything else becoming silent with the exception of the rain and thunder. Even through his pain, he drops his coat from his person and put on his trademark Holy Knuckle Dusters. He pressed the levers to bring out the concealed blades, and despite his broken left arm and shoulder, lifted these weapons above his head. Unexpectedly, even for him, a strange and prolonged bolt of lightning struck him and the knuckles, and not even the Reverend Garterbelt knew what to make of this sight as the young man's arms dropped, his body pulsed, and his irises turned a marbled red and black look…


Having descended into not only rage, but a state of pure sadism, Sergei's natural abilities became heightened so many times over, and he lashed out at his attackers. He laughed as he went along and carved open all of the demons around him, their corrosive blood staining him and the Reverend, who could only stand and watch in absolute shock at what he, the police force and the fire department were all witnessing. Completely out of control when the demons could no longer get up after being savagely beaten and cut open, the rage left Sergei, but the sadism remained upon him as he then brandished a sickening and disturbing smile as he took the Holy Knuckle Dusters and proceeded to smash in the heads of all the incapacitated demons. Every single last one of them had their blood gush over the young man as he went along with this act, permanently deporting them back to Hell and taking the greatest of pleasure in doing so. Sergei actually held the last demon over his head and tore it open, absolutely drenching himself with the corruptive blood as he laughed maniacally. But this did not last long as the sadism left him and his consciousness came flooding back upon him along with severe pain from his injuries; this, coupled with the grief over having lost his family, made the laughing give way to crying and heavy tears from Sergei.

The heavens truly opened with an absolutely drenching rain as Sergei seized up and, now having been so severely drained of energy by what he just did, collapses to the ground right there in the street. As Reverend Garterbelt came to pick him up, Sergei goes into a coma, necessitating a rush to the hospital. He would awaken days later and then miraculously improve to the point that he was discharged the next day. It was on this day that Reverend Garterbelt took the now-homeless and family-less Sergei into his home and care. Out of fear for a reprisal of this sadism state against those in school that might now harass or torment Sergei being all alone now in life, the Reverend removed him from school proper and brought the education into his home adjacent to his church. The young man would be further strengthened in mind, body and spirit through the Reverend's guidance. Even so, sin and desire was gaining a bigger hold of the people of Daten City despite Sergei's greatest solo efforts…

Then, a few months before turning 17, Sergei and the Reverend both bore witness to the falling of two angels from Heaven, named Panty and Stocking. Cast out for misbehaving and not watching their mouths up in Heaven, the two angel sisters would now have to buy their way back into Heaven by doing what Sergei was himself doing, both here & around the nearby states in the country… destroying Ghosts, the wandering spirits of those whom died in different forms of despair, and getting Heaven Coins for this work.

Sergei did not approve of this, but had no say in the matter. Whatever much credit the two sisters did give him, they hid it right behind their constant teasing and prodding of him as a person. Of course, they didn't really know all that much about him except for him and his family's name, as well as news of his good work as a young exorcist from those in Heaven. Over the many months that followed, however, in what came to be known as the Daten City Incident, Heaven's two most rebellious Angels and the Earth's best holy fighter came together -- for better or for worse -- and smacked down the powers of Hell.

[The material covering the end of season one and what I see happening in season two in its most brief starts here. Most edits will concern the text after this point.]

But a shocking twist after the ending of this incident led to Stocking piercing her sister Panty through the head and then cutting her up into 666 pieces, the blood bathing Brief and Sergei. She revealed herself to really be a demon. Sergei, knowing what this meant that he laid with a demon (i.e., he had sex with her), lunged for her only to get his body pierced and broken, and his dominant arm sliced off by his own wakizashi sword taken into her hand. He was left incapacitated while Stocking and a miniaturized Corset laid out a path of the cut-up pieces of Panty to nearby Oten City where the whole ordeal with opening the gates of Hell would happen all over again.

