dlboy78 — Skin Tight - P1 [NSFW]
Published: 2012-05-08 06:09:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 11147; Favourites: 98; Downloads: 24
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Description Warning! This story contains bondage, torture, sadism and a heck of a lot of pain. This story is also gay themed. If any of this offends you, please feel free not to read it.

"Session number two thirteen. Male, twenty years old, five foot eleven inches..." The mechanical voice droned on and on with statistical details as more information flashed across the screen. Jason alternated his gaze between the display and the clipboard in his hand, making a few tick marks on the page as he went over the information. On the display in front of him was a small padded cell with a single subject crouched and shaking in the corner. The subject was rocking back and forth, tightly hugging himself inside the smooth neoprene straitjacket he wore, and obviously babbling incoherently to himself.

Shaking his head and punching a few keys on the terminal Jason submitted his review. The words appeared in a dark red text on the screen... FAILURE. A few moments later a pair of orderlies appeared in the padded room and dragged the boy away. It would no doubt take at least a week of detox to clear batch twenty one out of this subject's system, more wasted time. Idly flipping through the other eight files from batch twenty one, he noted the similarities. Irritability, inability to sleep, hypersensitivity to touch, tenancies toward violence. All but one were entirely out of scope of the project, he hoped that batch twenty two was more successful.

"On the bright side..." He muttered under his breath. "At least none of these ones died." Pressing a few buttons on the console in front of him he sent the batch file to archives and brought up a fresh session. "Computer, acknowledge parameter reset and assign nine new subjects from available pool." A few moments passed before the mechanical voice spoke once more. "Subjects assigned. Clinical trial, batch twenty two initialized. Subjects categorized for sessions two twenty one through two twenty nine." Nodding and bringing up the facility public address he spoke into the mic on the console. "Shift three orderlies, prepare testing stations for new group. Shift four, assemble subjects in medical one through nine."

"It is with some pride that we at Genupharm would like to announce our latest new product line to the public." Miles stood on the stage, in front of the massive company logo, at the front of their corporation's planetary headquarters. His voice carrying with crystal clarity to all corners of the expansive field of reporters before him. "Our researchers have developed a new compound, approved today by the Galactic Pharmaceuticals Commission, that will revitalize the lives of couples all across the seven sectors!"

The man continued his press release for what seemed like an eternity, working from his rehearsed script and barely paying attention to the details. He had much better things to do than stand here pandering to the public, he had no need to push his new product on the market. For months now, he'd already been selling enormous quantities of the drug on the black and gray markets and had made easily five times the company's previous year profits before approval for the drug's release had even been granted. Sure, they were officially launching the approved product today and it would likely make substantial profit on it's own but the real money was in the variants they sold to the... less scrupulous markets.

As Miles left the stage, dodging and avoiding the press and their endless questions, he noticed a slender gray haired man waiting just out of general sight near the entrance to his personal office elevator and he smiled to himself. It was always a good day for his pocket book when Jeremy Tarson came to pay him a visit. He gestured for the man to follow him into the lift and waved his palm chip over the control, signaling the rapid ascent to the top of the building.

"I assume you're here to see about another shipment of SS23, Jer? I'm sure it exceeded your expectations, no?" Miles' smile was cool but pleasant, all business with an edge of superiority. "I know that particular formula out performed all the others in our trials." As the elevator door opened, he gently led the other man out of the lift with an arm across his shoulders. The two of them sat in opposing chairs at the small glass table that overlooked the expanse of lushly forested land spread out at the foot of the tower.

In a gravelly, yet nearly regal, tone the gray haired man spoke slowly and softly. "Miles, you know me all too well. Yes, I'm here to arrange for more of your fabulous product." He shifted in his seat to accept the drink being handed to him by the slender, pale skinned, boy who appeared behind the two of them. "But I'm also here to see if you have something that my clients can use safely as well." Taking a few sips of the neon blue concoction in his glass he sighed and smiled at it's flavour. "My clients are becoming jealous of my staff you see. They fear the boys and girls in my employ are enjoying themselves more than they are."

Miles chuckled, his eyes lingering for a moment on the aide who had delivered the drinks, before returning his gaze to his guest. "I believe I have exactly what you need, old friend." Pressing a button on the arm of his chair, he waited briefly for the young aide to return with a small case, which he placed gently on the table before leaving again. "SE50... an after-market derivative of the product we launched today. Designed to provide nearly the same heights of mind shattering ecstasy as 23 but without the... less pleasant effects you so value in the version you use on your... erm... employees."

