DoctorDingo — Estos God of War

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Published: 2021-12-07 22:37:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 1371; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description Estos, God of War, and the most active of the gods. Estos was the first of the spark generation to form, and thus, oversees much of the activity on the planet Arka. He is the embodiment of of War, Battle, and conflict. He came into existence by the graces of Mirastas and Tiratos, and is the oldest of the spark generation.
Estos grew tired of the menial wars between animals and bugs, so he worked with the goddess Kilias to create new gods. The first to be born from this endeavor was the goddess Destra, goddess of the desert. The next god to be created was Degraizon, god of Harvest. Perfect for supplying soldiers with food. Shortly after two more gods came into existence from Istolad, Goddess of Imagination, and Acidos, God of science. From them came Tempitas, Goddess of the Weather, and Forseto, God of the Forge.
Estos saw an opportunity with Forseto. Forseto ruled over creation, construction, and discovery, thus, he could give the people tools to wage war. With his help, Estos began to empower himself and Forseto as wars were waged and weapons were forged. His new found power began to go to his head. Godsan grew angry with him. She approached him and demanded he stop the wars. It was throwing the balance of power off.
Estos refused to stop the conflict, and instead declared war on Godsan and the realm of Mirac. Godsan accepted his challenge, sparking the War of the Gods.
This war was to be held on Arka, lead by the gods in their humanoid form. The gods began to pick sides and form alliances. The alliance of power featured the Gods Estos, Forseto, Mirastas, and Acidos, with Estos as the leader. The alliance of balance featured the Gods Godsan, Godzon, Degraizon, Kilias, and Istolad, with Godsan as the leader. Destra, Tiratos, and Tempitas decided to remain neutral and watch what was to unfold.
The fire of war was ignited, and the gods began to clash. All though the alliance of Power had one less god then the alliance of balance, and they lacked proper food from nature, they possessed much greater fire power. Acidos and his followers used science to grow crops, while Forseto created weapons for the humans and Estos to wield against their enemies.
Godsan on the other hand, lacking in firepower, made up for with resources for the alliance of balance. Degraizon grew bountiful amounts of food, while the alliance of Power struggled to feed the soldiers. Kilias provided the crops with the sun, nurturing them to grow faster, and Istolad let the humans create new tools for themselves with less influence from the gods, gaining many worshipers for herself during the process.
The war had raged on for centuries, Estos grew tired of the stalemate that had encased this conflict. He rode with Mirastas towards Godsan, Degraizon, and Kilias. A direct clash would ensue that would change the world.
Estos began a fight against Kilias and Godsan, while Mirastas took on Degraizon. Despite the steep challange Estos was able to hold his own against Godsan and Kilias. Their power split the land, fracturing the continent. Mirastas wilted the crops of Degraizon and was overpowering him easily, but unbeknownst to her, the food supply of her alliance wilted into dust as well. The planet's great continent split apart and scattered across the body of water it was engulfed by, creating islands and huge land masses alike. The power of Mirastas took hold and a great cold swept across Arka, wiping out almost all the living things on the planet.
Estos' plan had backfired, this exasperated the stalemate. Tempitas could not make it rain from the cold, forcing down only snow and wind. She had been angered by Estos, and thus joined the battle with Godsan and Kilias to fight Estos. With a third person fighting, Estos could no longer keep up, and was quickly forced to retreat. The 3 joined Degraizon's fight against Mirastas, defeating her.
With their power, they sentenced Mirastas to the Saster, the realm where the dead  laid in wait for guidance. Only once the dead had been put to rest could she return.
The frozen Era set across the planet. All the life withered away and died on Arka apart from a few remote creatures. The alliance of Power had lost Mirastas while the alliance of Balance gained the aid of Tempitas, but with all the life sapped from Arka, the war had come to a standstill.
Tempitas and Kilias began to slowly thaw Arka, working for eons, while the life on the planet adapted to their new environment. Almost all of the gods had lost virtually all of their power.
Kilias couldn't provide the planet with sun from a thick blanket of clouds and Tempitas could only create snow. Acidos, Forseto, and Dagraizon could not empower themselves because of the lack of life. Godsan failed to maintain order for the planet. Destra's desert had been covered by the snow created by Tempitas, and Istolad grew tired of the white powder as far as the eye could see. Since the war was halted, Estos had lost all the power he once had, until one day, he got a devious idea, perfect for when the war resumed.