Sergei, holding what remained of his arm tight to slow the bleeding, screamed after them, swearing revenge and that he'd screw up Hell by removing the two of them from demon-hood and then killing them so they would suffer. But the blood loss from this, on top of how much was lost from what happened before the huge fight previous to now, made the total blood loss become so severe that it made him faint, and quickly progress towards death. Before he would have died, Garter held up his Black Card and asked Heaven to intervene and prevent their greatest Earthen warrior from dying before his time. Quickly and forcibly ascending him up into their hold, Heaven took it upon themselves to repair Sergei's broken and nigh-mutilated body, making him much more resilient than ever before so he could no longer be easily butchered in the line of duty. The powers that be even saved the young man from being damned on top of this bodily modification… but these two things came at the gravest of costs, relieving him of all of his Heaven Coins amassed over his & his family's many years of servitude. Now, he truly was in danger for the first time in his life and would have no form of backup and healing from Heaven.

Worse still, however, is how badly Sergei was affected by this betrayal and attempt on his life, as well as how close he had come to being damned despite all of his work for Heaven and the forces of good. Returned back to Earth a day later atop Garterbelt's altar, his arrival took everyone by surprise. Sergei opened his eyes widely and screamed, clamping ahold of himself tightly. He ran from the presence of Panty, Garter, Chuck and Brief, and locked himself inside his room. It turns out that the whole ordeal made him into a recluse that was also very unstable in thought and mental capacity. He refused to communicate with anyone after what he had been through, and this state continued until he went limp on his bed and fell asleep. But though sleep came to him as did rest, a very complex and long-winded nightmare had him wake up right at the point of sunrise, screaming at the top of his lungs. The sleep and rest had done him little good, if any at all.

Now rapidly losing self-worth and sanity, Sergei took what remained of his rational thought and made the decision to leave Garterbelt's church for his own residence above his thankfully untouched business Neutrali-City, a lounge bar and the one true location of absolute neutrality in what remained of Daten. Slowly and surely, over the hours he tried so very hard to stagger on through the day, he was continually tormented by the voices of Hell that had worked their way onto Earth, their laughs and guffaws tearing away at his composure. He eventually had to cut everyone's time short and close the business early in a desperate attempt for attaining peace. With him being the only person in the building, Sergei still found no recompense. Everything finally got to him, and he finally snapped, screamed bloody murder in his despair and going to tears. The distress made him realize he badly needed a shave, and Sergei went into his bathroom to take care of that with his top-quality German straight razors. Accidentally cutting himself in the process, this is when Sergei finally turned for the worse in his demeanor and approach towards the world in general. His demeanor towards everyone changed to something nobody would have expected.

Sergei still was all serious business, but took everything very personally and became nothing short of a bitter asshole with his occupation being used as his justification for being this way. "Just because I'm doing the right thing doesn't mean I have to feel sorry for you people that allowed the shit I cleaned up and straightened out to happen in the first place." He stood and worked entirely on his own, completely separate from Panty, Garterbelt and Brief; if they ever showed up, then he chased them away and refused any of their help. Though they all were fighting towards the same ultimate goal, their paths, Sergei insisted, had to remain separate. Feeling that his time of being around the lot of them was what caused him to mellow out, Sergei believed he had no choice but to avoid them if he was going to get back in touch with the depths of his strength and ability. None of these decisions really painted a good picture of him before Heaven, no matter how much good his duties were bringing about in the world, both near and far.

Scanty and Kneesocks, who were trying to get back into good graces with their father and Hell, were not being accepted and became outcasts. Any Ghosts or other demons that emerged, whether brought forth by these two or not, were beaten senseless by Sergei when he got there first and then had their throats sliced open by his straight razors to deport them back to Hell. His very demeanor now resembled that of the fictional Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street. The Demon Sisters themselves sometimes did not stay one step ahead of the exorcist and were attacked directly by him, but then they always managed to stall and get away from him after poor judgment in his bouts of anger and contempt made him do the wrong things. Eventually, Sergei gave into his deep-rooted desire for vengeance and justice over them, and left all Ghosts and other lesser demons to Panty, Garterbelt and Brief for them to tackle. Sergei actively sought out and stalked the ones that ruined his life. It took some weeks, but he finally tracked them down and proposed a proper challenge for a fight to the death. When the time finally came, a most brutal but epic fight ensued. Sergei had rather easily emerged victorious over Scanty and Kneesocks with very little injury or damage to himself, having learned much in the ways of combat since his last life-altering ordeal.