"Ah, my friend, we do indeed speak the same language." Jeremy's face lit into a beaming grin. "I presume it can be made available as freely as it's counterpart?" He rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment. "In fact I may even need more supply if it becomes popular with the clients." Miles grinned wolfishly and closed the case lightly. "My friend, I may even give you a discount rate if you can do something for me in return."

Jessie shivered lightly inside the padded transport pod as it swayed gently to the rhythm of the groundcar it was in. He couldn't see or hear anything outside of the tubular container and was most certainly not cold, but then it wasn't chills that caused his body to tremble and shiver constantly. Every slightest movement of the pod caused the padded interior to brush and whisper against his naked flesh. Every touch and caress of the material caused nerves to fire their signals to his brain, wave after wave of mind numbing sensation coursed through him. The ride seemed to go on forever and even if he wasn't tightly encased within the pod he would have found himself unable to move even if free to try.

The movement of the pod changed subtly as the handlers lifted it from the groundcar and carried it on suspensors into it's destination. Jessie felt his weight shift as the pod was deposited vertically and then felt a whoosh of air as the seal was broken and the case opened. It took him several moments to recover from the blinding light that assaulted his eyes before he was able to recognize two familiar figures before him.

"As promised, my friend. I must admit I'm curious as to your choice but he's all yours, I've no further use for him anyway." Jeremy gestured to the handlers who released the bindings holding the boy inside the pod, letting him drop unceremoniously to his hands and knees on the floor. Miles grinned as he reached forward and pulled the boy's head up by the hair. "And he's unbroken? I believe you said 'untrainable', no? I see he's heavily dosed right now." The gray haired man held up his left arm, showing the bandage along the edge of his hand. "The little runt bit me before we could dose him."

Grinning darkly, Miles waved over one of his staff who brought with him the transfer pad containing the manifest for Jeremy's shipment. Pressing his palm chip to the pad, he signed off the delivery and chuckled. "Perfect, I'm going to have fun with this one." The tone in his voice caused even Jeremy to shiver a bit, though the boy was so lost in paroxysms of sensation that he barely noticed the conversation around him. Signaling to the handlers, Miles snapped an order for them to deposit the boy in one of the upstairs rooms.

"I expect you'll know how to secure him properly..." His tone was dismissive as he turned to the businessman beside him. "Shall we have a drink before you have to go?" The two of them retired to Miles' office and spent the better part of an hour discussing business trade, both pharmaceutical and human. As the sun began to set slowly over the tree line, Jeremy and his handlers took their leave and began their long trip back to the spaceport to oversee the delivery of goods.

Signaling to his head of staff, Miles was brief with his instructions. "I don't care if the world is collapsing in on itself, nobody disturbs me!" The staffer nodded quickly and hurried off to other duties as Miles made his way upstairs. He knew that by now the drug would be working it's way out of the boy's system, he had planned on it in fact. Entering into the room he smiled at the sight of the boy, shivering and shaking on the bed. Jesse had been very thoroughly secured indeed by the handlers, no doubt they were worried the boy would hurt Miles and cause a problem for their boss.

Sitting gently at the foot of the bed, Miles ran a finger along the thick rubber restraints holding the boy's slender legs securely to the bed. The guttural growl that came from behind the tightly fastened gag made him chuckle. "Poor lost child... I wonder where they found you that you refused to submit to their training." His hand slowly traced up the boy's leg, causing chills to course through the boy despite the drug's effect having fully worn off now.

Reaching up and pulling the boy's chin forward, forcing him to look at him directly, miles grinned comfortingly. "Relax boy. I'm not going to drug you. In fact no drug will ever be used on you again." Jessie wasn't sure he heard right, this man was the maker of the vile concoction the slavers used on him daily, how could he believe he wouldn't use it on him himself? "You will serve me though. Fully and completely. What do you say to that, boy?" He removed the gag from the boy's mouth and laid it on the bed next to him.

"I'm nobody's fucking slave, old man! Get your fucking hands off me!" The boy's voice rang throughout the room as he shrieked loudly enough that spittle flew from his lips. "Fuck you, old man! Fu-" The resounding crack filled the room as Miles' hand rocked the boy's head to the side with the force of a prize fighter's haymaker.