Although most of the gods had grown weak, a few of them thrived. The Saster overflowed with the dead, soaring her to even greater heights. Time continued as always, making Tiratos the most powerful god during that time, and Godzon fed off the chaos that sprouted from the recent conflict giving him more strength.
Slowly Arka began to melt, and after many thousands of centuries, humans reinstated themselves as the intelligent race to fight the war on behalf of the gods. Estos finally set his plan into action.
Using his powers, he altered the humans, giving some different qualities and traits to face the harsh terrain that Arka now had. Estos gave some minor changes, like changing them to have animal ears, claws, and fangs, while other humans received much more drastic changes. They received heightened senses and fur to match their animal counterpart, along with a change in the head shape. Some took on many traits of mammals, reptiles, and birds, while other had less traits.
With these new races that Estos created, he waged war once again on Godsan and the alliance of balance.
Destra had become tired of Tempitas changing the weather over her desert, so she joined Estos and the alliance of power. Together, they refined the reptilian creatures that Estos created to cross the great desert that separated the world.
Estos' troops had began to push back and overpower the humans that Godsan and her alliance fought with. Istolad new she had to do something, and she began to create modifications of her own. Some humans were given pointy ears and were made lighter, good for scouting. Others were built more compact, with a greater mastery of construction. Some received holy and demonic traits, or were massive with tough skin.
Of course, Istolad wasn't the only one having fun. Godzon made his own creations and changes to the humans. Some had strange skin and were massive or small. Others existed as an element given human form, and some weren't based from humans at all, but rather giant and chaotic creatures that would take entire armies to slay.
The war continued, and the alliance of balance pushed back the alliance of power, until they came to another stalemate. Godsan wanted the war to end, it had gone on for too long. The alliance of balance began forming ideas to win, when it struck them. They combined their powers and created magic, giving it to their warriors. The planet received power from the gods, and the creatures were granted souls to use it. Of course, with so much godly power focused into one thing, something more was bound to happen.
With their combined power, a new god emerged. Her name was Ahnsha, Goddess of Magic. As she entered the world, a wave of magic washed over the planet. Ahnsha quickly came to realize that not all the beings had been granted magic, so she gave every race of both sides the gift of magic. Godsan spoke to Ahnsha, telling her of their predicament.
Despite Godsan's pleas, Ahnsha refused to take away the magic that now flowed within the living creatures. She did however agree to teach the people of the Alliance of Balance how to use magic.
After the people learned this new power, Ahnsha left for Mirac and watched the end of this war alongside Tiratos. Godsan took her troops, and waged an epic battle against Estos. Despite his best efforts, Estos lacked any understanding of magic, and couldn't keep up with Godsan's new races. Estos began to lose the war, and was swiftly defeated.
Godsan and the alliance of balance had won the war. She knew that the alliance of power had to punished for their treacherous actions against Arka and the rest of the gods.
The first to receive punishment was Forseto. For siding with Estos and creating weapons to kill beings, Forseto would be forced to carve the lakes and rivers of Arka, and he was not to return to Mirac until 100,000 lakes had been completed.
The next to be punished was Acidos. For using science to create unnatural food, Acidos was forced to work on Moesto and Maesta, the 2 planets surrounding Arka, guiding the rocks that fell from the sky away from the planet and on to them. He could return to Mirac at any time, on the condition that the one of the moons was blocking the sun.
The third one to be punished was Destra. Although she sided with Estos, since it was in retaliation to regain her desert, the punishment was light. The desert would be made much harsher, and Tempitas could use her powers on it at any time so long as the sun didn't shine on the desert. Destra was allowed to return to Mirac and continue watch over the desert along side Tempitas.
Mirastas was fourth to receive punishment. For destroying the world and assisting in the fracturing of it, Mirastas would be forced to remain in the Saster, and she must also watch over the Gruem, the place in which the rested, assuring that the new souls of the living creature would not return to Arka.
Finally, Estos was to receive his punishment from Godsan. For inciting the war of the gods and tearing Arka asunder, fracturing it into many pieces, Estos would be stripped of almost all of his power. During times of large war, people will be born with the gift of his power as heroes to the wars. Estos was chained to Mirac and his power would flow in out of the world as he watched from above.
Estos would not be able to get his power back until the people of Arka had obtained peace around the world, and he could not join the battle and fight in their conflicts as he did before the war of the gods unless the war was waged on a global scale.
Estos accepted his punishment, for he had lost the war that he started. But this was not the end for the Alliance of Power. Soon, plans began to creep into their heads, biding their time until they could seek revenge at last.
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