Leaving them about ready to be deported PERMANENTLY, Sergei knew that was too good for them in his first lines of thought. Immediately following them, however, came Sergei's revelation about himself and what he had become by what he had been doing over the last span of weeks, if not flat-out months, on end. No, the Demon Sisters' permanent deportation would actually NOT be good, as they would most likely be severely punished by Hell once they were sent back there, he figured. So rather than let these two suffer forever, Sergei stopped in the middle of the rites he was chanting, and turned to a completely different set which he then began to read. These were some of the most powerful ones that called upon the highest powers in Heaven. It looked to Scanty and Kneesocks that he was about to do something absolutely horrible to them, and they broke and begged him for mercy from this punishment-to-be… at which point Sergei lowered his hands and stared at them, but not with a nasty face.

"You REALLY want to better organize Heaven's ways with rules?" When they nodded in response, Sergei laid his hands on them and turned the sisters human in the same vein as himself, in a process that was agonizingly horrible for them until it was over and done, at which point he addressed them. "Then this is what you are to do now. Live GOOD lives and embrace natural LAW, like I do. I will ask that you both be admitted to Heaven on my graces, and that you also will be allowed to better organize things there, as well as in Purgatory to give the people there hope for what they'll eventually see."

He turns around from facing them and finishes.

"Besides, Heaven is a lot better than Hell anyway, and you two certainly deserve better."

SERGEI HAD IN FACT CHOSEN A HIGHER POWER AND ACTUALLY SHOWED THE NOW-FORMER DEMONS MERCY. It was this act that fully redeemed him in the eyes of Heaven, and in response, they showered him with coins for it. With this morale and confidence boost, Sergei left where he had been staying and moved back in with Garterbelt. This deliverance of his also led to an unprecedented shift to the side of good to combat all of the sin and evil, as those sisters eventually joined to help stop their former father and Stocking. Eventually, together with Sergei's rites, the forces of good on Earth removed Corset and Stocking as demons and forced a change on them to make them human. Sergei did nothing more, thereby leaving God to decide where the former elite demon would go… which would be Hell, to be punished forever as a human. As one can imagine, this change was the worst thing that could ever happen for Stocking, as now she would easily gain weight with her former lifestyle's ways. Sergei, though, was emotionally compromised right now. He stepped forward and told her "you have a lot more to worry about than gaining weight now that you're human like I am" in a harsh tone before putting one of his Model 500 revolvers right to her forehead.

Sergei was falling into temptation once again, now that the battle was over and done. The exorcist wanted so badly to kill Stocking for what she had done to him and to so many others, even as she collapsed to her knees and shrunk back in dread. Every single last person there, even Panty, tried to talk sense into him but it seemed as though Sergei's emotions would finally get the better of his judgment and he would murder a fellow human when he pulled back the hammer on the gun and started to pull the trigger. But then, the gun suddenly dropped its angle down to the concrete at the last possible moment, and was fired harmlessly into the pavement… only for a fierce pistol whip to immediately follow and strike Stocking in the face. "That's called pain; get used to it!"

The anger and bit of sadism leaves Sergei, and he discharges the clip before lowering the gun and grasping ahold of his forehead. He just struggled with his greatest personal vendetta and almost got himself damned once again, but he emerged as a stronger individual and instead chose a higher path in forgiving Stocking, even though it was in the form of tough love. The realization of the atrocity he almost committed started to cause him to go to tears just as Stocking was doing, now that she was so hurt by what he did to her.

The former demons embraced the exorcist and comforted him as Garterbelt rested his hand on one of the young man's shoulders. "May it hopefully be that God will forgive her, just as you have done… That is all we can pray for on this day," he said, observing Panty holding her now-human sister. Sergei gets up, turns, and leaves the scene on foot, unable to face everyone at the moment. 'God, I beg of you, please… forgive her as you and I forgave Scanty and Kneesocks! I can't bear to let her truly suffer and not know your love!'

Upon getting to his vehicle and departing, he arrived at Neutrali-City and gave into his grief and sorrows, downing beer and liquor to try and drown them out with his ill judgment. He went upstairs to his living quarters above the business and laid down with a bucket next to his bed after chugging enough water to offset the alcohol in which he just illegally imbibed. This ordeal ended up making him ill, and he regurgitated most all of the liquid out of his system. He had a horrendous night of sleep, and woke up to the final days of his residency…

In so doing, Sergei packed up all of his things to leave Daten and Oten. He was bound for Japan, which was where he chose to pursue his college education… this would mean that he would be leaving behind his friends in the Reverend Garterbelt, Briefers, Chuck… and even the sorta-friend and Heavenly rival in Panty. Hoping to once again cross paths with them all soon, Sergei departs on the next leg of his journey in life. Panty, the bitch that she is, still feels sorry for her [former] sister, and tells Garter that he'd better guide Stocking on the way back to Heaven or else she'd have a field day with him and with God. With this, so begins a new chapter in the lives of several people, their fates unknown to all…


[NOW, the material that connects Sergei to where he is now.]