Standing from the bed, Miles stared coldly down at the boy. The clear outline of his palm appeared in vivid red along the side of the boy's face and he grinned darkly at it. "You're of the mistaken impression that you have a choice, pet." Tilting his head to the side, he cracked his neck to relieve tension. "Ah well... I suppose I'll get you fed and let you sleep. Tomorrow will be a life changing day for you." As he left the room, he signaled for one of his staff to bring the boy some food. He left instruction for the boy's hands and feet to be freed but not the collar, or the chain binding it to the solid post in the wall.

As the sun rose the next day, the grounds were nearly silent. Silent, that is, with the exception of the occasional howl of pain that echoed through the household. Miles sat, patiently waiting, on a comfortable leather clad chair in the middle of the boy's room. In his hand was a small but simple remote control. Laying on the bed, clutching the collar around his neck and convulsing in pain, gasping past his screams, was Jessie. Miles released the button on the remote and waited calmly for the boy to recover himself.

"I'll ask again, boy, are you going to do what I want?" He gestured at a smooth black object laying on the bed next to the boy. The object was approximately a foot long, smooth and seamless and nearly cylindrical in shape. It almost had a fluid appearance to it, despite being obviously solid, and was rounded at one end. "I'm not asking for much from you boy. Just use it and show me how you get yourself off."

Still gasping lightly from the last shocks he'd received, Jessie growled and glared at the man. "Screw you, old man! Why don't you stick that fucking thing up your own ass and get the hell away from me!" Miles shook his head in mock sadness as he pressed the button once more. His eyes danced with dark enjoyment as the boy's body twitched and jumped. This time, he held the button for random durations and barely gave the boy a chance to recover before blasting him again. He finally stopped as the screams became soft sobs.

Smiling like a predator playing with its prey, he spoke again. "Is it really so much I'm asking? You do this one little thing and the pain goes away, and I let you rest." His voice was so reassuring, so sincere. Jessie was having a hard time keeping up his resistance. After all, the man was making a good point... it wasn't really that much that he was asking for. And if it could end this torture...

Slowly, the boy reached out and picked up the object from the bed. It was surprisingly smooth and almost silky to the touch, it seemed almost frictionless and yet he had no difficulty gripping it. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see the face of the man staring at him from across the room. Finding his way to his puckered opening, Jessie slowly slid the phallic object inside himself. He wasn't a stranger to this sort of thing, he'd done this many times before he'd been captured and enslaved and he'd been taken by his share of customers before being sent here to this man.

The sensations as the object entered him surprised Jessie, he'd always enjoyed having things inside him but never this much and never this quickly. Usually he'd had to adjust to the feeling, especially with something as wide as this one was, but his body almost hungrily gobbled it up and he felt the heat spread through him quickly. With his other hand he started playing with his rapidly growing cock, running it lightly up and down it's length.

So engrossed was he in the feelings spreading from his ass that he didn't even notice as the object started to change and shift. Tendrils of black drifted outward from the item buried in his ass and wrapped themselves around the base of his cock, forming a ring that fluidly closed in upon itself. More tendrils crawled up along his hand and encased it like a liquid glove. As the boy continued to pump his cock in growing desperation and lust he was completely oblivious to the fact that his body was slowly being encased in a thin sheen of black second skin.

As Jessie finally came, exploding with the most powerful orgasm he'd ever experienced, he was finally startled out of the world of sensations he'd been trapped in when the black skin covered his mouth. His muffled screams were barely heard as he started thrashing around on the bed trying to pry the substance from his body. Everything from his mouth down had been covered entirely and his hands had formed into shapeless blobs of black, useless to him as he couldn't use his fingers at all.

"Shh... calm yourself pet. It's ok..." Miles' soothing voice did little to calm the terror in the boy's mind, but he found his body reacting against his will and relaxing into a docile state. "I did say you were going to serve me. Now, my pet, you have no choice." The man's hand reached out and gently stroked the boy's leg, the black skin seemed to amplify the touch and he immediately found himself intensely aroused despite having just cum moments before. As Miles' hand slid slowly up the boy's leg and gently brushed against his cock, the boy twitched in orgasm again as he exploded into the skin's layers.

Running a hand along the boy's chin, Miles smiled at him. "It's a symbiotic organism. A very rare and unique one that I came across in my travels." Trailing his fingers along Jessie's neck, he grinned as the boy shivered from the sensations. "You see, it feeds off of your excretions. Your sweat, your exhaled breath, even your bowel and bladder movements. It seems to particularly enjoy sexual excretions, however." The man's other hand gently brushed against the boy's ass and he felt the hard rod inside move gently against his prostate, his muffled moan barely heard. "In return... it provides breathable air, nourishment and best of all, amplifies all sexual sensations immensely." Brushing a finger against the boy's left nipple, he chuckled at the fresh moans. "Soon it will cover you completely, pet."

Miles stood to leave the room, turning as he reached the door. "I've been told that it does not alter the mind of it's host, however. More's the pity I suppose. I can't imagine being unwilling and unbroken and having my own body perform against my will." He chuckled once more as he opened the door. "You'll have to tell me about it some time... if I ever let you speak again that is."

As the door closed, Jessie felt the collar click and fall away from his neck. He also felt the black skin slowly expanding upward across his face and scrabbled at it with his useless hands, trying to stop it from covering his nose and eyes. In the end, as the blackness covered everything, his muffled sobs and occasional moans and shudders were all that were left to him. His body was no longer his own, his senses were all gone except that of touch. His world was an endless darkness filled with never ending sexual stimulation and lustful need.
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Comments: 33

takemydreams [2013-09-22 00:20:08 +0000 UTC]

This is both gorgeous and horrific, I've just read all the stories twice... It's stunning writing, you can just feel everything and it's an amazing scenario, controlling some-one's every move while they're totally aware but totally powerless...


What I'm trying to say and failing is that it's bloody fantastic, and I take my hat off to you sir *hat tip*


👍: 1 ⏩: 1

dlboy78 In reply to takemydreams [2013-10-14 08:40:00 +0000 UTC]

Well thank you very much

I always appreciate feedback on my work... I'm just a bit angry with myself that I've let it lapse so long since my last writing project. Alas, real life has kicked my ass and made spare time a thing of the past for me.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

takemydreams In reply to dlboy78 [2013-10-20 17:50:41 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome hun

I think every writer (especially on DA) knows that problem, life always intervenes lol, and spare time vanishes without a trace. Thanks very much for the llama by the way

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

deathbringer66 [2013-03-20 01:48:03 +0000 UTC]

Ohmygosh that nearly made me cum just reading it. I want one of those suits that is so amazing...this poor slave is going tog et tortured beyond all reason and its just awesome. the only disadvantage is god...could you feel a whip through that? Mmm if you could id do it willingly.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dlboy78 In reply to deathbringer66 [2013-04-05 04:51:58 +0000 UTC]

Really glad you enjoyed it so much

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

siyeh75 [2012-05-09 03:40:15 +0000 UTC]

I don't know where you get these ideas. They are so original and creative. And mixed with the age-old tales of slavery, dominance, and carnal desires... Just wonderful master dL

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dlboy78 In reply to siyeh75 [2012-05-09 03:48:33 +0000 UTC]

Well I have to admit I stole the symbiote idea from *PetboyJoshua lol
As outlined in the lengthy storyline under this pic to be specific :thumb282872811:
The pharmaceutical tests were really just a run-up to the release of product that led to the meeting with the brothel owner who was using the products earlier tested but not 'approved' which was really just a run-up to the corporation owner calling in a favor to get himself a defiant boy to test the symbiote on And now you see how my brain works lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

siyeh75 In reply to dlboy78 [2012-05-09 04:25:30 +0000 UTC]

Us, well... Like I said. It's good.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dlboy78 In reply to siyeh75 [2012-05-09 04:28:20 +0000 UTC]

and I meant [link] since it didn't like a thumbnail in a reply

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FaeryInAJar [2012-05-09 02:58:37 +0000 UTC]

Well, that is certainly new. And I enjoyed it very much!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

dlboy78 In reply to FaeryInAJar [2012-05-09 03:59:42 +0000 UTC]

Well I'm happy to hear that

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FaeryInAJar In reply to dlboy78 [2012-05-10 00:51:31 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

siyeh75 In reply to FaeryInAJar [2012-05-09 03:38:34 +0000 UTC]

reminded me of another Jesse. what the heck ever happened to him, huh?