Upon settling down in Japan & buying a modest home, Sergei went out and, despite his age, pitched his former Daten and Oden business called Neutrali-City, a lounge bar which would be all ages-friendly, having no political affiliations and true neutrality inside it. After days of deliberation and his having put forward the money to prove he had the means to do it, he was allowed to find a suitable location and start to create this business. Over a couple of months, the place was erected to his exact specifications, and he hired a few Japanese people that were also fluent in English like he was to help him out with the business, whilst he also set up a machine shop in his home's basement for working on weapons.

Eventually, the time came for him to begin his college education. Everything started off well enough, but Sergei's next chance encounter would be on the way back from a day's worth of classes. Some men about his age or a little older were harassing an almost 20-year-old young woman with blue hair and wouldn't leave her despite her talking back to them and keeping them at bay rather easily. For sure, he came in closer to go and help, but instantly took another, entirely different demeanor when he overheard her say "…I am a DEVIL!" to them. To this, he dropped his bag, drew his Desert Eagles and jumped into the fray, thinking her to be an actual demon by what she had said and the weapons she had taken out of seemingly nowhere. Sergei pointed one gun at her, told her to "drop the weapons, you demon" and had the other gun pointed at the men, telling them to get out of there. Sergei was shoved into the girl and she also dropped her wallet when the two of them collided and fell; surprise surprise, he was wrong, and the men made off with the girl's wallet and money.

Abhorred at his taking the words literally and messing up, Sergei got up, and apologized to the young woman as she got her up to her feet. But then, getting in the full sight of her, he goes really red in the face; to this, he hands her a big wad of money, then turns and runs after the men that stole her wallet, knowing exactly what they looked like. Lo and behold, a few minutes later, he's beaten them down, taken the wallet, money, ID and any other cards back, and returns to the young woman, whom he has now identified as Miyami Konozami. Sergei apologized to her once again, introduced himself properly to her, got ahold of his bag again, and started talking with her as he escorted her back home, even though she was older than him. Seeing where she lived, Sergei made a big monetary donation to the shrine and paid respects before he took leave to go back home. He would start to see her almost every day as he went along his daily routines outside of college classes, and really started to get to know her well along with her best friend Sadie. Soon, he moved for licensing and all required paperwork to open up an actual guns and weapons shop for both lethal and non-lethal implements, and opened this in another part of town whilst leaving management of Neutrali-City to others for the time being. Who knows, this new shop may kindle something greater in the budding friendship between Sergei and Miyami…

That concludes this second and last part of the information. As I said before, I apologize if that was a bit much to digest in one sitting…

All official material, characters, etc. © Gainax and series creators
All other mentioned OCs © their owners, namely *MegaGundamMan
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Comments: 7

Artworkryu [2013-10-09 23:20:06 +0000 UTC]

I like him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dj-Mara In reply to Artworkryu [2013-10-09 23:22:13 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad that you do. c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Artworkryu In reply to dj-Mara [2013-10-09 23:23:23 +0000 UTC]

Where can I find the fanfic?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dj-Mara In reply to Artworkryu [2013-10-10 00:24:11 +0000 UTC]

It's not uploaded yet, because I'm juggling it, my upcoming one on retelling Strike Witches, and my currently-updating project.

Depending on content, it may have to be uploaded here.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CptTooner [2013-03-05 23:01:25 +0000 UTC]

Is it odd that his design reminds me of Seto Kaiba raiding Yugi Moto's leather wardrobe?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dj-Mara In reply to CptTooner [2013-03-05 23:39:06 +0000 UTC]

What you see is the interpretation of the artist, but my thought wasn't too far from the result. As for what you said, I can see from where you're coming with that, but there's still plenty of distance. Any resemblance is purely in the minds of others.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CptTooner In reply to dj-Mara [2013-03-06 03:57:52 +0000 UTC]

I know. It's just one of those weird observations of mine.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0