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

FaeryInAJar In reply to siyeh75 [2012-05-10 00:53:26 +0000 UTC]

I, um, well... I seem to have *cough* misplaced him. *cough* Or maybe I just forgot to ungag him. That would explain why he's been so quiet lately...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

siyeh75 In reply to FaeryInAJar [2012-05-10 01:35:13 +0000 UTC]

I keep hoping...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FaeryInAJar In reply to siyeh75 [2012-05-10 01:37:21 +0000 UTC]

Well, I'm actually sort of working on it now, but I have a slight problem.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

dlboy78 In reply to siyeh75 [2012-05-09 03:48:52 +0000 UTC]

Well last I checked the other Jesse had a 'happy ending' or some junk lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

siyeh75 In reply to dlboy78 [2012-05-09 04:24:15 +0000 UTC]

There must be a lot of Jesses.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dlboy78 In reply to siyeh75 [2012-05-09 04:28:48 +0000 UTC]

This one was Jessie, not Jesse

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PetboyJoshua [2012-05-09 01:19:49 +0000 UTC]

Heheh, you sure know what's relevant to my interests.
I think there's, like, a ton of stuff in that story that y enjoy, and not only the last part, but the beginning too... tests, drugs, unscrupulous organisation leaders,... and of course, delicious torture, and a fate I'd love to share... being forced to be someone's pet, permanently encased... mmmh !
The two first parts makes me wonder about what's behind all of this, though, I'm curious ! :'p

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

dlboy78 In reply to PetboyJoshua [2012-05-09 04:00:47 +0000 UTC]

As mentioned above I kinda stole the parasite/symbiote from you
The idea kinda... grew on me (pun definitely intended).

And my explanation on siyeh75's comment above kinda covers the rest

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PupLeo [2012-05-08 20:12:11 +0000 UTC]

ohh wow I want one, lol :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dlboy78 In reply to PupLeo [2012-05-08 20:17:21 +0000 UTC]

don't we all (for different reasons)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PupLeo In reply to dlboy78 [2012-05-08 20:20:34 +0000 UTC]

Yup, latex is fun, yummy fun :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Hiddendemon-666 [2012-05-08 12:42:34 +0000 UTC]

I like it~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dlboy78 In reply to Hiddendemon-666 [2012-05-08 15:28:04 +0000 UTC]

I'm happy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Hiddendemon-666 In reply to dlboy78 [2012-05-08 16:12:12 +0000 UTC]

Me too XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

waltb2b [2012-05-08 09:15:04 +0000 UTC]

I found your theme intriguing with an almost unlimited potential for development and amusement. The first part, ypu knew what you were talking about, but it was impossible to guess where you were heading it was difficult to remain attached to see where you'd come out. In face we are left with a hyper horny, partially ambulatory rubber body bag that can't be touched without it going into partial orgasmic fits. perhaps we put him to work in a car wash and record his orgasmic reactions, set them to music and market it as the hottest show since Michael Jackson.
It appears too much time was spent on the failure and retesting first part without telling us what the testing was especially for. The usual brilliance of your mind was way ahead of the pen and almost dethreaded what I'm sure will be a tight knit story line to follow. Be careful of letting your audience dwell to long on the short term "why" or you may lose them completely.
If I didn't think you had the capacity to do the job well, and enjoy the results of your improvement with you I
would not get much past "neet! keep it up" (which is safer but tells neither of us anything useful. Right?

Looking forward to #2 with the audience and the why in mind.



👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dlboy78 In reply to waltb2b [2012-05-08 15:30:08 +0000 UTC]

Well my mind was going on tangents as I was trying to write last night... but in the end, most of my readers who've read my earlier stuff manage to dig past it so hopefully it's not too distracting for them

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

waltb2b In reply to dlboy78 [2012-05-08 15:59:15 +0000 UTC]

as did I but I could see your sharp mind was off somewhere else. If I didn't point it out to you, you might never have caught it. You're good. Now let's be even better. OK? Your friend,


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Asomatica [2012-05-08 07:26:08 +0000 UTC]

Damn, that was really hot and awesome to read. Damn, I would love to have your creativity at such stories :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dlboy78 In reply to Asomatica [2012-05-08 07:49:06 +0000 UTC]

Well as indicated... it was partially dedicated to you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Asomatica In reply to dlboy78 [2012-05-08 07:58:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much :*

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